MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 113 Grand Banquet (Forty)

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Ming Chang Yan praised without hesitation: "The response is good! I thought you would be very uncooperative!"

At the same time as his voice sounded, there was the sound of the stone pillars breaking into stones and collapsing.

Chu Chu clenched his whip tightly, and glanced at the Ming Chang feast in a breath. Ming Chang Yan laughed, not afraid of her staring.

"Don't stare at me anymore, this wonderful hand doctor will take your life and you won't stare, but stare at one who will help you in turn. Hello makes no sense."

Chu Chu could not bear it: "Shut up!"

Ming Chang Yan laughed and said, "Hey, remember Yunli, he's here again!"

After all, Chu Chu made an instant decision, the internal force in his body circulated throughout his body, and finally converged on his hand. A whip was drawn out, and even if he rubbed the other person's body, he could drink a pot.

When Ming Changyan controlled her, she didn't think of cooperation. The result was unexpected. Chu Chu responded quickly at the first whip, cooperated with him internally and externally, and worked extremely well against Cui Chengsheng.

Cui Chengsheng had no chance of winning the Shangming long banquet alone. Now with the help of Chu Chu, the three whippings, Cui Chengsheng was a bit defeated.

Chu Chu's eyes were fierce, deadly, the whip cut through the air and hummed, and it sounded appalling. Chu Chu said: "I don't dare to attack me."

Cui Chengsheng was less than forty years old this year. He was called to be immortal by Chu Chu, and his heart was also angry.

"Hehe, Huangmao, I don't know how high the sky is. I will kill you first, and then kill him!"

Chuchuhaha laughed: "Arrogance, find death!"

She pressed her hand on the bone whip, not knowing which mechanism was held down. With a click, hundreds of small hooks appeared on the bone whip, growing on it like barbs. Just by looking at it this way, you can imagine what the flesh would become if it was drawn by this whip.

Cui Chengsheng was a little scared to see the barb on the bone whip. But this insignificant emotion was soon overwhelmed by another kind of rising blood and blood in the body.

The more powerful the opponent, the more murderous in his eyes, the densely packed bloodshot climbed into the eye.

At this point, the Ming Changyan finally found something wrong.

Chu Chu exhausted all his strength, all the internal force was poured on the bone whip, Cui Chengsheng screamed "Ah," speeding over, Chu Chu had no time to spare, ready to meet the sword.

She doesn't know how much martial arts is higher than Cui Chengsheng, but she is preparing for this trick to understand Cui Chengsheng's life.

Unexpectedly, when Cui Chengsheng rushed towards her, Ming Changyan suddenly controlled the silver thread and pulled her back.

The sharp pain of the acupuncture exploded inside her, forcing Chu Chu to have to withdraw her internal force to protect her body from pain. At the same time, her limbs were also firmly controlled by the Ming Changyan, not like Fang Cai, but also gave her some free movements.

At this moment, Chu Chu had to follow the action of Ming Changyan and jumped back, avoiding the attack of Cui Chengsheng.

Chu Chu narrowed her eyes and anger, "What are you doing! Are you sick!"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty looked dignified, and took Chuchu back to the side of the field. The two of them controlled each other and withdrew from a dozen stone pillars.

Cui Chengsheng had wild hair at this moment, his hair was disheveled, and sweat was dripping with his saliva, and he did not look like an ordinary person.

Huaiyu frowned at the battlefield of the Palace Palace facing east. The two head guards realized that they were not right, and winked at each other. Qi Qi knelt before Huaiyu. Silent for a long time, Huaiyu concluded and ordered two sentences. The two head guards responded and took the two teams down the stage.

At the moment, at the other end of the Taiwei Temple, the voices of Cui and Lan, like Lei Guaner, were explaining Ouyang's defeat.

Ouyang's struggle for defeat and Kunlun slaves were so entangled that they were inseparable and hard to find. Therefore, no one noticed the movement over the Ming Changyan.

Xiao Lan said, "What a beautiful skill! Ouyang's sword-seeking technique is amazing. At this time, I want to say that he is a gentleman. I have some faith!"

Xiao Cui said: "I guess he should be that day. It took half a column of incense time to come out of the peach blossom forest. It's not too bad!"

Hearing this, Ming Changyan said in his heart: When was Ben Shao's figure so burly? Ridiculous, slanderous, spitting blood.

Speaking late, then fast. Cui Chengsheng yelled at Chu Chu again while roaring.

Seeing this scene, Chu Chu suddenly stopped and realized that something was wrong.

"What happened to him, looking like a lunatic?"

The two are far enough from Cui Chengsheng, plus Cui Chengsheng exhausted his sword just before, but did not hurt Chuchu. At the moment, he was exhausted, rushed to half, stopped, and was taking a short rest.

Ming Changyan said, "So it's not that I'm sick, it's that he's sick, and that it's a disease he found himself."

He said so, Chu Chu talented, and immediately understood.

"He took medicine!"

Ming Changyan said: "Otherwise. I said how this man's martial arts progressed so much in just two or three years. It's literally a rebirth. If there were such talents already, how could it wait until now that it was late? ? "

Chu Chu said: "Xi Wu is most particular about a talent. He is almost forty. This is called a late bloomer. This is an old and dying struggle! Even if he dares to take medicine, he simply does not take the rules in his eyes."

Ming Changyan said: "When he took the medicine, he had forgotten the rules."

The feast of banquet brought together the world's heroes, everyone wanted to be first, and everyone wanted to be in the limelight. However, the strength and talents of some martial arts, some characters are there. Whether it is five years or ten years, it will never be possible to make any progress.

If this group of people want to make a change in the feast of the feast, there is no other way than to take some strange medicine to strengthen their internal strength and body.

In the early years, those who took medicine were very mad, which led to the messy rules of the entire feast. Later, this matter was included in the restricted area, and participants were absolutely not allowed to take medicine. Gradually, the fairness of the feast of the feast was maintained.

Otherwise, the weaker medicine becomes stronger, and the stronger medicine becomes more powerful. Would n’t it be unlucky for those who have no medicine to eat and no money to buy medicine, but have good martial arts skills?

Chu Chu said: "How dare this old man, wasn't it forbidden to take medicine in the early years? Once found, it was rushed out directly, and he would not be allowed to participate in the game forever.

Ming Changyan: "Who knows, I thought no one would find it. Unfortunately, he was unlucky and hit me."

Chuchu wondered: "Is there really such a big change in taking medicine? I don't think he looks like a normal person anymore."

Ming Chang Yan's brow frowned deeper, and he said: This is where I doubt.

The previous few banquets were closed to Zen, although some people took medicine, but no one has ever taken medicine to the finals. This Cui Chengsheng can be said to be the first person from ancient times to the present.

Ming Changyan said: "The medicine he took must be different from the previous one. It is extraordinary. Be careful."

After listening, Chuchu said silently, "Why are you so afraid of death? Afraid of death and pain, are you really a martial artist?"

Ming long feast: "It's a long story, I used to be very scared of death and pain."

Chu Chu asked: "What are you afraid of dying now?"

Ming Changyan said: "Now I feel good to live, I can't bear to die. Is it painful, you little girl doesn't understand, I'm too lazy to tell you."

Exactly, Chu Chu was too lazy to understand him.

Ming Changyan suddenly raised his voice and shouted, "He's here!"

Chu Chu snorted, "I killed him. You untie the line for me!"

Ming Changyan thought for a moment and said, "That won't work. I have to figure out what medicine this wonderful hand doctor is taking, and I can't kill him."

Chu Chu was too late to respond, exclaiming, her limbs fell completely under the control of the Ming Changyan.

The Ming Changyan controlled her like a delicate doll. Chu Chu left him to design every move. She was clearly holding a whip, but she used Tianqing swordsmanship.

Cui Chengsheng's weird screams of Zhangya dance claws seemed to have been completely stunned by the intense medicinal effect. The Ming Changyan secretly renounced it, and said, "I don't know what medicine this person took. This looks like it's out of the limelight, and I feel shameful."

Cold, he jumped lightly and landed on another stone pillar.

Chu Chu danced with his movements, every move, every move, and exquisite. Sure enough, her set of moving movements immediately caught the attention of Xiao Cui and Xiao Lan.

"This man's martial arts are good, very clever, and without delay."

Xiao Lan answered, "But. But a little strange."

Xiao Cui said: "What's strange?"

Xiao Lan said: "You see that she uses a whip, how does it feel like she is using a knife? Or a sword?"

The two spoke with a loud voice covering the audience. As soon as he spoke, he attracted the attention of more than half of the audience. Chu Chu was immediately exposed to the sight of everyone.

The decisive battle scene at the Taiweimiao was too big and the number of eyes of the spectators was limited. There were two in total. It was impossible to see all the fights. At this time, Xiao Cui and Xiao Lan's commentary became particularly important. For the sake of fairness, the two generally caught the most exciting fight in a very short time, guided everyone to look there, and then explained it. Make fighting more understandable and exciting.

Generally speaking, Cui and Lan will get the latest ranking from Liu Cang before the players enter the stadium, so as to explain the best. Or if anyone, who, or who is putting money in Xiulinglong, then this part of the people will also receive attention.

And the Ming Changyan is so ordinary, there is no such thing as “prestige” and nobody knows the “small characters”, naturally it is impossible to attract the eyes of Cui and Lan. If it weren't for the set of martial arts paths that the Chuchu set out to kill, the two might not have noticed this corner by the end.

Of course, when everyone noticed Chu Chu, everyone also noticed Cui Chengsheng.

The line of the Ming feast was long enough, it was about seven or eight meters away, and stood on a relatively hidden stone pillar to control the Chu. After being blocked, no one noticed that there was a third person in this field.

At the same time, Liu Cang also noticed Cui Chengsheng. He stood up, took a few steps forward from the viewing platform, and frowned.

After a moment, he turned his head and said to Xiu Linglong, "Cui Chengsheng is very strange, have you secretly sold medicine again?"

Xiu Linglong held an umbrella and fluttered the fan lightly: "Liu Sanqing, you also despise me so much. Xiu Linglong doesn't have the ability of this day.

Liu Chuang said: "It's strange, not you, who else?"

Xiuling stood up slowly and slowly, and the enchanting lay on the wooden railing, looking towards Cui Chengsheng.

Cui Chengsheng now looks like a six-kind monster who doesn't recognize him. He just knows that he rushes forward, eats human flesh, and drinks human blood. In a short span of time, he changed from a normal man to a hysterical lunatic. This medicine is so toxic that it is not something Xiuling can make at all.

She said slowly: "Although the little long feast said that I was an adulterer and a bad woman, I didn't annihilate my conscience so much. Look at what Cui Chengsheng looks like now. Where is the medicine? Is it poison?"

Liu Cang pondered for a moment and said, "You're right. If it is medicine, even if it can improve the internal strength of the person who practiced martial arts, it will not be possible for him to reach the final. If it is poison, it will be clear."

Xiulinglong: "The person who poisoned him is estimated to use poison to attack the poison, which has inspired all the potential in his body. This man is a wizard with poison, but unfortunately violates the law of nature and creates something that kills people." "He didn't want Cui Chengsheng to survive at all. Regardless of the poison used by people, of course, the world is unparalleled."

Liu Cang said: "I'm going to inform Yun Qing and immediately take Cui Chengsheng out."

Xiu Linglong stretched out a fan to stop him: "It's slow. You can see everything, can't he see it. Besides, there is still a Ming Changyan on the court, what are you worried about? You have to worry, but Yun Qing is worried."

Liu Kuang looked up slightly, and sure enough, Zhengdong was watching the battle platform, and Huaiyu had disappeared.

After a moment, Xiuling smiled slyly and blinked: "But, frankly, my medicine was sold to the owner of Xiaoman Mountain."

Liu Kuang was silent for a moment and looked away.

In the match of Taiwei Temple, Chu Chu has already played dozens of moves with Cui Chengsheng.

She wiped her face, wiped off her sweat, and was controlled by Ming Changyan, avoiding Cui Chengsheng's sword.

Chu Chu said: "He doesn't know life or death, even if I pull the whip on him, he doesn't know to avoid it, he just knows to move forward!"

Ming Chang feasted: "Unfortunately, I can't let you smoke him."

Chu Chu hated: "If you let me give him a whip, he would have gone to Huangquan long ago!"

While talking, Cui Chengsheng caught up again.

This time, the Ming feast no longer manipulated Chuchu. He used Chuchu and Cui Chengsheng to spend a quarter of an hour, and finally saw Cui Chengsheng look slightly tired.

If he wants to kill Cui Chengsheng, it is naturally a simple matter. But Ming Changyan wanted to figure out what medicine Cui Chengsheng took, and it was difficult to catch him. After taking the medicine, Cui Chengsheng was tireless. He only knew about the blind attack, and he was not afraid of dying. Even if he broke his arm or leg, he had to do his best to charge up.

As the so-called barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes, he opened up and attacked, and did not make Ming Changyan feel tricky, just made him feel very annoying. Now that Chu Chu has exhausted his strength, Ming Chang Yan has spent time, and he feels that he can shoot, so three long needles are immediately released.

Cui Chengsheng made a move and was hit by him in the air.

He was generally free, and several important points on his body were sealed tightly by Ming Changyan, and Cui Chengsheng fell straight from the stone pillar like a kite with a broken line.

The fight ended in this compartment, the battlefield of Taiweimiao, and the twelve finally competed.

The bass drum "Beep, Beep, Beep" sounded dull three times.

Suddenly, two rows of thirteen guards rushed into the mermaid, crushing Cui Chengsheng, who couldn't move on the ground.

Ming Changyan clapped his hands, glanced sideways, and glanced at his wrists. He was cut out of blood by excessive manipulation of the silver thread. This is a common thing, and after getting used to it, it's not too much of a fuss. When it breaks, it breaks. Lift the cloak and wipe the two. After the blood stops, after the puppet is lifted, it will not be easily cut next time.

Ming Changyan held the cloak and wiped it off, and then jumped off the stone pillar and said, "Wait, I want to see him. Excuse me, borrow it."

Away from the thirteen guards all the way, Ming Changyan wiped his hands and drilled to Cui Chengsheng's side.

Who knew that before Cui Chengsheng was squatting down, his right hand was pulled by Huai Yu.

Ming Changyan quickly turned his head and saw Huaiyu, Ming Shaoxia's wrists became painful again. He sighed in cold air and lamented: "I'm in pain."

The author has something to say: I'm a little late! !! Zhao Zhao, who can be coquettish, has sugar! 2k novel reading network

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