MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 130 Three people become tigers (1)

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Ming Changyan turned over and woke up from the bed.

He reached out and touched his side. The place was cold and cold, and the temperature had long since gone. Presumably the time had arrived in the afternoon.

It seems that Huaiyu has already gone to the palace.

The room was very dark, and the long feast slept in the window, and the curtains around it were pulled tightly and tightly, forming a closed space, trapping him all in a small window.

The weather in late winter and early spring was still very cold. In the past few days, when it encountered freezing rain, a thick layer of ice had formed on the ground, and numerous ice cones were hung upside down from the trees and eaves.

The Ming banquet was afraid of the cold, and even if there were several stoves in the room, he still refused to lift the curtains. There was a huge circle in the quilt. Outside the bed curtain, there were several neatly stacked clothes. A bony joint was clear, and snow-white hands protruded from the gap in the bed curtain.

The outside temperature froze with the whole hand, and the five fingers touched the clothes, and finally grabbed them, confirming that they had caught all the clothes, it shrank back sharply.

Ming Changyan beat a roll in the quilt.

The clothes had just been dragged into the quilt, and they were still cold. Ming Changyan held them all in his arms, and a chill passed from his heart. Ming Changyan gritted his teeth, and he survived the cold, until he was covered by the temperature in the quilt, and he hid slowly. Put on clothes under the quilt.

Li Minjun came to Egret College from Yuanhefang early in the morning, warmed two pots of hot milk, and put them in a carrying case. By the time of Egret College, Liu Cang came back from class, sandwiching the book, and the two met unexpectedly at the gate of the mountain.

Li Minjun said, "Mr. Liu, go slowly!"

At the first sight, Liu Qiang said, "Why are you here today?"

Li Minjun said: "I'm here to see if the Ming feast is dead. I haven't seen anyone since the feast was sealed. Yesterday I just dealt with the matter of Tianqing. Look."

Liu Cangdao: "Yuanhefang Shunlu to Bailu Academy? Shunlu to the east to the west?"

Li Minjun continued to say to himself: "Do you know, he spent so many days at Egret College, a letter! No letter has been reported to us, as if our group of brothers are dead. That Is Xiao Guoxiang also in Egret College? Others? "

Liu Bing haha ​​twice, and said, "It's not up yet. I just left the class, and now I'll take you there."

I walked around the two yards, walked for a full quarter of an hour, opened a door, and finally arrived at the small yard where the long feast of Ming Dynasty lived.

It's more expensive here than elsewhere. Liu Cang said as he walked: "I'm still a little bit lighted by the long banquet boy."

Li Minjun looked around and said, "It looks like this yard has been renovated."

Liu Cang smiled, "Yes."

The two talked and walked into the courtyard. Liu Cang said, "Long Banquet--"

Li Minjun raised his hand to stop him: "Don't shout, this time should be up. I went straight in."

When the door was opened, the fragrance in the room floated. Li Minjun said: Why is it so fragrant?

"Long feast tomorrow!" He shouted, "How are you, can't you get up? See for yourself what time it is now, and I think you're a lazy bone again!"

Li Minjun glanced inside the house and immediately locked the bed.

He walked to the bed in three and two steps, and lifted the curtain, only to see the quilt bulge high. Liu Kuang poked his head in and snorted.

Li Minjun frowned and lifted the quilt after opening the bed curtain.

Ming Chang feast screamed and shouted, "Li Minjun! Are you going to die!"

Li Minjun said: "Are you wearing such clothes, aren't you afraid to put your pants on?"

Ming Chang Yan put on his coat and finally adapted to the light outside.

He squinted his eyes and said, "I've sunk me."

Li Minjun said: "You also know that you are drying up, and you still can't get up now? Fortunately, I didn't bring Yubao to bring them. If you look like this to your master, will it be shameful?"

Ming Changyan fastened his belt and slid off the bed.

"Li Minjun, you are really like a rude shrew. If it were Huaiyu, you would not be like you."

Hearing that Li Minjun was about to have an attack, Liu Cangyun took time to enter the door and laughed: "Long Banquet Boy."

Ming Changyan glanced at him and said, "Don't show me a smiley face. You don't lead the way, how did you find a road idiot like Li Minjun?"

Liu Cang's smile continued: "Since the long banquet son has been found, I will not make a reason."

Ming Chang feasted: "Do you still want to make up lies?"

Liu Cang instructed the two maids at the door to show the things in the room.

Ming Changyan looked in the room for a while, Li Minjun said, "What are you looking for?"

Ming Chang Yan replied: "My hair band!"

Upon hearing this, Li Minjun immediately said, "Can you pack up your hairband, how much do you lose in a year? You ca n’t buy it anymore?"

Ming Chang Yan casually replied: "Don't buy it again!"

Li Minjun raised his voice: "It's not Tianqing's money, you don't know to save it!"

After searching for a long time, Ming Changyan finally found his hairband under the cabinet.

He fumbled the hairband and said, "It's stingy not to buy you now."

Ming Changyan spoke very naturally. Li Minjun remembered that now Ming Changyan lives in Bailu Academy, and the living and eating are indeed all under the responsibility of Huaiyu. Even after he inquired, he learned where Ming Changyan lived.

This person hasn't been fooling around with him for a long time at home. Most of the time, the other party stays in the 99th Palace, or, as now, lives in Bailu Academy.

If it was changed before, the Ming banquet would have to live in Yuanhefang with the brothers and sisters. It's just that the world's first experienced so many things, and he is happy with him.

Li Minjun's mind was so incomparable that the more he thought about it, the longer the Ming banquet was really miserable. I have experienced such a major blow in the past few years, and now I still like the man, it is really pitiful, I do n’t know if it was because After falling from Yanbojiang and falling into my head, it became this look. Or maybe he had bet with him that year that he shouldn't make that frivolous request and hurt the Ming feast.

Thinking of this, Li Minjun sighed directly.

Seeing this, Liu Cang patted his shoulder quickly: "Did you care about these things with the long banquet boy, didn't he find it?"

Sure enough, Ming Changyan grabbed a hand of hair at will, and tangled it up. Who knows, this headband is so frosty that it can't even be tangled. Just after a knot is knotted, the entire headband is broken into four or five sections, and it lands lightly on the ground.

Ming Chang Yan's hair was spread out again and fell behind.

His hair is lighter in color, different from Central Plains' black hair, and not pure black. Now scattered behind, just like the noodles, it hangs straight down and looks very beautiful.

Li Minjun said: "How did it break?"

Ming Changyan picked it up from the ground and said, "How do I know, you ask me?"

He was in a daze, but there wasn't much left. He broke it, and today he can only lose his hair temporarily.

Li Minjun waved his hand: "Forget it, don't worry about this first. I brought you something. After you drink, I have something to ask you."

After smelling the flavor, the Ming banquet found the box, opened it for a few bites, and drank a bowl of milk tea brought by Li Minjun. After wiping his mouth, he listened to Liu Cang again and said, "Just right, you mentioned it to me before, and you have to come alone today, so let's make things clear together."

Ming Chang feasted: "Who's here?"

Liu Qian said: "It's a wooden figure."

Ming Changyan and Li Minjun glanced at each other. At the feast of the feast, Mu Tu, as an important figure sent by the foreign nations, but after the signal was sent out, when countries wanted to rebel, they led the Ajia nation's team intact, so Aga escaped the Central Plains afterwards. Sanctions. " Not to mention Ajia's unbelievable series of reactions afterwards, but now I want to come, it is very puzzling that Mutu took the initiative to tell Ming Changyan that he was a "signal bomb" for foreign nations.

Liu Cang said: "The things he wants to say are probably the same as what you want to say. Instead of discussing with the two of you, it is better to ask Mu Tu directly. I believe he knows far more than you."

Ming Changyan said, "You're right. Where is he now?"

Liu Cang said, "Come here later. You have to eat first."

It's already afternoon in the afternoon, and after a while, Huaiyu will have to come over after finishing the affairs of the palace. The Ming banquet in Ming Dynasty totaled a bit in his heart and decided to wait for Huatu to come and see Mutu together.

He immediately agreed with Liu Cang's proposal and waited for Huaiyu to return after dinner.

Ming Chang feasted two bites, and after eating in the afternoon, he didn't eat much at night. Because he wanted to eat with Huaiyu at night, at this time, he was very perfunctory.

There are two hours left before dark, and Li Minjun greeted her and walked in the direction of Jianghu Daily to pass the time there.

The Ming Changyan had little interest in Jianghu Daily and simply sat in the courtyard for a while.

As a result, within a quarter of an hour, I was so bored that I wanted to jump in the river.

He had the root grass in his mouth and thought about doing nothing: before, I didn't think the days were boring, it seems that it was because Huaiyu was around. So now that he is not there, I have nothing to do.

The more I think about it, the more this reasoning makes sense.

Ming Chang Yan spit out the grass in his mouth again, and went to Huaiyu's little white deer to play.

After searching for two hours of fragrant incense, the little white deer who was standing at the door every day was absolutely not found. The long feast was really boring.

After walking around for a long time, I walked back to the small yard from the mountainside. Unable to stay in the yard, walked into the house again. On this walk, I saw a pile of needlework in the basket in front of the cabinet.

This was the last time he lived at Egret College and asked Liu Cang to bring him back. The mess of needles and threads in the basket looked like someone had moved. And the people who moved them were not others, it was the Ming feast.

He looked aside, and sure enough, there was an embroidery frame next to the needlework. There were also several delicate and delicate Shu brocades on the shelf. Ming Changyan stared and stared at her heart. She stepped forward, took the needle and thread into her arms, and went to the yard.

Two hours later, Huaiyu returned from the palace. As soon as I stepped into the yard, I saw the house was brightly lit. He paused in his heart, suddenly suddenly confused. At first glance at this scene, he didn't know what he felt, but he couldn't help speeding up and walking towards the house.

As soon as the door was pushed, Ming Changyan just bowed his head and broke the line.

Hearing the movement, he looked up and saw Huai Yu, his expression moved.

Huaiyu wore a navy blue blouse today. The dark-colored skin of Huaiyu became paler and whiter, as if faintly shimmering in the dark.

Huai Yu said, "Why is there no hair?"

At the moment, the long feast of the Ming dynasty was circulated, and he was wearing a more casual white shirt. It was not a common simple and smart dress. It showed a different temperament under the shining lights than before.

"My hair band is broken." Ming Changyan asked in return: "Why did you come back now and see Mutu later?"

"Mutu can only come tomorrow."

Huaiyu took two steps forward and saw what he was holding. The needlework had been put into the basket by Ming Changyan, leaving only a delicate purse in his hand.

He glanced at him and took the purse in his arms.

"It's for you."

Huaiyu grabbed his hand, and at the same time took off the purse in his hand.

"You came back so late. I was afraid you missed me, so I made a purse for you to see the real people." Ming Chang Yan flaunted and continued, "Ms. Qian Jin from Lin'an Prefecture lined up that year The team can't buy it, it's cheaper for you today. "

Huai Yu touched the purse, and embroidered a beautiful lotus flower on it. Seems to smell close, but also smell the lotus fragrance.

The long feast of the Ming dynasty made the needles used, and embroidering a purse is a trivial matter. His stitching is lively, the lines are bright, and the purse is held in his hands. Judging from his skill and fineness, it is really difficult to buy and worth a lot.

When he saw Huaiyu watching for a long time, he secretly ecstatically said in his heart: It seems that this boy likes it very much, and he didn't let me sit here for two hours dryly.

The feast of Ming Changyan was so proud that she couldn't help bragging: "I'm not saying that the best embroiders in the world are not necessarily as good as me. I've heard that if a woman in Central Plains likes a man Then I embroidered him a purse. I do n’t think you have a chance to get someone else ’s purse, but if you do n’t worry, whoever is Ben Shaoxia ’s ingenuity will happen this way. It ’s your luck ... ”

Before the words were over, Huai Yu was kissed firmly by Huai Yu.

The rest of his words were swallowed into his stomach, and the words he wanted to say disappeared on the lips of the two.

The Ming Chang feast did not blow out the cow he wanted to blow, so he froze, as if he had not returned to God.

After the feast was closed, the Ming feast was lying on the bed for several days due to physical reasons. He lied about and wanted Huaiyu not only to accompany him during the day, but also to accompany him at night, otherwise he would have pain all over and could not go down to the ground.

Huai Yu was too lazy to dismantle his poor acting skills, and asked him to accompany him at the Ming Banquet. He left most of the matter in the palace and stayed directly at Bailu Academy in the evening instead of going back to the 99th Palace.

However, the Ming Long Banquet asked him to accompany him. Although the two slept in the same bed at night, in order to take into account the wounds of Ming Changyan, they always slept obediently and didn't think much.

As the days passed, the Ming feast forgot the incident that happened in the 99th Palace. Huaiyu was not fortified at all. She tried every means to make a death attack, but after being glared at by the other side, she became complacent and ecstatic, feeling that she was amazing.

May I ask, who else dares to jump on Yun Qing's bed so happily and still not die?

In this way, after the Ming banquet was completely wounded, this habit was not changed. Seeing Huaiyu, he was still very busy, as if he didn't laugh at each other, he just couldn't live happily.

Although it was not the first kiss, the two had not been so intimate for a long time before that. Fortunately, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty was only a moment, and they opened their mouths obediently, extended their tongues, and licked each other. Lips.

"So anxious, it seems that I really missed me." Ming Changyan was just blocked, and said casually, who knew it seemed to hear the other party "um".

The Ming feast had not yet responded, and a sound rang in his ear: "I really want to."

He hugged Huaiyu's neck with his hands reflexively, and after taking a breath, he moved forward again, licking his lips in a small mouth. The temperature on his body was suddenly high, and even with his neck and face showing affectionate pink, his eyes were half-wrinkled and his eyelashes fluttered.

As soon as he got close to Huaiyu, his legs were soft. Although he went up and kissed him now, his body dropped involuntarily. If there weren't a stool near the leg, the Ming feast would have fallen to the ground.

While breathing, the Ming feast did not forget that this is the Egret Academy, and while kissing with Huaiyu, he still did not forget to ask: "Little Huaiyu, this is the Egret Academy. Are you sure this is true?"

Even so, they did not intend to stop at all.

The candlelight bounced for a moment, Ming Changyan lifted his neck and chased each other's lips. Huai Yu himself is taller than him. Now he sits, the other side is standing, and kissing is very laborious.

Ming Changyan dragged his collar dissatisfied and pulled down twice, with little strength, without pulling the other side. Tell him to pull a few more times, Ming Shaoxia's cheek is thin, he thinks he can't do it a third time. Simply change the way, stand up on the stool, step on the feet, the whole person's center fluttered to Huaiyu.

He happened to be embraced by Huaiyu.

The original cold breath was entangled for a moment and turned into a strong subtle fragrance.

Huai Yu's hand was holding his waist, and Ming Changyan did not fall by this force. He intently licked Huaiyu's lips, like a kitten, and licked for a while, biting. The tip of his tongue was tried several times between the lips and teeth. It was soft and hot, and the crispy pleasure passed from his lips to his fingertips. Ten fingers of the Ming banquet clutched each other's clothes tightly, the piece of fabric being caught was crumpled, and the dark blue outer shirt was lined with Ming Shaoxia's hands as white as jade paste, eye-catching.

His lips and cheeks were hazy and steamy with a hot heat, and his eyes were densely fogged, making Ming Yan feast unclear. He had to be careful, and wanted to drive straight into Huaiyu ’s lips, and he was so trembling that he was slightly ashamed, and his mind was at war with each other. For a while, he did n’t know what to do, and could only continue to peck him Lips, or licking the corner of his mouth.

Ming Changyan looked forward to Huaiyu's quick response, and he felt wronged. After pecking two bites, he stared at Huaiyu with a little blank expression, with a slight imperceptibility in his tone.

"Huaiyu, kiss me."

Huai Yu's hand on his waist suddenly tightened. Ming Changyan felt that his body was empty, but he was held up by the other side.

Soon, Ming Changyan was trapped in the quilt, and then Huaiyu leaned down and pressed down.

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