MTL - A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees-Chapter 130 Secrets of the Blood Banner Family

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  Chapter 130 The Secret of the Blood Banner Family

"As we feared a few days ago, the Red Earth Mountain invaded the Golden Fertile Field—a mixed army from the south recklessly destroyed the fertile fields of the Golden Fertile Field and burned down a large number of houses. The verbal promise of aggression, after occupying the main city of Golden Fertile Field, Damai City, the army was divided into two, and one of them headed northwestward. While sweeping the villages in Golden Fertile Field, it approached Gao Yeling step by step;

  Another force headed north where it was, and quickly approached the South Trading Station in the name of chasing and killing the remaining troops of the lord of Barley City.

   Their movements were astonishingly fast. Although they hadn't entered the territory of Rolling Stone Town yet, according to this trend, the army of Hongtushan might attack at any time! "

   In one effort, Lei Jia explained the military situation on the front line clearly.

  Matthew was a little surprised:

   "They really did it? How dare they approach the South Trading Post? Don't they fear the Archmage Ronan at all?"

   Zeller shook his head:

"Legendary mages generally don't interfere in wars between mortals, unless Hongtushan's army has done something outrageous in Rolling Stone Town, or hurt his family. Besides, it has been rumored in the south that the great mage Ronan The news of being lost in the star realm, although many people are skeptical about this news, we cannot guarantee that the new lord of Hongtu Mountain is not a fool."

  Matthew nodded.

   What Zeller said is very reasonable. Ronan's reputation is a part of it, so we can't pin all our hopes on him.

"Golden Fertile Field has no power to fight back. It is an agricultural territory that mainly produces food. The largest military organization in the territory is the militia. These militias are usually used to drive away wild boars and wolverines. They are not bad at dealing with bandits. Stop talking about war."

  Rega took a sip from an empty coffee cup, not noticing that his mouth was still dry:

"Perhaps this is the function of the Civilization Enigma you mentioned before, it protects these small territories from the poison of war, but now it is different, I bet that Enigma must have disappeared! Suddenly, the lords have awakened in their hearts Gaining the awareness of war, they realized that there was still such a means of plundering externally, so they no longer restrained themselves.

   As for territories like Golden Fertile Field, their owners are used to the benefits brought by the mystery of civilization, so they have no defense against war, and they are simply lambs to be slaughtered!

Hongtu Mountain is different. The newly appointed little lord is very organized. He planned it beforehand. The so-called tax reform is just to divert the attention of others. In the past few months, he has been secretly recruiting mercenaries. It is said that on the battlefield that raided Damai City, even an army from the Underdark appeared!

It was a troop composed of drow assassins. They were real elite mercenaries and well-trained assassins. Huo Wen, who heard the news and went to Damai City to check the situation, told me that those drow's methods were very vicious. Before the war started, the family of the lord of Damai City was wiped out!

  Damn these guys don't talk about martial arts at all.

What you said is right Matthew, when the concept of war begins to awaken in people's hearts, this continent will soon usher in frequent small-scale wars. This is a reshuffle of forces, and no one can stop it. The arrival of the stock trend. "

   Zeller sat on the table next to him, crossed his hands, put them under the bridge of his nose, and his eyes flickered:

"I have already sent a lord's guard to station at the South Trading Post. Fortunately, our scouts can still lock the general position of the Red Earth Mountain Army for the time being. Theoretically, they should spend a little time digesting the results of the Golden Fertile Field, but we also There's no guarantee they won't suddenly launch a sneak attack."

   "The fact before our eyes is that the war has come."

   Matthew took a deep breath.

  From the serious attitudes of Zeller and Rega, he felt the depression and tension rushing to his face.

  War is never a joke.

  Once it erupts, no matter what the result is, it means that someone will die.

  He bit his lip lightly.

  Rega took another sip of empty coffee, his eyes looked very anxious:

   "What do you think, Matthew?"

  Matthew pondered and said:

   "The Seven Saints Alliance will have a group of mages come to visit after a while. The place to visit is near the Scar of the Dead. I originally arranged for them to visit Rolling Stone Town, but now it seems that it has to be cancelled."

  Rega's eyes lit up:

   "A group of mages? Is it possible for them to play a role in this war?"

  Matthew shook his head:

"Hard to say."

  In the current continent of Aindor, the relationship among alliances, mages, and local forces is intricate.

  The alliance is transcendent, and the legendary mages in the alliance are also transcendent. They have the power to destroy the world, and they are existences that mortal forces cannot provoke.

   But there are only a few legendary mages, and most mages are not interested in secular power. They will not intervene in a certain war for no reason, unless the war threatens their interests.

  For ordinary mages, they can't be so detached. They still have emotions and desires, and they lack the power to subvert everything, so it is very normal to attach to local forces.

  Whether it is the enfeoffment of a hundred cities by the Seven Saints Alliance, or a magic consultant in a small territory like Matthew, it is a way of cooperation between mages and local forces.

  Mages are also cunning and life-saving.

  Matthew can ask them to work for him in the name of an alliance project, whether it is planting trees or exploring the outer planes, they are willing to accept it.

  But once it comes to the level of war, it's hard to say.

   After all, they are just a group of mid-level mages. If they work together, they will definitely have a great impact on the war, but—why?

  Matthew is very clear that he is not Ronan, not Isabel, and no one will work for himself for a few knowledge points.

   Spending money is one thing, but working hard is another.

  Mages are very clear about all this.

   But think about it.

  This project still has a certain positive influence on the upcoming war.

   "We can spread some news, just like the last time I pretended to be the Archmage Ronan, true or false, at least it can attract the attention of the enemy."

  Matthew proposed:

   "No matter how reckless the new lord of Hongtu Mountain is, he should still be a little afraid of the mages of the Seven Saints Alliance."

   Zeller nodded:

"I will let people spread the news, but we must enter a state of war. The lord's guards and guards are ready. Next, we need to mobilize the militia organizations in some villages in the north. We need more labor and reserves, and even If necessary, we shall build some fortifications in the south."

   Having said that, he glanced at Rhaegar, and suddenly shouted loudly:

   "Mrs. Wesley! Coffee!"

   After a while, three cups of fragrant coffee were brought to the office hall.

  Rega realized that what he was holding was an empty glass, he pouted helplessly, and sat back on the chair a little stiffly.

   Zeller looked at him silently, hesitant to speak.

  Matthew didn't speak, he was thinking about the possible impact of the war on Rolling Stone Town and himself.

   "One more bad news."

   Zeller added:

"Another urgent letter came from Jade Cangting. The Shadow Leopard troop used to receive arsonists encountered another attack on the road. This time it was confirmed that the green dragon Fatina who was active in the Garden of Fallen Leaves was the one who attacked. Although the Leopard Troops were not completely wiped out, they suffered heavy losses. That green dragon is very cunning, and Jade Cangting may not be able to accept these prisoners in the short term. This is bad news for us."

  Matthew smells a conspiracy:

   "It doesn't sound like a coincidence that every time they send someone over they get attacked."

   Zeller also looks a little headache:

"The question is, what should we do with these arsonists now? It would be wasteful and inhumane to kill them directly. Some of them are not guilty of death, but it is not right to keep them like this. Once war breaks out, prisons will become hidden dangers." .”

  Matthew thought for a while:

"Why don't you give it to me first? I just have a project that needs manpower, and I don't need you to provide food subsidies. I can solve their food by myself. If you want to take them back, just let me know in advance. How do you do it?" ?”

   Zeller and Rhaegar exchanged glances.

  The latter asks:

   "Are you sure they won't escape from you?"

  Matthew smiled:

   "Don't underestimate me, I'm an evil necromancer."

  The two discussed for a while, and finally agreed to Matthew's request, and handed over the more than twenty arsonists locked up in the prison to Matthew.

   There are a lot of coolies for no reason.

  Matthew is naturally in a happy mood.

  These arsonists had better be able to be honest and obedient. If there is trouble, he doesn't mind asking 177 to come out.

   "The two just now are bad news, I have a new news here."

   Zeller's tone suddenly became brisk:

"After receiving Rhaegar's letter, Ms. Alena, the city lord of Deep Blue Harbor, replied quickly, saying that she will leave immediately to visit Rolling Stone Town. This time she is packing lightly, and it will take five days if she is slow, or three days if she is as fast as possible. to our territory."

  Rega was taken aback immediately:

   "Why are you in such a hurry? Didn't I tell Aliena to take her time?"

   "This just happened to hit the war in the south, I'm afraid I don't have time to spend with her..."

   Zeller suddenly said something strange:

   "Maybe it's too late, I can't cover my stomach."

  Rega suddenly rolled his eyes wildly:

"Don't listen to the rumors. Aliena is a very traditional woman. After she divorced me, she never married. Her seven daughters are all adopted daughters, and they are still virgins. It's really shameful to make such a joke. Taste!"

   Zeller couldn't help rubbing his forehead with his hand, with a painful expression on his face:

   "My God, Rhaegar, has your IQ been eaten by moles recently?"

   "It's so obvious that I hinted at it, and you still haven't realized it?"

   "You don't really intend to reconnect with that lady, do you?"

  Looking at Rhaegar's restless and slightly dazed expression.

  Matthew couldn’t help reminding:

   "That Ms. Aliena has a problem."

"We also know a little bit about the current situation in Deep Blue Port. The Lion City to the north of it is preparing for battle, and a large number of sites have been annexed by Lion City. Therefore, the haze of war facing Deep Blue Port is much greater than ours. Under such circumstances , as soon as you wrote back, she dared to come to Rolling Stone Town by herself at the risk of possible accidents in the rear, which is obviously wrong."

  Zeller added dryly:

   "Normal people can see that something is wrong. The only explanation is that her position as city lord is probably in jeopardy!"

   "She came to ask for your help, Rhaegar!"

  Matthew looked at Zeller unexpectedly.

  He didn't understand why the owner of a city at the level of Deep Blue Harbor would come to a country like Rolling Stone Town for help.

   "It's time to make a decision! Rhaegar."

   Zeller whispered.

  Rega's lips moved slightly:

   "I hate war."

  Zeller said calmly:

   "War won't let you go just because you hate him."

   "It's time to return to 'Red and Black'. "

   "Take back what belongs to you, and then see where you plan to go."

   Rhaegar remained silent.

   Matthew is at a loss:

   "Is there something I don't understand?"

   Zeller glanced at Matthew:

   "It's time to let Matthew know about that too."

  Rega pondered for several minutes before slowly raising his head:

   "I see, let's go, take Matthew to see."

ten minutes later.

  In the depths of the barracks next to the lord's mansion.

  After passing through three well-defended checkpoints, and passing through two magical secret doors and illusion walls, a step leading to the underground space appeared in front of Matthew.

  The three of them walked along the steps.

   walked for about seven or eight minutes.

  A relatively spacious underground space appeared in front of it.

   Huge braziers were lit in the four directions of the underground space, and black and red flames danced in the braziers.

   From time to time, vicious faces jumped out of the brazier, but they disappeared soon.

   Matthew recognized that it was the fire of sinful karma from purgatory!

  Because of its eternal flame, this kind of flame is also called "everlasting flame".

  The center of the everlasting flame.

  A magnificent arched stone gate looms in the darkness.

  A huge devil's head hangs high above the stone gate. His six eyes condescendingly examine all visitors as if alive, giving people a creepy feeling.

   Both sides of the stone gate are engraved with dense inscriptions of purgatory.

  Matthew noticed that the ground was also engraved with dark red ritual patterns, and all the layouts here met the needs of the ritual field.

  He noticed that the ritual field was in a strange state of semi-activation.

  The three stood in front of the door.

   There seems to be a breeze stirring in the darkness, as if the devil is caressing a person's face.

   "This is the real secret of the Blood Banner family."

  Rega introduced without emotion:

   "This is also the fundamental reason why Rolling Stone Town has been developing well."

   "Yes, we have a portal to Purgatory!"

   "As for myself, luckily, I am the 27th heir to the Blood Banner Kingdom located on the 19th floor of Purgatory."

  Hearing this, he recalled every detail of getting along with Rega during these days.

  Matthew couldn't help but ask:

   "Am I a little bit out of date recently?"

   Rhaegar glared at him.

  Looking at the complex expression on Matthew's face.

   Zeller smiled and blinked:

   "You are not bad now. The first time I saw Rhaegar when I was young, he ordered me very bluntly: 'Call me Your Royal Highness!'."

   "At that time, Rhaegar was full of vigor and ambition, and vowed to become the king who ruled the world."

   "However, after experiencing the incident in Purgatory Town, everything became different."

  Rega said in a muffled voice:

   "Don't say these things are useless, Matthew, this secret is related to the Blood Banner Kingdom and involves purgatory. I hope you can keep it a secret."

  Matthew nodded solemnly.

   Immediately he asked:

   "So, if this portal is fully activated, what will happen?"

   Rhaegar calmly replied:

   "I'll get an army from Purgatory."

   "And this world may face real purgatory from now on."

   “This is where I always hesitate.”


   Leave that underground space.

   Matthew was still full of shock.

  He knew that the Blood Banner family would have secrets, but he didn't expect the secrets to be so shocking.

  A portal to Purgatory.

   The incompletely activated ritual field near the portal alone is worth a fortune.

  Its existence can attract many little devils to approach unconsciously.

   These little devils can be seen everywhere in Purgatory, but they are rare in the main material world!

   According to Zeller, Rhaegar made his fortune by selling various materials from the little devil to the Seven Saints Alliance.

   In semi-activated state.

  The vicinity of the portal is like a monster spawning tower, and some little devils are spawned regularly.

   Available once fully activated.

   What is coming is the climax of purgatory.

  Listen to Zeller's narration.

   There is also a deeply entangled story between Rhaegar and the Blood Banner Kingdom in Purgatory and a small town in Purgatory.

   This contributed to his continued reluctance to fully activate the portal.

   Available now.

  Rolling Stone Town is facing an unprecedented threat of war.

  Although Rhaegar's attitude is still very reluctant.

  But the reality may force him to make a worse choice.

   This series of events washed over Matthew's nerves intensively.

  In the first half of the day, I received too much information, as if overnight, a stable and peaceful life was going away from me.

   While this made Matthew feel a deep sense of crisis, he also felt a little absurd and powerless.

   Rhaegar hopes to live a peaceful and stable life.

  Why not Matthew?

   As a result, after he came out of the lord's mansion, his mind was full of war, so much so that he was a little dizzy when planting trees.

   This situation continued until two days later.

  It was afternoon.

  When Matthew was inserting saplings into the hole, he accidentally stuffed two saplings into one hole.

   As a result, he hasn't found out yet!

  That scene looked quite indecent.

   "You look a little distracted."

   Until a somewhat familiar voice sounded in Matthew's ear.

  Matthew suddenly realized that he had inserted the wrong hole.

   While digging the soil, he slowly pulled out one of the saplings.

   While looking up.

  A burly, hormonal young man was standing 20 meters away with a smile and watching Matthew.


   Matthew said in surprise.

   "You were promoted successfully?"

  The two met and had a hug.

   "I followed the call of the way of the wilderness, killed that evil dragon, and completed the promotion."

   "I'm back, Matthew, and now I'm a fourth-level "Master of Transformation"! "

  Eli said emotionally:

   "I not only improved my strength in the north, but also successfully explored my way of legend.

   At the moment of promotion, natural will told me that I was a natural successor to the Way of the Wilderness, but I had a fatal flaw—

   I have too much emotion.

  It's easy for me to fall in love with a woman, and then move myself and get stuck in it.

   This is my life gate, and it is also where I must overcome.

Matthew, I came back to you, on the one hand, to fulfill my promise to protect the oak forest for you; Door.

I swear.

  I will never fall in love with a woman again.


   This is my promise to practice the legendary way! "

  Eli's declaration is powerful.

   Matthew couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

   But he also duly reminded:

   "It doesn't have to be so extreme. There is still beautiful love in this world. If you meet a suitable girl, you might as well give it a try."

   "No way!"

   Eli said solemnly.

   Then he asked Matthew with some excitement:

   "Don't you want to know what new wild form I got in the promotion ceremony?"

  Matthew just wanted to follow his words and ask.

   Who knew it was at this moment.

  Peggy suddenly rushed out of the woods, and she shouted as she rushed:

   "Matthew, come and watch the fun!"

  Matthew asked curiously:

   "What are you watching?"

  Peggy said excitedly:

   "I heard the gossip that the lady of the castellan of Deep Blue Harbor and her most beautiful little daughter will pass by the official road in a carriage, and the time is this afternoon!"

   "It is said that someone from the farm has already witnessed their appearance. Whether it is the lady of the city owner or her daughter, I heard that they are all first-class beauties!"

   Matthew's heart moved.

  He didn't think about looking at the beauties, but had a slight interest in the two visitors of Deep Blue Harbor.

   There is nothing to do around, just look at the excitement and relax.

   So he asked Eli for his opinion:

   "Do you want to go and have a look together?"

  Eli said calmly:

   "It doesn't matter."

   "It's not impossible to take a look."


   My heart still feels uncomfortable, beating very fast, I have to take a forced rest, and it will be gone at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, sorry.



  (end of this chapter)

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