MTL - 5 Big Shots Kneeled and Called Me Mom-Chapter 109 Chapter 109

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Chapter 109 Action

In the large office, Ji Qisen was absent-minded. Of course, he understood that now Nie Yu and Huo Lanting are struggling to prepare a birthday gift for their mother, and they may even be ambitious to draw their father and mother together.

His dad could n’t help the wall, so he did n’t have the strength of these two, but he always gave gifts for his birthday. What should I give?

He had a headache and found himself clueless. He had not given anyone a gift and had no experience with it.

It was at this time that the secretary came over to send a document, he saw it, and suddenly remembered: "Garcia, I remember you had a friend's birthday the other day?"

Garcia looked at Ji Qisen by surprise.

In his eyes, Ji Qisen is a workaholic, how could he care about things other than work?

But now, Ji Qisen asked about his girlfriend ’s birthday?

At this moment, countless thoughts emerged in Garcia's head, but he still tried to calm himself and nodded: "Yes, President Ji, her birthday last month, do you have any questions? "

Is there any omission in the job of handing over his girlfriend, so that Ji is dissatisfied?

Ji Qisen: "Then you--"

Garcia trembled: "Huh?"

Ji Qisen finally asked, "Do you have any experience in giving gifts to women?"

This is not to blame Ji Qisen asked about this. He really didn't understand. After hard thinking, he still had no inspiration. He thought he should introduce foreign aid.

Garcia suddenly froze. He looked at Ji Qisen who asked the question, and after a while, he was surprised.

Wo Cao, President Ji is in love? President Ji wants to give a woman a birthday present but doesn't know what to give?

Say it early!

Scared me!

Garica took a deep breath and was very experienced: "General Manager Ji, this depends on the age, the other person's hobbies and personality, or it is difficult to judge."

such? That makes sense.

Ji Qisen thought about it. He didn't think his mother was so pleasantly surprised by the crown star Nie Yu sent. It seemed that she really wanted to do what she wanted.

So he said: "She is 20 years old, young, lively, does not like luxury goods, and is not very interested in clothes and jewelry."

Garica: "Does she have any other hobbies?"

Ji Qisen: "She ... likes to be an actor and likes to film."

Garica: "Oh, in this case, it depends on the budget!"

Ji Qisen: "Budget?"

Garica talked eloquently and used his best ideas: "Yes, it depends on the total budget of the season. For example, if the budget is only a few hundred thousand, you still have to buy a piece of jewelry. After all, for female artists, jewelry is still very Importantly, this is the facade. If it is a few million, then you can send a sports car and go out to participate in the event. It ’s awesome, and if more ... ”

Ji Qisen: "How much more?"

Garica was startled, thinking that it was true that President Ji was emotional, and more? He watched the meticulous workaholic boss, who will grow cold and handsome next year, but he has never moved his heart, and now he is finally going to be a man?

What is sacred in the end that makes him so troubled?

Garica suppresses the curiosity in her heart and helps to come up with an idea: "If there is more, then you can help her invest in a drama and make her popular!"

Ji Qisen thoughtfully, signaled Garica to retreat, and he himself called Nie Yu: "Nie Yu, if I want to invest in a play, what suggestions do you have?"

Let professional people do professional things. This is Ji Qisen's standard of doing things.

Who knows on the other end of the phone, after Nie Yu was silent for three seconds, she laughed out loud: "Second Brother, what are you doing? Shouldn't you want to invest in a play to win red mothers?"

Ji Qisen didn't like Nie Yu's laughed voice, frowned and asked, "What's wrong? No?"

Nie Yu leisurely said: "Brother, I advise you to give up this idea, this is not a good birthday gift."

Ji Qisen: "Why?"

Nie Yu haha ​​smiled, he did not expect that one day, savvy Ji Qisen would be so stupid: "Second brother, second brother, I believe you have enough strength to do this, but mother's birthday is next week Do you think it's too late? Besides, do you think you can win the mother by throwing money away? This requires the deployment of various resources, can you?

This is obviously what his grandfather, Nie, has to do. Ji Qisen wants to steal his way, there is no way.

He laughed: "Second Brother, as my brother, I can help you with anything else, you can speak as soon as possible."


Among Nie Yu's very smug laughs, Ji Qisen hung up the phone, and he tapped the table lightly with his fingers.

It is too difficult to give a suitable gift. Ji Qisen found that his wisdom of the past twenty-three years has never been applied to it.

He thought about it and decided to ask his father for help.

His dad has now broken up with that little girlfriend, and now seems to be focusing on Camille.

"Dad, I want to ask you something." Ji Qisen dialed the phone of his dad who hadn't contacted for a long time.

"Ah? You have something to ask me?" Ji Zhentian said the signal was not very good, he said loudly: "Actually, I don't need to worry about my son's affairs. You can handle those things yourself, don't ask me."

"Dad, I want to ask you—" Ji Qisen knew that his father had misunderstood, and he had to explain.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka Kaka->>

Clicking ... "A new and extremely unstable clicking sound came from the mobile phone. Ji Zhentian shouted," Son, Dad is old, over forty years old, AK Group is yours, and Dad is retiring Besides, Dad is very busy, I see my son to decide for himself! "

Accompanying this click sound, there seemed to be a young woman screaming in the background, and the sound of the roaring waves.

Immediately afterwards, the call was hung up.

Ji Qisen looked at the phone that was hung up, and it took a while to calm down.

He stroked his forehead and never felt the hardship of life like he does now. Why did he have such a father?

... It seems that Dad is unreliable, brothers cannot be counted on, and the opinions of his subordinates seem to be less useful, so what gift should he give his mother?

Just when Ji Qisen was at a loss, he received a message from his investigation report.

When I opened it, I saw the content above, and the quiet black eyes shot a flash of light.

Great, the gift is here.


Gu Yan is not in a mood to worry about her birthday, and her mind has been on Luo Juntian for the past two days.

Luo Juntian's current situation is obviously not too optimistic, even if according to Luo Si Nian, he has not been sick for many years, but now that this situation has arisen, the best way is to use psychological intervention.

After an in-depth discussion with Luo Nian, Luo Nian talked with Luo Juntian again, and Luo Juntian agreed to find a psychiatrist for follow-up intervention.

Because Luo Juntian's used psychiatrist could not be used anymore, he naturally wanted a new psychiatrist. Roth originally wanted to find one, but once this matter was raised, several sons said that they want Help your brother find a psychiatrist!

Among them, the most positive and positive expression was Nie Yu: "I have a friend who is the vice chairman of the International Association of Analytical Psychology. I immediately called him and asked him to come to China! The people are professional and the level is definitely high. As for Keep it secret, mom, do n’t worry, it ’s all professional ethics, and it ’s definitely okay. Mom, I ’ll call him and ask him to help his brother treat him.

Ji Qisen happened to be there, and he thought for a while, and said, "Mom, the hospital under the AK Group has a special psychological department. When I look back, I let the people recommend it, and find the most suitable one, and I am relatively relieved. . "

Looking at the two sons, Gu Min was emotional.

She knows that her sons are struggling to give their birthday presents, but for her, birthday presents are of secondary importance. These sons are so good, they are almost responsive to her, she also has nothing, No extra surprises are needed to satisfy yourself.

She even hoped that the sons could live in peace and help each other.

Previously Qi Sen and Nie Yu were obviously hostile to the elder brother. Now after going through these things, watching the two sons actively help the elder brother to find a psychiatrist, she is finally relieved.

The three sons are all excellent, each with their own strengths, blooming in their respective fields. Now she can help each other, she is completely relieved.

But think about it, she said, "You can't be too vocal about your elder brother looking for a psychiatrist. Come quietly, even if you don't mention it in front of him, you shouldn't have it, you know?"

Nie Yu and Ji Qisen nodded together. Nie Yu remembered his awkward elder brother, who was so scared that he was going to die. He said that he was okay, and he smiled with a smile. He shook his head and said helplessly: "Mom, you can rest assured, we know, we will help the brother to recommend a psychiatrist, while pretending that there is no such thing."

Ji Qisen is naturally even more opinionless, so the mother and son discussed the question of which psychologist to use. This psychologist must not only be professional enough, but also must be suitable for Luo Juntian, and he must also be in China. It must be available at any time. After all, Luo Juntian cannot let other countries go to see a psychiatrist.

Discussing, Gu Yan found that Huo Lanting was gone: "Well, what about Lanting?"

This little guy is tired of her now, and she has to lean on her for everything. It looks like I need to be closest to my mother. Is it difficult to disappear?

Who knew that the voice had just fallen, Huo Lanting jumped out with his little hand on his back. He took a steady eight-character step and said proudly: "Mom, you don't have to worry about the elder brother's psychologist. My psychiatrist at home can contribute, and let him live at home and be available at any time! There are two brothers and three brothers, and it will not worry you, I will help my mother get everything done. "

Nie Yu: "Does your family use it?"

Huo Lanting said with a small face, "Yeah! He's amazing!"

Nie Yu leaned on Erlang's legs and grinned, "My friend is the vice chairman of the International Association of Analytical Psychology."

It sounded terrible, Huo Lanting scratched his head, then quickly took out his mobile phone, as if sending a message there.

Nie Yu looked at him like this, and all laughed to death: "Don't you even figure out what your psychologist does?"

Gu Yan also said: "Lan Ting, we all understand your brother's mind, but this psychiatrist's matter, let your second brother and third brother worry about it."

Who knows that at this time Huo Lanting looked up and asked Nie Yu with some doubt: "Brother San, your friend is the vice chairman of the International Association of Analytical Psychology. Is he surnamed Joshua?"

Nie Yuhu wondered: "Hey, boy, how do you know?"

When Huo Lanting heard it, he was immediately proud. He carried his small hand: "Haha, my psychiatrist is called Peterson. He said, WilliamsJoshua is his student!"

Nie Yu: "?????"

Huo Lanting's eyebrows flew up with joy: "Just decided so happily, my brother used my psychologist! I will let him report tomorrow!"

Haha, my psychologist has been used by my father for many years, and it is indeed the best!

Go and talk to Dad right away, give up his psychiatrist and use it for Big Brother! ....,

Read The Duke's Passion