MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 9 One Gentleman (1)

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Lin'an Water Village, Tianqing Mountain, white wall tile, green brick green willow. High-rise painting pavilion, Xiufang bead curtain, tea house wine shop, ship traffic. It is a view of a bustling city well, Heqing Haiyan.

There is a corridor around the Yanbo River, and the eaves teeth peck high at the Lake Tower. The guests upstairs are like a city, facing three tops and five downstairs, and the people downstairs fill the streets and lanes. Dozens of tables are lined up in a row, and the audience gathers. The storyteller spit, flying with his hands and mouths, and speaking of the wonderful place, there was something terrible, which was incompatible with the surroundings.

A woman, a crazy woman appeared at the end of the street.

To be precise, this is not a crazy woman, but a crazy man. This is not because of anything else, but because anyone can see that this person is a young man. However, he wore a veil, fat and powder, and swaggered across the market, attracting attention.

If an inner disciple of the Tianqing School passed by, he would recognize that this 'mad woman' is not someone else. It is the world's first martial arts. His reputation is unparalleled. Idols in the hearts of thousands of knights. , A thought of a gentleman Ming feast Ming Shao——

Ming Shaoxia, while stroking and arrogant, was ridiculous, human-like, shameless, and cursed fiercely in his heart: Li Minjun, the old man, waited for Ben Shaoxi to return to Tianqing, and had to pull you out No hair!

One month ago, the Ming banquet bet with his fellow student Li Minjun, and the wine order won the other party, and then he teased him. He called Li Minjun strong makeup and put on a little girl's dress and performed a dance on the Tianqing training martial arts field. For seniors and sisters only.

I don't know if Li Minjun is small-minded-this has nothing to do with the fact that Tianqing sent money to him. Anyone who cares about counting money cares about it. After one month, the two again ordered a drink order, but this time the loser was a long feast. Li Minjun must report, immediately threw a skirt to Ming Shaoxia, and told him to go down the mountain to find a man to come back.

Ming Changyan thought of this, he hated his teeth, reached out and grabbed a weak scholar.

The scholar has never seen an eight-foot-long girl. Although Ming Shaoxia's face looks good, the scholar couldn't hold back his hand strength, shivered, and even said ten 'girls for life'!

Ming Shaoxia asked, "Does this girl look good?"

The student replied: "OK ..."

Ming Shaoxia said again: "Since I look good, then you come home with me."

The scholar rolled his eyes and screamed, "Okay ... the man is alive !!!"

Ming Chang Yan frowned and released his hand. The scholar ran away like a ghost. He thought to himself: What is so scary that Ben Shaoxia is so handsome?

With this in mind, he cursed Brother Li in his heart again: 枉 I treat him well, but he dare to remember the revenge so far, so humiliate the head brother, this revenge is not a gentleman!

Fortunately, the long feast of the Ming and Qing dynasties lasted for several years, either wearing a bucket or covering a black veil, mysterious and unpredictable, no one knew its appearance. Because of this, he dared to sway and wore women's clothing, so ostentatious under the moon in the mountains in Tianqing.

The feast of the Ming Dynasty feasts that he is very handsome. Even if she is a woman, she is also the most beautiful woman.

Therefore, Ming Shaoxia is annoying.

He walked forward swiftly, and the two passersby conceded. In the setting sun, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty has so far failed to find a man, and his heart is depressed.

Back to Tianqing empty-handed, naturally nobody dared to say him. It's just that the long feast is a bit arrogant, and martial arts must be the first in the day. If you don't accept everything, you must stand out, even if you bet you can't lose to others. He couldn't do anything, wailed in sorrow, complained to the sky, and cursed his brother and sister, and a young man walked slowly towards the gate of Lin'an City.

Cold, sullen for a while. Ming Changyan glanced up and found a plan in his heart. He reached out and took an umbrella from the booth on the left. He said, "Money is on Tianqing Li Minjun. Look back and find him to go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the pouring rain suddenly fell, and the Ming Changyan did three steps and two steps and walked towards the teenager.

This person is Huaiyu.

Ming Shaoxia was holding an umbrella and offered his affection in a timely manner.

"Little official, why not go home when it rains?"

Huai Yu glanced at him coldly, and the Ming Changyan only asked himself to raise his face and snore: "Are you nowhere to go? Would you like to go to my house for a cup of tea?"

Under the umbrella, Huaiyu could get soaked no matter he turned left and right. Ming Chang feasted on the same height as him, hugged his shoulders, and familiarly said, "I don't think you dress and dress like a native of Lin'an, from a foreign country?"

Huai Yu couldn't say a word, but this did not affect the interest of Ming Changyan in speaking.

"Visiting relatives? Visiting friends? Enjoying mountains and rivers? Or passing by?"

Huai Yu said, "I'm looking for someone."

Ming Chang Yan smiled grinning, "Who are you looking for? I'll help you find it. Lin'an will have no one I don't know."

Huai Yu groaned for a moment and blurted out a name: "A gentleman, a long feast tomorrow."

After listening to the Ming Changyan, he laughed suddenly and laughed enough, and said, "Then you can find the right person! I know where the Ming Chang Yan is. Come with me."

Huai Yu said: "If you lie to me, I will kill you."

Ming Yan feasted for a moment, raised his eyebrows, suddenly reached out and wanted to bounce his forehead, and was avoided by Huaiyu, he said: "How old are you? Are you seventeen? Mouth. "

He asked, "What are you looking for for a long feast?"

Huai Yu snorted softly, "Isn't he the top in the world, I'll see what the top in the world looks like."

The Ming Chang feast is not strange because he doesn't show people in real life all year round. In Lin'an, he likes to come to see him. Ming Changyan touched his nose, and said loudly: "What he looks like is not human-like. If there is any difference, he is very handsome!"

He looked at Huaiyu with great interest: "What are you asking him to do? Are you here to challenge him? IMHO, there are endless people who come up to challenge him, never heard of a winner."

The two held an umbrella together and walked towards the Yueyue Mountain.

On the way, Huai Yu froze for a long time, and finally couldn't help asking, "Why do you wear a skirt?"

Ming Changyan said: "Huh? Skirts? Oh, yes, yes, skirts, I like them and I wear them. Why?"

Huai Yu pursed her lips and turned her head subtly.

Ming Chang Yan didn't care about his own skirt at all. He walked under his feet and became windy.

As soon as I stepped on the stone steps, a white shadow flew head-on, and smashed into the arms of the Ming feast.

"Brother! You are back!"

Ming Changyan picked him up, oh, and bounced on his head: "Qin Yubao, have you finished your homework?"

Qin Yubao said: "Done, brother, who is he?"

Ming Chang feasted, "He? He is ..."

Huaiyu said coldly: "Huaiyu."

The feast of the Ming dynasty was as good as the flow: "Huaiyu. A good friend of mine."

Qin Yubao is only eight or nine years old. She is exquisitely carved, and carved with pink jade, which is lovely.

Suddenly, a hearty laughter rang out in Tianqing Gate. A gray-clad man hurried out and shouted: "Have you come back from the Ming Banquet! Has he brought his man back? Hahahahaha! Just him That virtue, I think it was beaten back! "

Qin Yubao shouted cleverly: "Second Brother."

Li Minjun replied: "Yubao, why are you tired of him again? I'm persuading you to confess your defeat at a long feast. If there is a man in this world who can see you back, I will go backwards today. Go down to the mountain ... "

He had a sudden meal, startled, and stared at Huaiyu: "Who is this!"

Ming Chang Yan laughed with a stomachache, and after laughing, he flirted handsomely: "As you see, my man!"

Li Minjun took a look, ate a cricket, and hummed, "Nonsense!" He clenched his fists at Huaiyu, very ashamed: "My son forgive me, today is my teacher's brother betting and playing. Shape, you don't have general knowledge with him. "

Ming Changyan threw a pack of Chinese medicine into his arms: "Where are you talking nonsense? I took the medicine and I will take it to Hua Girl later. Qin Yubao, where do you go and ask your little brother to practice sword!" He turned and looked at Huaiyu: "This, this Huaiyu friend, aren't you looking for a long feast, I am."

He drank a handful of water in the pond in the courtyard, wiped the rouge from his face, and revealed a pair of affectionate eyes, a clear face, and a bright moon.

Li Minjun said: "Hurry up and change the skirt, it's a shame. Yunan! Help your brother bring a piece of clothes!"

Xu Xun, Ming Changyan changed a black suit, and a shawl embroidered with a dark pattern on his shoulder. The hair was tied three times with a hair rope, half tied and half loose, hanging from the waist.

Huaiyu asked curiously, "Where's your fight?"

Ming Chang feasted, "Why don't you hide your face at home?"

Huai Yu was a little surprised: "Aren't you afraid I will tell you what you look like?"

Ming Changyan sat down, poured a bowl of tea for himself, and grinned, "I can't wait for it. I'm so handsome, I would like to know it all over the world. Save a bunch of old immortal choreographers who are as ugly as Luocha Wear a black gauze to make a ghost. "

Huai Yu apparently didn't believe that the first place in the world was such a filthy virtue, and frowned and asked, "Are you really a gentleman?"

Ming Changyan peeled a peanut and threw it in his mouth.

Huaiyu was young and imposing, and asked, "How are you like this?"

Ming Changyan must answer the question: "Of course, come one by one, one by one!"

During the talk, the rain was getting weaker.

At the gate of the mountain, a young boy in white came under an umbrella. Inside the room, Qin Yubao said, "Brother Mingyue is back."

Ming Chang feasted him: "Why, don't you go out to meet?"

Qin Yubao said: "Brother Mingyue is always gloomy and doesn't talk to me. I don't like it."

Ming Changyan laughed, and Mingyue has reached the main gate. He first paid his respects to the long banquet of Tong Ming, and after a few chilly moments, he hesitated for a moment and glanced at Huaiyu.

Huai Yu was eating snacks and drinking tea, and turned a blind eye to his hostile eyes.

Mingyue found a delicate jade pendant from her arms and put it on the table. The Ming banquet put down the peanut rice and asked, "It's fragrant. The flowers have been blooming these days. Is the Lin'an flower banquet coming soon?"

Mingyue nodded: "Just tomorrow afternoon."

Qin Yubao said: "Brother, I want to go to the Flower Appreciation Conference. I have learned the Tianqing Six Swords. You can take me to see it!"

Ming Changyan clapping his hands: "Okay, it just so happens that these days will be empty to take you down the mountain to play."

Mingyue turned and walked outside, and the Ming feast stopped him: "Mingyue, where are you going? Come with us tomorrow!"

Mingyue said dullly, "I don't even have to. I'm too dull, not as talented as Yubao. He even learned the Tianqing Six Swords. He asked me to go out to play, delaying the learning of martial arts, and even his master's level could not keep up with him. Lost the face of the Tianqing school. "

Discussing talent in the inner disciples of the Tianqing school, in addition to the one who happened to be out at this time, the other is Qin Yubao, the youngest here, but since Mingyue can enter the inner door, the talent will not be bad. Compared with a large number of ordinary qualified colleagues outside the door, it is already a lot higher. Ming Changyan used to know that Mingyue was very high-spirited and very unpopular. Therefore, among many children in the door, he used Mingyue's patience the most and was the most caring.

Ming Changyan got up, walked around him, bounced his head, Mingyue hissed and rubbed his forehead.

Ming Chang feast: "That's right, how old are you, what do you pretend to be. Everyone goes to play together, but you don't want to go, how boring!"

Mingyue mumbled, "I don't like it."

"You don't have to go to see how you know whether you like it or not." Ming Changyan patted his back: "Go back and take a good rest, keep your spirits up, and don't allow you to practice martial arts secretly. You will be lazy today."

Huaiyu asked, "What is the flower appreciation?"

Li Minjun said: "You are from a foreign country. I do n’t know that our Lin'an Flower Appreciation Conference in April is held in the Tanshui River under the Taohua Temple Guanyin Temple. In addition to the flower viewing, there are also temple fairs and stalls that eat more. The Ming banquet takes you there, and he loves to make up for these excitements. "

Ming Changyan played with his hair and said, "I'll go."

Li Minjun picked up the jade pendant on the table and threw it to Ming Changyan: "Hang this up when you go, don't hang it, and your Mingyue teacher will be more careful again."

Ming Chang Yan happily hung Yupei around his waist. "Why, you are so jealous, I didn't send you, are you unhappy?"

Li Minjun sneered, "What's wrong with me, I'm not your man."

The Ming banquet glanced at Huaiyu, remembering his gambling appointment with Li Minjun, and touched his nose and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. I'll go down the mountain tomorrow and I will buy one for Huaiyu.

Li Minjun said: "Since you brought it back, you look at the arrangement."

Ming Chang feast: "It's always in your Lord, why should I arrange it!"

Li Minjun Zhenzhen shouted, "He is your man, not my man!"

Ming Changyan was dumbfounded by him, and after a moment, he said, "I'll arrange it, I'll arrange it, look at your stingy look. Alas, I heard that the accounts are pretty stingy, will you get more and more in the future? ? "

Li Minjun said: "A few words can choke you to death."

The long feast of Ming Dynasty laughed and went to Huaiyu's shoulder. "Do you like flowers? I like it very much. What is this transparent stone on your neck? It's strange ..."

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