MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 106 Grand Banquet (33)

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Grandma did not dare to understand the depth of Huaiyu's words. She looked like a frightened little quail bird, narrowing her neck and turning her head.

Chu Xiaoyun rarely saw this little ancestor eating maggots, and felt very cute in his heart, but comforted his mouth: "If the princess is really uneasy, after a while the game is over, we will go to see Duanzi together."

Grandma said: "That's what you said, of course you want to go!"

Immediately after the game in the afternoon, Grandma poked away the crowd and rushed towards the Southeast Gate.

Zhengdamen left the stadium with a large number of people, crowded and could not see his head. In comparison, there are a lot fewer people at the Southeast Gate.

Grandma drilled her head forward with a sullen head. Unexpectedly, she walked halfway, her collar tightened and she was lifted.

Ming Chang feasted: "Get off in no time. Where are you going?"

Grandma's rapture had no face, and Zhang Yawu cried out, "You put me down!"

Ming Chang feasted: "Let you down? I haven't settled with you yet, little boy."

Grandma spit out her tongue and said, "What do you think of me?"

Ming Chang feasted: "I was in the stands just now, why did you turn it out, do you know how dangerous it is?"

Grandma was guilty for a moment, and soon she couldn't help saying, "You're so fierce! Well, it's like this before marrying in. If you marry in and take care of me, you can't turn it up!"

After that, he shouted behind the Ming feast: "Yeah! Brother Huaiyu!"

A long feast for the Ming dynasty, looking back, there was no one.

Turning around again, Grandma is already running far away with her skirt on.

She was panting and sweating so much that she finally saw the southeast gate.

As soon as Aya's eyes lighted, she didn't stop when she approached the door, but rushed directly into Duan's arms, then jumped on him.

Duan Min catches her silently, Grandma touches his hair affectionately and praises: "Duan Duan, you are doing very well, and you are doing very well today!"

Duan Min nodded, Grandma patted her heart, panting, "I'm exhausted."

She shook her leg and didn't plan to jump out of Duan Huan's arms.

Grandma has been habitually nurturing since childhood, and with Duan Qiang, she has developed the habit of allowing people to hold and walk without jumping down and walking on her own legs. Eight years old and nine years old are fine. Later, with the increase of age, Grandma finally has a different consciousness between men and women, and at the beginning of love, she admired Liu Liu. Facing Duan Jun alone, she still didn't have the concept of separation. How about hours, now. The queen did not mention that no one in the palace dared to say that she was not.

Duan Yiyu is non-love, but inseparable.

The palace knew that she and Duan Zhe were naturally aware that the relationship between the two was not a relationship between men and women. But to outsiders, don't have other meanings.

Just then, with a long howl, everyone turned away.

Southeast gate, a giant, slowly walked out.

Grandma stared for a moment, and hated in her heart: It's that annoying girl!

The elephant-riding woman, who is not too old, is covered with tinkling silver ornaments, and hemp flower braids hang down to the right. The elephant is not too old, and it looks like an underage baby elephant, but this baby elephant is covered with various flowery decorations, even a lot of pendants on the nose, gems, pearls, inlays Between the forehead and the forehead of the baby elephant, it looks extremely dignified.

Grandma said: "Who is she?"

Beside him, a person said, "I don't know which country it is. I only know that this person is Chu Chu, and her elephant is Pepe."

When Grandma heard her name, there was a resentment in her heart.

Chu Chu Huazhi came out, saw Duan Ye, and quickly waved and shouted: "Hey! That porcelain doll!"

A pouting, he shot back, "Who are you and who allowed you to call him a porcelain doll?"

Chu Chu supported his chin with a smile and blinked.

Her eyelashes were very long, and she blinked like two fans when she blinked: "You ask me who I am? I haven't asked who you are yet!"

Chu Chu said: "Who are you, why are you sitting on my future horse?"

After Grandma heard it, a "hum" in her head exploded.

Who the "horse horse" is is self-evident. Obviously, it means Duan Ye.

Grandma screamed, "I'm not sure!"

Chu Chu said: "Why not? I don't want you to be my pony. Who are you?"

Grandma's face flushed with anger: "I'm his friend!"

Chu Chu said: "Your friends in Central Plains, do you care so wide?"

She paused, not too big, and fueled the fire: "Why can't you come down? Are you provoking me? Well, my favorite fight is!"

Chu Chu added: "If I win, the porcelain doll will be my pony."

Grandma said: "Who is your horse, who is going to fight with you! I said no, it just won't work!"

Chu Chu didn't listen to her at all, the elephant's nose was raised high, and at the same time, a terrifying bone whip in her hand also came out, almost hitting Grandma's cheek.

When everyone thought that a tragedy was about to happen, for some reason, the bone whip suddenly settled in mid-air. In a short while, I heard a "ding", a flash of silver light, bone The whip immediately returned.

Chu Chu was terrified. Soon, she put away her expression and asked coldly, "Who is it? Someone has come out and beat him upright."

"That's a pity. I don't hit women."

A voice, a man with a black cap on his head, appeared in the sight of everyone.

Grandma said: "Yes ..."

She didn't say anything, but closed her mouth sharply.

Grandma jumped from Duanmao and got behind Ming Changyan.

The people who came were not others, but the Ming feast.

She suddenly found the backing like a puppy that had failed in a fight in the hutong, and hurriedly preached: "Okay! Aren't you going to fight, my father-my girl to stay with me to the end!"

"However, I'm very good. You must beat my men before you can fight with me!"

Chu Chu scorned: "Your men? Just now, it's just that I'm not ready to attack my villain, what's so good about it!"

She pulled the whip, but did not intend to get off the elephant's back.

Grandma was so arrogant that she had caused people around her to worry about her.

After all, she looks very thin, not to mention fighting with Chu Chu, even if she survives a whip, I am afraid it will be difficult!

But Chuchu, everyone saw it just now. The woman came out of the peach blossom forest without any scars on her body, showing the high level of martial arts. If there is a ranking in the rivers and lakes, it will be within twenty.

Someone persuaded: "Little girl, you can lose. The other party is different from you. It's not a messy girl!"

"Yeah, see what you look like. Who is the young lady you stole?"

"Hey, the young lady in Central Plains is really short-sighted, I don't know the sky is high. Isn't it good to stay in the boudoir and embroider well, you have to run out and blend it!"

"Let me say, you still have to lose. No matter who your men are or who your father is, you shouldn't provoke her!"

Grandma said: "You're annoying! One more thing, I'm going to chop all your heads!"

She looked away suddenly and stared at Chu Chu.


Chu Chuzhi proudly said: "How do I?"

"We played!"

Chu Chu said: "Fight with your men? Yes, I have to see, what do you have."

After Chu Chu said, "But if I want to fight, I also have requirements. I won, and the porcelain doll must belong to me."

Grandma said: "No. I don't!"

Chu Chu said: "You are really Rory. I don't think you're looking for anybody. I simply beat you to death. I dare stop anyone!"

As soon as the voice fell, the bone whip was raised high.

Grandma quickly hugged her head and sighed at the Ming Changyan: "Ama, you're so troublesome for me."

Grandma said pitifully: "Brother Changyan!"

The Ming Changyan dealt with the little girl film, and didn't even move the position.

That bone whipped up and down, no matter from what angle, with any strength, can never hurt Ming Changban half. Chu Chu's heart was horrified. With a close look, Ming Chang Yan stood still in place!

She secretly said: "Damn, what a ghost!"

Chu Chu shouted: "Pepe!"

Pepe's upper body was lifted slightly, the elephant trunk extended, and she wanted to make a long feast.

Ming Changyan said: "I don't hit women, but I didn't say I don't hit elephants. If you really think about it, if you really like it, you better not send it to Huangquan Road."

Chu Chu pursed her lips, regardless of, rushed towards the Ming Chang feast.

Just then, suddenly, a large net came over.

Chu Chu was agile and quickly rolled to the ground to avoid disaster. The elephant was caught, and at this moment, he was screaming a few times and rolled on the ground.

Chu Chu's face changed.

People in the surrounding rivers and lakes were also horrified.

Two neat and huge troops quickly surrounded the Southeast Gate.

The crowd exclaimed, "It is the Imperial Guard!"

Leng Buding, in front of Grandma, the two leaders looked down on their knees.

"Lian Su and Zhou Yan are late for rescue!"

Grandma loosened her hand, pulling the sleeves of Ming Changyan's sleeves loosely, and she wondered, "Why are you here?"

In the Guards, Chu Xiaoyun stepped out slowly.

"Of course I called it."

Grandma looked at him.

Chu Xiaoyun was a little bit angry: "This is the feast of the feast, isn't it a child's play? Jianghu swords have no eyes. If I hurt you, how would I explain to the Queen."

Grandma whispered: "... I'll be fine!"

Chu Xiaoyun said: "Your courage is too great. Princess Dang, here is a noisy conversation with a foreign woman."

Grandma touched her nose, unconvinced: "She provokes me first!"

Chu Chu on the other side, his face has changed several times.

The first was that the clumsy girl turned out to be the princess of Central Plains.

The second is that I didn't expect to meet the two top ten masters of Jianghu Lulu here.

The leader of the fire formation, Lian Su, the leader of the soil formation, Zhou Yan, the two martial arts high strength, are current masters. Due to the imperial court, he never showed up easily, and now when he comes out, two come out, how can he not be surprised!

Looking at the Ming feast, she could not help thinking: Who is this? Can Princess Zhongyuan be so dependent?

Surrounding the audience, I dare not speak.

Two masters sit in town, who dares to say that she is not. Especially those who just said that Grandma was a young lady who didn't come out of the cabinet, she was so frightened, her legs trembled, and she could not wait to die immediately.

Chu Chu said: "No wonder you speak so arrogantly. It turned out to be the princess of the Central Plains, so I've lost sight of it!"

Grandma hummed, "It's too late to be afraid now!"

Chu Chu said: "When did I say that I was afraid. You put my Pepe out, and our competition is still counting!"

Grandma said: How difficult is this?

All she needed was a command and the elephant got out of the net.

Chu Chu said: "But before I fight, I have to ask."

Grandma: "You ask!"

Chu Chu said: "Who is the man next to you? The one who hit my bone whip with a hidden weapon just now."

Grandma was shocked.

She glanced back at the long feast, only thinking for a moment, then started talking nonchalantly, "He's me, hey ... bitch!"

As soon as this remark came out, not only was he silent, even the onlookers were silent.

Ming Changyan's body is a man in all directions, but he doesn't show up at the moment. Instead, he wears a bucket hat and a black veil covering his face. Maybe he is really a woman!

Moreover, Grandma insisted that he was not a man. Everyone saw that she was well-informed, and said that she was right, and could not help but believe the three-pointer.

"Are you surprised? Haven't you seen a woman dressed as a man? Thank you for being a man!"

Chu Chu watched a long feast for the embarrassed and said, "I haven't seen anyone dressed like this."

Grandma vowed frankly: "That's it. That means you have shortsightedness!"

Chu Chu said: "You say he is your sister-in-law, is he the second or third princess?"

Grandma said: "What two kings and three princesses? I don't recognize them as brothers, hum, my brother is a little country minister!"

Chu Chu couldn't help but be more horrified, shocked in her heart: Yun Qing turned out to be a broken sleeve!

When the two talked, the crowd suddenly came out alone.

Seeing him at Ming Changyan, he froze for a moment.

This man was wearing Dayue's clothes, and he was a little puzzled: "I wonder if Mrs. Guo Xiang can take off the bucket, and I just saw you, it really made me very concerned."

Grandma said: People in Dayue Kingdom?

She whispered, "Brother Changyan, who is this?"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty was not good. It was an acquaintance of Dayue who was named Kuba and ranked 11th in Jianghululu. Also, it is a good helper for his father-often helping his father to help. Ming Chang's heart was tight, and he secretly said: I don't know how long he stood in the crowd and how long he listened. It's not a good thing to meet now!

He whispered, "A person I can't see."

Grandma said, "Since you can't see it, you're missing."

Chu Xiaoyun smiled slightly and immediately knew. He completely ignored what the man said, just as if he was a burst of air and waved his hand to retreat the Guards.

Grandma dragged the Ming feast and led him into the carriage.

Cobar said: "Slow!"

He lifted his feet and chased, rushing forward, vowing to open the fight for the long feast. The needle of the Ming Banquet was still ready to go. At the very moment of the round, a bow and arrow was like a bamboo shoot, and the sound of a cricket was nailed to Coba's feet.

Being impartial, if you go further halfway, you can pierce your feet.

Grandma was overjoyed and said cheerfully: "Brother Huaiyu!"

Huai Yu looked cold, pulling his bow, the second arrow, facing Coba's heart.

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