MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 112 Grand Banquet (39)

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The main entrance of the Taiwei Temple has been blocked, and the Ming Changyan greeted Li Minjun before entering the Dongmen. Qin Yubao put his sword on his waist, and he got into the crowd three or two times, like a fish. When the long feast of Ming Dynasty let go, people were gone.

Ming Chang feasted: "I don't care about him anymore, I will never lose it."

Huai Yu moved, and his left hand supported his waist. The crowd squeezed him to Huaiyu's side, and the Ming feast had to walk close to Huaiyu. Fortunately, after the section of the main door was crossed, it was not crowded when it came to the side door.

Huai Yu's hand on his waist did not take it down. Head-on, I bumped into the thirteen guards and stood firm in both rows. The long feast of the Ming dynasty stood still and pulled open the hand of Huaiyu.

The Thirteen Guards saluted, and Huai Yu went inside without squinting. Ming Changyan reacted. This place is estimated to be a special passage. After being intercepted by the 13th Guardian, ordinary people have no way to enter from here. He is now completely in the face of the small country minister, and no one is stopped when he enters and exits.

The further you go inside, the fewer people. In the Taiwei Temple, after a long stone corridor, the two's destinations were completely separated, and they could no longer go the same way. Huaiyu is going to the viewing platform of the Royal Palace, while the Ming feast is going to the second group's location. The destinations of the two places were opposite, and the Ming feast waved and said, "I'm gone."

Unexpectedly, Huaiyu suddenly took his hand.

Ming Changyan smiled slyly, turned around, and held his hand back in his own hand: "What are you doing, let me go?"

Huai Yu pursed her lips and snorted softly.

"The finals are different from the preliminary rounds. Everyone has signed a life and death status. After entering the field, regardless of life and death, they will listen to destiny."

Ming Changyan didn't care: "I know better than you, I don't worry about what you worry about. Besides, I haven't died in so many years, which means I won't worry about it this time."

Huai Yu was not very happy to hear him speak like this.

Ming Changyan knew in his heart that he grinned, closed his eyes, slightly stepped his feet, and raised his head.

He was wearing a bucket hat, and a black veil covered his face, but at this moment, because of his movement, the layer of veil seemed to be hidden between the two, and then he was pressed out into a graceful arc. The long feast of the Ming dynasty was veiled fiercely, and he kissed Huaiyu's lips hard, his hands clenched tightly around his neck, and he secretly warned himself to let go, otherwise, if he kissed again, he would not leave.

After a kiss, Ming Changyan opened his eyes and jumped out for a long time. He waved and greeted, "Huaiyu, remember to look at me for a while! Well, you don't have to be angry with me, I have my own way to ensure that I won't get hurt. . "

He was in a good mood, so that in the second group, the smile on his mouth did not fall.

However, he was wearing a bucket hat, and no one saw his face.

Dressed exactly like him, he also wore a bucket bucket, and that Ouyang was seeking defeat. Ming Chang Yan couldn't help thinking, he was very destined to be defeated with this Ouyang, no matter where he went.

Qin Yubao saw him at a glance, and was about to greet him, but Ming Changyan made a forbidden gesture.

The latter stepped in a footstep and immediately looked ahead, very obedient, and no longer had any sight contact with the Ming Changyan.

At a glance at the Long Banquet of Ming Dynasty, the ten people in the second group, except for Ouyang Qiuqiu and Qin Yubao, were slightly familiar with themselves, everyone else's face seemed quite strange. The girl who rode the elephant was not in the second group. And the second group he was in, at a glance, there were few acquaintances. There is a bald man who looks extremely tall and looks like a small mountain bag from a distance, which is of great interest to the Ming feast.

This bald man was born fiercely, with two deep scars on his left and right eyes, and his body looks as wide as two of his own. He is about two meters tall and has muscles. His upper body has a complex tattoo on his back. Can't understand what's going on. An iron chain that was as thick as a baby's arm was slung over him four or five times and wrapped around him. The man wore only a pair of linen trousers, and his two feet barely fell to the ground, each with a big lock on his ankle, extremely heavy.

After observing the long feast of Ming Dynasty calmly, he thought: What a strange dress, where is this person?

He was still thinking, but unexpectedly, someone around him had already asked it.

"This man is strange, but does anyone know where he comes from?"

The man spoke sharply and sternly, scaring Ming Changyan, and even almost made him think that he had accidentally said the sentence.

This person is a Central Plains man, and the Ming Changyan hurriedly went to see him dress, like a person in Migu Valley.

The person in Mi Migu was probably relying on the other party's inability to understand the official language of Central Plains. He spoke recklessly and discussed with the people around him: "He has such a big head, and when he fights in a while, he may not be what he is going to be stung ! "

Ming Changyan squinted his eyes and carefully recalled in his head a name that was coming out.

The next moment, one person said: "Cui Yixian, you have been living in Migu Valley all year round. It is really ignorant. This person is a Kunlun slave."

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty suddenly realized, Cui Yixian? What Cui Yixian, isn't this person Cui Chengsheng, the wonderful hand doctor of Mimi Valley?

Speaking of this person, there was even a little impression of the Ming Changyan. When he first met with Huaiyu, he encountered the tragedy of the marriage of Yan Luo, at that time, the wonderful hand doctor immortal also pushed all his faults on himself. However, the Ming banquet was a bit strange. He folded his arms with his hands, and leaned over his heart. Strange, seeing him at that time was just average talent, not to mention being able to reach the finals, if he could not be beaten too badly in the first election, it would be considered him.

But now, it seems that this old friend of Mi Migu not only didn't get hurt, but also the spring breeze, radiant radiance, depending on the state, indeed martial arts surged. Ming Changyan touched his chin and was puzzled. He couldn't help but look at Cui Chengsheng twice, and felt that he was really over-spirited, slightly different from others, and strange.

Cui Chengsheng asked: "Kunlun slave? What is this?"

The recipient was also a Central Plains man, but Ming Changyan didn't know who he was, only to see that he was wearing a purple dress, his legs were as thick as radishes, and he was called purple radish for the time being.

The purple turnip has a goatee and squeezed it. "Kunlun slaves are a remote people. They are as strong as cows, born with divine power, and very obedient. They are mostly slaves raised by nobles."

Ming Changyan was startled: slave?

Cui Chengsheng said: "So it is now. The feast of the present is really not as good as one year. Even the slaves of other people can enter the final." He looked at Kunlun slave, but the other side did not look at him, Cui Chengsheng ignored it, and said "It's almost nobody."

Purple turnip said: "Kunlun slave, don't belittle it."

Cui Chengsheng dismissed: "Bad and stupid, what fear?"

Ming Chang Yan laughed.

Cui Chengsheng immediately looked at him, and then laughed, "Who am I? It turned out to be a junior gentleman!"

The word "a gentleman" is a time of ridicule. For nothing else, there was simply a "gentleman" at the scene, and the contempt and ridicule in Cui Chengsheng's words were written directly on his face.

The feast of the Ming dynasty was not to be outdone, and arched his hand: "Dare not dare. Originally I wanted to say hello to you, but unexpectedly your reputation was not great. I thought about it for a long time and didn't think of your name."

Cui Chengsheng has made more progress than that year, but instead of saying a sentence or two, he can make him fierce. He sneered, "The stinky kid who **** milk will only hide behind the dipper and pretend to be a ghost, and I will show you to King Yan Luo after a while."

Ming Chang feast said: "It's early, what if you're going to see the King?"

Cui Chengsheng secretly said: I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with this stinky boy. When I get off the field, I just try a new sword and solve him with one move.

The final of the Grand Banquet is different from the preliminary round. Everyone who has arrived at this game has basically put aside life and death. If the master moves, the winner will be determined within the two moves. The winner will be the king, and the loser will be killed on the spot. For many years, in the last two games fighting for Cang Sheng Ling, there were countless deaths and injuries. What's more, one game came down and all were destroyed.

The best time was the year of the Ming feast. The crowd was gathered together, and before they could not be separated, when you were alive and dead, the little boy who knew the heights and heights pulled out the life order.

This time it's fine, you don't have to fight!

Cui Chengsheng thought of this, seeing the long feast is like looking at a dead person. As if the long feast of Ming Dynasty has been killed under the sword.

The drum of Taiwei Temple sounded, and the long feast of the Ming dynasty patted the clothes and put them on the court with everyone.

The Peach Blossom Forest in the preliminary round has been withdrawn. Today, there are 120 stone pillars. There are 20 people in each group. One chooses a stone pillar to stand. The rules are simple but straightforward: whoever drops the stone pillar first loses, until there are only twelve people left on the field.

The martial arts used are not limited, and the weapons are not limited. You only need to let yourself stand to the end to enter the final tomorrow.

As soon as he entered the field, everyone turned over the stone pillars and waited for Liu Cang to light a pillar of incense, which was the start of the game.

Ming Changyan looked to the direction of Zhengdong. Through the veil, he couldn't see anything at all, but after a few more glances, he felt quite stable. Turning his hands back, his eyes fell on the field.

Twenty people had already fallen in their chosen positions, each equipped with a sword, except that the long feast was all in one and nothing was taken. Even Ouyang, another "gentle gentleman" who was promoted like him, was defeated, carrying a big knife behind his back.

Even if the crowd had not yet fought, Chang Xiang had not ignited, but on the battlefield there was a shout of arms, and the roar rang through the sky. Ming Changyan covered her ears, waiting for this roar to pass. I don't know if Liu Qiang played with him. When he saw that he vacated his hands and covered his ears, he rekindled the incense, and the game began immediately.

Xiulinglong was sitting next to Liu Qing, and when he saw this behavior, he covered his mouth and grinned, "Aren't you afraid Yun Qing will come back to find you?"

Liu Cangwei smiled, "If you want to hear the truth, then I tell you, I'm scared."

Xiu Linglong said: "Afraid? I don't think you're scared at all."

Liu Cang said: "These two guys didn't call me a little on weekdays. I occasionally played tricks and made sense. Presumably he wouldn't bother. Do you think he will be affected?"

Xiu Linglong laughed lowly and stopped talking.

On the court, one person has moved.

The Kunlun slave first roared loudly, tearing the chain on his back rudely, a total length of seven or eight meters, with two heavy iron **** hanging at the bottom of the chain. Kunlunnu lifted the iron ball. Within seven or eight meters, all the people on the stone pillar were within his attack range. These people flew up quickly and jumped to another stone pillar.

On the battlefield, the shouting of the mountains was deafening.

The long feast of the Ming dynasty chose the pillars far from the center, and no one attacked for a while. When Kunlun slaves came down, they made thousands of enemies, and almost everyone who had been attacked with his hammer now attacked him.

It was not allowed to continue watching the long feast, a bone whip, rushing in with the sound of the wind. The long feast of the Ming Dynasty fluttered backwards and fell on the stone pillar behind him. The stone pillar he was standing on was crushed by the bone whip.

With a close look, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty laughed, "It's you."

In front of him, Chu Chu was wearing a short skirt, her calf was wrapped around a thick twine with thumbs, and she was wearing a pair of straw shoes, lively and playful. It is a pity that his face is not so playful, Liu Mei's eyebrows are upright, and his eyes are round.

"You lied to me!"

Ming Changyan said with a smile: "Strange to say, how did I lie to you? You took a whip when you came up, but you didn't get it last time, right?"

Chu Chu cursed: "That's how you lied to me first!"

Ming Changyan said strangely, "What did I lie to you?"

Chu Chu said: "You clearly say that you are Yun Qing's wife. Now you are a man again, and you have reached the final!"

"How did I lie to you--" Ming Changyan said in general, stuck.

Suddenly he laughed.

Chu Chu said: "What are you laughing at?"

Ming Chang feast said: What is laughing, it is not the matter of laughing.

In broad daylight, he wants to admit himself ... that's not possible, it's one thing to do, and another thing to talk about. Ming Shaoxia flatly refused to talk to a Huangmao girl.

He said slowly: "First of all, this is not what I said, it was Grandma's trouble. To find you and to find the trouble of Grandma's girl. Second, you are looking for me, are you fighting?"

Chu Chu stunned.

The next moment, the left shoulder, right leg, and lower abdomen were accompanied by severe pain.

Several long needles, like bamboo shoots, passed through Chu Chu's limbs.

Ming Chang Yan smiled and said, "Before the fight, don't chat first."

Although Chu Chu was passed through by needle, it was just the same. After a bit of pain, there was no feeling. That needle is not like other people's pie, it is filled with □□, and just passed through so ordinary, so that Chu Chu, who has been crawling and rolling in the rivers and lakes since he was a child, stumbles again.

Ming Chang Yan's move is not killing, it can be called a funny cat.

Thinking of this, Chu Chu's face was distorted: "You look down on me ?! Come out with your true skills!"

She was trying to raise her bone whip, but she didn't want to be able to move her body.

Ming Chang Yan laughed and laughed: "This is my true skill. When you meet me, you're lucky. Now you can keep one leg and one hand, and you don't have to die here, you can go home and sleep."

Chu Chu's martial arts are not said to be among the best, but they are also outstanding and have never been so suppressed. She gritted her teeth and tried to mobilize her body, to no avail, whether it was broken by internal force or other methods, all failed.

Ming Changyan said: "You better not struggle, as far as I know, no one can solve this method except myself."

Chu Chu shouted, and at this moment, Cui Chengsheng of Mi Migu finally found the place for the Ming feast. Before he came on the court, he vowed to make the long-distance feast beautiful, but now that he finds it, he can't wait to put in wings to fly over and solve the long-distance feast within one move.

In the past, Cui Chengsheng didn't dare to be so confident. He said this in the Taiwei Temple, which is full of masters, but now, his heart was filled with a strange power, so that his brain could not only fight, but also move forward. Want nothing at all.

He desperately needs to kill Ming Changyan and use his blood to cool his rising mood.

Cui Chengsheng stepped into the snow with no trace of light work, and in a moment, he pulled in the distance between the two.

He stared a moment before seeing the Ming feast before seeing Chuchu.

"Kill this woman first, then this stinky boy posing as a long feast."

A voice rose from his heart.

"If you want to blame, blame this woman for being unlucky. Whoever lets her stand here!"

Cui Chengsheng drew his sword and pulled out a fierce sword flower, stabbing towards Chu Chu as fast as lightning.

Chu Chu could not move, exclaimed stuck in his throat, knowing that the sword came down, he would undoubtedly die.

Too late to think, Chu Chu closed her eyes, waiting for death to come.

"Hello!" Was the sound of the bone whip colliding with the sword.

Chu Chu suddenly opened his eyes and looked at his hands in surprise. Her body, unable to move at all, now blocked her with a sword. She was horrified that this action was not made by herself. Her hand seemed to have her own consciousness, she raised it high, and her bone whip was still tightly held in her hand.

Suddenly, she shook her eyes with a hint of silver light. At the wound through which the needle passed, a silver thread came out from the wound, and at the end of the thread was the right hand held by Ming Changyan.

Chu Chu suddenly returned to God: he controlled me!

This block of the Ming Changyan was also very surprised. In his impression, Cui Chengsheng is just an unknown member. The three-legged cat in the third-rate can't have such great strength and such a strong internal force, which is beyond his expectation. Did he have any unknown encounters in the past two years?

Chu Chu scolded: "What do you do!"

Ming Changyan looked at her and said indifferently, "Save you. It hurts to see you don't cherish your own body so much. Just because I'm very afraid of pain, it's better for you to borrow my body for the best of both worlds."

After all, he slightly moved his right hand.

At the same time, Chu Chu's arms were also raised high, injecting a second whip of internal force, and severely pulled towards Cui Chengsheng.

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