MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 125 Decisive battle (2)

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Fifteen years ago, the coast of the floating moon, the border of Dayue.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding", a bell sounded along the coast.

After a handful of shells, a bright face was revealed.

"Brother!" Yi Yue counted the shells in his hands: "Which one do you like?"

If it is normal, the Ming feast will stop and talk to Yi Yue about which shells look good and which ones don't look good.

It's a pity that now the Ming banquet is very short. He looks hurriedly and hurries to the valley.

Yi Yue stopped him: "Where are you going? Father knows that he will hit you again."

Ming Changyan said: "You don't say, I don't say, he won't know."

Yi Yue put down the shell, still uneasy: "I see your direction is to go to the valley. I heard Mom said that there are many Tibetan mastiffs on the other side of the valley. There are two of you as big as you. Without the soldiers, you would have been very dangerous in the past! "

Ming Changyan said: "It doesn't matter. I won't meet Heiyu, I'm going to Yunluo!"

Yi Yue's expression changed, and she tilted her head and asked, "Why did Sister Yun Luo go there?"

At the age of twelve or thirteen at the Ming Dynasty feast, a small face was wrinkled.

"You ask me, why don't you ask Yun Luo. I don't know what she's going to do!" After thinking about it, she added: "She's going to hit the black gang!"

Yi Yue was taken aback.

Ming Changyan was afraid that Yi Yue would be scared, and he slowly said, "I'll go and call her back now. It's not a big deal."

Yi Yue grabbed his sleeve: "Brother goes, I'm afraid."

Ming Changyan touched her hair. "I'll be back soon. Where do you go to A Niang, I'll come to you later."

Yi Yue seemed to be very worried about him, wronged and unwilling to leave.

At the moment, the Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty had no intention to comfort Yiyue. Yun Luo had been on a horse for a while, and now he might have reached the valley. This woman didn't know what fear was, and she was very proud of her martial arts. She had to fight a Tibetan mastiff to prove her strength.

The wild blackbirds in the Dayue Valley are extremely ferocious, extremely huge, and love to get together, and they often appear together. Rumor has it that this kind of cricket is so powerful that even wild wolves can be killed by them. Yun Luo is just a few months older than him, just a child, and he doesn't know where to come from, he thinks he can be a black cricket.

Ming Changyan ran while grabbing the guard's twine.

The guard shouted "Her Highness", and the Ming feast quickly said, "I will take your horse and use it, and I will return it to you in a while!"

Say it, turn on your horse.

On the other end, in front of the valley, Yun Luo, who ran on horseback, held the twine.

Her destination has arrived.

The girl was wearing a red riding suit, carrying a long bow behind her, with dozens of long arrows around her waist, sitting on the horse, slowly holding the horse rope, her eyes scattered around.

She spared a few laps in the valley, but she didn't find the blackbird, she couldn't help wondering: strange, why didn't she see one?

Who knows, just after thinking so much, a five-foot-long blackbird suddenly appeared in her eyes. It was terrible and terrifying. If ordinary people saw it, they must be so scared and frightened, but Yun Luo saw it, but his eyes brightened.

Before the light in her eyes went out, another five-foot-long blackbird appeared behind the five-foot-long blackbird.

Then a smaller one appeared.

Yun Luo stretched out his hand and sat on the horse and counted it seriously, plus the last one that came out, there were a total of three.

"Good guys, they're all here. It's just what I want. I want to kill you all!"

She lowered her excitement and took off the bow on her back. Shaking his sleeves, Yun Luo closed one eye and aimed at the blackbird.

At the moment where the arrow shot, the entire valley rang with a creepy hissing sound.


Ming Chang feast jumped hard.

He slaps his hands firmly on the horse's butt, and speeds towards the valley.

Now, although he was still some distance from the valley, he had heard the roar of the blackbird. It is not from a blackbird, even dozens of blackbirds can make such a loud sound!

The feast of the Ming dynasty was anxious, and he could not wait for His Majesty to be able to fly in with wings.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

He urged so hard that as he dashed all the way, the blackbird's roar became weaker and weaker.

This is not a good sign, the heartbeat of the long feast of Ming Dynasty is like thunder, and they are too entangled.

Was the blackbird killed by her?

It was Yun Luo who met the unexpected, and the blackbird's roar stopped ...

Not afraid to think deeply, Ming Changyan shook his head and waved his whip again.

Otsuki's fierce horse rushed to his feet, and when he finally arrived in the valley, he couldn't eat the long feast. The horse lost its forefoot, and was stumbled by a bunch of weeds. The Ming feast on the horse's back fell to the ground with a rolling strip.

He lost one of his earrings on the way to the fall, which caused some pain in his ears.

It was too late to look for it at this moment, as soon as he got up, a thick **** smell spread on the tip of his nose.

Ming Chang Yan shouted, "Yun Luo!"

No one responded.

He wore small boots and took a few more steps forward.

The pendant on his body banged loudly as he moved.

The feast of the Ming dynasty marched with blood and finally found Yun Luo in a sea of ​​blood.

The moment she saw her, Ming Changyan immediately judged that Yun Luo had died of anger!

There were three black corpses beside her. There are countless arrows in the blackbird's body, and large-scale slashes appear to have been cut to death with a knife.

Ming Changyan's throat changed, "Yun Luo !!"

He rushed over, Yun Luo lay on the ground, dragged the knife in his hand, and cut the knife deep into the black belly.

Ming Changyan trembled slightly, squatted down, her hand just touched Yun Luo's body, and planned to take her body back to the thick burial. When she burned her favorite weapon every year, Yun Luo shuddered.

The Ming banquet stood up in fright.

Yun Luo suddenly turned his head, saw him, and shouted: "You help me, my bones are broken!"

Ming Chang feasted: "You are not dead!"

Yun Luoha laughed, but the wound was involved, and it hurt for a long time: "How can I die! Just a few puppies. It's just too tired. Now I lie down and sleep for a while."

Ming Chang Yan secretly said: This time is still stubborn, it is clear that it can no longer move.

Yun Luo said: "Zhao Zhao, go back to me!"

Ming Changyan bent down: "You are so good, why don't you climb back by yourself!"

After a long toss, Yun Luo lay on his back: "It's so shameless to crawl back."

The Ming feast took two steps, and suddenly he was tripped by several small corpses. Taking a closer look, it turned out to be just a few little black crickets just born.

Without exception, these little black crickets were stabbed in the belly, the intestines flew to the ground, and the death was extremely tragic.

Ming Changyan turned pale: "You killed this too?"

When Yun Luo saw him, he didn't care: "Yes. Anyway, growing up is also a scourge. I simply saw it and I killed them together."

She added: "Let's wait to kill them later!"

At this moment, the sky suddenly rained.

Yun Luo said "Ouch": "It's raining, Zhaozhao, you run faster!"

Ming Changyan gave a complicated look at the little black cormorant who was dying, and for a while he had nothing to say.

The rain soon became heavier, and Ming Changyan was wet with blood and rain from Yun Luo, and his eyes were hazy.

Gradually, large grasslands became red walls and black tiles.

He walked from one rain fog to another rain fog.

This childhood memory came to his mind at this anachronistic time.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty now wants to come, and indeed finds that Hua Yunshang is extremely overbearing in character since he was a child. Once you encounter something that doesn't follow your heart, killing is killing. It can be described as the standard of the person who follows me and the personality that perverts me.

It's a pity that Ming Changyan has not paid much attention to her all the time. As a young boy's playmate, Hua Yunshang had more friendship than others. Because of this, he met her again in the Central Plains. The Ming Changyan did not have any doubts and guesses, so he went to heart Trust her.

If he had long noticed the cruelty in Hua Yunshang's character, he would probably have taken precautions against her. In this way, Zhongyulou ...

Ming Changyan held the umbrella handle tightly.

Since Zhong Yulou was killed by the ugly Guanyin, he would be too stupid if he could not guess who was behind him. Hua Yunshang's killing has always been regardless of her age, the more she threatens her, the more she stays away. Even if it's just a teenager with no full wings, she will definitely use it as a potential threat and kill him in the cradle.

He should have known.

Ming Changyan had remorse in his heart. At this moment, the Great Ming Palace had appeared in his sight.

Hua Yunshang came out of the bath barrel, feeling good.

The two palace maids were so scared that they couldn't keep their house, and the palace princesses dressed up and handed them over.

Hua Yunshang only glanced at it, there was no joy in his eyes, but he took the suit. After dressing, the palace maid fell to the ground, her eyes staring so wildly that she stared at her.

However, Hua Yunshang didn't dare show interest in the two of them. Although they came along, they killed many people. However, she murdered only because these people blocked her way. Hua Yunshang thought that she was not good at killing people for pleasure. For example, if the two maids had no injustice with her, she would not be willing to kill.

Moreover, to her, the defenseless maiden was not even a person. In her eyes, it was only two decorations.

She never cares about decorations.

Through the side hall, the gate of the Daming Hall, there are still two teams of guards.

One of the guards saw Hua Yunshang floating, and was very vigilant in his heart, and looked at her unscrupulously. He first thought that Hua Yunsang was familiar, but then he saw that she was wearing the princess's dress, and he couldn't help worrying about whether a maiden he didn't know appeared. Therefore, the guard was not good, but he asked politely.

Hua Yunshang was too lazy to tell this little guard that she took out the sabre around his waist lightly at the moment when the guard came up. The guard didn't have time to respond before he heard the sharp "weapon" sound of the sharp weapon when the knife came out of the sheath. Immediately after, his neck was cold and hot again, and his entire head was chopped off.

The blood surged three feet high.

The back guard suddenly responded, shouted, and rushed towards Hua Yunshang.

Hua Yunchang chopped vegetables and melons all the way, very easy.

These guards who had been counted as martial arts high in the palace were vulnerable to her. Even after killing six people, Hua Yunshang's steps never stopped.

Instead of fighting, she seemed to be walking on the road, blocked by several budding willow branches. She reached out and gently pierced the guard, just like gently piercing the wicker. If she encountered a few tough ones, she would just break.

The dead were everywhere, and the blood was flowing.

Finally, the guards at the back knew the strength of Hua Yunshang. The people present were not Hua Yunshang's opponents at all, and rushing to death was to die.

She took a step forward, and everyone trembled back ten steps.

All the way back to the gate of the Daming Hall, the guards retired, and Hua Yunshang's cat-and-mouse game was enough, and smiled slightly, "Get out."

The guard heard this, and if he was pardoned, he kept rolling and obediently rolled away.

At this point, the Daming Hall was empty.

Hua Yunshang walked slowly inside, the temperature inside the house was much higher than the outside, the stove burned with due diligence, and the remaining overheated charcoal fire disappeared very quickly.

Behind layers of veil, the bright yellow bedding swelled high, and under the quilt, it was the emperor who was sick.

Since the Daxue family feast, the emperor had taken the medicine back to the light once, and once the effect was over, his illness doubled in his home.

To this day, it is already dying.

The emperor saw a shadow in the Great Hall of the Ming Dynasty, Yu Guang skimmed over, and saw only a trace of the palace princess's skirt.

"My concubine, is it you?"

Hua Yunzhang opened the curtain, sat on the bed with her legs up, and said with interest: "What do you think?"

The emperor's eyes widened and startled, "Who are you?"

Hua Yunshang said: "Obviously not your concubine."

She held the birth certificate in her hand. After opening it, all the soldiers in Da Chu had been ticked.

"Poor. Your daughter, your wife have abandoned you."

The emperor asked, "Who are you!"

He spoke like a broken bellows.

Hua Yunshang tore off a piece of paper, put it in a basin full of water and soaked it. After soaking, she covered the paper gently on the emperor's face.

The emperor's breathing suddenly became difficult.

Hua Yunsang laughed: "I'm a man who wants to kill your Nine Tribes. Don't worry, your wife and children will soon come down to accompany you. I will not let go of Da Chu's bloodline. How? Is it very familiar, do you remember, which country did you do this to? "

The emperor couldn't speak, Hua Yunsang smiled: "I forgot, you can't speak now. But dead people don't need to speak."

She tore another piece of paper, and when wet, stuck it to the emperor's face.

"I remember, you have a little daughter. I've seen it from afar, it looks good, and it's spoiled."

Hua Yun Changwu said to himself: "Thirteen years ago, you destroyed me Nanrou, destroyed my martial arts, and threw me to the barracks. Have you ever thought that I would come back to you to settle accounts?"

She smiled slightly: "Guess what I did in the barracks? It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you don't guess, your baby girl will know."

The emperor opened his mouth, and as more paper covered his face, his breathing became more painful. Like a blunt knife, he pulled fiercely in his heart, but did not let him understand in one breath.

When he heard Hua Yunshang talk about Grandma, his mind suddenly opened and realized what the woman was talking about.

Just when the emperor thought that he was about to return to the west the next moment, Hua Yunchang suddenly took away this stack of wet paper. A lot of air poured into the emperor's mouth, and it was so uncomfortable that his seven tricks almost bleed.

Who knows, this is not the end of pain, but the beginning of pain.

The emperor's breath wasn't finished, Hua Yunshang took out a roll of silver thread, and slapped dozens of palms in countless points on him.

Every time a palm fell, a silver thread passed into his body. Enter from this end, exit from that end, and finally hang him all in the air.

Hua Yunshang laughed: "You better not move, hold on and don't fall down. If you fall an inch, you will cut off a piece of meat. You have been an emperor for so many years, you want to know what Ling Chi is."

The emperor screamed heartbreakingly.

As soon as he moved, his body fell off like Hua Yunshang said.

The emperor was sober-minded, watching his flesh cut off piece by piece.

Hua Yunchang laughed for a while, and in a scream, took off the dragon robe on the hanger.

An umbrella appeared at the main entrance of the Daming Hall.

The rain changed from heavy to small, and in the end there was only a mist of rain, which shrouded in the side of the Ming feast.

His pendulum was wet with rain and fog, he simply closed his umbrella and placed it on his side.

The open umbrella became thin and knife-like, and could no longer cover the sight of the long feast.

He looked up and saw the woman in front of him.

Hua Yunshang seems to have been waiting for a long time, standing in the rain and fog for a long time. Her face is the face in the memory of Ming Changyan, but her clothes are not the clothes in memory of Ming Chang Yan.

Hua Yunshang loves to wear red, but now she wears a black coat, white Luo Da Satin, sun and moon dragon pattern, jade pendant gold hook, it is like a royal robe.

Her hair was scattered behind her back, and she was half pulled by a golden dragon, and she looked at Ming Changyan with a smile on the front.

"Hello, Zhaozhao. We haven't seen each other for a long time."

Ming Changyan's lips moved and coldly spit out three words: "You're crazy."

Hua Yunshang stood with her hand. Although she was a woman, she was born in a foreign country and was very tall. This emperor's dragon robe was worn on her, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"I don't like it when you talk like this."

The author has something to say: This is the real thick final

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