MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 132 Three into a tiger (three)

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The best medical museum in Kyoto is located next to Yuanhefang.

It is near the Royal Palace and is the most lively place for the crowd.

As the banquet of the feast of the feast subsided, the people's discussion on the matter went up. Storytellers under the overpass can set up an assembly line booth near Yuanhefang, from early to late without stopping.

As a result, dozens of people stood outside the medical hall when the Ming Long Banquet arrived.

His knife landed in Linglong Pavilion, and only people came to the medical office.

The feast of the Ming Dynasty wrapped the cover on the head tighter. Rao is so, he's still in his heart.

Speaking of it, he still has to blame his identity.

Although everyone outside is rumored, the gentleman who is the first in the world to die is really dead this time, and there is no chance of life. But he was forbidden to recognize him.

Ming Shao Xia is actually a young man with a lot of face. He usually doesn't see much, but at this time, it is obvious.

He comes first in the world, come to see a doctor!

It doesn't matter if you see a doctor. People who eat whole grains can't have a major illness or a minor illness. Even the Ming feast is helpless, the flesh and blood.

But it ’s terrible to see if you have a happy vein first.

If this matter is circulated into a textbook, I am afraid no one will believe it.

The Ming banquet wrapped his clothes tightly, hesitated again and again, and finally stepped into the medical hall.

Huai Yu's Qihuangshu is already the top of the world. It stands to reason that if you have the other side, you will never go outside to find a doctor. But this matter is about face, and it is also about a secret going against the sky. The face of Ming Changyan is so thin, how could it be possible to ask Huaiyu ... such a thing!

Sneaky, he walked into the medical hall.

Seeing his weird whereabouts, the man put on a towel, put down the mule in his hand, and walked forward.

"Who are the guests looking for? See the doctor or grab the medicine?"

Ming Chang Yan coughed: "Look at the doctor."

The man listened to his voice and immediately said, "What doctor is Lang Jun looking at? How can he feel unwell? Let me talk first. There are many doctors in our medical center, which are good at different things. Where is Lang Jun uncomfortable?"

Ming Changyan tore off some of Baotou's cloak, revealing a mouth.

"I'm here to diagnose the pulse, Ximai."

Dude :?

After a moment of silence, the man said, "Lang Jun brought his wife? Where is his wife?"

Ming Changyan shook his head and said, "It's not my wife who sees, I don't have a wife, but I see it myself."

The man's eyes widened: "Do you see Ximai? What are you doing?"

Ming Chang feast: "It's just to see if you have the one you like, isn't it right?"

The dude stayed like a chicken, and then slowly said, "Yeah ... right."

Ming Changyan was relieved: "That's right. I'm going to watch this."

The man looked at the Ming feast.

Seeing his size and temperament, he didn't look like a weak woman. Except that the waist is too thin, it is not much worse than an ordinary girl.

It should be to look at the brain, not to diagnose the pulse.

Of course, this sentence is absolutely impossible to say.

He meditated hard, and finally, the road was not working and he changed his thinking.

The man secretly said: Maybe this is a more handsome woman, and I ca n’t stop treating others as women because my parents are taller.

As soon as he figured it out, he understood.

He changed his voice by the way: "Which doctor is your wife looking for?"

When the feast of the Ming dynasty was pretending to be a young waiter, he went out and mingled with Huaiyu, and he was often called a wife.

So, he didn't notice this trivial change.

Of course, it is very likely that there is something in mind in the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, so I don't take it seriously.

"What doctor?"

The man introduced, "The best doctor here is Dr. Sun. He is the best at diagnosing pulses, but there are too many wives to come to him. If you want to see him for medical treatment, you have to come tomorrow.

The long feast of the Ming dynasty secretly said: It is a matter of great importance. You can't just look for a doctor and watch it. It must be the best.

He interrupted his buddy: "I'm going to watch today, can Dr. Sun not be available for a moment?"

Buddy reluctantly laughed: "It is really not available for a moment."

Ming Changyan asked again, "Can't you make money?"

The man said, "Where are you from? Since you can't empty it, it's really not empty. I lie to you what to do. Moreover, in this world, money is not everything ..."

Without saying a word, Ming Changyan's hand reached out to the buddies' eyes, holding a gold bead in his hand.

He glanced at the clothes on the Ming feast.

The clothes of the Ming banquet are now from the 99th Palace. The workmanship and materials are almost on par with the emperor. Even if you have not seen the world, you can intuitively feel that the clothes are right and wrong. Ordinary people own.

Soon the man turned around and said, "But ..."

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty is worrying when Dr. Sun is free.

The man continued to say, "You happened to be here today. Although Dr. Sun is not available, Dr. Li from the Taiyuan Hospital is here."

Ming Chang Yan said: "Tai Hospital?"

Mentioning these three words, a look of pride on the man.

"Our medical hall is different from the medical halls elsewhere. The other medical halls are small medical halls opened by ourselves. We are not the same. The doctors who run our halls come back from the Taiji Hospital. It is Fu Shenyi, you can Have you heard? "

Ming Changyan gave him a puzzled look.

The man said, "It's okay to see that your age is too young. He hasn't heard of it. He was a companion to the former prince. His medicine is good. Later, he stopped working as a doctor and opened a medical museum in Kyoto. If there is any disease, there is no cure for him! Sometimes the medicine in the palace is gone, and we have to come here to get the medicine. "

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty secretly said: It is no wonder that this medical museum looks so magnificent. I did not expect that it was opened by the people in the court. I said, if it were replaced by ordinary people, who would be able to open such a large medical museum beside Yuanhefang?

He was very supportive: "Awesome."

The man continued: "Dr. Li, who is too hospital for us today, came to see us, you are really lucky."

Opening the curtain, the Ming feast followed him to the back of the medical hall.

"Doctor Li usually comes to see the medical museum, and generally does not show people medical treatment. But I see that you are not dressed in ordinary clothes. If you are a nobleman, Dr. Li will definitely be another matter."

After passing through another hall, the Ming feast finally saw the legendary Doctor Li.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, this look scares his three souls and seven souls.

In the distance, Ming Changyan saw this doctor Li, a fairy-like bone, and a white coat, the most striking thing was the goatee on his face.


It is exactly the same as the old goatee in the dream of the long feast of Ming Dynasty!

He almost took off almost in place.

Ming Changyan saw this scene and even thought he was dreaming.

Wiping his eyes fiercely, he found that the scenery in front of him had not changed. He twisted another man, who was screamed by his incredible strength.

"what are you doing!"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was startled: "I'm not dreaming!"

The man said inexplicably: "Dream if you dream, what do you do to me?"

Who knows, before he finished this sentence, Ming Changyan planned to run towards the door.

The man quickly stopped him: "Hey, what are you running? Aren't you going to see a female doctor to diagnose the pulse?"

Ming Changyan's face was pale: "No! I thought about it, so I should go to Dr. Sun. I don't want this doctor to see."

The man said, "Oh, I see. Are you afraid that Doctor Li's medicine is not good? You can rest assured that although Dr. Sun has a good reputation, Dr. Li is not worse than him. But Dr. Li is still in the hospital There is a mess in it, just don't give the people a pulse. "

Ming Changyan still shook his head: "No, no!"

The man said, "Why not? I have already told you, are the two of them medically equivalent?"

Ming Chang Yan said: "This is not a matter of medical skill!"

He secretly said: Last night, it was the old goatee who said that Ben Shaoxi was happy, but also what lady Mrs. Jing called? What is the truth!

His heart was numb, and he didn't have to look at it, so he went out.

Doctor Li heard the movement and quickly asked, "What is it?"

Man said: "Doctor Li, a lady is coming to see the pulse!"

Doctor Li said: "Since it's a pulse, why can't you come?"

After the man said something, he turned his head to persuade the Ming feast: "Madam, it's all here, you just have a look."

The Ming feast stood at the door and froze.

He must take the pulse today, one is to determine one reason, and the other has not figured it out for the time being.

In short, it's either taking the pulse here with Doctor Li or going to take the pulse with Dr. Sun. Everyone looks the same, is it because Doctor Li looks the same as the doctor in his dream?

It is so-called to avoid the fifteenth day of the first day, to stretch his head is a knife, to shrink his head is also a knife.

With so much emotion in his heart, Ming Shaoxia finally made up his mind and entered the room.

Women always have their veins separated by a layer of tulle.

Doctor Li could not see the appearance of Ming Changyan, but could only dimly see the shape of Ming Chang Yan.

As soon as he walked in, Doctor Li touched the goatee's beard, and said with emotion: This lady is really tall.

In the same way, Ming Changyan followed the yarn and couldn't see Doctor Li's appearance clearly.

So, he was relieved, not so disturbed.

Doctor Li diagnosed the pulse in his hand, and the goat's beard was touched by the god.

Ming Changyan did not hear Doctor Li for a long time, raising his eyebrows and asking, "How?"

Doctor Li's hand pressed harder on the pulse of Ming Changyan.

For a moment, I didn't see why.

Doctor Li opened his eyes, and secretly wondered if he was inferior to others? But on the surface, it was not revealed, but the old **** was asking, "What's the wife to see?"

The Ming banquet was originally ashamed to say. But everyone around seemed to think she was a woman, and he simply didn't care. She was a woman anyway. She was born once and was born twice.

Doctor Li said: "It is an old man's bluntness, his wife's pulse, and there is no such thing as a happy pulse."

The long feast of the Ming stunned.


Doctor Li continued to touch the goatee and said, "Mrs.'s pulse is not a happy pulse. Moreover, the pulse is stable and her body is not uncomfortable."

Ming Chang Yan wondered: "How is that possible? You look at it again!"

After all, he rolled up his sleeves rudely, rolled his hands into a fist, and pushed directly behind the white gauze.

I was reminded by my buddy before the diagnosis of the pulse. This is a rich man. Doctor Li patiently diagnosed the pulse of a man. He discovered it as soon as he encountered his hand. Who knows that the man was so stubborn? Doctor Li was not a fuel-saving lamp, and said impatiently, "Sorry, please ask the old man, are you a man? Where is the joy of a man? Are you playing the old man?"

Ming Changyan heard that the other party knew that he was a man, but only felt that the other party's medical skills were not enough. It was probably that the world he had seen was not enough. He had only examined the veins of women, but not the men. At this moment, he was making excuses for his incompetence .

Ming Chang Yan secretly said: Impossible!

This must be talented!

What Grandma said didn't count, didn't Liu Cong's say count? In addition, Liu Cang also speaks eloquently, absolutely. I asked Xiu Linglong today, and after saying this, the other party did not express surprise. Coupled with Huai Yu's various subtle reactions, if it is Huai Yu, this kind of thing is really not impossible. The world is as big as it is strange.

Since this is possible, why is he not happy?

Isn't Huaiyu using it for him?


Is he ill? Or something else?

After a while, Doctor Li said, "If you think the old man's diagnosis and treatment is not good, please ask Gaoming."

After listening to Doctor Li's long feast, he realized suddenly and said, "You're right."

Doctor Li: "You!"

Ming Changyan stood up and ran away.

Along the way, he thought: Doctor Li was right, he could n’t diagnose and treat him, that is, his technique was not good. I went to find someone else, and there is always a doctor who can treat a man?

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty made a decision and went to four or five medical museums one after another. The words to him were the same: how can a man have a happy vein.

He stopped so much that he couldn't help shaking it.

The long feast of the Ming dynasty didn't believe this night and night, but was later disturbed and doubted by Liu Cang. Now, after bumping into walls at Kyoto's medical museum, he thought about how reliable Liu Yan was.

Just wandering away for a quarter of an hour, suddenly another person stopped him.

The long feast of the Ming stopped and took a look.

The person who stopped him was dressed as a scholar, and seemed to be very concerned about the authenticity: "I saw you run a lot of hospitals, but what inexplicable incurable diseases have you encountered?"

Ming Chang feasted: "Who are you?"

The scholar said: "You don't look well and you frown. It seems that your illness is not cured. Do you need help?"

Ming Changyan said, "... It's not a disease."

The scholar said very kindly to Ming Changyan: "Although there are many medical museums here, doctors will only cure those common minor diseases. If you encounter incurable diseases, there is nothing you can do. If you have this, You can go to the medical hall behind the teahouse in front of you. The doctors there are very experienced and have seen a lot of diseases, which may solve your troubles. "

The scholar seemed to be a very serious person. He glanced at the long feast of the Ming Dynasty without doubt, and went to the medical hall after thanking him.

When I arrived at the medical museum, the number was not large. It seemed to be quite satisfactory. After seeing the doctor, the other person signaled to the long feast to sit down: "Don't worry. I am a Jianghulang and met you as a fate. If you can trust me, it is better for me Come and see it for you. "

Mingchang feast poured a bowl of tea and said with a big grin, "I don't believe you very much."


Ming Changyan opened his mouth and deliberately didn't tell the other party what he was doing. He said, "But it's okay to show it to you. You can give me a diagnosis and see if I have any problems."

The doctor laughed, took a handkerchief, and put it on the wrist of the Ming feast. Immediately afterwards, three fingers were pressed together, pressed against his pulse, and his head was slightly tilted, his eyes closed.

When the Ming Dynasty banquet drank the second cup of tea, the doctor took off the handkerchief and put it back in his medicine box.

He quickly arched his hands and uttered the prepared lines in order: "Congratulations, Madam Congratulations, you are so happy."

The tea in the mouth of Ming Changyan sprayed out.

He patted the table: "How is that possible!"

The movement was too large to attract everyone to watch.

Ming Changyan lowered his voice again and threatened: "Show me again."

The doctor was very confident in his medicine, just as the Ming Changyan was so confident in his martial arts, saying, "The doctor never looks at the second pulse."

Ming Chang Yan's face turned pale and became white.

My heart was bleak.

I screamed, I didn't think of the scenery of my long banquet for more than 20 years, and ended up like this! What the **** is this? What is pregnant? Can men have children?

The blow was too big and Ming Shaoxia went down on the spot.

The doctor said, "What's wrong with you? If you are pregnant, it's better not to be too emotional, and it's easy to move your baby's breath if it goes up and down."

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty could not hear anything, and it frightened half of his life.

As soon as he drifted away, the doctor sighed and went to the place of Linglong Pavilion to see what it looked like, and was planning to return to his life.

At this end, the Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty was in a terrible mood, like a headless fly, walking around the street, and it turned into Yuanhefang. He had returned to God, but had already reached the residence of Li Minjun and others.

The yard was lively, and the children were together, mumblingly wondering what to discuss.

Hua Yuling looked up and saw the Ming feast, exclaimed: "Brother!"

Ming Changyan laughed and said, "Yu Ling, miss me?"

At this time, Qin Yubao also reacted.

It was a long time since the crowd hadn't seen the Ming feast. I saw them at the moment.

Qin Yubao rushed over and tried to jump on him. Somehow, the long banquet took a step back, slightly protecting his stomach, and said, "Don't jump!"

Hua Yuling said: "Brother, are you uncomfortable? Yubao, don't jump on Brother, he doesn't look so good!"

Qin Yubao paused, leaning his head: "Brother's face is so pale. Would you like to go to the hospital?"

Ming Changyan shook his head and sighed, "No need. I just returned from the medical museum."

Qin Yubao said: "Did you catch any medicine?"

Ming Changyan said: "There is no medicine. I am not sick and do not need to take medicine."

Qin Yubao was puzzled and asked, "Why do you go to the medical museum?"

Ming Chang Yan said: "Why are you talking so much?"

Talking, Li Minjun came out of the room. Seeing the Ming Long Banquet, he greeted him, thinking that the Ming Long Banquet was back for something, so he ignored him.

Who knows, Ming Changyan grabbed his arm and looked at him unnaturally.

Li Minjun was frightened by him, he quickly clasped his arms with both hands, and said nervously: "First say, there is no result between the same door. Not to mention that I have no interest in other people's wives."

Ming Chang feasted, "If you say one more thing, I'll screw your head off."

Li Minjun said: "It's good to say. I look at your face, and you seem to have any hidden feelings to tell me. What's wrong? Xiao Guoxiang finally can't stand your delicious lazy prodigal wife and kicked you out?"

Ming Chang feasted: "Who is too lazy to make a fool? You don't want to treat others as you are. You think what others are like."

Li Minjun laughed and asked, "I don't talk nonsense with you, why do you suddenly think of looking for us? I thought you had forgotten everyone after you had a beauty."

The feast of the Ming dynasty killed the dead and said, "It was forgotten."

Li Minjun stared angrily at him: "Your mother!"

Ming Changyan slowly said, "But I remember today. I came to ask you something. Do you know that there is a medicine that can make a man pregnant?"

After listening to Li Minjun, he laughed and said to him, "Where did you go to see the textbook? I told you earlier, don't ponder these things all day and night, and indulge in this story, one day sooner or later you Will be abnormal. "

Ming Chang feasted: "Are you not curious? Since there is a grass that regenerates in the world, why is there no medicine for men to conceive?"

Li Minjun rubbed his arms and rubbed the goose bumps down: "What are you doing? Are you sick? Da Lao came to ask me this?"

Ming Chang Yan's face was hard to say.

Li Minjun looked at him, and gradually, his expression changed.

He saw the expression of the long feast, it was not like he was joking with him.

The two just looked at each other and stood silent for a while.

Moreover, the two didn't notice Yan Yanan, who had been waiting for a long time. He held a pot of hot tea, and touched his nose. He didn't know if he should say it. He just passed by but listened. It was a difficult time for the younger brother to discuss such a strange topic.

After a short while, Yan Yunan couldn't help it, and said cautiously, "Master, second brother, otherwise you drink tea first, and then discuss things?"

Li Minjun could not hear Yan Yanan at all.

His gaze slid slowly down from the face of Ming Changyan, and finally moved to the lower abdomen of Ming Changyan.

Ming Changyan stood blankly.

For a while, Li Minjun's amazing voice broke out in the courtyard.

"Your shit! You--!"

Ming Changyan covered his mouth decisively.

Qin Yubao looked over and asked, "Second Brother, what would you say?"

Ming Changyan laughed and said, "He said nothing. Are you familiar with your swordsmanship? If not, I will check."

Qin Yubao turned his head to see that he had meditated on the sword formula.

Li Minjun's mood was slightly stable, but the whole person followed the ghost and looked at the Ming feast.


Ming Changyan contemplates for a moment: "Not necessarily."

Li Minjun said: "If the other party is not a small country minister, I must think you are crazy."

Ming Changyan said: "If the other party is not Huaiyu. I would never believe this."

After all, this is too ridiculous.

Li Minjun looked like he was blown out of speech. After a long time, I carefully took a seat at the Mingchang feast, and suddenly, even a soft tone: "You sit."

Ming feast: ...

He said, "Why did you suddenly speak to me in such a disgusting tone?"

Li Minjun let his voice down, and slowly and gently said, "Your mother."

Ming feast: ...

Soon, Li Minjun continued to be gentle. After all, he has always blamed and guilty about the favor of men for the Ming Long Banquet. After all, when the Ming Banquet and Huai Yu met, he had a lot of responsibility.

Li Minjun's eyes fell on the lower abdomen of the Mingchang feast, and he said with emotion: "Really? Fake little country is so powerful, so amazing!"

Ming Changyan patted his hand: "Nothing, I just guess!"

Li Minjun said, "What else is there to guess? Have you recently wanted to go to sleep, have no energy, and are you fat?"

Ming Changyan was shocked by this familiar statement.

Li Minjun, like a person coming over, patted his back: "That's right, isn't that a joy!"

In this sentence, Li Minjun spoke very loudly and was heard by Qin Yubao.

After he heard it, it was just a joke between his brothers. In Tianqing, the two often ran the train with their mouths full of mouth, sitting in one place and chatting, without saying a word.

So Qin Yubao laughed: "Master is happy? It's a good thing, then confinement!"

Hua Yuling listened, and quickly climbed up the pole: "Wow, what's that brother's son call me?"

Qin Yubao said: "Don't say this first. I heard that if you are twins, you will probably be pregnant with twins too! My aunt's sister is twins, and she also has twins."

Li Minjun said it wasn't too big to see the excitement, and encouraged: "I heard that bad twins have to work harder, come on!"

Just one ...

One with two ...

After several blows, the mood of the Ming Changyan finally collapsed.

When walking back to the Egret Academy hurriedly, the little white deer on the mountain jumped down with a bungee. When he met Ming Changyan, he slightly provoked his head with a provocative head. Instead, the long feast of the Ming dynasty had already fought with Xiao Bailu on the spot.

But today, Xiao Bailu did not respond to him.

Ming Changyan looks that the three souls and seven souls have already disappeared in half.

The little white deer turned around him.

Ming Changyan reached out and shook him away: "Let's go, I want to be alone."

Little White Deer didn't understand people, and still turned around him.

The Ming banquet thought for a long time, and after a sigh of regret, sat on a stool in the courtyard.

He tossed like this for a day, and by the time he sat in the yard, it wasn't too early.

After a while, Huaiyu should return from the palace.

There were no candles in the courtyard, and the long feast of the Ming Dynasty came into the room from the courtyard and became dazed.

After turning on the light, a warm yellow light shone brightly in the room. Ming Changyan lay on the table and began to think wildly. Just thinking for a while, his eyes fell on the bed. Who knows, this look made the exhausted Ming feast a shock again.

I usually didn't find out that the quilt that he and Huaiyu covered together every day was embroidered with lotus and lotus flower. Since ancient times, lotus flower has many meanings.


Ming Changyan looked at him, his face flushed with redness, as if he had seen some wicked gangsters, and suddenly he got up from the stool and stepped back two steps.

She turned over the stool and crackled.

Pushed to the door, retreat was irreversible, tripped over the threshold, and then fell back.

Fortunately, Huaiyu came back in time and walked to the door. When he saw the Ming Changyan at the door, he would hug people.

Ming Changyan fell into each other's arms, relieved.

Immediately, his brain became tense again.

Huai Yu is back?

Ming Chang feasted a moment.

Just now, when he saw the lotus pattern on the quilt, the more he thought, the more Huaiyu was suggesting something. If so, maybe he had been secretly given the strange medicine by Huaiyu, now ...

Huai Yu originally wanted?

Ming Changyan touched his lower abdomen, his face turned white into a piece of paper.


Huaiyu saw his strangeness and asked directly, "Why have you been weird since yesterday? Isn't Liu Cong telling you?"

Ming Changyan shook his head: "No."

Huai Yu's eyes were even more confused.

Last night, Ming Changyan was shocked in bed. He only thought that he had done too much, and the other party had no reason to sleep peacefully for one night. But early this morning, he heard Liu Cang accidentally mention it, saying that he saw the Ming Changyan in a medical clinic in Kyoto.

What did he go to the hospital?

Of course, what Huai Yu wants to ask is, what doctor is he looking for when he is there? Is it because you don't trust your medicine?

Liu Cang replied: I don't know what Chang Yan's son is doing, but I think it's strange. You said that a big man went to the medical center and covered it so tightly that he would not even recognize it. What would he do to go to the women's department?

He said as he flipped through the books. It was too much trouble, as if I really didn't know what the long feast was going to do.

Who are Huaiyu?

Liu Chuang's trick is okay to fool Ming Changyan. It's harder to fool him than to climb the sky.

He was too lazy to play a puzzle with Liu Gang and asked Liu Gang directly.

Liu Cang originally wanted to hang Huaiyu without telling him that he was beaten by the other party, and he probably gave up when he walked back from the palace.

After listening, Huai Yu thoughtfully and did not answer.

Until the evening, he held the Ming banquet and asked me directly.

He wants to hear him tell him at the long feast.

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty was indifferent and could not say.

The sadness on his face was bleak, and he was extremely resentful.

Huai Yu supported his waist and made him stand up straight. Ming Changyan broke away from Huai Yu's embrace and sat slowly in bed.

A gentleman who speaks like a tongue on weekdays can't say a word today.

The two maids brought up the things to wash, and the Ming feast was bathed in a steaming water mist again. As he put on his pajamas, the ghost gave a stunned glance at his belly.

Huaiyu noticed his little movement, but didn't say anything.

On the bed, as always, he embraced the Ming banquet in his arms. Who knew that the other party was startled again.

Tonight, the same sentence: "No!"

Huai Yu reapplied his old skills and asked, "Why not?"

Ming Changyan couldn't find a reason today, he just leaned over his side and covered his stomach and said, "No, it won't work. How can there be so many?"

Huaiyu's hand suddenly ran along his arm, covering his lower abdomen, "Is that because of this?"

The Ming banquet froze all over.

If there had been some hesitation and uncertainty in the Ming Chang feast before, when Huai Yu said this, all the firmness would be gone.

Ming Shaoxia left only these four words in his head: he admitted!

Huaiyu found that he was motionless, and seemed to be frightened, and suddenly felt that he was joking too much.

He suddenly wanted to laugh, but the laughter in this scene was too disrespectful for Ming Changyan.

Moreover, he really couldn't bear to let Ming Changyan know that he was frightened by a little girl at the beginning and was so scared that he couldn't keep it for two days.

Thinking about it, Huaiyu still decided to explain first. He pushed all the faults on Liu Kuang. He coughed and said, "Liu Kuang lied to you."

At the same time, the voice of the Ming feast rang loudly. He said, "In fact, I ..."

Not finished.

The two were together.

The one who returned to God first was Ming Changyan, his eyes widened suddenly: "What are you talking about? Who lied to me? Liu Cang? Is this a fake thing?"

"It was nonsense," Huaiyu glanced out the window, "... how could it be true."

Ming Changyan seemed to have difficulty accepting this fact. After sleeping and eating for a day, he waited for such a result.

Huai Yu added: "Even if there is such a thing, I will not use it for you."

Ming Changyan touched his nose: "Why?"

Huai Yu looked at him somehow: "Do you want to use it?"

Ming Chang's banquet in gratitude: "Of course I don't want to. But if you really want it, it doesn't matter."

Huaiyu pondered for a moment and said, "I don't want to."

Ming Changyan twitched his mouth. Although he didn't know what Huai Yu was thinking about at that time, letting him speculate was not a good thing.

He finally got the truth from Huaiyu, and he bit his teeth at Liu Gu and Xiuling in his heart.

"Even if Grandma, Liu Chuang and Xiu Linglong, these two bastards, came together to lie to me!"

Huai Yu raised his chin and said, "At first glance, things don't exist. Why do you believe?"

Ming Chang Yan secretly said: Isn't it because the other party is you!

For anyone else, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty will not believe it.

But if it was Huaiyu, it would not seem strange that he did anything magical against the sky.

Ming Changyan was deceived this time, his face was lost, and a man grieves his grief. After a moment of tears, he covered his head with a quilt, determined not to meet anyone for a short time.

Why did he go to Yuanhefang this afternoon? Even Li Minjun and the young masters knew that it was really shameful and really regretful!

Unexpectedly, Huaiyu took off his quilt and dug him out.

Ming Chang Yan's face turned red, and he looked indifferent.

Huai Yufu reached his heart and suddenly said, "You look very unhappy?"

Ming Chang feasted: "Yes. Why didn't I see it?"

Huai Yu said: "Because I am not a mirror, you cannot see you through me."

Ming Chang Yan said: "Nonsense. I'm going to sleep."

Huaiyu suddenly stretched out his hand and held his shoulder: "Since you are so sad, let's try it."

Ming Chang Yan said: "What?"

He was stunned again.

Huai Yu smiled.

Ming Changyan's eyes were full of his smile, and he was quickly confused by beauty.

At this point, Huaiyu's hand was placed over his shoulder and onto his lower abdomen.

"I said, since you want, let's try it."

The alarm bell in the heart of Ming Changyan was a masterpiece. If he refused, he came to his lips. He also believed that Huaiyu was mostly lying to him again.

His heart fluttered, his eyes closed, and a thousand words turned into a sigh: hey!

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