MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 124 Decisive battle (1)

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Ming Changyan raised his head, and a drizzle of rain floated on his face.

Because of the herbal medicine, the Taiwei Temple itself is hazy. Now it begins to rain, and the rain and fog are even more dreamlike.

After a while, a bamboo umbrella stood on top of his head, covering his sight.

Ming Changyan looked down and saw that Huaiyu didn't know where to find an umbrella.

"Where did your umbrella come from?"

The Ming feast is very strange.

Huai Yu said quietly: "Bring it."

Ming Chang feasted, "You bring an umbrella out? How do you know it's raining today?"

When Huai Yu went out, it was clearly the morning. Today's rain began to fall in the morning, and it fell intermittently. At first it only dropped a couple of drops, and it is only now beginning to fall. How does he know?

After asking this sentence, Ming Changyan didn't wait for Huaiyu's answer, and then he realized that he had realized it.

"I forgot, you look at the sky."

The position of the state minister must be linked to astronomy and geography, and viewing the heavens is a blessing. It is Huaiyu's housekeeping skills. Counting whether it will rain today should be very easy for him.

He had just finished speaking, and a rush of footsteps rang from behind the Ming feast.

Ming Changyan didn't turn around, but two people listened to the voice.

One was Li Minjun. He was also a person who had taken antidote beforehand. When he came up, he first checked whether the Ming feast had a broken arm or broken leg, and then immediately asked: "What about Qin Yubao?"

Ming Changyan pointed behind his finger: "I've seen him, nothing."

Qin Yubao also took antidote, but Li Minjun never felt relieved about these little ones, and immediately went to the place where Qin Yubao was. Qin Yubao is helping the 13 guards to detain the people on the field. Except for the blind monk Zonglu, all the Gentiles involved in the rebellion were sent to a place.

The second person came over Liu Liu.

Ming Changyan is asking Huai Yu: "How long is the healing effect of your herbal medicine? Those people have very high martial arts, unlike those sitting on the battlefield."

Huai Yu said: "Be assured that without antidote, it will not be unlocked tomorrow."

After listening to the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, I was relieved.

He turned to look at Liu Jian, who stood still, his face was not so good.


Ming Changyan said, "Huh?" At the end, he glanced at Shanty's body. Several guards were moving him and Ming Changyan said, "Yes, it is dead."

Liu Kuang knew at a glance that he was thinking wrong. This time, his tone was even heavier.

"I mean, Lord Three Kings is dead."

The long feast of the Ming stunned slightly. Subconsciously, he looked at Huai Yu.

Liu Chuang handed the jade in his hand to Ming Changyan, who did not know anything in the palace and showed it to Huaiyu.

Huai Yu only glanced at it and determined that it was Chu Peiyu's jade. There was a little doubt in Liu Cang's heart. Now that she saw Huaiyu's expression, she finally confirmed it.

Liu Cang said: "I just received the news, and I don't know who killed him."

Ming Changyan said: "Do you still need to know this? Who do you think besides Hua Yunshang?"

Liu Cang didn't speak.

He looked up and suddenly found that he had been standing in the rain for a long time.

He was too anxious to come, he didn't even notice the rain. In contrast, the two men in front of him did not bring an umbrella in the Ming Changyan, but they did not stand in the rain like he did. Huaiyu held his umbrella and covered him tightly.

Liu Cang coughed and said, "Wow, it's raining so much."

Ming Changyan was thinking about Hua Yunshang, and suddenly heard his voice, he looked around quickly and echoed, "Yeah, the rain is quite heavy."

Liu condition: ...

Ming Changyan looked at him: "What's wrong?"

Liu Qian: "Nothing." After speaking, he paused for a while, and then said, "Just wait for the next time, I will change my clothes."

He sighed, as if only to find his clothes wet, and suddenly realized: "My clothes are wet."

After that, I took another look at Huaiyu.

The Ming Chang feast only felt that Liu Qiang was inexplicable and strange, so he replied: "Then you don't stand in the rain, find a place to hide from the rain."

Liu condition: ...

Ming Chang feast said: "Just right, you are no longer needed here."

After he said this, Xiu Linglong slowly eased off from the viewing platform. The long feast of the Ming dynasty rarely saw her dressed so plainly, and when he came over, he didn't like the red carpet flowers. He sighed in his heart and said, "Why did you come down?"

Xiu Linglong handed Liu Kuan an umbrella and said, "Let's see if you are still alive. If you die, Xiu Linglong's silver will be hit."

Ming Chang Yan waved his hand: "Can't die."

Huai Yu said, "Have you arranged for them?"

Liu Chuang shook open his umbrella, lonely, and miserably named himself: "It's alright. According to the plan, I didn't tell Juning what happened. However, she always pestered me to ask."

Huai Yu frowned.

Ming Chang feast: "You simply put Duan Ye with her. She has Duan Ye playing with her, and she can't remember asking you this. What about the queen?"

Liu Cang said, "I'm with Su Ning, rest assured. But the queen's mood doesn't seem to be very stable."

The banquet of the Ming Dynasty groaned for a moment: "Since everything has been arranged, then Huaiyu will stay here and I will go to the palace."

Having said that, as soon as he lifted his foot, Huaiyu grabbed his arm.

"You go alone?"

Ming Chang said: "Unsurprisingly, Hua Yunsang killed Chu Zhiyu, and the next step is to go to the palace. According to her original plan, the feast of the feast should now be up. Her purpose is to Kyoto The chicken and dog are restless, holding you with a feast and chanting rebellion, and she is going to the palace with Chu Zhiyi to tamper with the widow. "

Xiu Linglong asked: "Since Hua Yunshang's purpose is to hold Yun Qing, if he stayed here, wouldn't he just want you to die? You are really obedient."

The strength of catching the arms of the Ming Changyan was a little stronger. He knew in his heart that the young ancestor of Huaiyu must be dissatisfied again.

"No. Now that the banquet is closed, Hua Yunshang is out of control. Why don't Huaiyu count it and stay here."

Xiu Linglong said: "Can you see through her plan, can't she see through you?"

Ming Changyan laughed and said, "Yes. However, she is too confident."

Xiu Linglong said: "Why?"

Ming Changyan said: "Until now, our plans have gone smoothly. Hua Yunshang didn't show up here. One possibility is that she was behind the yellow sparrow, and she stayed behind. The second is that she treats herself Very arrogant and convinced that nothing could go wrong. "

"Because she thinks that she knows me too well, and everything I do is in her control. But she knows me but she doesn't know Huaiyu."

Xiu Linglong said: "How do you know that the cardinals are not behind?"

Ming Changyan said: "Obviously, I don't know why he killed Chu Zhiyu. So I must go to the palace and ask for these things."

Liu Cang interrupted: "Aren't you afraid of fraud in her palace?"

Ming banquet in Ming Dynasty: "The Royal Palace is now almost an empty city. In addition to the Thirteen Guards and sporadic court eunuchs, how can she arrange the Tian Luo Di net within a short period of time? If I guess correctly, the main force of Chu Zhiyi should be All stayed in the Taiwei Temple, and she couldn't take much people to the palace. "

"Of course, millions of soldiers are not as terrible as her, I know." Ming Changyan said: "I have died once in her hands, and I definitely did not go to send a second death."

After a pause, he added, "Moreover, now I don't want to die, I really want to live, and there are reasons why I must live."

He looked at Huaiyu, who was pursing his lips tightly, and said nothing.

Ming Changyan could guess what he was thinking by looking at his expression. It was nothing more than "slick tongue" and "speaking words".

Liu Kuang would look very much and immediately said: "You have decided, I have nothing to say to you. Leave first."

Xiu Linglong wanted to stay for a while, but Liu Qiang mentioned.

Ming Changyan said: "Huaiyu, you can let go. Don't be capricious at this time."

Huai Yu said: "I have no willfulness."

The long feast of the Ming dynasty said: "The Taiwei Temple is so chaotic now, and you don't say you want to protect the queen and grandma. People in this country who want to rebel are enough headaches. Hua Yunshang's people in the palace are not. Many, now that I have a life-saving order in hand, coupled with her ill body, where can I go?

Huaiyu clenched and still refused to let go: "I don't want to."

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was a little bit of a headache.

At this moment, Huai Yu, in the eyes of the Ming Changyan, is like a child who has grasped what he likes. This situation is the hardest to coax, the hardest to get it done. Once he has identified something, he will never let go easily. Moreover, if the Ming long banquet went to the meeting with a single knife, if something really happened in the palace, I am afraid that the other party would not have time to hurry up even if he put on his wings.

After a moment of silence, Huai Yu said, "That year, after I left ..."

Ming Changyan touched his nose: "Yanbo Jiang Suqing thinks of a gentleman, he is very famous."

Huaiyu's eyes dropped, his tone of speech was completely different from before, and he said, "You always do this."

He lowered his eyes and seemed to be caught in memories.

Four years ago, the Great Banquet was held in Kyoto.

It has attracted a lot of attention that when many countries come to the DPRK, many masters in the Western Regions, Central Plains, and foreign countries gather together, which is a world-class event. The Ming Changyan attended two feasts of banquet. For the first time, all eyes were on him, and he won the top spot, so that he could recognize the Lord. For the second time, this feast was sealed, and he was still riding on top of the undefeated.

At that time, Huai Yu had only watched several feasts with Chang Xu, and he himself was not interested in the battle of the strong that all young people aspire to. However, within one month of the Banquet Zen, there was Zhao Xiaolan. After watching the game on the day, he found Huaiyu eagerly in the evening holding his confession of nowhere to vent. He was full of excitement, and he was so impressed that he could blow the Ming feast, so that he could only find it in the sky. Huai Yu was not interested in him at first, but Zhao Xiaolan talked tirelessly for a month, and finally made him a little curious.

On the last day of the feast, the last day of the Ming banquet, Huai Yu was reluctant to come out of the 99th Palace and go to the scene to see what the world's first is.

However, the person at the Ming Changyan had never been seen. As soon as he arrived, they were informed that the Ming Long Banquet had gone. Also, the man didn't know him and laughed that he was late. It just shows that the long banquets do things at will, and it is harder to see him than to see the emperor. On the playing field, just look at the few games he was in, and when he came out of the Taiwei Temple, he cast a forest with the birds, and when the eyes blinked, the people disappeared. Huaiyu didn't see the Ming feast, so the original curiosity became very curious, as if a cat's paw was constantly scratching his chest, so that he couldn't bear it.

Therefore, this was the first time that Yue Yueshan had seen.

The more Huai Yu recalled, the lips became more and more severe.

If the Ming banquet is not like his own, he will go wherever he likes, leaving him out of control. But since the other party provokes him, he can no longer ignore it.

"Listen to me yourself, I say you don't go west."

After Huai Yu spoke, the Ming feast was more guilty.

The other party is apparently turning over the old account. The key is that the remarks really have been said. But he hadn't patted any dog-legs to hug Huaiyu's thigh that year. This is just one sentence in a thousand sentences. Who knows that Huaiyu even wrote down all the thousand sentences.

Ming Changyan thought the more the head hurt, the more he sighed and took a step back.

"Otherwise, I'll go first. If I don't come back within half an hour, you will come to me, what?" Ming Changyan said in a deliberative tone: "I'm not so weak, I will be half an hour She killed. "

Huai Yu stared at him.

Ming Changyan opened his mouth and planned to say a few more words, but he was too afraid to explain his last words. Strange is also strange, in the past he killed, how can there be so much to say, it really is different now that there is a family. Ming Shaoxia never dare to look down on those heroes who dragged their mouths, it is not easy.

While he was hesitating, Huaiyu suddenly lowered his head and leaned dullly on his shoulder.

Ming feast suddenly stopped.

The scent of Huai Yu's body always surrounds him, even in the harsh environment of rainy weather, the other party is still spotless. Huaiyu was a little taller than him. When he hit his head in his neck, Huaiyu bent down slightly, and his hands embraced him, as if silently coquettish.

The Ming banquet is the most unbearable for others to coquettish with him. If this person is still Huaiyu, I'm afraid he will just say something now, the Ming banquet's legs will be soft.

Fortunately, he has a firm will, and no matter how unwilling Huaiyu was, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty also spoke.

"I'm not going to die, what are you nervous about."

Ming Changyan held the Cang Shengling and patted Huaiyu's back with his fist: "Otherwise, if you do n’t come back, if you do n’t come back, you will come to the palace. But not now, the temple is too messy You are needed here. "

After he waited for his heartbeat to calm down, he said helplessly: "There are many things in this world that are not taken for granted. When you have great rights and abilities, everyone will impose greater responsibility on you. It's infidelity. If you resist, you're a rebel. You should know this better than me. "

Huaiyu raised his head: "I will come over immediately after Yixiangxiang."

Ming Chang feast said: "Okay, it's a word."

Huai Yu finally let go of his hand.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was afraid that he would not be able to walk any longer, and no longer procrastinated, and rushed to the palace.

Huai Yu opened the umbrella in his hands, and the feast of the Ming dynasty was performed lightly, and then disappeared in the Taiwei Temple.

At the gate of the palace, he jumped down from the eaves.

Before entering the door, a strong **** smell flared.

The Ming feast slowly slowed down and saw dozens of corpses on the ground.

His face changed, but he understood how Chu Zhiyu died.

Across the corpse, Ming Changyan no longer used light work, but slowly walked towards the Great Ming Hall.

He slowed down and stepped on the puddle in the palace gallery.

Lift your feet and fall.

At the same time, at the end of the palace corridor, one foot fell at the same time.

The red veil was covered with mud.

Hua Yunshang pushed straight through the gate of Daming Hall and passed through the main hall to the Emperor's bedroom.

Instead of going to bed, she went to the outer bedroom first. As soon as he entered, the two maids screamed.

The **** princess turned her head and was startled: "Who are you!"

Hua Yunchang smiled slightly, tilted her head, and looked at the tub in front of her.

"I need a bath."

The princess condemned, "Hurry her out!"

Without talking, the head fell to the ground.

The two court ladies looked at the princess with glaring eyes and screamed together.

Hua Yunshang took off her coat and said gently: "You are very noisy. If you call again, I will kill you."

She sank herself, submerged in the water, and ordered.

"Go get me a suit."

The author has something to say: 小鱼 娇娇! 2k novel reading network

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