MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 105 Grand Banquet (32)

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Ming Changyan coughed and turned her face.

"Have you found your umbrella?"

Huai Yu said, "What are you doing with your back to me?"

Ming Chang feasted: "Because I think my back looks better."

Huaiyu put the umbrella in his arms, took it at the Ming feast, and said with a smile: "Relax, I will go early and return early."

Opening an umbrella, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty went to Langya Creek.

The rain outside was very heavy, and the long feast of the Ming Dynasty entered the rain, and soon there was a layer of water mist on the body.

The place where the blind monk agreed with him was in a ruined temple in Langya Creek.

If you want to walk into this ruined temple, you have to go through an alley.

As soon as Ming Changyan stepped into this alley, a **** smell came from the rain. But looking around, I didn't see any corpses.

He walked two steps forward and found a place where the color of the floor tiles was very different from other colors. The Ming Changyan had been mixed on rivers and lakes for many years, and at a glance, it was obvious that it was stained with blood. It's just that the rain is too heavy. After the corpse has been treated, most of the blood has been washed away by the rain, so it looks like there are only some deep traces.

Ming Chang Yan frowned and glanced more.

However, he didn't think much.

After all, this time, almost all dead people outside the house become a common thing. This unlucky ghost didn't know who was killed. He had no name or surname. Now, even his body is gone.

After watching the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, he took the umbrella and entered the temple.

Heavy rain outside and light rain inside.

He entered the temple and propped up his umbrella again. The blind monk was already standing in front of the Buddha statue in the temple and waited for a while.

"Old abbot, how long have you been waiting?"

The blind monk smiled and said nothing.

The feast of the Ming dynasty was very kind and gave half of his umbrella to the blind monk.

The monk thanked him, got up, and the two stood in a place where there was no rain.

Although the blind monk's eyes were blind, they acted as usual.

Ming Changyan looked at his movement and couldn't help but said in shock: "Absolute Zonglu, after your eyes are blind, it seems that it has not affected your life."

Zong Lu laughed: "If you are blind for many years, you will get used to it."

Ming Changyan saw that there was no rain here, so he closed his umbrella.

Zong Lu didn't know where the two tea bowls from the ruined temple were. Zong Lu held both bowls in his hands and touched them. Finally, he handed him the one that was still intact.

Even if a bowl is intact, the side of the bowl is potty and difficult to get out of.

The old bowl of hot tea was poured into the bowl.

"Before drinking, take a moment."

Ming Changyan, as he said, washed the bowl, and Zong Lu arrived at the second bowl of hot tea.

"The poor monk heard that you don't like drinking."

The long feast of the Ming dynasty said, "What you hear is too much."

Zong Lu said: "To talk to you, naturally understand you."

Ming Chang feasted: "If you really understand me, you shouldn't tell me something here now."

He took a sip of tea, and as expected, his lips were cut a little, and he took a sip and tasted bloody.

Ming Chang put down the tea bowl, Zong Lu had already spoken.

"Little donor doesn't want to know, how are the poor monks' eyes blind?"

Ming Changyan said: "Of course I want to know. I also want to know, you are obviously the abbot of the Dahan Temple, why did you fall into this demise. Speaking of which, you are not qualified to teach me."

"It seems that the identity of the poor monk has been figured out before the donor came." Zong Lu said mildly: "The poor monk and the small donor are both fallen on the horizon."

Ming Changyan asked, "How blind are your eyes? You don't get bored by yourself. Looking at you now, you are in conflict with Dahan Temple?"

Zong Lu nodded: "Yes. The poor monk's eyes were taken away by the three princes."

Ming banquet: "Three princes?"

Zong Lu said: "Now is the three kings."

Ming Changyan: "Good, what does he do with your eyes?"

Zong Lu said: "The poor monk and the three kings have some verbal conflicts. The third king has been in close contact with the Dahan Temple since the second year you received the Cang Sheng Ling. Support what he did. Originally, everything was all right, because the three princes' ambitions are big, but the wings are not hard enough, and they always care about you. "

"After two more years, there was suddenly a doorman beside him."

Ming Chang said: "I know. The favorite of these princes and grandchildren is to recruit talents from all over the world."

Zong Lu said: "This door visitor, the poor monk doesn't know where she came from and what she can do, she only knows that she is a woman."

The long feast of the Ming dwelled slightly.

Zong Lu continued: "The three kings have this doorman, and gradually have a gap with the poor monks."

Ming Chang Yan interjected, "Don't you just have a gap before?"

Zong Lu laughed: "It's just that our suspicions are bigger now."

Ming Changyan asked: "Too big he decided to dig your eyes?"

Zong Lu: "No. The three princes are not a softhearted man. He cut off the grass and rooted, and his peers united to try to kill the poor monk, but the poor monk had a large life and escaped."

Ming Changyan said: "This is what you want to tell me?"

Zong Lu said: "The poor monk is not telling you these things."

"Three years ago, although it was the great prince who sent you to encircle you, the three princes actually controlled it behind my back. What I want to say is that you did not die because of the martial law.

Ming Chang Ban: "Why did you say that? At that time, you were no longer in Dahan Temple?"

Zong Lu: "If the poor monk is in the Dahan Temple, there will be no one to besiege you. Little donor, do you know the rain shower?"

Ming Changyan smiled slightly: "Why don't I know, this is my old friend. Haven't you heard the rumors of the rivers and lakes, saying that a gentleman is a rain shower?"

Zong Lu said: Of course, the poor monk knows that the rain array is not you. After all, you were forced to die in the same year. "

The long feast of the Ming dynasty said: "This is very interesting. I was forced by the six martial arts and jumped into the Yanbo River myself. Why is this a rainstorm?"

Zong Lu took a bowl of water, took a sip, and slowly said: "After you died, only a part of the martial arts that were destroyed on the rivers and lakes was Zhuang Xiao crooked and hit you. He is now taken out as a shield, but He did not do all the martial arts, and half of them were cleared by the rain. "

Ming Chang Yan said: "Then the rain array is really the martial arts of the Suqing River and Lake Center?"

Zong Lu asked: "What is the wrong mind art? The right mind art is the imperial court, the wrong mind art is against the school of the imperial court. It is this group of people who want to clear the rain array."

Ming Chang feast said: "Include me."

Zong Lu nodded: "Including you. Since the little donor has won the order of life and disobeys the court, it is conceivable that you must not be left."

The Ming feast of Ming Dynasty was not completely the same, saying: "But I have never touched Rain Array, how did he kill me?"

Zong Lu said: "How do you know that you have never been in contact? Do you think you are just out of luck, just killed a thousand thousand, you are jeopardized by the six majorists, and finally killed? They are afraid that you are rain array, afraid You said nothing to destroy them, fearing that you haven't shown up for many years since you debuted. It is an attempt at Wulin of Central Plains. Isn't there a pusher behind this? "

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty looked right: "So, does this legendary character really exist?"

Zong Lu said: "You haven't met, how do you know."

He listened, with some suspicion in his heart, but was afraid to confirm. He killed Qian Qianqiu and was led by one person so coincidentally. Someone's martial arts are similar to him, even above him. What person is in close contact with the three kings, and also has a meeting with the lord of the month. Ming Changyan pursed his lips without saying a word.

In fact, the answer is obvious. If this person is Hua Yunshang, then it means that she has been in the game since the two people met in Central Plains!

Ming Changyan clenched his fists in both hands, then released them, closed his eyes and opened them again, and finally exhaled.

"Why tell me this?"

Zong Lu said: "Since I can't stop you, at least tell you what I know."

He continued to ask, "Are there any other news about the rain shower? What is the originator of the three kings you said?"

Zong Lu said: "The poor monk does not know. The three kings obey her, and no one can shake her position."

Ming Changyan said: "Is it a demon girl? The three kings look like emotions."

Zong Lu said: "That's what the poor monk wants to tell you. Little donor, if you haven't died, Yujin will be looking for a chance to strike you. This person is unfathomable and mysterious, and I hope you will be more careful."

Ming Changyan said: "So, I hate rain, and there is no reason at all."

Silent for a long time, Zong Lu suddenly said, "One more thing, the poor monk is asking for a small donor."

Ming Chang feast said: "Monk please say."

Zong Lu said: "After the incident, can the poor monk go to see the kid in the prison?"

Ming Changyan said: "Children? Zhuang Xiao? He is still locked in the prison. If you want to see, you shouldn't tell me about this, you should go to Huaiyu."

Zong Lu smiled, "Isn't it the same for you?"

Ming Changyan unconsciously touched his nose and looked away.

Walking out of the ruined temple, the rain has already collected a lot.

The old monk was different from him, and he went to Taiwei Temple alone for the Ming feast.

At the war observation site, he wobbled and found Li Minjun.

At this time, the canopy was supported on the viewing platform, or watching the rain or hiding under the canopy, of course, there were also people with umbrellas.

Ming feast is one of them.

Li Minjun saw him, his eyes gathered for a moment, and when the Ming Long Banquet came up, he said, "Dying! You know how to come back!"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty handed the umbrella to Qin Yubao and replied, "What are you doing? Li Minjun, you are really more and more like a vixen."

Li Minjun gritted his teeth and said, "I'm like a vixen? Who is it? You are so happy to be here, just walk away. If you don't come back next time, can you say hello to us!"

Ming Chang feast said: "Good to say good to say. How many came out this morning?

Li Minjun said: "This morning? Two, why don't you ask how many people died today?"

Ming Changyan looked at him.

Li Minjun sank his face: "People who came out yesterday are almost half dead today."

Ming Chang feasted: "What you are nervous about, I will not die. You will not, rest assured, my brother covers you."

Li Minjun: "Wow, great grace and great virtue, nothing can be rewarded."

Three beeps, the official start of the afternoon game.

The heavy stone door slowly opened, and at the door, a behemoth with a long howl appeared in the eyes of the spectator.

Everyone exclaimed: "What is this!"

Even the Ming Long Banquet looked at it with interest.

Qin Yubao said: "It's an elephant!"

On the stage, an elephant is standing still. On the elephant's back, there is a very cute and cute girl dressed up. Her hair was braided.

She looked young, only fourteen or fifteen years old, with two white legs falling down and swaying on the elephant's back.

Li Minjun said: "Why is there such a young age!"

He paused for a moment, then suddenly said, "What is she looking at?"

Ming Changyan looked at the situation and made a sigh.

Li Minjun said: "What are you so surprised at? People you know?"

Ming Chang Yan nodded and said, "Yeah. But not very familiar. It can also be said that we can't get familiar."

The girl sitting on the elephant's eyes glowed, and was very enthusiastically talking to another youth.

It's a pity that the young man didn't reply to her at all when faced with frost.

Ming Chang Yan explained: "Have you seen the young man beside her, the one who is a little distance away from her. I know him."

Li Minjun didn't know Duan Ye, so he stretched his neck and saw nothing.

Ming Chang Yan did not expect Duan Ye to play the next day, so to speak, most of the exquisite people are also in this field.

He looked to the direction of Zhengdong. Sure enough, the grandma who did not see any figures yesterday was being guarded by the guards at this moment.

And she herself, eagerly lying on the railing, did not look like a dignified princess, waving her hand to cheer Duan Yu.

Ming Changyan looked at it, and his heart was worried, and he secretly said, "Ancestral ancestors, they are almost out!"

Fortunately, there is Chu Xiaoyun beside Grandma.

The future emperor, it is estimated that there is no way to take the grandma. The princess clamored to watch the game, and he had no choice but to accompany him. While trying to prevent Grandma from stepping down, she also coaxed her.

Grandma was cheering Duan Zheng, but unexpectedly, she shouted halfway and stopped suddenly: "Who is the woman around Duan Duan?"

Chu Xiaoyun smiled and reminded her: "A man riding an elephant."

Grandma said: "Crap! Of course, Princess Ben knew she was riding an elephant. I mean, why did she talk to Duan Duan!"

Chu Xiaoyun said: "Duan Gongzi is a talented person, naturally there is a young girl admiring it."

After listening, Grandma was quite surprised: "Is it?"

Duan Hui grew up with her since she was a child, and never talked to anyone, only listening to what she said. Of course, she has never left her too far, just like her shadow. Now, after hearing this speech, she hasn't reacted yet, and Duan may leave her.

"Why do some people like paragraphs, I don't allow it."

Chu Xiaoyun laughed and said, "Where does Wan Duan like her?"

Ah Yan slammed: "That won't work! Listen to me, I told him not to like it, he won't like it!"

After a while, Grandma said, "This woman is really abominable, she doesn't play well, and dares to talk to Duan Duan. My father mainly gives her a little color!"

Chu Xiaoyun couldn't laugh or cry: "Princess, IMHO, you won't do martial arts."

Grandma was full of momentum: "I don't know how to martial arts! I didn't say I hit, I'll call Ming Chang-"

After talking halfway, it got stuck.

Grandma quickly glanced at Huaiyu with Yu Guang, and quickly changed her mouth: "Let the elder brother Yan Chang slap her! I don't believe it, she also played first in the world!"

Chu Xiaoyun said: "Princess Grandma makes sense. But why does Ming Ming help you?"

Grandma said: "Why didn't he help me, that's what it said since ancient times, that Changyi is a mother, and Changyi is a mother. That's what you know? So, he has to help me!

After saying this, Grandma was a little bit nervous and turned to ask Huaiyu carefully: "Brother Huaiyu, can I?"

Huai Yu looked at her, and for a long while, she said, "The first half is fine, but the second half is not."

The author has something to say: 小鱼: Hmm! 2k novel reading network

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