MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 74 Unlucky lion

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After the beasts came to the planet of the beast, they never saw the orcs again, and even the orcs did not see it. Every year the people sent by the orc empire will put the materials in a fixed place, but not Will communicate with these orcs.

Bruno now suddenly brought a suborcist back, which is particularly eye-catching. Although the young orc is sun-baked, the face is cracked and the skin is not visible, but it is a sub-orc. !

Although many of the beasts here are no longer orcs, but the hearts and minds have always been the orcs. Now I see a sub-orc in front of myself, I can’t stand it anymore, and even a beast is directly estrus. Bruno of Jones rushed.

Although they still retain the memory of being an orc, they are not much different from real beasts. How crazy are the animals in nature, how crazy they are, some beasts even have Not too far.

Seeing that the beast rushed toward himself with red eyes, Bruno was shocked. This guy he knew, this guy in the past estrus will be very violent, amazingly lethal, even use his own head for the sake of good points. Going to the stone and hitting himself with a blood... such a madman can't cope with it!

At this point, Bruno regretted that he had brought the Asian orcs back, and the orcs were trouble!

However, their boss must have a solution!

Bruno looked at the stone that was holding the white wolf, but suddenly found that there was no one on it. He was shocked, and then he screamed at the giant beak, the beast that suddenly ran towards him. Has been hit by the white wolf! After the white wolf knocked him out, he rushed over to the beast and bit it.

In normal times, these beasts are not daring to provoke a white wolf. After all, this white wolf is really strong. Even if there is no beast nucleus, the strength is amazing, but the estrus brain of the estrus is not so clear, attacked by the white wolf. The beast actually bite into the white wolf.

The two beasts suddenly became a group, and next to it, Jones looked at this scene and was already shocked.

When the beast rushed toward him, he had an ominous premonition.

He has been studying orcs all the time, studying the beasts, and is very familiar with the situation of the beasts. Naturally, it is obvious that the beast is not an orc, but a beast.

When the orcs do not need to fight, they generally do not become animal-type. After all, the human form is more convenient, but here they are all orcs that keep the animal...

They... should be no longer an orc, a beast!

When Jones thought of this, he was shocked. With so many beasts, if he fell into their hands, could he still have a life?

He didn't dare to struggle, but he was afraid to get the attention of these guys, but he didn't want to be here. A white wolf suddenly jumped out and rushed toward the beast who was not good.

White wolf...

Jones looked at the white wolf in a hurry. He had seen many orc animals, but the white wolf in front of him was definitely the one he was most familiar with.

Bruno saw Jones staying in a dull manner, and when he gave a sneer, he threw Jones on the ground and licked his tail: Haha, is this Asian orc now scared? Deserve it! This guy dared to pull his beard, he must scare him!

Thinking about it, Bruno also pulled a tail on Jones.

Bruno's tail was actually not hard, but the skin of Jones was cracked by the sun, and when it was so pumped, there was a place to break the skin and bleed.

But this time, Jones couldn't take care of his wounds, only knowing that he was staring at the white wolf.

Is that Renault? Renault not seen in 30 years? Is he dreaming? No, this is not a dream... In this case, he saw that Renault has so many beasts... Here is the beast planet!

Jones just thought of this, the battle between the white wolf and the estrus beast was over, and the white wolf snorted and rushed toward it.

Jones was not afraid at all this time. Instead, he greeted the white wolf and rushed to his side, and then used his head to prepare himself. As a result...

The white wolf crossed him and rushed directly to Bruno, who had thrown Bruno with his two front legs and went up to bite.

When I heard the voice of people at the beginning, it seems that when Jones’s voice was still, Renault only listened to his own auditory hall. After all, the empire would not let the orcs come here, but after he looked at him... he was not an auditory, that Really Jones!

Although the body was reddened and dirty, but it was Jones, he could not recognize it!

Jones didn't wear clothes, he wore a pair of trousers, and Bruno was in his mouth. He said that he had a companion... Renault had been stunned for a while, and at this moment, he found that an estrus beast was moving toward Jones rushed.

The brain hadn't reacted yet, and Renault had already rushed out and beat the beast. After the fight, he looked at Jones with the corner of his eye, and then saw Bruno pumping Jones with his tail. It’s all that Jones is bleeding.

This **** guy!

After Renault packed up the beast, he didn't want to rush toward Bruno.

"Boss! What are you doing!" Bruno was inexplicably beaten by Renault, screaming and struggling.

Renault did not care about him, even directly biting his skin.

"Hey!" Bruno snorted and screamed: "You are crazy, why are you hitting me!"

Renault still didn't talk. He was very confused at the moment. He didn't know what to say at all. He just thought about taking Bruno up. Bruno saw Renault’s fierce look and knew that begging for mercy was useless. He could only fight with Renault and then ask for help from his partner: "Jessie! Help!"

The dark-haired male lion Jessie is innocent.

Before I changed, my partner was beaten by the boss. Even if it was the fault of my partner, even if the two of them were together, they would not be able to beat the boss, but Jesse would still go to help and help block the attack of the boss.

But now... Hehe, Bruno’s guy is actually coming back with an orc who only wears a pair of pants!

The Orc had just struggled in Bruno's mouth, his body was covered with the taste of Bruno, and Bruno was also covered with the taste of the orc.... With an orc returning, Bruno looked very proud.

Jessie didn't go to see Bruno, and looked directly at the side - anyway, the boss had a measure of the size, and he would not bite Bruno.

Renault started to be measured. After Bruno hit him, he let go of Bruno and then looked at Jones.

He really wants to go up and talk to Jones, but he can't speak at all, and he hasn't seen it for 30 years. Jones may have had another partner...

Sniffing, Renault smelled the taste of two orcs in Jones.

A smell smells terrible. From this smell, he can judge that the person is stronger than him... Jones is so good, and without him, he can find a better half.

And another smell... that's Bruno's smell. Bruno used to put Jones in his mouth. His smell was covered with various parts of Jones. Jones' bare upper body was bruised by Bruno's teeth. Mark of.

Renault looked at Jones for a while, and he knew that Jones had recognized himself, but he was a little afraid to get close to Jones...

"How do you beat me again?" Bruno climbed up from the ground, especially wronged. At this moment, Renault, who had just beaten him, suddenly turned around and rushed toward him.

"Boss!" Bruno looked at Renault unbelievably, had already played a meal, and Renault came back.

Renault will of course come, Bruno, this guy almost hurt Jones, can't forgive.

Jones saw Renault go to the lion again, and suddenly laughed, smiled and cried.

Renault was still alive, and he still remembered him.

He couldn’t tell the joy, but the tears kept flowing.

Renault once again took Bruno down and turned his head and found that Jones was crying.

Jones has always been very strong. He hasn't cried until he turned into a beast. He cried now... Renault is in a hurry. He kicks Bruno away and then approaches it carefully. Jones.

He wants to take away the tears and blood on Jones' face, and wants to protect Jones under his belly, but if he does, Jones's partner will be very angry, maybe he will be angry with Jones.

He is now a beast, it is impossible to give Jones happiness, it is like this, he can not still destroy the happiness of Jones!

Renault was anxiously turning around Jones's side, a pair who wanted to get close to Jones but didn't dare.

When did the surrounding beasts see their bosses like this? I suspected that I was blind for a while. After thinking about it, I suddenly thought of it - they are the boss of this orc.

But they are beasts, and the sub-beast body type is not worthy. It is useless to see the beasts, and it is impossible for the orc beast to look at a beast. Didn't he be scared to cry?

These people looked at Renault with some sympathy, and then saw the Asian orcs wiped a tear and looked at their boss.

Their boss... The huge white wolf froze when the Orc looked at it, but the tail behind him did not know why it suddenly shook up suddenly, and the white tail shook beautifully.

The beasts around you are going crazy, the boss is awake, you are not a dog! We haven't seen you wag your tail for so many years. Now, if you see an orc, you will shake your tail so happy?

"Boss is springing?" Bruno climbed to his companion Jesse and looked at the white wolf in the field with amazement: "The tail is shaking, the chrysanthemums are all exposed."

Jessie slaps on the head of his partner - can this guy not find death?

Bruno had a good luck this time, and Renault didn't hear him because Jones suddenly hugged Renault.

Renault's tail suddenly swayed more joyfully, and the surrounding beasts were shocked again. What did they see? They saw an Arab orc to their bosses and sent a gift to a beast!

The charm of their boss is so strong, they all become beasts and can attract the orcs? Can they ask for advice?

These beasts were amazed, and they saw their boss squatting on the ground, so that the orc beast could hold himself and look at the beast intently, his eyes full of love.

This is, love at first sight? Did their boss forget his sub-orcs who have been remembering for many years? Although the Asian orc did not send anything over this year, but it can be remembered for so many years before, it is also a deep feeling.

"Renault..." Jones grabbed the white wolf's ears and wiped his tears all over the white wolf's hair.

Renault wanted to bring his white hair very much. At this time, Jean let Jones mess up the hair on his head, and then buried it in Jones's waist and sniffed the taste of Jones.

The taste of the other two orcs strongly interfered with this. Bruno's taste was good, and the other orc's taste made Renault want to find one.

This taste seems to be a little familiar... Isn't this similar to the taste of the Chris guy?

The taste of such a powerful snake orc... except the royal family, no one else, but this is not the taste of Chris, Chris has already had a beast...

Renault sniffed again and suddenly found the place with the strongest flavor. It was the pocket of Jones's waist... He screamed at Jones and chopped the pocket with his claws.

Onlookers: The boss wants to dry up, do you want to smash the pants left by this Asian orc? This is not very good?

Also, this sub-orc is called the name of the boss, he knows their boss? These beasts suddenly thought of something.

In the case that Jones didn't know, but the beasts around him saw it, Renault got a few fruits in the pocket and Edgar's scales.

It turned out to be just scales!

Renault was so excited at the moment that he slaps the scales and the fruit on the sand, and the tongue smashes on Jones's body, from head to toe, and simply wants to swallow Jones in his stomach.

"You let me go, listen to me!" Jones was uncomfortable, said now.

Reynolds sat next to him, swaying his tail and staring at Jones.

"I accidentally fell here this time, but I wanted to come to you, you are really good, I thought you have been down for so many years..." Jones looked at Renault excitedly, up and down Renault looked at it several times, and then suddenly found Renault's feet, and the fruits that he could not bear to eat were actually trampled...

"My fruit!" Jones was angry, he was so thirsty that he was not willing to eat the fruit!

"That... that the orc, the one that the boss has been obsessed with?" Bruno and the other beasts suddenly reacted.

I think that this orc has once said that his partner is very powerful, he has bullied him and he must have no good fruit to eat. Bruno can't wait to dig a hole to bury himself.

He even wanted the boss to help him clean up the companion of this orc... This subordinary companion is his boss!

He is dead!

Read The Duke's Passion