MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 73 Unexpected encounter

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In the next few days, Jones and Ian will start every morning from where they live and explore.

They found a shallow small pool and brought back a little water, but the water was turbid, and they didn’t have the tools to filter, so they didn’t dare to drink it, lest there was bad material, and finally the water was simply It was used to scrub Edgar's abdomen without injury.

The climate in the desert is dry. Edgar is a snake orc. Although he does not need to live in the water, he still likes the damp environment. He has been basking every day for a few days. It is not very good to watch. He is much better.

Shu Shu cut a pair of sleeves, dipped in the water and carefully scrubbed Edgar, rubbed it, and saw Edgar's tail tipping, and his face suddenly had a happy color.

When Shu Shu scrubbed Edgar here, on the other side, Jones and Ian ate something, and also packed the hole that Shu Shu dug out.

Shu Shu has not given up burrowing in these days. As long as the body is ok, it will continue to dig and dig. Now the hole has become very large and can even be loaded into Edgar, and they are planning to put it today. Degas loaded in.

Jones and Ian brought back some plants to Edgar a few days ago. After two days of exposure, the plants have been dried. They laid them on the bottom of the cave and they became comfortable in the cave. a lot of.

"We moved Edgar in." Ian climbed out of the cave and looked at Shu Shudao.

Ian is a queen, even if it is not a beautiful beauty, before the skin is also very good, but now a few days later, his face is sun-tanned and tanned, and the lips are dry and cracked, and you can take a sip. Pick up the blood. As far as he is now, others have seen that he must have guessed that he is a queen, and Jones is even worse than him. He gave his clothes to Shu Shu, and even his body was sunburned, red.

In contrast, it seems that Shu Shu looks better. Although the wound on his body has not been perfect because of lack of spiritual power, the sun has at least no way to sunburn his fairy.

When Ian heard it, Shu Shu nodded and stood up, then grabbed Edgar with Jones Ian and rolled him into the cave.

Shu Shu now has no spiritual power to use, and Ian and Jones have little strength and can't lift Edgar, they can only use it.

After a loud noise, Edgar was finally rolled into the hole. Ian and Jones also breathed a sigh of relief. They stood up and said to Shu Shudao: "Let's go to the north today, Shu Shu, you stay in Look at Edgar and the eggs here."

Shu Shu nodded, and Edgar and the egg always had someone to look at, and he didn't barely keep up.

Shu Shuwo entered the cave. On the other side, Jones and Ian were both wearing straw hats and then heading north.

These days they have not had a free day, they are inspecting everywhere, and blisters are worn on their feet.

Ian has been a queen for many years and has not suffered such a crime for a long time. A few days ago, when he was reading a book, he accidentally pulled a hole in the page. Chris could hold his hand and feel bad for a long time, but now...

Looking at his own miserable foot blisters, Ian smiled bitterly: "These are all water, wasted."

They now only rely on the drinks and fruits brought by Shu Shu to extract water. The body lacks water. Now, when the blisters are made, is it even more water-deficient?

"When I return to the capital star, I must have a day in the bathtub." Jones said.

"What kind of hydrating mask is also to be done, I am definitely ugly now, if it is not good to maintain, it may be that Chris will dislike me." Ian said again.

"He dares to dislike? Kill him!" Jones laughed. They said something to activate the atmosphere. They stopped talking. Instead, they rushed forward. They opened their mouths when they talked, but they also easily hydrated. Lost.

The direction in which the two men walked today has already passed once in the past few days, because there are some plants seen there, they are going to look at it again today and go further.

In order to go further, the speed of the two men speeded up. At noon, they actually went farther than before, and they saw a water-filled plant that resembled a cactus.

The plant grows very tall. When Jones saw a happy heart, he wanted to look at it. With his own experience, he was not poisonous. When he didn't want to be here, Ian next to him suddenly went to the ground.

"Ian!" Jones screamed and helped Ian to look at it, knowing that Ian was a heatstroke.

Ian is just an ordinary sub-orc. These days, because they have not found the water source, they drink less and less water. Under such circumstances, the heat stroke will be normal, but even Ian can only fall down until now. It is already amazing willpower.

When Jones saw Ian’s appearance, he took out a hydrated fruit from Shu’s book in his pocket and picked up the skin. He fed all the juice inside to Ian’s mouth and thought about it. He covered Ian's face with a straw hat, and then took a knife made of fragments of the rescue capsule to the plant they had just discovered, and cut a piece of the plant with a knife.

After the plant was cut off, it began to dribble and drip down. Jones touched the juice with his hand and saw that his hand was not red and swollen, and smelled the smell of the juice.

The taste was very good, and there was no stench... Jones looked around the plants again.

When he saw the traces of the animals eating under one of the plants, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and put a little juice into his mouth.

His tongue is good and there is no problem. In this case, the plant will not be too poisonous even with some toxins.

When Jones was surprised and cut a piece of plants, he wiped Ian's body with this plant.

Ian’s body temperature is very high, but it is constantly trembled. The situation is obviously not very good. Jones bit his teeth and took Ian back and forth. Of course, he did not forget to bring a large piece of cut plants. .

This plant can be used to scrub Edgar even if it can't be eaten.

Jones is not strong, and the road is particularly slow. When he returns, the sky is completely dark.

"Are you all right?" Shu Shu looked at Jones worriedly.

"He has a heatstroke." Jones said, letting Ian down and take Ian into the cave.

It was very hot during the day and the temperature dropped sharply in the evening, and Ian’s condition was getting worse. In addition to heat stroke, Jones also found that the blisters on his feet were broken and had begun to become inflamed.

Jones is a doctor, but the clever woman is hard to be without rice. There is nothing in this place. He can't help Ian at all. He can only give Ian a lot of food.

As a result, Shu Shu brought more watery food, even for a few days, but fortunately, after the plant Shu Shu brought back by Jones, he was sure to eat it - as an animal, he also There is a bit of instinct that can be used to identify which ones can eat and which ones can't.

However, although you can eat, you may not have to eat it will be okay... Who knows if there will be trace elements harmful to the orcs on the planet?

Jones held Ian and slept Edgar for a night. When he got up the next morning, Ian’s situation did not improve, but it was even worse.

Seeing this, Jones licked his chapped lips and said to Shu Shudao: "I will go back and get this plant back, and you look after Ian."

"Mr. Jones, you don't go." Shu Shudao, frowning at the same time, Jones went out alone, if it was also heat stroke halfway, then no one could bring him back!

"Ian can't be good for a while, we can't sit on the mountain," Jones said.

"Then I will go with you." Shu Shu said again: "This cave will find something to cover."

"No, leaving them here is very dangerous, and you have always had a stomachache, don't think I don't know." Jones said: "Your child is not stable, if it is exposed outside, maybe even you will die."

Shu Shu’s face changed, and Jones said again: “Give me more fruits, I am a doctor, I won’t let myself go wrong.”

Shu Shu thought about it, and finally agreed, and gave the only few fruits with the most water content to Jones.

Jones ate one, and the rest was put in his pocket, and two Edgar's fallen scales were taken on his body.

Jones has experience in the wild, knowing the terrible beasts, because of this, every time he goes out these days, he will bring Edgar's scales on his body, let him bring a powerful orc smell, let the predators Did not dare to start with him.

After leaving the cave, along the road that I walked yesterday, Jones went to the place where the plants were.

He has already recognized the road, and today he is going faster than yesterday. When he came to the plants all the way, it was even earlier than yesterday.

When he was on the road, he did not eat the fruit that Shu Shu gave him. When he cut the flesh, he saw the dripping juice. He only felt the thirst in his throat. He wanted to swallow a slobber, but he found that his mouth was dry. What other saliva?

Jones thought about it, but he still took some juice and drank a small mouth.

He waited for a while, and there was no discomfort. He wanted to drink a little more, but he didn't want to be here. A huge lion suddenly emerged behind the plants.

"Hey!" The lion snorted and rushed toward Jones. Jones screamed, but there was a lion attack? In the end, it was actually bitten by the lion.

The lion's big mouth bite himself. Jones thought he would die, but he didn't want to feel too much pain. It turned out that although the lion bit him, he didn't kill him, just put him in his mouth. Running around, just like a cub.

When Jones saw it, he breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he suddenly found that the lion was not quite right.

This is not an ordinary lion, this... looks like an orc!

Jones was afraid before, but now that fear is already a joy - there are orcs on this planet! This is really great!

" are an orc!" Jones grabbed the hair of the lion's mouth and almost burst into tears.

It was the light-haired lion Bruno who was holding Jones. Jones grabbed the fur on his lips. He was a little uncomfortable. He couldn’t help but want to take Jones out. When he thought it was an Asian orc, Shinji. Going out will be killed, but I will endure it and nod.

Even though she was not young, she was calm, but she was thrilled to see the vitality in desperation. The tears immediately fell: "You let me down, I have something to tell you."

Jones wanted to talk to the orc. Bruno didn't talk to him. He glared at Jones. He ran quickly in the direction he was coming to, and even looked at Jones with his upper body down from his mouth. .

He is actually not an orc. He is a beast. Now he will bring this orc to the ostrich's nest!

The orcs are timid, and this beast will see so many beasts that they will be scared to death! Haha!

When Bruno became a beast, he was not very old. He was killed and became a beast. At that time, he was so anxious that his father was even more afraid. He even looked at him with a frightened expression. He was very Abandoned... Before his father was sent to the planet of the beast, his father had never seen him. He had no good feelings for the orcs, and now he would not listen to Jones.

When Jones found this, the previous joy disappeared and he suddenly became scared.

This orc seems to have no goodwill for him?

This planet is so primitive, it is estimated that it is not a habitable planet divided by the orc empire. In this case, is it possible that it is a planet secretly occupied by star thieves or certain criminal gangs?

If they fall into the hands of the star thief... Star thieves are the most lacking of the orcs, they may be treated inhumanely!

The orcs who want to live with the orcs and have children will cultivate their feelings with the orcs, and then wait for the orcs to eat the beasts and be intimate, but some orcs will not!

Even if you have eaten the beasts of other people's beasts, the Star Thieves will not mind, anyway, you can vent your desires.

It’s desolate on the way. There is no shadow of the liaison on this lion. Jones is more and more afraid. Now he struggles fiercely: “You let me go! Do you know who I am? My partner is very strong, you hurt. I must have no good fruit to eat!"

When Bruno heard the words of Jones, he snorted. He smelled the strong orc of Jones, but what about it? When they arrive at their beastly planet, the orc is stronger and obedient!

And the orcs are powerful, certainly not as good as their bosses. Before they were the boss, they were the generals of the empire, the nine-star orcs!

Taking advantage of the struggling Jones, Bruno came all the way to the place where the patrolling beasts camped, and after seeing the boring white wolf on the stone, he ran briskly while A screaming scream.

"Boss, look! I brought back an Asian orc!" Bruno was very excited, and when he saw him, all the beasts around him also looked over.

A group of orcs! A group of orcs full of killings!

Jones punched Bruno's eyes: "Let me! Or my partner will kill you!"

The white wolf on the stone suddenly heard the human voice and looked at it subconsciously.

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