MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 10 One Gentleman (2)

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The Lin's Flower Appreciation Conference is organized by local wealthy businessmen. It is a huge event. In mid-April, it attracted many foreigners and was one of the wonders here.

When Yueyue Mountain came down and came out of the gate, there was a bustling market, bustling and busy. Along the Yunqi Bamboo Gallery all the way east, the East Bazaar appeared to everyone.

Li Minjun took out the money bag, and when he was stunned, one person gave a piece of silver. Qin Yubao and others took it, and then they disappeared into the crowd. A right hand, right in front of him. Ming Chang Yan laughed and said, "What about my money?"

Li Minjun took a spindle from the money bag and smashed it into his palm. Ming Changyan opened one eye and said, "Not enough, give it a little more."

Li Minjun said: "Why not enough, what do you want to eat! So much, you have had a round of fun in previous years."

The Ming Banquet pointed to Huaiyu: "There is also a copy of Huaiyu. The visitor is a guest. Do you want him to pay?"

Li Minjun hated taking another ingot from the money bag: "Roll down and go to Xiaoyu's old place at night."

Ming Changyan took the money, took a fox mask from the shelf on the right hand and put it on his face, looking left and right, very proud. He stood in front of the stall, groaned for a moment, and picked out an extraordinarily cute black glass mirror. After paying the money to pick up the goods, Ming Changyan patted Huaiyu's shoulder. The other party had not responded yet, and he was covered with a dark mist.

"It's not strange, the gadgets from the western world, Lin'an is near the sea, and there are harbours. This thing is the most."

Huai Yu pushed down the glass mirror and said coldly, "Why should I wear this."

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty laughed haha: "Of course you are handsome, don't bring this, what to do if any girl is led away on the way. I'm responsible."

He held his hands and walked forward with a joss stick. During the Ming banquet, he bought a bunch of lanterns and held them in his hands. The lanterns scented and floated along the nose of Huaiyu.

After a while, the Ming feast was tired and he found a porridge shop to drink porridge. Two bowls of mellow and black glutinous rice were brought up, and Huaiyu took a sip of sweet toothache. Ming Chang drank half a bowl and saw him take only one bite. He asked, "Aren't you sweet?"

Huai Yu said, "I have a toothache."

Ming Chang Yan smiled and invited the second child, asked for a bowl of unsweetened. This bowl is also not wasted. He reached for it and sipped it with a spoon.

Huai Yu froze and said, "I've had it."

The long feast of the Ming dynasty disapproved: "Don't worry about what you drink, and you haven't poisoned it. I haven't eaten leftovers before, and I hate to waste food. Don't look at me, you look at porridge, you can take it with you."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a loud noise in my ear. The table was kicked over by the visitors, followed by a man wearing a black veil, "Give me two pounds of beef!"

Xiao Erdao said, "Hello what kind of table do you kick? Didn't you see us here is the porridge shop, where is the beef from the porridge shop?"

The man coughed suddenly: cough! Keke!

Next to him, there was a small-eyed attendant, who sang one peace and scolded, "Stupid thing! Do you know who our young master is!"

Xiao Er looked up. Huai Yu also followed, only to feel that the arrogant master was very familiar with his clothes. He raised an eyebrow: "His face is so tightly covered, who knows who this idiot is."

Ming Changyan picked up chopsticks, knocked on the bowl, lowered his voice, and drew in front of Huaiyu, mysteriously: "I know who he is."

Huai Yu glanced at him obliquely.

The Ming feast in unison with the attendant.

"A gentleman, a long feast tomorrow."

"My master is Wulin Supreme! A gentleman! A long feast tomorrow!"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty laughed, holding his chin, his eyes glowing with water, and looking at Huaiyu: "I'm right."

Xiao Eryi shook his rag over his shoulder and rolled his eyes: "Another one."

The attendant was stuck in his waist, waiting for Xiao Er to knelt his head in horror, but he didn't expect a white eye, and he hated: "Hey! You don't die! Knowing that my young master is a gentleman, he dares to be so blind!"

Xiao Er raised the table and pointed to the opposite Yuanhefang: "There were fifteen gentlemen who ate white food at Yuanhefang yesterday, and eight had their legs broken. No one was beaten yet, you are Be the first? "

The attendant changed his face and scolded: "Fuck! Our master is really a gentleman! Everything else is pretending!"

Xiao Er said: "Go and go, don't delay me in doing business, it's annoying! If I don't leave, I will close the door and let the dog go!"

"A gentleman" was indignant. He scolded him with his servants, preaching that he would seek revenge from the teachers and brothers of the Tianqing School, and ran away with his tail.

The Ming Changyan watched enough of that scene, and then came back to watch the unmoved porridge in front of Huai Yu.

Huaiyu was dressed exquisitely and beautifully, and exhausted the meaning of luxury. At the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, he guessed that the young master might sneak out to play, and could not get used to the things on the stall.

Huai Yu said, "Why are they posing as you?"

Ming Changyan laughed and said, "Because Ben Shaojun! Go, do n’t worry about this. There are not many people who pretend to be me in Lin'an. You see what people around you are accustomed to, what are you strange. Besides, I am all by your side. , You use and fake calculations. I will show you a good thing! "

He raised the lantern and strode down the street. Huai Yu hurriedly stirred the porridge twice, still not eating, and reluctantly followed him.

Ming Chang Yan introduced: "This small river is called Xiaoyu. From here, you can walk along the Guanyin Lane and you can reach the Tanshui River. The name of the Tanshui River is river, but it was actually a large lake. At that time, the emperor of the Central Plains went to the south of the river. I just mentioned it at Xianlin Bridge on the Tanshui River. By the way, let ’s eat brown sugar and glutinous rice dumplings in the building outside the building.

Huai Yu hummed softly, "I'm not a kid."

Ming Chang Yan is not upset: "Okay, you are a manly husband."

Huaiyu pointed to the curb and asked, "What are they doing?"

The Ming banquet looked and saw the two girls holding lanterns and stepping on the stool to hang the lanterns on the tree.

"This is our tradition. It's called a lantern. After the lantern is lighted, the higher the lantern, the better. The taller one means longevity, but the girl hanging the lantern has another meaning."

Huai Yu tilted his head to look at him. His face was small and he couldn't hold the glass mirror. The long feast of the Ming Dynasty gave him a push: "The higher the husband, the better married the husband."

Ming Changyan saw him staring intently and laughed: "What's so strange, there is a bigger one at night!"

Immediately after that, his eyes were attracted by a booth on the right. The crowds are crowded here, and the longest feast for the Ming Dynasty is the most fun, so they set aside everyone and stepped inside to look inside. At first glance, there was a huge empty space in front of it, the fence was very high, and numerous flower **** were hung on it. At the booth, the man in burlap linen asked, "Is there anyone to come up to challenge!"

Ming Changyan quickly asked: "Challenge? What challenge?"

An onlooker said: "Archery."

Ming Changyan's eyes lit up, and the boy pointed to the tall building next to him: "You see this tall building?"

Ming Chang feasted, "I'm not blind again, of course I can see it. Wasn't this built long ago?"

Gongzi said: "Yes. The height of this building has wonderful scenery in the Mid-Autumn Festival. If you stand at the highest place, you can pick up the moon. Many years ago, this house was bought by the owner of the Zhao family. People have fun. Before the Lantern Feast, they asked people to hang a flower ball upstairs. Whoever shot all of them could get this floor! "

At a glance at the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, the archery table was about 100 meters away from the high-rise building. It was not difficult to hit the flower ball in the fence, and it was rare to shoot the flower ball in the building. There are seven or forty-nine windows in this building. Each window is hung with a flower ball. Participants need to bow and shoot arrows forty-nine times.

The son continued: "It is already difficult to shoot the flower ball in the building. If you want to hit the forty-nine arrows, it is even more difficult. It is like climbing the sky!"

Another said: "That's it! This question is too tricky, unless it is a long feast here! Who else can do it!"

After listening to the long feast of the Ming dynasty, he said modestly: "Xiaotai is ridiculous."

The man was inexplicable: "I exaggerate what you say at the long feast!"

He was stunned by Ming Changyan and laughed, "Okay, how do you participate in this competition?"

The son said: "Five hundred copper plates at once!"

Ming Changyan said: "It's so expensive? I'll take it eight times! By the way, don't you say there are flowers in the building, why don't you see them hanging out?"

The son said, "You don't need to hang it out. It's good to hit a few fences. No one at the flower ball in the building shot."

The Ming banquet paid for it, and the stall owner found a good bow for him, picked eight good arrows, and sent him to the archery table.

Ming Changyan stepped onto the stage, suddenly turned around, lay on the fence, and looked at Huaiyu under the stage with a smile: "Well, Xiao Huaiyu, do you look there, do you like it!"

Huaiyu folded his arms with both hands and looked in the direction pointed by the Ming Chang feast. There are some weird things piled there, such as jade pendants and jewelry. Anyone who hits the flower ball can choose any one to take away. He said: "Children like it."

Ming Chang held his chin and laughed, "Don't be so cold, like what, I'll shoot you!"

Huai Yu turned his head and ignored him.

The Ming feast had to stop and went to power to bow and shoot eight arrows. The arrows were all a hundred meters away. The little cricket who picked up the flower ball got into the fence, and after a while, shouted, "All hit! All hit!"

There was an uproar under the stage.

The owner of the stall arched: "My son is good at archery!"

Ming Changyan unloaded his bow and said, "Good to say, yes, Huaiyu, tell you to choose what you like, did you choose?"

The stall owner said, "Don't you try the flower ball in the building? If you hit, the tall building is yours!"

Seeing the unique ingenuity of this building, the long feast of the Ming dynasty was very beautiful and itching, but it was helpless. He was good at using needles, and didn't study archery. At this moment, he shot a few flower **** at random and asked for some fun, so that he could get some small gifts and give them back to the students.

He said, "I'm in a hurry, I won't shoot."

Cold, a hand slammed on the table. As soon as he took it away, a small bead of pure gold caught everyone's attention. The stall owner shuddered and looked up. Huai Yu said, "Prepare arrows."

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was dumb, and after returning to God, he quickly went to get the little gold beads on the table: "You have to shoot a few times, just use broken silver, what is that so much money for!"

Huai Yu was righteous: "I don't have broken silver, only this."

Ming Changyan had a sore toothache, and said, "It's really a rich man's master. He doesn't even have a small change when he goes out."

"If you can't do it, you're too bad! Close it up!"

The feast of Ming Changyan was about to put Xiao Jinzhu into his arms. Huaiyu shook his hand impatiently and shoved Xiao Jinzhu into the arms of Ming Chang feast. He took out another one and hit it on the table .

The stall owner's eyes were swift this time. He grabbed Xiao Jinzhu and groaned with a smile: "Little officials are very generous. You can take the arrows here and shoot them any number of times!"

Huai Yu said: "I don't want the fence inside, I will hang the flower ball in the building."

The stall owner froze, and then laughed: "Little officials want to shoot the flower ball in the building. This has never been shot before, which is a bit difficult."

Huai Yu said, "Let you hang."

In a short while, there were forty-nine windows in the high-rise building, each of which was hung with a flower ball.

Ming Changyan laughed and said, "Are you really okay, don't miss it by then, call me and cry."

Huaiyu ignored and stood on the archery table. The audience heard that the teenager was about to shoot a flower ball in the building and rushed from all directions to see it. Applause is there, and when Huaiyu is young, so are those who are bad. It was a long feast for the Ming Dynasty. Before he came on stage, he was afraid he would miss the shot. After he came on stage, the loudest voice was this person.

"Huaiyu! Take a shot! Don't worry!"

One person on the side saw him leaning on the fence, and the whole person was about to turn over, so he reminded him carefully: "Brother, please be careful. Is that your brother?"

Ming Changyan looked at Huaiyu intently, perfunctoryly: "Huh? Oh, um, um, um."

The man patted Ming Chang's shoulder and pointed to the archery stand opposite.

It turned out that another man was on another archery table: shooting a flower ball into the fence. His distressed lady, wearing a small veil, stood on the fence, nearly half of her body turned inside, and shouted with a small handkerchief: "Sangong! You see it! Don't be impatient!"

Ming feast: ...

At this point, Huaiyu had pulled his arrow and pulled his bow. Ming Changyan quickly held his breath and stared at the arrow in his hand. After a while, the bowstrings became loose, and the arrow was like a bamboo shoot, a cloud through the moon, the first flower ball in the middle of the building. Everyone in the audience had no time to take a breath of air, and saw Huaiyu without breathing for a moment, and then put three arrows, arrows and arrows through the heart, hit every possible hit!

So three arrows rushed together, less than half an hour, and only one arrow left. When Huaiyu pulled the bow again, it was a bit laborious. At this moment, everyone was silent, and everyone was watching the young man on the stage with their full attention. He let go, and shot the last arrow. All forty-nine arrows are cleared! Upstairs, no flower ball has been seen.

Picking up the ball Xiaoyan was stunned, shocked and stunned, only half a while before he regained himself, shouting: "All, all hit !!!" 2k novel reading network

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