MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 129 Riyuelou

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The Ming banquet quickly put down the medicine bowl, relieved, and asked, "What is it?"

Liu Chuang said: "Yiyue."

The feast of the Ming dynasty was suddenly stunned, such as Cang Lei's body, and his mind was blank.

When Huai Yu saw something bad, he quickly sat down and held his hands.

Liu Qiang said: "You listen to me first. This should have been told to you two already, but suddenly, I sent someone to the 99th Palace to tell Yun Qing first. Who knows when he went This is empty, and he has always been to the Egret College. I will tell him this matter simply. As a result, you just woke up today. "

Ming Chang feast thoughtfully, lips sulking: "What happened to her?"

Liu Qiang said: "This Hua Yunshang is very tightly hidden. The Thirteen Guards turned over half a month in the depths of the hundred flowers. Yesterday I finally found an ice coffin in a secret closet. I went to check it in the morning ... … Although I haven't seen your sister, the people lying inside look exactly like you, anyway, just wait for you to wake up and confirm. "

Ming Changyan was shocked and anxious, and quickly jumped out of bed. At this moment, Huaiyu knew that it was useless to stop him. The only thing he could do was to fulfill his wish and go with him to the depths of Baihua.

"Get dressed and go." Huaiyu only said this, he took off his clothes and said, "It's still early spring, your body can't stand it."

Ming Changyan grabbed a handful of clothes and wrapped himself in a hurry. At the same time, when the hands were laced, they also shook slightly.

"I thought Yun Luo was lying to me."

In the hall of the Ming Dynasty, Hua Yunshang lied to him, and she had made Yi Yue's body into a paper man. Later, after the Daming Hall collapsed, he naturally left this thing behind. Hua Yunchang used to like to lie to him, and he lied and opened his mouth, which is not surprising.

Who knows, this is not a lie.

Although she did not make Yi Yue a paper person, she did not bury Yi Yue that year.

Huai Yu helped him, and Ming Changyan asked again: "How is she doing?"

Liu Kuang thought for a moment and said, "It looks like a living person."

Speaking of which, homeopathy added: "It should be the role of the millennium Xuanbing."

Huai Yu also said, "I have heard that Kunlun Xuanbing can keep the body from decaying, but it is extremely precious and very rare. Even a small piece is already worthless. If you want to make an ice coffin, I am afraid it will ruin the treasury . "

Liu Cang sighed: "Unexpectedly, she still has money. However, if you want to get Kunlun Xuanbing, it is not enough to have money, you also need to have access and rights."

Ming Changyan said: "Like her, do you think it will be someone who pays well?"

Mostly it was a robbery halfway, beating people or killing them clean. Arrogant and unreasonable, arrogant and arrogant, the things that are fancy will be obtained by whatever means.

Liu Cang said: "That's the same."

Not much to say, the three went down together.

When Fang arrived at the foot of the mountain, he encountered a long-awaited grandma.

After the incident at the Daming Palace, Grandma fell asleep for a while. She was still young and didn't know what was going on outside her, and her father had collapsed overnight. Fortunately, Duan was accompanied by him. Grandma cried for more than half a month, and the young man recovered quickly, and then he jumped alive again.

After learning that the feast was unhealed, she couldn't get out of bed, and she quickly dragged Duan Ye to the Egret Academy.

Along the way, Duan Yun held her lightly and hurriedly. She sat in her arms and didn't feel tired. Jumping down can still be full of vitality, almost without stopping, hit the body of the Ming Chang feast.

Ming Changyan held her shoulders and held her up.

Grandma first shouted "Mr. Liu" and "Brother Huaiyu", then looked at Ming Changyan and asked, "How are you? Where are you going?"

Ming Changyan said: "Deep in the flowers. Now, in a hurry, if you have something to tell me, let's talk as we walk."

Grandma looked really worried, and said, "It's not a very important thing. I just want to see if you're awake. I see now, it's fine."

Ming Chang feasted: "It's okay. I don't really matter."

Grandma looked at Liu Qiang: "Mr. Liu, where are you so anxious, where are you going?"

Liu Kuang took a moment to glance, first turned to glance at the long feast.

Ming Chang Yan also didn't hide it, and said directly, "Go and meet someone."

Imam said, "Who is it?"

Ming Chang feasted: "A person who you must love if you are still alive."

Grandma was very curious when he said so. On the way, I couldn't help but ask Ming Long Ban who this person was.

After reaching the depths of the hundred flowers, the thirteen defenders attacked and greeted the others, letting go of a path.

The position of the ice coffin has not changed, and the Ming Changyan went to the depths of the hundred flowers with the condition of Liu Ming. The more he walked, the more he felt a chill. His footsteps were messed up a lot, knowing that in the end, it was stumbled.

The door was not open, and a hand of Ming Changyan placed his hand on the door for a while, and he dared not push it open.

Huai Yu shook the intersecting hands a little harder, Ming Changyan finally made up his mind and opened the door.

The chill in the room was even worse than the outside. In the middle, an ice coffin was quietly placed in the center of the room, and layers of ice mist rolled around.

A layer of frost formed on the ground near the ice coffin.

Seeing this, Liu Chong felt with emotion: It is indeed the millennium Xuanbing.

The first time Grandma saw such a strange thing, her eyes widened and she said, "What is this?"

She felt her body was cold and could not help sticking it to Duan.

Liu Kuang coined a term and answered, "It's Hanbing Xuan Coffin."

Grandma said, "A coffin? Is it a coffin?" She was suddenly shocked: "Who would make a coffin with ice is really strange!"

The Ming feast had lifted his feet and walked towards the edge of the ice coffin.

The transparent ice did not reflect his face.

But in the ice coffin, there was a face exactly like him, like a mirror.

However, the face in the coffin was slightly softer than his face, and his eyebrows were a bit clearer for no reason.

Ming Changyan put his hands on the ice coffin, and seemed to want to arrange her clothes as usual.

Unfortunately, the thick Xuan Bing separated the two into a world of life and death.

The clothes worn by Yi Yue were not the white long skirts she had worn in the Central Plains.

Hua Yunshang changed her dress for Dayue, layer by layer, with complicated clothes covering her body. The bells on the hands and feet were covered with a layer of frost, and they were silently attached to the body, and would never ring.

Huai Yu saw that the Ming Banquet stood still for a long time. At this moment, he couldn't stand behind, and stepped forward to take a look.

On this look, I saw Yi Yue in the ice coffin.

Huai Yu froze for a moment, his eyes fell on the face of Ming Changyan again. For a moment, he felt a lot of subtle emotions in his heart, but the cover was so natural that the long feast of the Ming was not discovered.

There is a twin sister in Ming Changyan. This is not a secret among his friends.

However, most people have never seen this sister-in-law, and can only look at the appearance of the Ming Changyan and make some speculations.

Nonetheless, everyone did not expect that Yi Yue's appearance was so similar to him.

Grandma watched the reaction of Ming Changyan and others, and was very surprised, so she pushed Duan Kui away and went to the ice coffin.

When she saw the girl in the ice coffin, her face changed and she almost called out "Sister Yan" almost immediately. Fortunately, the response was timely. He stuck in his throat stiffly and asked in a shock: "Brother Changyan, who is this and this woman?"

Liu Cang grabbed her hand and carried her back. Grandma looked and saw Liu Cang shaking her head, begging her not to speak.

Imam was suddenly pulled by him, his face flushed suddenly, he took out his hands, quickly clenched his hands into fists, and placed them on his side.

She stammered and asked, "Mr. Liu, how does that woman look exactly like him?"

Liu Kang said: "Look at you, don't you want to ask, why does she look exactly like your" Sister Yan "?"


The appearance of the woman in the ice coffin and the long banquet in Ming Dynasty is indeed a little different. It is because of the difference between men and women. But she looks exactly like "Sister Yan".

Liu Cang said: "She is the sister of Ming Changyan."

Grandma tilted her head to look at him, and waited for Liu Cang to answer. On the other side, there was a sudden movement.

It was the Ming feast that wanted to open the coffin.

Liu Cang hurried forward to stop, but unexpectedly, Huaiyu's movement was faster than him.

For a moment, the arms of the Ming Banquet were stopped, and Huai Yu said, "Kunlun's ice is very mysterious. It is not appropriate for you to stand here for so long."

Ming Chang feasted: "I can't let her be here."

Liu Cang promptly said: "It doesn't matter. We can go back and make plans, everything will be done according to the request of the long banquet son."

Huai Yu's face is still a bit bad. The Ming Banquet is in a complicated mood at this moment, and it's too late to think about Huai Yu.

It wasn't until his party went out of the depths of Baihua that he realized Huaiyu's face.

Ming Changyan didn't ask in-depth, just mentioned a sentence. After the other party said that it didn't matter much, he didn't mention it again.

Yi Yue's ice coffin was lifted out of the depths of the hundred flowers and was temporarily placed in the 99th Palace.

During this period, the queen specially came to visit Yiyue once.

Ming Changyan stood beside her. The queen condensed for a moment, and her heart moved, and she seemed to remember something old. She cried and cried, only to say that Yiyue and him were like mothers.

Three days later, the Ming banquet buried Yiyue in accordance with the custom of Dayue.

Few people came on that day.

Yi Yue was taken out of the ice coffin and placed on a small bamboo raft full of flowers. Dayue admires the moon and also admires water. They believe that people come from the water, and when they die, they also go to the water.

Ming Changyan half-knelt beside Yi Yue, silent for a long time, bowed her head and kissed her forehead.

For thousands of years, Xuan Bing kept her time three years ago. At this moment, Yi Yue is more like a sleeping beauty than a dead person.

Liu Cang said: "Well, you can never let go."

Ming Chang feasted his lips, finally lit a bamboo raft, the fire was in the water, down the river, and finally floated into the sea.

He closed his eyes and suddenly felt tired.

Huai Yu held down his shoulders, and Liu Kuang was very knowledgeable and stepped down first.

Ming Changyan sat on the stone by the river, silent.

For a moment, the Ming feast suddenly shouted, "Huaiyu."

Strangely, Huaiyu didn't respond.

Ming Changyan realized that Huaiyu's emotions were not right these days, and he shouted again.

"how is it?"

Ming Chang feasted: "What can I do? I asked you how. How uneasy are you these days?"

Huai Yu was unhappy, his hands suddenly wrapped around his waist, hugging him from behind, and burying his head in his neck socket.

This time, the Ming feast is really worried.

"Are you uncomfortable?"

Huaiyu shook his head.

Ming Chang Yan said: Strange.

Huai Yu's appearance is really wronged. Hold him and don't give up, ask him not to talk, he sighs in his heart: Little poor.

The pity that nowhere to place in the Ming banquet almost overflowed.

Without waiting for his long-form consolation, Huai Yu said, "You look alike."

Ming Chang feasted a moment: "She? Do you mean Yiyue?"

Huai Yu said "um", and was silent again. Although Ming Changyan didn't understand what Huai Yu was doing at this moment, he also let the other party bury his head in cooperation.

After a while, Huaiyu said, "I don't want you to be like that."

Listening to the long feast of the Ming, it was dumb.

Huaiyu's hands tightened around his waist.

Ming Changyan touched his nose and said, "I won't."

I wanted to come because of the situation in Yiyue, causing Huaiyu to think of going somewhere else. Speaking of them, Yiyue and Ming Changyan are indeed too similar. Is Huai Yu afraid of it later?

The Ming feast promised: "Never again."

After leaving Yiyue, the matter of the palace was also settled.

A group of people in the prison were all handled by Chu Xiaoyun, and Huaiyu simply made a shopkeeper. There was no other thing to do except to accompany the Ming Long Banquet every day.

Later, the Ming banquet was cultivated for another half a month, and it was already the beginning of spring when it was really alive.

Li Minjun sent Xiaoba to send several family letters. The letter explained some of the current status of Tianqing. After the Ming Changyan was wounded, he couldn't sit still. He sat at the door every day, picked up a nest of chickens, and fed up with joy.

The chicks grew into big chickens. When the first eggs were laid, the Ming feast finally waited for a day to return to Lin'an.

On this day, there was a spring rain.

Ming Changyan was the same as usual. When Huaiyu came, he got up to pick him up.

When the other party got under the umbrella, he hesitated for a moment, touched his nose, and said, "I want to go back to Tianqing."

Huaiyu seems to have expected that one day, he would not respond to this.

Ming Changyan glanced elsewhere, hesitated for a moment, and continued: "What are you going to do?"

After the new emperor ascended the throne, Huaiyu pushed all the affairs in the palace away. Ming Changyan knew this, so after asking this sentence, he quickly picked up the sentence: "Back to Lin'an with me."

Huaiyu nodded.

Ming Chang Yan gave a sigh of relief, and after coughing, he said, "Then you ... in Tianqing, you would not have lived in a house as expensive as your 99th palace. The private money that came down couldn't even afford a mansion. Don't believe it, the house in Lin'an is too expensive, I ca n’t afford it, Li Minjun ca n’t afford it, he has n’t married his wife yet! It's a chance ... "

Su Xuyu went all the way down the mountain.

After saying goodbye to Liu Liu, the two called a carriage, and they were not in a hurry to return to Lin'an, swim in the mountains and rivers, walk around, and waited for Lin'an, half a month later.

Getting out of the carriage, the long feast of the Ming stretched a lazy waist.

He was only asleep, and now he was soft and couldn't keep his eyes open. Huai Yu got him out of the car in a half-hugged and half-embraced area, and the Ming banquet hung on him for a while, and finally he was awake.


Huai Yu said, "Here it is."

At this time, it was just before the 15th of August, rushing to Mid-Autumn Festival to Lin'an.

The Ming banquet looked around, and the night market on the banks of Tanshui River was very bustling.

He hadn't returned to Lin'an for many years, and he was timid near hometown.

Huai Yu said: "No guesthouse today."

The Ming banquet was on the river bank, and the boatman bought two sticks of glutinous rice dumplings. The hot nest was in his hands. A full moon hangs in the night sky, sparkling on the river.

He stuffed a stick of glutinous rice in Huaiyu's hands and asked, "Why not stay in a pub?"

Huai Yu said: "The small building has been repaired."

Ming Changyan crooked his head and asked, "What small building?"

He followed Huaiyu's eyes and saw a towering building beside Tanshui River, where the scenery is beautiful and the terrain is excellent. He had seen this building before, but it wasn't exactly what he remembered. The long feast of the Ming suddenly remembered that there was a first floor in Lin'an with a great reputation. If you stood at the highest place on this floor, you could reach the moon.

It is a pity that this building is not sold or rented. Only at the annual Lantern Festival, you can get this building after you hit 7,749 or 49 flower balls. Due to the difficulty, no one has been able to live in this building over the years.

Except one person ...

The long feast of the Ming suddenly realized.

Isn't this building the one that Huaiyu won!

The Ming feast in the Ming Dynasty was very magical, and I couldn't help but take a closer look and said, "Does it really look like this? Why do I think it didn't look so good before?"

Huai Yu pushed him and opened the door.

Ming Changyan was stunned again: "Is there a door to this building? No, Huaiyu, you used to have only this small building. How did the surrounding mansion come from? When did you buy it?"

Huai Yu was too lazy to talk to him, and the two pushed open the door to enter. The doorway was actually a beautiful courtyard, carved wooden fence, and water terrace.

Ming Changyan pondered for a moment, and then he knew something. I am afraid that Huaiyu bought a house with small buildings around it and built it into a mansion.

As he thought, he felt in his heart: rich and rich, really rich.

However, no matter how good the scenery in the courtyard is, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty is still a small building. The two walked through the veranda and went straight under the small building.

The Ming banquet looked out and said, "It's worse than the 99th Palace. But don't have a taste of the moon here."

At the top of the small building, there is a cloister, and beside the cloister, there is another beauty leaning on it.

In the gallery, a red wooden table and two stools have been set up. Moon cakes, snacks, and goat's milk are on the table.

Ming Changyan applauded and sat on the stool very politely.

He bit a half moon cake and looked out of the corridor. The perspective here is very good. Looking up is the full moon, and looking down you can see the entire Tanshui River.

After the moon cake was belly, Ming Changyan asked: "Huaiyu, can you have a name on this floor?"

Huai Yu lowered her eyebrows and said, "Take the Moon Tower."

After listening to the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, he laughed: "Good name! Taking the Moon Tower is interesting. As the name goes, you can reach the moon by reaching out."

He was very enthusiastic, commented on the name, and he didn't know how to say it at the end. He asked without realizing, "Why do you want to call this name?"

Huai Yu looked at him momentarily.

Ming Changyan saw his eyes and gradually reacted.

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