MTL - A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees-Chapter 131 Little Tiger's View on Love

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  Chapter 131 Little Tiger's View on Love


  In the southeast of the oak forest, the two sides of the official road in the farm area are very lively.

  The news of the visitors to Deep Blue Harbor spread like wildfire, attracting a group of residents who love to watch the excitement.

Most of them gathered at the head and tail of the "Golden Lion Bridge" - one of the few bridges in Rolling Stone Town. It was built in Rega's father's generation. It is said that on the day it was built, a golden lion suddenly appeared. Appear and drink at the bridgehead river.

   Hence the name.

   Several tall banyan trees are planted on the bank of the bridgehead of the Golden Lion.

  In midsummer evening, many people are enjoying the coolness under the banyan tree.

  The "Old Lady River" that crosses the arched stone bridge forms a small shallow bay in that area. The river surface is stable and the water is not deep. Therefore, nearby farmers can often be seen swimming in the river with their children.

   It was early summer afternoon.

  The banyan tree is full of people.

  Because of Peggy's identity, the three of Matthew didn't get too close, but found a hidden place in the oak forest and watched from a distance.

   "I heard that the convoy from Deep Blue Harbor passed the checkpoint on the east side at noon. It can be as fast as ten minutes or as slow as half an hour. They will definitely pass here."

   Peggy said expectantly.

   Matthew didn't ask her where she heard about it. After all, Peggy is indeed good at intelligence. The entire Rolling Stone Town can hold her head in this regard. I am afraid that only Zeller, who can grasp the big and small things in the town, is the only one.

  The season in mid-May.

  The chirping of cicadas gradually sounded in the wilderness.

   In the shade.

  Matthew moved a small mat and sat down.

   A hot breeze blows over the eyelids and chin.

   Not far away, the residents gathered together and chatted about something.

   There were idlers pushing and shoving by the river, and suddenly, someone screamed, and the water splashed by the river—

  An unlucky young man was pushed into the water. He obviously knew how to swim. He jumped a few times in the water, cursing.

  People crowded around nervously, and after finding out that there was nothing serious, they each laughed for a while.

  Matthew watched this scene silently, feeling a little touched in his heart.

  The cloud of war is approaching step by step, but most people in Rolling Stone Town are still unconscious.

  Perhaps, the moment before the Red Earth Mountain army entered the golden fertile field, the people living on that land were also the same as this group of people in front of them.

  When peace becomes the norm.

  The scars of war will become more and more visible.

   "No wonder Rega has been under so much pressure recently. This kind of choice is really not that easy to make."

  Matthew sighed lightly.

  He rested his elbows on his knees and rested his chin with his palms. He seemed to be looking into the distance, but his eyes gradually lost focus.

   Until a peculiar flag with a blue background and a red cloud appeared at the end of the official road.

  People on both sides of the bridge cheered.

  Matthew woke up suddenly.

"I'm coming!"

  Peggy looked excited:

   "Matthew, hurry up and see how beautiful the little princess in Deep Blue Harbor is. If she is half as beautiful as Sif, let's take her home and make her your second wife!"

  There are too many slots in this statement.

  Matthew couldn't answer.

   Only Eli replied in a daze:

   "Matthew already has a big wife?"

  Just as Matthew was about to explain, at this moment, the sound of horseshoes suddenly came from the woods behind him!

   "Sure enough, you are here to watch the excitement!"

  A low voice came from the horseback. Matthew looked back and saw that it was the captain of the garrison, Brad the beard.

  Brad did not get off his horse, but hurriedly said:

   "Matthew, come on, follow me!"

   "Rega is looking for you, he looks very anxious!"

  Peggy said dissatisfied:

   "Are the lords afraid that Matthew will forget Sif after marrying his second wife, and ask him to go to work at this critical moment? Will he be paid overtime?"

  Brad smiled awkwardly, but he also has a way of dealing with aggressive women like Peggy:

   "I'm just a messenger."

  Matthew stretched his neck with some regret.

  The convoy was not moving fast. It was estimated that it would take five or six minutes to cross the bridge, and it would be even slower when it reached the edge of the woods.

   "I'm afraid I have to go first."

   Matthew said to Eli with apologetic eyes.

   didn't wait for Eli to reply.

  Peggy hugged Eli's little shoulder carelessly:

   "It's okay, you go, Matthew, I will take good care of your little brother."

  Eli had an unnatural look on his face:

   "Well, you can do your work."

  Matthew immediately climbed on the horseback and followed Brad to gallop towards Rolling Stone Town.

  Seeing Matthew's back disappear into the woods.

  Eli struggled unnaturally:

   "Peggy? Can you give me a break?"

   However, as if Peggy didn't hear what he said, she walked towards the stone bridge down the hillside with her arms around Eli:

   "Let's go! Let's go and have a look, you cover me, I will sneak, they can't find me!"

   You a two meter tall tauren prowling in broad daylight?

   This is ridiculous!

  Eli wanted to yell at her.

   But for some reason, the words came to his lips, but he swallowed them again.

   The two quickly came to the side of the road.

  Eli was ready to explain when someone found out, but soon he discovered that the people next to him didn't notice him and Peggy at all!

  Everyone is looking forward to it.


  The convoy with the flag on the blue background crossed the stone bridge with a pleasant rhythm.

   At the forefront are two knights who open the way.

   Followed by three luxurious carriages.

  The speed of the carriage was very slow when crossing the bridge, and everyone could clearly see—

  The windows of the first carriage are closed.

  The windows of the second carriage were open, but there seemed to be no one in it.

   There are people sitting in the third carriage, but the windows are half covered, so people can only have a vague look.

that's all.

  Three carriages and two subsequent ox carts crossed the bridge one after another.

  The crowd followed a few steps in disappointment.

  Peggy shouted anxiously:

   "Where is the lady of the city owner? Where is the little princess of Deep Blue Harbor? Didn't you just say that you can see it?"

   Others made similar complaints.

  Eli couldn't help but give Peggy a hand:

   "Be careful, don't expose yourself, it doesn't matter if you can't see people."

   Next second.

The people in the third carriage seemed to have heard the call from the people outside. The windows on both sides were pushed open, and a young and pretty face flashed by the window, her face was still a little shy .

   "Okay, Judy, say hello to everyone and go, we have to get to Rolling Stone Town before sunset, I want to take a good bath."

   A lazy woman's voice came from the carriage.

  The girl named Judy stretched out her little hand excitedly, greeting people on both sides of the road.

  People cheered enthusiastically.

  A few bums followed the carriage for a while, whistling frantically. It seemed that if there were no knights guarding them, they would go to pick up the carriage.

   The convoy gradually drifted away.

  Peggy dragged Eli back to the oak forest.

   "Wow! That girl named Judy is too cute!"

   "She should be the little princess of Deep Blue Harbor. Although she is not as good as Sif, she is barely qualified to be Matthew's second wife."

   "What do you think of her? Aren't you Matthew's friend? Give Matthew a check!"

   Peggy said to herself.


   She noticed that Eli hadn't spoken the whole time.

   So she poked him:

"What’s wrong with you?"

  Eli just came back to his senses, and murmured in a daze:

"it's okay no problem."

  Peggy said suspiciously:

   "You don't like Judy, do you? This is a bit dishonest."

  Eli blushed, and he retorted loudly:

"How can it be!"

   "If it was the woman Matthew had his eyes on, I would definitely not take another look!"

   "I have no interest in that Judy!"

   Peggy nodded upon hearing this, and let go of her hands in relief.

   After a while.

  She heard Eli ask cautiously:

   "Well, I want to find out, don't think too much, I just want to know who is the older woman next to Judy?"


   "You seem a little absent-minded?"

  The next morning.

   Matthew was going to plant a tree, but met Eli who was wandering aimlessly by the woods. Eli volunteered to help, and Matthew naturally would not refuse.

   As a result, before the two of them planted a few trees, Eli inserted the two saplings in the same hole out of his mind.

   This scene seems familiar.

   "Oh, sorry, Matthew."

   Eli hastily pulled out one of the saplings, scratching his head, looking distressed.

  This guy can't hide things in his heart at all.

   Matthew was amused.

  Yesterday afternoon, he went to the Lord's Mansion with Brad, and when he bumped into Rhaegar, the latter's state was very similar to Eli's now.

   It's just that Rhaegar was surprised that Mrs. Aliena came so quickly, but also worried about whether to fully activate the "purgatory door".

  He has gotten mad because of this incident in the past few days. He is obviously in his forties, but his face has started to burst into acne, which shows that the endocrine disorder is serious.

   In this regard, Matthew can understand Rhaegar.

  Because once the war machine starts running, it may not be so easy to stop it.

   If Rolling Stone Town can eliminate the haze of war with its own strength, that would be a great thing.

  The demon army in purgatory is really going to kill people.

   Yesterday Rhaegar called Matthew over to discuss urgently how to respond to the possible request for help from Santo Elena.

  Matthew and Zeller gave their opinions respectively.


  The "Big Three" in the Lord's Hall of Rolling Stone Town reached an agreement.

   Support is fine, but it depends on what kind of price Aliena can offer.

  If there is only female sex, the cheapest bargaining chip in the troubled times.

   Then she might be shut down.

  However, the subsequent development of the matter was beyond the expectations of the three men.

  In the evening, the convoy from Deep Blue Harbor arrived at the official station in Rolling Stone Town.

  Rega originally thought that Aliena would be impatient to see him. He even took a shower, changed his clothes in a particularly energetic way, and even put on some perfume.

Who knew that Ms. Aliena sent her knights to send a message, claiming that her mother and daughter were exhausted after traveling for several days, and they couldn't even stand up straight when they arrived at the station. They just wanted to take a bath and have a good sleep. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will visit the honorable lord.

   This trick of playing hard to get made the three men see the wrists from the east coast.

   Rhaegar looked a little disappointed.

   But Mrs. Wesley led Sif in at the right time, and the latter showed Rhaegar a recent oil painting, and the portrait on the oil painting was Rhaegar himself.

   This moved Rhaegar very much, and his mind quickly calmed down.

  In the end, when Matthew returned to work in the oak forest, he didn't run into Ms. Alena and her young daughter who was said to be as beautiful as a fairy.

   On the contrary, when maintaining the negative energy fountain at night, Peggy jumped out of the pool and shared with Matthew what she saw yesterday.

  So when he met Eli in the morning and saw him out of his mind, Matthew knew what to expect.

   The only thing that puzzled him was.

  Why not the supposedly prettier Judy, but Ms. Alena?

  After a small episode happened, Eli's attention was a little more concentrated. Matthew planted five or six trees in one go, and then gave up.

  The weather is getting hotter and hotter, the oak trees are becoming inactive, and the saplings are listless.

  Forcibly planting trees in this weather will only be counterproductive.

   Matthew will only hurry up to plant a few trees in the early morning. He is getting closer to the second goal of 3,000 trees. He is looking forward to what will happen after completion.

  Seeing Matthew packing up his things and walking back, Eli followed suit.

  The two came to a place where oak trees were dense.

  Matthew patiently checked the growth of these oak trees.

while walking.

  Eli finally couldn't hold back, and asked out of the blue:

   "Matthew, did you say yesterday that there is still beautiful love in this world. If you meet a suitable girl, you might as well give it a try?"

  Matthew smiled, turned around and asked:

   "But you also swore yesterday that you would never fall in love with any woman again."

  Eli's face turned red immediately:

   "But, she is different."

   "She gives me a very special feeling, her voice is very lazy, and there is a hint of love, a bit like... a bit like..."

  He suddenly hesitated and couldn't speak.

  Matthew asked thoughtfully:

   "Ms. Aliena's voice is a bit like your mother?"

  Eli was taken aback:

   "How do you know I'm talking about Ms. Alena?"

  Matthew shrugged:

   "It's obvious that you can't seem to resist older types of women who are good wives and mothers."

   "Samantha is actually a little older than you, she looks very mature."

  Eli honestly said:

   "She's twelve years older than me."

  Matthew said in surprise:

   "Then how old are you this year?"

  Eli thought for a while:

   "Seventeen, or eighteen, I can't remember."

  Matthew scratched his head:

   "Remember to call me brother when we meet in the future, I'm probably ten years older than you."

  He always thought that Eli was about the same age as himself!

   I didn't expect it to be a brat.

   It’s not Matthew’s fault. Eli’s appearance and temperament give people a very mature feeling. The wildness and beauty that come from the wilderness actually become the killer of some women.

   Matthew even once felt that Eli was older than himself.

   "Love has nothing to do with age."

  Eli seems to be very resistant to others saying that he is young. He deliberately said in a thick and magnetic voice:

"I do prefer older women, but I don't remember my mother's voice for a long time, it's just a very vague feeling. I overheard Ms. Alena's voice yesterday, and then I felt Very reassuring."

  "To be honest, I am very distressed now, and the natural will tells me that I cannot indulge in love between men and women.

  But I really can't seem to control my emotions.

  It can't help gushing out when it meets the right person.

  I don't know what to do now. "

  Matthew nodded secretly.

  He heard Ella mention what happened to Eli—

Eli is a human being raised by a tigress. Later, he met a druid elder from the Earth Association. The elder was also a man, and he probably behaved rough and savagely in his daily life. For things like raising a baby, he probably just needs to live. level.

  Eli obviously lacks the love from his parents, and the lack of maternal love may be even more serious, which has subtly affected his concept of love.

   "No wonder he likes Peggy because of a few meals."

  Thinking about it, Matthew felt that the little tiger was a pity, and felt pity in his heart.

"As I said yesterday, there must still be beautiful love in this world. Now you should ask yourself whether your so-called liking is real and will continue in the future. If so, Then I have no objection to you approaching Ms. Alena, although the success rate is very low, but bold attempts for your own feelings are worth encouraging, as long as you don’t lose your self and dignity in the process.”

  Matthew sincerely gave his advice.

  Eli thought after listening:

   "So the emphasis is on 'daring' and 'trying', right? "

  Matthew shook his head:

  "Wrong, the focus is on "self" and "dignity". "

   Eli frowned, lost in thought.

   It's been a long time.

  He caught up with Matthew on the other side of the oak forest.

   "I figured it out. I will find an opportunity to approach Ms. Aliena. I need to confirm my feelings before taking action."

  He looked excited.

   "Of course, I will remember the key points you drew for me, being bold and trying—oh no, it's self, and dignity!"

  Matthew nodded not unexpectedly.

  After learning of Eli's age, he gave up trying to persuade him, even though he knew that Ms. Aliena's rank was enough to kill Eli.

  You are young, it is normal to long for love.

   It is impossible to listen to the persuasion of others without receiving a few severe beatings.

  Matthew wiped his sweat and changed the subject:

   "Do you know where I can buy oak seeds?"

  Eli thought for a while:

  "Oak tree seeds are regarded as one of the most precious plant secrets by nature guardians, and the Earth Association collects a batch of seeds every year for spare use.

  A while ago, someone discovered that there was a problem with the seed bank, and a considerable part of the oak tree seeds had been stolen and leaked to the market. For this reason, the Earth Association launched a severe rectification.

  Originally, you could buy some seeds in Warden's Heights, but now because of this rectification, you have no chance to buy them.

  As far as I know, the top management of the Earth Association is very firm this time, and they will strictly control the whereabouts of the oak seeds for several years to come.

  If I came forward, I should be able to secretly ask for some of them for you, but definitely not for more. "

  Matthew was keenly aware of the hidden information in the other party's words:

   "You mean, besides me, there are people buying oak seeds in the market?"

  Eli said uncertainly:

   "It should be, since someone is stealing, someone should be buying."

   "But you will definitely not be able to buy anything now."

"Over the Watcher's Heights, due to the influence of the lingering veins of the Scar of the Dead, people are panicking and the situation is very unstable. I also encountered a lot of resistance when I went to the south this time. Fortunately, the Great Elder recognized my potential. , it didn’t stop me from pursuing my legendary path.”

  Matthew asked curiously:

   "What is your legendary way?"

   Eli coughed twice, but didn't reply.

   After a few seconds, he changed the subject bluntly and said:

   "Speaking of which, the oak forest still has the problem I mentioned before. There are only oak trees, not a forest, and there are too few other creatures. It will affect the ecological balance in the long run."

  Matthew nodded and asked:

   "Is there anything you can do?"

  Eli pondered and said:

   "Our Earth Association has a ritual field called "Life Sanctuary", which can not only maintain the vitality of the earth, but also slowly enrich the ecology of a piece of land. "

   Matthew knows the Sanctuary of Life.

he asks:

   “So can you host one for me? I can pay you.”

  Eli said awkwardly:

   "Sorry Matthew, I am a transformation master who is proficient in the wilderness. The ritual field is not my main content, and it requires a lot of energy to have a chance to build it. I'm afraid I don't have that much time recently."

  The implication is that I want to pick up girls and I don't have time.

  Matthew was not particularly disappointed, he just checked the last oak tree, and then suddenly jumped into the pothole next to it.

   "What are you doing?"

  Eli stood at the entrance of the cave and looked down, the gloomy atmosphere below made him panic.

   "After planting the tree, we are now repairing the grave."

  Matthew's voice echoed in the underground space for a long time.


   Repairing the grave is of course a joke.

   Matthew refers to "making tombstones". In the past two days, he found that this ability is really useful, and it is very cheap. It requires a lot of stones to be consumed by Xinwak on the spot.

   Troll's **** is pretty good.

   Matthew asked him to gnaw into a square so that it would not be round.

   You can even ask for lace or something.

  Of course, Matthew would not be so devoid of humanity. Shinvak actually lived a good life under his hands. He had enough vegetables for six meals a day, slept casually except for construction, and occasionally had milk to drink.

  It must be much better than in 177 hands.

  While passing through the center of the cemetery and passing the Negative Energy Fountain, Matthew finds Peggy drinking again.

  He couldn't help but joked:

   "Don't drink Peggy and save a sip for the zombies next to you."

  The Negative Energy Fountain is the favorite snack of the undead, so there are usually a large number of cemetery residents gathered here.

  Matthew set a rule for them to drink for a maximum of three minutes and must line up.

   All undead must obey.

  Of course, except for the undead occupying the contract slot.

  So he can often see Peggy drinking alone at the fountain in the cemetery, while the zombie skeletons line up in the long line behind and watch eagerly.

   "Matthew, you've changed!"

  Peggy came out of the spring and said sullenly:

   "You said before, when you establish the cemetery, let me be the master of the cemetery, and all the undead in the cemetery must listen to me!"

   "Now you drink a few sips of water and your heart aches!"

  Matthew skillfully appeased:

   "Uh, the current cemetery is too small. Don't you think it's a waste of your management skills to have only one or two hundred undead?"

  Peggy thought about it, and felt that what Matthew said made sense.

  Matthew again followed the lead:

   "Sooner or later, our cemetery will become a real city of the undead!"

   "At that time, I will let you be the captain of the urban management team. One person can be under ten thousand people, and all the undead on the street will have to listen to you!"

  Peggy was surprised when she heard the words:

   "What is the job of the chief of the urban management team? It sounds so powerful, are you serious?"

  Matthew smiled slightly:

   "When have I lied to you?"

   Peggy was immediately happy:

   "Okay, I'll cook for you, what do you want to eat today?"

  Matthew thought about it:

   "Steak, fry a few more eggs."


   Peggy cheerfully ran to work in the newly built kitchen in the stone house next to her.

  Matthew looked in the direction of the fountain, and he was relieved to make sure that the zombies whose skin surface began to crack could finally drink a sip of fresh negative energy spring water.

  It's hard to be in charge!

  He shook his head and walked quickly towards his work area.


   It's the day when Matthew started making Black Samurai!


  (end of this chapter)

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