MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 128 Yun Zhongyue

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"Then, Lao Qin, who killed the Ming feast?"

As soon as Lao Qin patted Wakewood, "Who killed? Who else? The wedding gown Yan Luoyi! Who could have thought that the wedding gown Yan Luo that was heard on the rivers and lakes turned out to be a woman! Just a woman, she was still a rain shower, Wonderful! "

One interjected, "Did the Ming Banquet die? Is he really dead? It won't be the same as three years ago. Fake death!"

Lao Qin said: "Really dead!"

"Yeah, I heard that the entire Daming Hall has collapsed, and it looks like that ghost, even if you put wings on it, you can't fly out!"

"I heard that the name of the wedding dress Yan Luo was Hua Yunshang. This person is really not a thing!"

"Hua Yunshang can do it, and the Ming feast treats her well. She is really a white-eyed wolf!"

"It's a pity, heaven is jealous of talents. Anyway, the Ming feast is still dead? Zhu Jun, let me ask, where did the life order go?"

"Who knows!"

"Maybe buried in the ground together. Even if Hua Yunshang died, why did he fold a good knife ..."

As soon as this word came out, everyone began to regret the Cangsheng order.

Lao Qin shot another wake up and shouted, "This will be the death of the dregs, there is no possibility of surviving, even if the Ming Dynasty feast has the ability to pass through the sky, he can not run out of the Daming Hall!"

"Well, that's true. Too many moths have come out this year. Tianyao has shut up batches of rebels, and the Gentile barbarians on the feast of the feast have been captured in half!"

"Where are there so many, haven't most of them been sent back to their original country?"

"That was a treaty signed and conditions were reached with the Central Plains. Otherwise, would Yun Qing make it so easy for them to go back? It's a good idea to say this Yun Qing."

"They won't have to sign!"

"No sign? Can you survive if you don't sign it? On the day of the feast, you didn't see the smoke of Taiwei Temple. It is said to be extremely toxic ..."

"This is really ..."

For a while sighing.

In Yuanhefang, there was endless debate.

Everyone was arrogant, making a big noise, and finally the topic got back to Ming Changyan.

Let's talk about it. One is that Tian is jealous and the other is that God's fate is difficult to change.

Even if he was fatal three years ago, he recovered a life and lived once. Three years later, he was still dead. It can be said that King Yan wants you to die three times, and never leaves you to five times.

What is it that God wants you to die?

Always dying!

Lao Qin talked for a long time, with a big wave of his hands, he concluded the coffin: a gentleman really died this time! Deadly!

Hearing the words, everyone clapped and echoed, saying: Yes, this should be really dead.

Another long feast of the dead, lying on the bed of Egret College, sighed.

Liu Chuang pushed in the door and was surprised when he opened his eyes, then smiled slightly, "Are you awake?"

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty was **** with big flowers all over his body, and only his intact face was exposed.

"Where is Huaiyu?"

Liu Cang lowered the medicine bowl, and his eyes rolled around and said, "First declare, these days I've been cooking medicine for you."

Ming Changyan said: "Thank you. Where's Huaiyu?"

Liu Qian paused: "You should take medicine first."

Ming Chang Yan said: "Where is Huaiyu?"

Liu Cang sat by the bed: "What do you want to say besides saying this?"

Ming Changyan asked again: "Where is Huaiyu? You tell me, I won't ask. Why did you come in instead of him?"

Liu Kuang sighed exaggeratedly, and said, "Obviously. Because he was angry, and never wanted to see you again."

Ming Changyan immediately countered: "No way, how could he be angry with me?"

After saying that, he had a little bit of imagination, adding: "I can only say that it is awkward."

Liu Kuangxi shook his head and persuaded him: "Are you deceiving yourself now. Why didn't you think about this consequence when you were in the Great Ming Palace? You can really do it, you will be back in a quarter of an hour, and the Great Palace will be destroyed in half a quarter. "

Ming Changyan leaned on the bed.

Liu Cang brought the medicine over, and gave a glance at the long feast of Ming, indifferent.

Seeing his appearance, he just doesn't plan to take medicine.

The medicine was put on the table again, and Ming Changyan asked, "Who gave me the wound."

Liu Kuang sighed: "Who else. You know the consultant."

He said, "I didn't say you. Think about it another way. You stand on his side. Do you think you are doing something right?"

Liu Qiang simply sat on a stool, dragged a cup on the table, and poured himself a bowl of tea.

"If Yun Qing arrives a little late, you aren't lying here now, you're buried in the Daming Hall."

Half a month ago, the Daming Hall was shaking before them.

Liu Cang rushed to the Daming Hall one step later. At this moment, Huai Yu turned his back on him, clenched his fists in both hands, and his body shook slightly. Seeing this, he just called out a name and was preparing to stop Huaiyu. Who knows, the opponent's movement is very fast, leaving him almost no time to shoot.

He stepped forward, and immediately fell a big rock in front of him, and the ground was severely sunken. Liu Cang quickly stepped back and looked forward again, seeing that the Daming Temple was collapsing. The overwhelming stones were smashing like rain.

It's dangerous to run straight in like this.

Liu Cang jumped hard in his heart. In this case, it is not the same as jumping off the Yanbo River. The Daming Hall facing the splattered rocks may not run out even if it falls to the ground safely.

Xiu Linglong took one step late, and quickly dragged him on.

"If you go in again, you will have three lives."

The two stood at the gate of the Daming Hall with their hearts hanging for a while, until the heart mentioned the throat. Huai Yu finally figured out in front of them.

He had never been so embarrassed, Jin Gui's clothes were cut and torn by stones, dust was stained with dust, and his hair was rarely messy. His face was gloomy and unhealthy, and in his arms, he held a bright feast that he did not know was dead or alive.

Liu Cang murmured, and hurried forward to check.

As a result, when he was near Huaiyu, he was a little afraid of Huaiyu at the moment. For a moment, the other party was already holding people and went to the 99th Palace.

Having said that, Liu Cang said, "At that time, there wasn't a good piece on your body. I suspect that Yun Qing had collected your body and collected it. Who knows when you lay down for a while and found you still have breath."

Ming Changyan moved his fingers.

Liu Cang teased, "It's dirty and messy, messy, like rubbish."

The Ming Changyan had the intention to give him a punch, but he had no energy but insufficient strength. He was bandaged so tightly that his body, which was not so painful, seemed to be hurt by these bandages. Of course, this is not the most painful, mainly because I didn't see Huaiyu when I woke up, and was aggrieved and painful. I was also told that the other party was angry, physically and mentally exhausted.

Liu Chuang waited for a long time, but didn't wait for Ming Shaoxia to scold him, and felt strange.

Theoretically, this ancestor had never shown respect to him, as if he was born to him. He said he would be beaten a few words on weekdays, and today he was **** and couldn't move. He wanted him to "live" while he was ill. Thinking, Ming Shaoxia was told by him like this, even if he couldn't betray him, at least he would have to swear two words in his mouth to get back where he was.

Strangely, Liu Qiang looked up and asked, "Why don't you scold me?"

Who knows, when he looked up and saw Ming Changyan leaning deadly on the bedside, like the abandoned deep boudoir, he sent him to pull an erhu on the side to cheer him up.

Liu Qiang was very capable of action. When Ming Changyan sighed, when he looked up again, he was startled: "Where did you find the erhu?"

Liu Cang said: "Can't help but want to go."

Ming Changyan asked, "What song did you play?"

Liu Qian dropped the string and replied, "Little widow."

Ming Changyan ignored the wound this time, and then violently burst into anger.

Liu Cang pulled the table with his hands and covered his face. He was punched in the left face and bruised.

Ming Changyan jumped out of bed and untied the bandages.

Liu Cang said: "I think your injury is almost better."

Ming Changyan didn't bother him.

Who knows, at this time, there was noise coming out of the window.

Liu Chuang touched his face, put the erhu on the table, and looked out the window, wondering: "Yunqing is here. Why did you come so early today?"

At the same time, the bedboard behind him was smashed and Liu Ceng quickly turned around and saw Ming Changyan jump back to the bed again, leaning against the bed like a hairspring.


The door was pushed open.

Huai Yu stepped in.

At first glance, I saw the messy bandages on the ground.

Ming Changyan's heartbeat thundered, and the tip of his nose was immediately filled with that strange subtle fragrance. He raised his head and gave a secret glance at Huaiyu, and then quickly lowered.

For a while, the atmosphere in the room was awkward, and no one spoke.

Ming Changyan coughed and said in vain: "I feel bad ..."

Liu condition: ...

He touched his own face, and couldn't think of it anyway, so the man who jumped up and violently beat him, now daring to lie down on the bed and pull himself weak.

The weight of that punch is not weak at all, full!

Huai Yu said: "Lie down."

Ming Changyan was still thinking about what Liu Cang had just said to him. He was uneasy in his heart and couldn't figure out whether Huaiyu was angry with him.

At the sight of this scene, Liu Cang was now quite guilty, and immediately stood up and said, "I'll see how the medicine outside is fried."

As soon as he left, there were two Ming Changyan and Huai Yu in the room.

The medicine on the table was cold before being taken out and reheated by Liu Cang. There was only a solitary erhu left above him. The stool at the table was moved to the bed by Liu Qiang. When Huai Yu saw this, he sat directly on the stool.

Ming Changyan was looking at him right now.

Unfortunately, Huaiyu didn't speak, although she sat down.

He didn't even look directly at his face.

Ming Changyan's heart was very dark, his eyelashes trembled slightly with his mood.

After a long while, Ming Changyan said, "Huaiyu, are you angry?"

Huai Yu was really angry, but the Qi disappeared quickly. After ten days and a half months, when I saw the Ming Changyan woke up again, the look of sickness disappeared.

He helped the Ming feast: "No."

Ming Changyan heard him speak and quickly rushed down the pole. Huai Yu gave him a glance, he simply squeezed into the other's arms. Finding a comfortable position, Ming Changyan had a lot of heart, so far, he seems to have escaped from that fierce battle.

Huai Yu grabbed him.

After the Ming Changyan was embraced by Huai Yu, he originally wanted to easily roll around in the arms of the other party. Unexpectedly, after being really hugged by the other side, I became afraid afterwards.

If he really died in the Daming Hall ...

This consequence, he never considered when he was bloody. Of course, at that time, I did not consider it from the perspective of Huaiyu. If the other party is really angry with him, even ten days and a half months are okay. It's a pity that the Ming feast can't be waited for a moment, and he has to wake up to see him.

An overwhelming fear swept through his body.

Ming Changyan trembled slightly. He buried his head in the arms of the other side in a hurry, and put his hands on Huai Yu's back, his fingers clinging to his clothes tightly.

Ming Changyan's heart was rolling with various complex emotions, and his voice was shaking, "Never again."

Huai Yu said: "Well." Then, I felt that the Ming Long Banquet reaction was too big, and there were many questions in my heart, so I asked: "What did Liu Cang tell you?"

Ming Chang feasted sullenly: "Say you're angry with me."

Huai Yu frowned slightly.

He continued to ask, "Apart from this?"

At this moment, Liu Qiang outside the door sneezed.

He shook the fan, tried the temperature with the back of his hand, and felt that it was almost there, holding up the bowl.

As soon as I got up and turned around, I saw Huaiyu.

Huai Yu's face was not good, but Liu Cang didn't see much at the moment.

He said, "Why did you come out and didn't accompany him?"

Huaiyu reached out and brought the medicine bowl in Liu Cang's hand.

Liu Cangxin said: The sun came out to the west. Did your conscience find out to help me?

He didn't wait for him to be surprised, and his left face was aching. Originally won the position by Ming Changyan, at this moment, Huai Yu was punched again.

Liu Cang covered her face, raised her head, and looked at Huaiyu again, and knew that the other party knew what she said. Speaking of it, I still couldn't hold back, because I was much more oppressed. When I saw that the other party was in a disadvantaged position, I teased a few words to scare people. Now I am shooting myself in the foot and being punished.

After the pain, Huaiyu shoved the medicine bowl back into his arms.

Liu Kuang was suddenly realized, and the co-author just took away the medicine bowl, worried that the medicine would spill out!

Depression in his heart: Too much bullying!

He obediently took the medicine into the door.

Putting down the medicine bowl, Liu Xiang was in trouble, but now he is talking, it's time to talk about business.

The feast of the Ming dynasty was too painful to relinquish medicine, and he reluctantly sipped.

Liu Cang brewed for a while, and said, "I'll tell you something and plan after hearing it."

The author has something to say: The next chapter is really over! 2k novel reading network