MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 131 Three into a Tiger (2)

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The sky outside was not yet bright.

Ming Changyan suddenly opened his eyes.

He was trapped in the arms of Huai Yu, unable to move left and right.

Ming Changyan slightly moved his little finger, only to find that there was nothing uncomfortable except for the subtle sourness of the lower body. It seems that before he passed out, Huaiyu had cleaned him up.

Same as the first time.

If the Ming feast can still move, he must reach out and cover his face. It's best to cover it all. He can't see others, and others can't see him.

If you fainted in bed for the first time, you said it was because you had no experience. But he fainted again for the second time.

Anyway, fainting is too shameful. Ming Shaoxia lamented in his heart, secretly: he must find an opportunity to hint that I fell asleep in the past, not faint.

He thought, moving his body carefully.

Huai Yu hugged tightly. When he moved, he had to be careful not to wake the other person up.

Last night, Hu Tianhu was messing around, his clothes were dragged everywhere, and there was only one Huaiyu pajamas on the Ming Long Banquet. To him, it was a bit too big and loosely fitted. The curtain did not pull up, the eyes of Ming Changyan fell on Huaiyu's waist, and he stayed for a while, his face turned red. Soon, he shifted his eyes and looked back at the place he wanted to see most—the window in the room.

Ming Shaoxia glanced a little, and his body started to move again.

He wanted to open the window.

This matter is very important. It was so important that I was tossed away last night. Just before the dizziness passed, Ming Changyan was still thinking of opening a window.

The reason is without him. Last night, I do n’t know why, Mu Tu didn't come, Li Minjun must be staying at Egret College. Even if he didn't live in Egret Academy, he came from Yuanhefang and dared to open the door and come in to take out the Ming feast from the bed. If you live in Egret College, then you still have it, shouldn't you come earlier?

He just fell asleep alone, and today there is Huai Yu. Yesterday Li Minjun came in the afternoon. The Ming Banquet had to infer whether he would come in the morning today, or earlier, in the morning.

Li Minjun and he have always been informal. If he suddenly kicked in the door like yesterday and saw the situation in the room, he would be embarrassed to be thick-skinned.

Of course, there is one more important thing. In addition to the messy clothes in the room, there was no window open overnight. In addition to the strong subtle fragrance in Huaiyu, there was a lingering scent of love after the incident. It is not difficult to guess that everyone came in here last night What happened.

The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty became more and more afraid, as if Li Minjun would break through the door in the next second, just wishing to jump out of bed immediately.

Open the window first and then lock the door.

He took action, slowly got up from the bed, squeezed his clothes, and closed his chest.

I just climbed up and climbed out without two steps, and my waist suddenly tightened, and Ming Changyan's mind was stunned, and the whole person was dragged down severely.

He fell on Huaiyu, and the heat suddenly rose a lot.

The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty was startled suddenly, and he smiled, "Huaiyu, are you awake?"

After thinking about it, he asked again, "When did you wake up?"

When Huai Yu woke up, she got very upset.

This point was discovered by Ming Changyan himself. It used to be very serious, but it is also very serious now, but his patience for Ming Changyan is always more than that of other people. Therefore, when facing him, Huai Yu usually gets up and doesn't talk and grows upset.

After the Ming banquet was asked, she could not get an answer.

He knew that Huaiyu must be angry again.

Ming Changyan lay on him for a while, except that the other party had no movement except dragging him. Gradually, the chest breathing fluctuated and calmed down slowly, Ming Changyan listened to his heartbeat, raised a brow, and secretly said: Is this asleep again?

After thinking about it, it was said that it was Huai Yu who was angry, but was too sleepy, and fell asleep with anger and anger?

In my heart, the feast of the Ming dynasty almost laughed out loud.

what is this? This is too cute!

Huaiyu seemed to know what he thought, and adjusted his posture to make himself more comfortable. In this way, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty was more difficult than before.

After a moment of silence, the long feast of Ming Dynasty was about to move again.

As soon as he moved twice, Huaiyu's voice came over his head.

He had just woke up, his voice still waking up with the dullness, muttering, and it sounded like complaining and coquettish.

"what are you doing?"

Ming Changyan was numb with this voice, and it took a while to say, "... I get up."

Huai Yu opened her eyes slightly and glanced out, the shadow cast by her eyelashes showed that the heartbeat of Chang Yan was missed a few more times.

"It's not dawn yet, what are you doing to get up?"

For a moment of silence, Ming Changyan guiltyly turned the tail of Huaiyu tangled in his hands and said, "I ... practice sword."


He was embarrassed to say that, because he was worried that Li Minjun would suddenly come in and see himself like this, he might never see his face again, so he had to get up and lock the door before the other side pushed in. At the same time, a window should be opened to allow the wind to make the subtle fragrance in the room less gloomy.

Huai Yu knew that he was lying.

But now that he has been upset for a while, he is in a good mood and doesn't want to care about what the long feast is about.

"You don't want to sleep anymore?"

Listen to the Ming feast, and nodded.

Huai Yu said, "OK."

Ming Changyan thought: What's the best?

The next moment, he knew.

Huai Yu saw the man in front of her, and was tossed around all night, without any drowsiness.

It seems that he is not so frustrated.

There was still a little sleepiness in Ming Changyan, who was surprised by Huai Yu's next move.

The two turned up and down, he snorted softly, and hurriedly pushed Huaiyu. As a result, as soon as the hand was placed on the other person's chest, the push resistance became tightly clasped.

The ghost was fascinated, and Ming Changyan quickly closed his eyes and secretly said: Forget it, wait to close it!

As a result, this class waited until dawn.

The curtain was put down.

An hour later, a white arm slowly fell behind the impervious curtain. Soon, the bed curtain moved again.

Ming Changyan rubbed his waist, quickly got up from the bed, opened a seam, and the sky was broken outside.

"It's over. I don't know what time it is now."

He scrambled around to find the messy clothes that had just been messed up. Huai Yu's arm was originally horizontal to his heart. Now he sits up and becomes horizontal to his waist.

Ming Chang feasted a handful of hair, and the two maids serving outside heard the movement and asked at the door if they needed hot water.

He slipped off the bed: "What you want!"

It was only then that Huaiyu sat up slowly from the bed.

Ming Changyan opened the window, and the cold wind poured in. He looked back, Huaiyu was half-dressed, sitting on the bed, full of beauty.

Just looking colder.

Ming Changyan closed the window again and went to look at the stove. It was burning hot and the house was warmer than the outside.

He walked on the ground barefoot for a long time, and Huai Yu gathered a piece of clothing and got out of bed to lift him directly back to the bed.

Ming Chang banquet said: "No! Huaiyu, I'll see you in a while!"

He was afraid that Huaiyu would be interested again, catching him and going to bed to fuck. Although the other party's technique is very good, and there is no discomfort in the Ming Changyan, but he can't take it any longer without a break.

Fortunately, Huaiyu also knows convergence, but just catches him to bed and arrogantly puts on him several clothes.

In the dressing room, the Ming feast did not forget to ask Huaiyu, "You help me see if my eyes are swollen a bit."

At this point, the maid knocked on the door and, after getting permission, pushed in.

By the time the two had finished bathing and dressed neatly, it was almost noon.

Now, even breakfast is saved, and lunch is used directly.

After dinner, the Ming Banquet finally saw Li Minjun.

When the other party saw him, he looked at him with a complicated look, his eyes seemed to be filled with pity and sympathy, as if how much grievance Ming Ming had suffered at the moment.

Without waiting for the Ming Changyan to ask, Liu Qiang emerged from the corner and saw that they were all there, and said directly: "The wooden figure has already arrived, and everyone is there, so let's go to the left hall to talk."

Ming Changyan asked, "Why didn't he come yesterday? Didn't he say he came last night?"

Liu Cang laughed: "Maybe something was delayed."

Li Minjun held his arms with both hands and stood aside, thinking for a moment, still walking beside Liu Cang. Hearing the question of the Ming Long Banquet, he said, "Isn't it better not to come? It's okay to come."

Ming Changyan did not hear the connotation of his sentence, and continued to ask, "What can he do?"

Liu Cang said, "You'll know when you see him."

After all, glanced at Huaiyu.

Huaiyu doesn't talk much, just walks. Liu Guang glanced a few times, and suddenly hesitated.

"Yunqing, when did you buy the purse around your waist?"

After listening to the Long Banquet of Ming Dynasty, I was surprised for a moment. Looking down, Huaiyu had a purse on his waist, which was the one he sent last night.

Unexpectedly, he hung up today.

Huai Yu glanced at Liu Cang and did not plan to reply.

Li Minjun also looked and looked for a while, and felt that the skill of this purse was very familiar.

Liu Cang immediately praised with companionship: "You have a very beautiful purse, I don't necessarily have the ability to see the embroidered lady in the palace. However, I see that you are usually too lazy to hang on your waist, why are you willing to hang the purse today? "

Ming Changyan interrupted quickly: "Okay, okay, don't you have anything else to say, what nonsense here?"

He thought to himself: Why did Huaiyu hang it out, shouldn't all the purses be in his arms? I knew this, I should embroider a piece of parchment and see where he hangs.

Each of them thought about it and kept on, the left hall was almost in sight.

The Ming banquet looked up, and Mu Tu was sitting at the table. Two bowls of tea were empty on the table.

Seeing the Ming feast, Mu Tu stood up and shouted, "Brother."

Although he didn't yell and jump like he did before, he still didn't look like a serious person. The whole person hurried to the side of Ming Changyan.

Ming Changyan stepped into the door and Mu Tu poured him a bowl of tea.

He sat down, pushed Mutu's tea aside, and said, "Do you know what I want to ask you?"

Mu Tu said: "I know, I know." He smiled, "Brother, I'm sorry."

Ming Changyan asked, "Where is the palace?"

Mutus winced, shaking his head like a rattle, as if terrified: "Brother, I dare not bring it."

Ming Changyan: "Oh?"

Mu Tu swallowed: "I'm afraid you'll kill him."

Ming Changyan smiled slightly: "I can't see that you are such a serious character. Since he is not here, I will kill you, and this matter can't be separated from you anyway."

On the other hand, the Ming Changyan really had luck in his hands. Looking at the posture really did kill Mu Tu here.

When Mutu saw this, his face turned white, and he screamed, "Brother !! I was wrong !!!"

Ming Changyan smiled and said, "Well, what are you doing wrong?"

Mitu cried with a sad face: "I was wrong everywhere !!!"

Ming Chang Yan watched coldly, put down his hand and said, "How long are you going to pretend with me?"

Mu Tu shuddered and said with a smile: "Brother, how dare I pretend to be with you."

At this moment, the Ming banquet was too lazy to pretend to be polite, and only said, "No more nonsense, I have no patience to play with you."

The two looked at each other for a while. At the end, Mu Tu finally converged on his unruly temperament, grabbed a hand of hair, and laughed: "I said it because you are Yiyue's brother. You just want to know, I You can tell them all. "

"I knew it three years ago," he said, "when Yi Yuezhong was looking for you."

"She didn't come back for a long time. I went to Dayue several times, and all the news said that the princess was out, but Gorele told me that Yiyue fled privately."

The Ming feast stopped him: "Golele? When did you plant him next to Shati?"

Mu Tu said: "It wasn't me who installed it, but I countered it. Your father ... I mean, the great temper of the Lord Ozuki, it is not very difficult to counter a person around him."

Ming Chang Yan said: "I can see it."

Mu Tu said: "The lord of the big month threatened him with his wife and children, and he kept beating and scolding him. I promised to protect his family, and he worked for me." After a moment, he continued: "From Gore Here, I know the news of Yiyue, and at the same time, I also know the plan of the Lord of the Moon. "

Ming Changyan said: "Using the cause of Yiyue's death in the Central Plains, threatened the Central Plains to give Da Yue resources?"

Mu Tu nodded: "Yes. After Yi Yue was killed by him, I immediately sent someone to Zhongyuan."

Ming Changyan responded: "You want to come to me?"

Mu Tu nodded: "But when my people arrived in the Central Plains, I heard the news that you were buried in Yanbojiang. At this time, I knew that the Lord of the Great Moon did not want Yiyue to die alone, he wanted you two. Individuals died together in the Central Plains. "

"I know the plan of the landlord. He wants to divide the Central Plains with the surrounding small nations. After you die, the strength of the Central Plains gradually declines. The landlord wants to win it in one fell swoop. I originally wanted to follow him and the canary. He waited for three years and waited for the feast to be sealed. But three years later, after I arrived in the Central Plains, I found that you were not dead. And, you and ... "

Mu Tu glanced at Huaiyu.

Ming Changyan waved his hand: "What you see him doing, I want to listen to you."

Mu Tu said: "I did not expect that when I arrived in Central Plains I could meet you by chance, and you were with the small country of Central Plains. At this time, I almost guessed your plan. Although there was some gap with my thinking, but The general trend is eight. Nine are inseparable from ten. "

"So, I immediately changed my original plan."

When Ming Changyan heard this, he suddenly realized: "So you sent a signal, but you ordered Aga's people to not move because you knew I wasn't dead?"

The wooden figure nodded.

Ming Changyan asked again: "Since this, then you must know that the Central Plains was already at the end of the crossbow at that time. We sing clearly is an empty city plan. Why don't you directly send a signal to rebel and win the Central Plains in one fell swoop?"

Mu Tu looked at the side and said, "I don't have such great ambitions. I want Xiati's head more than winning the Central Plains. I'm happy when he dies, I'm happy! Only he dies, Yiyuecai ... "

When he said that, he suddenly heard.

Mu Tu raised his eyes and stared directly at the Ming Chang feast, saying, "I know that because I used to stick to Yi Yue, no matter you or Da Yue, I don't look down on me, even Yi Yue also treats me. I'm not interested. I thought I was just a playboy. "

"The buffon she likes, married a beautiful wife shortly after her death, brother, only I have been sincere."

Ming Changyan didn't know what to think of, but at this moment there was no sound.

Regarding Yiyue, outsiders are not enough to talk about it.

After a long silence, Ming Changyan asked, "Did you see me on the last side of Yiyue?"

"Haha, brother, where can I, I am very conscious, I was watching quietly in the distance."


Mutu suddenly changed back to his usual appearance, and quickly said, "I said everything I know, that Miyazaki thing ..."

Ming Chang Yan said: "Huh?"

Mu Tu rubbed his hands and said, "Isn't Miyazaki sincerely trying to hurt the small country minister. Besides, he can't be hurt. Isn't it true that the small country minister didn't hurt? Seeing so many things I said Can you spare me? "

Ming Changyan said: "Well. Gong Yan didn't really hurt him, that is, you really instructed Gong Yan."

He twisted his wrist.

Mutu stared at his hand, and the alarm bell in his heart was a masterpiece.

Who knew that, before running two steps away, he was smashed on the ground by the Ming banquet.

Solved the matter of the wooden map, many of the Ming Chang feast was inexplicable, and now it has been solved.

He was relaxed and lay in the Egret College for a few more days.

However, these days have not been better.

Especially at night, it is more difficult than during the day.

Of course, I'm sorry, it doesn't seem right.

After six or seven days, Grandma came.

Ming Changyan was lying on the table at this time to make up sleep, thinking while sleeping, and then carried on by Huaiyu like this, I am afraid to return to the west in advance.

Half asleep and half awake, I heard someone call him.

Grandma came early and planned to come over for lunch with Ming Chang Banquet.

She came directly after class, and she was wearing the school uniform of Egret College, and Duan Yun was carrying a book bag for her. Grandma leaped and jumped, looking for a circle in front of the mountain where no one was seen. She dragged Duan Qiang and ran to the back of the mountain, walking around, and finally found the Ming feast in this quiet courtyard.

Grandma stooped down and glanced at the long feast.

The latter slept very well. Due to the posture, the back of the neck was exposed more than half, and there were many kiss marks. Although Ayi had never seen it in real life, she could see a lot of it, and immediately saw it. What was it? Grandma was shocked. She took a few steps back and bumped into Duan Mao.

This movement just woke up the Ming feast.

I didn't feel back pain when I got up in the morning, and I fell asleep for two quarters in the morning and fell asleep. He sat up and stretched a lazy waist, and when he saw the grandma, he said softly, "Good morning."

Grandma said: "It's early! I'm out of class! Don't sleep, get up and play with me!"

The Ming feast was not full at this moment, and was dragged by the grandma, almost falling to the ground.

"Oh, grandma aunt, take it lightly. I'm tired by playing alone."

Only then did I see the kiss mark on the neck of Ming Changyan, and then I heard him say that. In addition to his weak tone, Grandma was very surprised, and her brain moved. "What? Are you tired? I can hear Xiulonglong Having said that, you are here at Egret College. You ate and slept, slept and ate, you did n’t do anything in the day, you were idle, and you did n’t practice your martial arts. Why would you be tired? ... Look, go on like this, your world is the best Nothing! "

The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty was so sleepy that he broke the jar and said, "I love who is the first in the world, and I am going to sleep now."

Grandma didn't want him to sleep, dragged the sleeves of Ming Changyan, and threw them around, noisy and noisy: "You are not allowed to sleep! Play with me! Do you know what people like you do!"

The Ming banquet was suddenly disturbed by the grandma, and there was no drowsiness.

Grandma's posture is extremely familiar. Tianqing's younger cubs also like to play this game, relying on their small size, from treating themselves as a pendant, sticking to themselves all day and night, the same as nougat, can not tear off.

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty shook his head and turned, and the body that had already fallen apart would have to fall apart. He had to compromise and said, "Okay, let go first, I'll play with you, let's go."

He said, and muttered again, "It is really kind and deceived. Why is this aunt grandma afraid to make trouble when Huaiyu is here?"

Grandma didn't hear the words behind him, happily pulled her arm away, and sat opposite the Ming Changban.

She poured herself a cup of tea, Ming Chang Yan held her cheeks with her hands, and asked, "What are you going to play with, just talk. By the way, what did you say just now, what do people like me do?" ? "

Grandma took a sip of tea and hummed, "You don't know this. Think about it, who doesn't do anything all day, eats and sleeps, and sleeps and eats?"

Ming Chang Yan thought about it for a while, but did not expect it.

He said: "This person must be a rich man."

Grandma said: "Wrong! There is another kind of person who is not a wealthy man, but also does nothing every day, and no one will scold him!"

Ming Changyan curiously said, "Who?"

Grandma said, "Of course he is pregnant with Rokko!"

The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty reacted for a moment, and for a long while, Haha laughed.

Grandma said, "What are you laughing at?"

Ming Changyan laughed for a long time, tired, and slowly said: "I laugh when I want to laugh. Is there any rule that people who have slept or slept can't laugh?"

Grandma snorted and drank another bowl of tea.

She had a strange spirit, turned her eyes, glanced at the long feast, coughed, and said quietly, "Are you a bit fat recently?"

Ming Changyan said: "Your topic is too jumping."

However, after hearing what Grandma said, Ming Changyan still looked down at himself.

During this time, he didn't move much. It ’s nice to call it a wound, but it ’s just to do nothing if it ’s awkward.

But if you want to gain weight, it is not. Do not move during the day, but at night. The movement is still not small, Ming Shaoxia consciously can exhaust half of his life, so what Grandma said, he did not fully admit it.

"Where is it fat? Isn't it good?"

Grandma said: "Here here!"

She stretched out her fingers and spotted several places randomly: "It's all fat! Especially the belly!"

Ming Changyan couldn't laugh or cry, secretly: What tricks does this little ancestor play?

"Look at you, do you feel you haven't got enough sleep lately? Your body seems to be falling apart, and your feet have become heavier than before?"

Ming Chang Yan heard what Grandma described, it really is the same thing, but these are not all good things done by Huai Yu?

The old grandma was here, and suddenly shook her head, feeling suddenly, and asked to look like a long feast.

The Ming banquet followed the trend and asked, "Why, do you have any chance to reveal to me?"

Grandma said, "Yes, yes, but ... I'm afraid you can't bear it!"

Ming Changyan held back his laugh and continued to ask, "What is it?"

Grandma hooked up and motioned for a long feast. When the head of the Ming Banquet came together with her, she finally became mysterious and lowered her voice and said, "Do you know that Brother Huaiyu can make men pregnant?"

Ming Chang feasted a bit.

He raised a brow and said, "I thought it was something extraordinary. Do you have too little schoolwork? Are you free?"

Grandma listened, and became embarrassed and angry: "You are such a nuisance. I told you something so important, and you came to sneer at me!"

"No. What's irony? I didn't ridicule you. I think you're probably too busy, and you've read too much messy textbooks, so you're insane, easy to think wildly." Ming Changyan touched his chin I just thought that Grandma was mischievous, and continued to say, "Look, I have to tell Huaiyu and let him confiscate all your words."

Grandma stood up: "You believe it or not, hum!"

After that, I clasped my arms again and muttered, "I can't control what you want to do anyway. Now I let you, not because I was afraid of you, but because I was afraid that you would move your baby's breath, and my nephew was lost Now. "

She talked in a slick manner, scrutinizing, listening to the long feast laughing from the table to the ground.

This person pretended to be like: "Okay, I know. I don't know Aunt Aunt wants a few nephews. I'll count them and give you more!"

Seeing him clearly, Grandma didn't take his words seriously, and she was so angry that she stomped her feet and ran away.

The feast of the Ming Dynasty was overwhelming. After the young aunt ran away, Liu Cang came.

As soon as he entered the door, he said, "I just saw Su Ning ran out from here, and she looked like she was wronged by Tianda. What did you do to her?"

Ming Changyan didn't care at all, and said, "Why, are you going to Xingshi to ask sin?"

Liu Cang touched his chin and said, "I'm just curious. What did you say can make her angry like that?"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty remembered the grandma's wild words, and couldn't help but feel funny, so he shared it with Liu Gang as it was.

"She doesn't know where to hear it. Tell me that Huaiyu can make a man pregnant. I really thought I could give her two nephews. I coaxed her and she ran away. Haha , You don't see her expression, it's like I really lost her two nephews! "

Who knows, Liu Qiang said seriously: "Yeah."

The Ming banquet was faintly aware of something wrong, and he was vigilant: "What is it?"

Liu Cang took a bowl of tea for himself and drank slowly, saying, "Don't you know that Yun Qing really has this ability?"

At this moment, Ming Shaoxia's head was a little dazed.

"Why don't you even know this. Who is Yun Qing? Didn't he tell you? It's strange ..." Liu Cang gave him a slight glance, and then supported his chin, and said slowly "However, you can understand it without knowing it. He can do so much. If nothing is done, he will never introduce you to the fanfare like teaching."

It sounds really like that, and looking at Liu Cang's expression, it doesn't seem to be a joke.

Is it true that everyone knows, but he doesn't know it alone?

Ming Changyan's fingers curled up and secretly said: This is impossible.

At night, Huaiyu returned from the palace.

In the past, the Ming feast in the academy had nothing to do in the academy, so they oppressed Huaiyu's little white deer, or made two pieces of clothes. They can be used as pajamas when the spring comes next year.

Today he pushed in the door, and the Ming feast was uncharacteristically normal. He didn't sit at the table to sew up, but rubbed a sharp blade inscrutablely.

He was tired of killing.

Ming Chang Yan learned martial arts in his early years and was really obsessed. All martial arts must be learned, and all martial arts must be studied. After nearly ten years of hardships, he tossed him to death, and died a lifetime. When he was sitting in front of Huaiyu and having a meal with him, he found that he did not like martial arts so much.

If he were given another chance, and the life order was placed in front of his eyes, he would never be swayed and mad, and would pull out the demon sword. At that time, when he was young, he had a heart that wanted to do everything to provoke the heroes of the world to jealous.

Now I want to come, what good is it to envy the heroes of the world? Might as well hug a beauty and go home every night.

The more he thought, the more degraded Ming Shao felt.

When Huaiyu came back, when he saw Huaiyu's face, the guiltless degradation was gone. As soon as the trick was raised, everything in the world was left behind, and all were summed up and summarized: it was my fart.

He thought that most of the kings who made the decision not to be beautiful, were beautiful enough.

Like the small state, beauty is in place, and Jiangshan is not worth mentioning.

Who cares about that!

Ming Shaoxia put the knife on the table and figured it out.

Huaiyu asked, "What do you do with the knife?"

Ming Changyan calmly said, "There is always a reason for me to wipe the knife. Don't ask anything else, I want to ask you something."

Huai Yu said, "What is it?"

Ming Changyan groaned for a moment and said, "Is there a possibility in this world? I mean maybe there is a medicine that can make a man pregnant?"

Huai Yu glanced at him somehow: "What do you ask this for?"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was stuck. He fanned his hands and said, "I'm curious. To be a human being is to have such a research spirit. Carefully infer that you can see that there is a fairy grass in this world. Drugs that bring people back to life! "

Huaiyu nodded and agreed: "Well. It can also be beauty."

Ming Changyan clapped his hands, "Yeah! If there is a medicine in the world, wouldn't it be possible to go against the sky and let a man get pregnant?"

Huai Yu looked at the Ming long feast, looked at the other person's stomach again, his brain moved, and thought of something like that. Huai Yu rarely touched his chin, thinking, and said, "Why do you ask this? "

Ming Changyan shook his head: "I'm not asking, I'm asking if I have."

He thought to himself: I want to ask, do you have it!

Today, he said nothing at all. Even see this as a joke.

As a result, it was a coincidence. Later, as soon as Liu Kuang came out, the heart of Ming Changyan was shaken immediately.

It ’s fine for the grandma to speak, Liu Chuang, as the dean of the Egret Academy, and the writer of Jianghululu, is naturally knowledgeable and credible.

In any case, he and Huaiyu have only been with each other for only a few years, and Grandma and Liu Chuang have been around and know a lot longer than he and Huaiyu.

Coupled with the immortal grass, the long feast of Ming Dynasty also experienced the magic of the medicine of returning to old age. If there is any medicine in this world that can make a man pregnant, then it is not indispensable ...

Ming banquet in the hearts of the river.

If this medicine really exists, who can use it in the world, and who will use it?

After thinking about it, only Huaiyu's Qihuang skill can control it.

So has this magical medicine Huaiyu been used on him?

While thinking about it, Ming Shaoxia's fingers are still quietly gesticulating, counting how many times the two have been messing with each other recently, how probable is this.

After not speaking for a long time, Huai Yu saw that Ming Changyan's face was different, and stretched out her hand to watch the pulse for him.

Who knows, it's okay not to reach out. This outstretched hand made the long feast jump straight up.

This move is even more baffling!

Huai Yu was also slightly surprised by this jump, saying: "Why are you shocked tonight?"

Ming Changyan touched his nose: "Are you there?"

Huaiyu nodded.

"Maybe because tonight ... the moonlight is good." Ming Changyan laughed, "Why do you take pulses, I remember I don't have any place to take pulses?"

Huai Yu said: "Looking at your situation, I thought you were different."

The Ming Changyan waved his hands quickly: "No problem! I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep."

After a scent of incense, I finally went to bed, and Ming Shaoxia also rarely calmed down a bit, and was groping around the abdomen to see if he was really growing meat. Who knows, just in Huaiyu's hands will be holding his waist, the long feast of the spring bounced off the bed again.

Once or twice, Huaiyu was a little confused.

He looked at the Ming feast, seeing the Ming feast cold sweat.

"I'm tired, I want to sleep immediately, not tonight."

Huai Yu was so speechless that he did not want to do anything else. It was just a habit of nibbling at him.

Ming Changyan lay down slowly, and the man got into the bed, only showing a pair of eyes, blinking, and looking at Huaiyu.

Huai Yu broke through him mercilessly: "You could jump up just now."

Ming Changyan closed his eyes and slowly said, "The jump up has exhausted my life skills. I want to concentrate on training now, and I have something to wait for tomorrow morning."

Huai Yu fulfilled his wish, only holding him, and fishing him into his arms.

In the end, buried in his shoulders and necks, his hands on his lower abdomen.

Lower abdomen.

This action is available on weekdays.

But as soon as I did it today, Ming Shaoxia shrank subconsciously somehow.

One night, the Ming feast did not sleep well.

If you don't sleep well, you will dream. Ming Shaoxia had a dream of not knowing whether it was a sweet dream or a nightmare.

In the dream, he arrived at the medical hall, where a doctor took his pulse for a long time, touching the goatee's beard, unpredictable and refused to speak.

In short, Ming Shaoxia was anxious and died a half.

Ming Shaoxia asked him: What pulse do you want to take so long? At the same time, he thought, what should I do to get the pulse?

The goatee said: Mrs. Jing, you are so happy.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was startled: Madam, you talk to me!

Goatee said: The husband said you were happy.

Ming long feast: Old goatee gave me nonsense nonsense, who is happy!

The goatee said: You!

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty secretly said: "It's against the sky, I have to beat him!"

The goatee shouted: Madam is happy, don't move your breath!

Ming Chang feast said: Reasonable.

Therefore, he covered his stomach and flattened his goatee. Who knows, walking backwards, stepping into the air with one foot.

Ming Changyan's face changed, shouting: I--

He woke up.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Huaiyu grabbing his hands and pressing half of his body on him.

Ming Changyan's voice trembled slightly and said, "... what do you do?"

Huai Yu raised an eyebrow and said, "What do you think?"

The feast of the Ming dynasty began with a serious heart: "I look at you as if I want to do something wrong. Although I hold my own beauty, a small country can't be a tough one."

Huai Yu said, "What did you dream of?"

Ming Changyan's mouth couldn't make up the nonsense, and his back was cold, and he thought of that weird dream.

For a moment, he had nothing to say.

After a moment of silence, Ming Shaoxia thought that he was very humorous: "Guess?"

Huai Yu clasped his cheek blankly.

Ming banquet is honest.

He grumbled and said indistinctly: "I dreamed of you."

Huai Yu was dubious, and Ming Changyan's sincere eyes blinked: "Really. What else can I dream of besides dreaming of you?"

Ming Changyan got up quickly and made an excuse, saying, "I still have something today, so I won't have lunch with you, and come back in the evening."

Huai Yu asked him where he was going, and he was indifferent and didn't say for a long time.

An hour later, a guest came to Linglong Pavilion in Kyoto.

The guest went straight in, lifted the table and chair, and saw the scene.

The crowd was so angry that he walked to the top floor and sat directly opposite Xiulinglong.

Xiu Linglong put down the tea bowl.

The guest was silent for a long time and said slowly: "I have a friend ..."

Xiuling said, "How many good friends do you have?"

She raised her eyebrows, and saw the man who had wrapped her tightly and only revealed her eyes.

"Little feast, what are you doing? Mrs. Guo Xiang is tired of doing it now, and now she is a poor little widow and sighs Chen Shimei?"

Ming Changyan slammed and patted a knife on the table.

The knife was the one he carefully wiped last night.

Xiulinglong immediately sat upright: "What's wrong with me?"

Ming Changyan's exposed eyes became hesitant, and he said, "I have a friend ..."

Xiu Linglong nodded solemnly.

"He's a man," Ming Changyan said.

"I know that." Xiuling nodded and paused, and she said, "What does this have to do with him being a man?"

Ming Changyan sighed, "He may be happy."

The tea in Xiulinglong's mouth sprayed a table.

Ming Changyan looked at his freshly wiped knife and was stained with a little yellow tea stains.

Xiu Linglong: ...

She picked up a handkerchief with ease, wiped it with a knife, and calmly said, "Look at your knife. I wipe it for you. Without water, I'll just use tea."

Xiu Linglong said: "Aren't all of you in the martial arts like this, take a sip of tea and spray it on the knife."

Ming Chang feasted, "... I've never done that before."

Xiu Linglong said, "Okay. You didn't. Now, which of your friends is happy?"

The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty was lost in thought and speechless.

Xiu Linglong rubbed the knife twice perfunctorly, and changed the question method: "Then I asked, how did your friend come to this conclusion?"

A long feast for the Ming dynasty: "How can this be obtained?"

Xiu Linglong said: "Naturally, I went to the medical center to take a look. I found a doctor to know the pulse. Did any of your friends talk to each other with white teeth and tell you that he is happy?"

Ming Chang Yan said: "I have never seen the doctor."

Xiu Linglong said: "That's it, you should persuade him to go and see the doctor first."

After listening to the long banquet, he was overjoyed and said quickly: "You're right!"

He ran away.

Xiuling saw his lonely and arrogant back, like a hero who has never gone back, feeling deep in his heart, feeling emotional, like tears.

His hand kept hiring subordinates, and said, "Give me the doctor's appointment, and when the Ming Long Banquet is asked, tell him that he is happy."

The subordinates had a complex look: "The Lord, the subordinates look at you like you, and they seem to have pity on the son."

Xiu Linglong said with emotion: "Yeah. I am so stupid at a young age, how can I not be sorry."

Subordinates are more complicated: "Why do you want to ..."

Xiu Linglong wiped the non-existent tears with a handkerchief and said, "Why mislead him, right?"

Subordinates can't say everything.

Xiuling sighed in sorrow and lay down on the chaise longue, saying: "Don't look at white, don't look at it!"

The author has something to say: The three people, A 珺, Liu Kuang, and Xiu Linglong, had not passed at all beforehand ... but they flickered inconsistently. They are so tacit ...

qaq has too many words this week! So the car between the end of the last chapter and the beginning of this chapter is not available for the time being, because we have to catch the list! !! After writing this weekend, I will add high speed to the group!

The high-speed house number is posted again in the comments, or it is also written in the introduction of the article. Friends who do n’t need buckle do n’t have to worry. After I finish the full text, I will post it on wb after high-speed finishing! 2k novel reading network

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