MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 127 Decisive battle (4)

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Once Cang Sheng Ling came out, the counter-bite must inevitably come.

The body of Ming Changyan was suddenly dissipated by an overbearing force, but soon, he held the knife and reunited the internal force. That power was a bit inferior to his internal forces, and was worthy of being suppressed.

It is impossible to verify what Cang Shengling forged from what. This knife appeared in the Central Plains Wulin a hundred years ago. No one knows who brought it into the Central Plains, and the owner of the knife is unknown.

All I know is that after the Cangsheng Ling appeared, countless heroes went forward and wanted to see this magic weapon as a hurry. As a result, I saw it. Unfortunately, no one can pull it out.

At that time, there were even rumors that this knife could not be used at all. The scabbard and the knife body were connected together, and simply thrown into an iron furnace for refining. This proposal has been unanimously agreed by men, women, children and all ages. They threw it into the fire and burned it for seven days and nights. Seven days later, everyone went to check again, and the knife was unharmed.

It's strange, too, that this matter started in the arena.

Everyone can't take this knife. Over time, there are rumors saying that they will have the world of life-better commanders. This statement, I do not know where it came from, anyway, it caused the world's heroes to bend back. At the same time, the feast of Feng Zhan also came into being.

Until everyone found out, only the one who rode the dust at the feast of the feast, or the first in the world of martial arts, could pull out the knife. What it has used to judge this person is enough to pull a knife has also been a mystery. Perhaps only the person who pulled out the Cang Sheng Ling knew why this knife chose him.

The Ming feast is one of them.

Eight years ago, the moment he pulled out his life order, he knew why only he could pull it out. This knife is so angry, it ’s so strange that you have to see the blood when it comes out. The sword puller is the first in the world. Over the years, the sword has countless lives, countless injustices, and too much blood. Back to death and death, otherwise it is no longer possible to get rid of the order of life.

However, its center is sore and miserable, no one believes who he tells! This knife cuts iron like mud, and it can be called a domineering sword. Who would believe such a sword, and such dangerous and hateful side effects. Naturally, I am more willing to believe that it is you who took the life order and were afraid that we would take it away, so I wrote and told the lies.

Look at the Ming Chang feast, this is an unbroken piece of broken copper and iron, which is injurious to countless people, cannot be destroyed, can't be thrown, and annoys him.

Of course, it is not completely impossible to get rid of him.

If the next person pulls out the life order, the Ming feast can be released. However, a group of waste in the Central Plains Wulin, no one can pull out the life order within ten years after he pulled out his sword. This also shows that within ten years, no one's martial arts had surpassed him.

Ming Changyan looked at Hua Yunshang, and could not help thinking: Who knows.

The strength of the sword opened Hua Yunshang fiercely.

Hua Yunshang finally fell under the wind, taking several steps back. Although she hurt her shoulder, the excitement in her eyes grew stronger.

The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty turned upwards, entangled with Hua Yunshang.

Hua Yunshang had no weapons in her hands, and was suppressed by the order of Cang Sheng, and she retreated while fighting. The black dragon robe was cut off and suddenly blown by the wind.

Rag clothes dropped.

The two have both entered the Daming Hall.

Hua Yunshang sideways dodged Cang Shengling, and at the same time, a punch penetrated the pillars in the hall of Daming. There are twelve pillars in the Great Hall of the Ming Dynasty. Looking at this pillar roughly, two adult men were required to clasp their arms together, but Hua Yunshang punched it, and turned this pillar straight.

In the middle of the Daming Hall, a few pieces of rubble were immediately dropped.

The Ming Changyan had to turn over and grabbed the big stone. At the same time, Hua Yunsang drilled the hole, and suddenly dozens of thin threads flew out of his hand.

The knife was cut back and the stone was broken into several pieces.

Hua Yunshang laughed for a while, and threw the silver line toward the gate of the Daming Hall. Internal force is imbedded in the thread. It is not so much a thread as a strangely long and softened needle. This line is indestructible, and even stones can be drilled into it, as easy as drilling into tofu.

The Ming banquet did not let her succeed, but unfortunately, Hua Yunchang's silver thread was one step faster than him. The line rolled up a few paper people, swarmed directly from the gate of the Daming Hall, and reached the Ming Changyan.

Ming Changyan said: Zhiren, how much damage can this thing have?

After all, he didn't blink in a blink of an eye, and when he dropped the knife, he would cut the paper man in half. As a result, when the Cang Sheng Ling fell, Ming Changyan suddenly seemed to have discovered something, and the pupils suddenly shrank, but the sword had already gone halfway, and it was really difficult to retract it.

He forcibly closed the knife, but also saw the paper man's arm.

According to common sense, the paper man's arm was chopped, but it just fell lightly, instead of splashing blood a few feet high at the wound, as it is now.

paper man……

Still living?

Ming Changyan turned abruptly and looked at Hua Yunshang.

Hua Yunsang covered her mouth with her sleeve and laughed. After the laugh, I was very playful holding my chin and looked at Ming Changyan with interest.

In lieu of Hua Yunshang's attack on the paper man of the Ming feast, it was actually made by putting paper on living people.

She likes to look at the expression of the long feast, which is unexpected and shocked.

Hua Yunshang admired enough, sitting on a gravel.

"Zhaozhao, why not cut it down. As far as I know, you are not so soft-hearted."

The Feast of Ming Dynasty was terrified and asked, "You use living people!"

Hua Yunshang said strangely: "Living people? Misunderstand me. They might as well die because they are alive. They are dead to some use. You know, I will use poison. Just like the Guifeng faction."

In an instant, the scene of the poisoning of Guifeng's disciples appeared in the brain of Ming Changyan.

At the same time, a conversation between Huai Yu and him also came to mind. At that time, the two were in Guangling and there was an inference. What kind of person needs a lot of dead people, or in other words, a lot of living people.

She forged the plague and transported all of them to a place to take care of it. If it weren't for their lives, the only thing left was to use people to make medicine.

Although Hua Yunshang's body has always been unsatisfactory, and she was seriously ill for three days, once every two days for a small illness, and has not been broken for eight years, but he never expected that Hua Yunshang would be heartbroken.

"You did the plague of Guangling."

Hua Yunshang was humorous when she heard Ming Changyan's low-key interrogation: "You are really weird, I thought you already knew this. Why, didn't your child tell you?"

She changed her posture, like playing with Ming Changyan when she was young. When she was tired, she sat down to rest. There was nothing to guard against the long feast, and at the same time, there was no sense of fear.

"Do you want to ask me, why should I do this?"

Ming Changyan stared at her, and the paper people around him stopped because of the actions of Hua Yunshang.

She laughed: "Because my health is not good, you know. People who are not well need to take medicine. But what medicine can I take."

Hua Yunshang fiddled with the silver thread in his hand: "After I arrived in the Central Plains, I took a lot of medicine but it was not good. In the first few years, I was very difficult to go out. If I took a few more steps, I would pant and had to Stop to rest. It's hard. "

"I can only make it by myself if there is no medicine that suits me. But will those medicines be useful? Will I live after taking them, or will I die? What if I die, wouldn't I be too lossy. Simply, Letting others eat for me first is a matter of life or death. It doesn't matter to me. To really settle it, it can only be regarded as bad luck for them. "

With a smile on her face: "All of this is from the Central Plains Emperor. Isn't it natural for me to kill him?"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty said: "Nonsense, if you really only kill the emperor, why did you kill Yiyue and Yulou!"

Hua Yunshang said: "Why don't you ask me why I killed you? Zhaozhao, you are too disobedient. Among so many people, my favorite is you, and I'm only soft on you. Unfortunately, you don't receive any My love. Now, I have learned to work with outsiders to fight against me. "

She said, "You really make me feel bad."

Ming Changyan blurted out her original name at this time: "Yun Luo, you are a lunatic!"

Hua Yunshang smiled and asked, "Am I crazy?"

Although there was no expression on her face, the long feast of Ming Dynasty felt a hysterical madness. Depressed in that seemingly weak body, once it broke out, it would drag the entire Dachu Jiangshan to bury her.

"Where am I crazy? Murder? Jokes, Zhaozhao, you do n’t kill less than me, are n’t you crazy? You and I are just half a catty, why are you still teaching me now? I want you Count how many ghosts do you have? "

Ming Changyan sank his voice and said, "Since you know, where is the confidence that I will not kill these people. If you want to use them to stop me, your abacus will be lost."

The paper people surrounding them dangled. Among them, some are paper people, and some are living people.

Come to think of it, most of these living people were controlled by Hua Yunshang with drugs, otherwise he would not be at his mercy. But they have all been made into paper people and haven't been able to wake up yet. I'm afraid it's more ferocious than the dead.

Hua Yunchang said: "Of course I don't have that confidence. So guess who are these living people?"

The Ming feast suddenly froze.

Hua Yunshang's eyes lingered on his face, and smiled slightly.

"Zhaozhao, your face is really beautiful and very similar to Xiaoyueer. I wonder if you can find her now?"

The eyes of Ming Changyan suddenly turned red.

There was a smile on the corner of Hua Yunshang's mouth, and Leng Buding gathered his fingers together, and the paper man outside Daming Hall, like a fish jumping into the water, poured into the hall.

In Langzhong, Ming Changyan was hit **** the back. He took a step and heard Hua Yunshang said, "Zhao Zhao, don't be so unfocused, you will die."

After that, he sighed, "If you die, I will be sad."

Ming Chang feast cursed: **** things!

His eyes fell on the paper crowd, and one of these paper people is likely to be Yiyue.

Hua Yunshang, this person, has never been credible to speak. Nine of the ten sentences were lying, but the more so, the longer the Ming Yan feast could not guess her sentence was true and the sentence was false.

He didn't know what method Hua Yunsang had used to turn living people into such dead-sense people with six senses. He also didn't know whether they were still alive or already dead. However, he knew that after Yi Yue died that year, the body was handed over to Hua Yunshang. If Hua Yunsang had really hidden Yiyue in the paper man, he would definitely not be able to move.

Cang Shengling was scabbard by him.

Hua Yunshang said, "If you don't do it, I'll be polite."

Ming Chang feasted for a moment. A huge force came from behind. He had a pain in his shoulder, turned his head, and saw that it had been pierced by a knife. With a blast, Ming Changyan thought in his heart that his shoulder was really troubled. The last time he hit Hua Yunshang, the other side also opened a hole in his shoulder.

Ming Changyan squatted down to avoid the continuous attacks of paper people.

While hiding behind the pillars, he observed the position of Hua Yunshang.

He didn't dare to do any substantial harm to these paper people easily now, he was afraid that he would cut down to Yiyue with one stroke, so he just held the Cang Shengling tightly and did not pull it out. At the same time, his heart was beating so much that he thought he would never see Yi Yue again. Who knew that Hua Yunshang did not bury her.

If Yi Yue can still be hidden inside, it proves that her body is at least not corrupted. He had so many thoughts in his head that he couldn't guess how Hua Yunshang had kept the body for such a long time. At this moment, a sound of bells rang out.

Hua Yunshang said quietly, "Don't go astray."

The bells were getting closer and closer, and the long feast of the Ming Dynasty was startled.

A slightly petite paper man suddenly appeared in front of him.

All living people are covered with a layer of paper, their lips are smeared with dandelion, and scarlet. Ming Changyan's eyes fell on the paper man's wrist, and sure enough, he found a bunch of bells on its wrist.

The feast of Ming Changyan was so fierce that he even forgot to escape. He was anti-visitor, grabbed the paper man's arm violently, and used his other hand to tear the white paper covering his face.

Unexpectedly, it was because of this action that the distance between the two was drawn closer by half. The paper man suddenly violently broke into the belly of Ming Changyan with his dagger.

At the same time, the white paper on the paper man's face was caught by Ming Changyan, and behind the white paper was an unfamiliar face.

Hua Yunchang laughed when she saw this.

It was too late for Ming Changyan to know he was cheated. Even if he was going to avoid, the dagger was already in his body, and Ming Changyan patted it with a palm, covering his wound, he felt the blood of his hand.

Hua Yunshang soared from the chaos, and Ming Changyan raised her hand to confront her directly. At this moment he lost a lot of blood, his lips were pale, and he was struggling to pick up.

The harder and harder she was, the more mad the internal force was, the long feast of Ming Dynasty took a breath of air, and she succumbed. Hua Yunshang's technique is extremely fast, and the Ming Dynasty feast is slightly defeated, so she directly reaches out to grab the life order.

Ming Changyan's wrist was severely hit by her. His eyes moved, and Cangsheng let the power fall. Hua Yunshang took the knife, and they retreated while they were playing. A dozen pillars were interrupted by four or five. The Daming Hall is crumbling.

After receiving the Cang Shengling, Hua Yunshang closed her hand.

She was pushed to one of the pillars by Ming Changyan, with huge resistance behind her, and she immediately vomited a mouthful of blood.

Hua Yunshang's eyes were on Cang Sheng Ling, and he held it in his left hand for a while, and then threw it to his right hand.

Finally, she looked up and looked at Ming Changyan with a smile.

"Zhaozhao, can you guess if I can pull it out?"

She seemed to be asking for a long banquet, but she wasn't waiting for his answer. Hua Yunshang's right hand was slightly hardened, but Cang Sheng Ling was not in the same state as before. This black knife reached Hua Yunshang's hand and slowly came out of the sheath.

The black sword body reflected the face of Ming Changyan. As a child, even now, Hua Yunshang's strength is still the same.

Cang Shengling was pulled out by the new owner.

This knife can no longer be used.

Hua Yunshang took the life order and pulled out all the knives.

At this moment, Cang Sheng was so angry that Hua Yunshang was unexpectedly surprised. The evil spirit suddenly exploded from her arm like a bamboo, poured into her body, and forcibly broke her meridians. Hua Yunshang's physical condition has been extremely low since Nanrou's annihilation. It was not easy to support her to learn martial arts again. Now, being bounced by Cang Shengling, she frowned and stepped back a few steps. Ming Changyan laughed, and suddenly jumped, slamming his inner force against Hua Yunshang's face door.

Hua Yunshang was suffering at this moment, and the evil spirit of Cang Shengling ran through her body and forced her directly into her heart. She was caught off guard by the palm of the Ming Changyan, and Hua Yunshang tried to stop it. The hand of the Ming Changyan was shot away. This palm did not hit the heavenly spirit cover of the Chinese Yunshang, and it really hit her heart with one palm.

Outside, there was a strong internal force for the Ming Chang feast, and there were evil spirits that made him domineering. The two sides pinched. Hua Yunshang felt only the pain in his heart like an explosion, and he vomited two blood. The feast of the Ming dynasty was changed from palm to claw, and five fingers were hooked to make a heart-digging trend. Seeing that his condition was not good, Hua Yunshang took a step back, avoiding the blow of the long feast.

Ming Changyan grabbed an empty space and only ripped off her clothes.

At the same time, Hua Yunshang retreated, and the bracelet in her arms suddenly fell out.

The long feast of the Ming stunned.

Hua Yunshang's face was stunned, and she reached for her hand. The Ming Changyan shot very quickly, and the two snatched a bracelet. Hua Yunshang looked at him yin and wiped the blood on his mouth and said, "Zhao Zhao, give me something back. If you are good, I won't kill you."

Ming Chang Yan took the bracelet in front of him and felt only familiar. Once again, I remembered that this bracelet was really the pair that Zhao Xiaolan gave to Lili.

How did it fall into the hands of Hua Yunshang?

The long feast of Ming Dynasty was puzzled. What did she want this bracelet to do?

Suddenly, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty remembered again, Zhao Xiaolan said that in his bracelet, there seemed to be colorless and tasteless poison. At the critical moment, he could break the bracelet and kill the other person on the spot. There are only two bracelets, one with poison in it, and one with antidote in it. He now grabs one with Hua Yunshang, and no one knows which bracelet is hiding poison.

Ming Changyan looked up at Hua Yunshang. From the expression of the other side, it seemed that he didn't know what was in the bracelet?

She slowly put the bracelet in her arms into her arms, and then, regardless of the heavy wounds on her body, came to **** the one in the hands of Ming Changyan.

The Ming Changyan leaped forward and ran to the Daming Hall. Cang Shengling followed closely and cut it in two. Very unfortunately, this pillar turned out to be one of the top beam pillars supporting the palace of the Daming Palace. When this pillar was broken, the Daming Palace collapsed in half and blocked the road.

Hua Yunshang really ignored all this, and seemed to desperately want to trap the Ming Changyan with her in the hall of the Ming Dynasty.

The rocks fell, and even if the Ming banquet was able to hide in time, it was hurt by a few small stones, and his vision was half covered with blood. He gasped and leaned back. At this moment, Hua Yunshang also caught up.

The collar of the Ming feast was held by her fiercely.

Hua Yunshang's face changed and smashed him against the wall. Both were at the moment on the pillars of the uppermost room of the Daming Hall, and the rest were slowly collapsing.

Ming Chang feasted: "It seems that you are going to die here with me."

Hua Yunshang was expressionless.

The Ming banquet suddenly flung him away. Instantly, Hua Yunshang missed and was thrown away by him several meters away.

He leaned over to look over, the Daming Hall now has only one pillar left, and it is crumbling to support the entire palace. It's a pity that if he wants to break this pillar, he can't reach it without relying on his current position. Hua Yunshang stepped back, rushed towards him again with a knife, and touched the arms of Ming Changyan, a delicate and lovely money bag appeared in his hands. Ming Changyan moved in his heart and grabbed a handful of golden beads into the bag. Fortunately, the amount of money Huaiyu gave him last time has not been moved. Ming Changyan threw the bracelet in his hand to Hua Yunshang.

After Hua Yunshang's figure, she immediately changed her direction and seized the bracelet first.

Just when she was about to hit the bracelet, Ming Changyan knocked out all the gold beads in her hand.

A bead halved the bracelet in the air, and a white foam burst into Hua Yunshang's face.

The other bead's target was not a bracelet, smashing directly at the pillar that was about to collapse.

Several beeps, and the last stone pillar was broken.

Hua Yunshang was exposed to a lot of poison in her mouth, and she managed to pick up the bracelets on the ground, stood up and looked towards the Ming feast.

"You broke the pillar, don't you want to get out of here alive?"

She was poisonous in her body, and every word she said, a large amount of black blood was spit out of her mouth, which was undoubtedly dead.

The feast of the Ming Dynasty seemed to be relieved, and the tight nerves slowly relaxed. He felt a slight wind behind him and smiled suddenly.

Sit slowly, Ming Chang Yan's shoulders and abdominal wounds are cramping, little by little cannibalize his consciousness.

His limbs gradually became cold and the temperature faded. Hua Yunshang seemed to say something to him again, but the Ming Changyan at this time couldn't even hear his voice.

Yu Guang glanced at the hundred-foot-tall building behind him, but what emerged in the brain of Ming Changyan was the abyss when he jumped down the Yanbo River.

He closed his eyes, time and space seemed to return to three years ago.

Ming Changyan's body suddenly emptied and fell down in the direction of the wind.

The Daming Temple could no longer support it, and collapsed into a ruin.

The author has something to say: This article is he2k novel reading network

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