MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 133 Quan Yu Ban

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"I think my wound is almost healed."

Ming banquet was lying on the bed.

"I really think my wound is almost healing."

Ming Changyan rolled over and rolled from the bed to the ground.

Liu Jian sat at the table and set down his tea cup.

"It's no use telling me, you have to tell Yun Qing."

The Ming feast rolled twice on the ground.

The black cloak was shaped by him.

Liu Qiang said, "Don't roll on the ground, black clothes will be dirty."

Ming Changyan slumped on the ground: "This wooden floor is rubbed ten times a day, it's almost cleaner than my bed. What about rolling it?"

Liu Cang said: "Yun Qing is back?"

The Ming feast rolled onto the bed immediately from the ground.

Liu Kang laughed.

Ming Changyan looked at the door and raised an eyebrow: "Do you want to suffer?"

There was no one at the door, let alone Huaiyu.

Liu Cang said: "Why don't you continue rolling?"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty rolled up his sleeves, and Liu Cang brought the tea cup to the front with interest.

The former reapplied the old tricks, and after falling **** the bed, he mourned again: "I think my body is really good!"

Liu Cang said: "Yeah. You know it's just what you think. Yun Qing doesn't think so much."

Ming Chang feasted, and sat up.

Liu Cang continued: "So what's the use of rolling with me, you should go to Yunqing to roll. Besides, this is not how you feel 'how', but how Yunqing 'feels' how you are."

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty uttered a sigh of disdain.

He jumped out of bed and drank the tea from the table.

"I can't live this day."

Liu Cang laughed again.

Ming Changyan made two rounds in the room, and finally, sighed heavily.

"Huaiyu hasn't let me go to Egret College for fifteen days. I'm going to mold here now!"

Liu Cang said, "You must have a mold."

Ming Shaoxia has a stunt. Since the juvenile martial arts, what martial arts have not been seen and what martial arts have not been learned! But this is moldy in situ, really not.

So he died.

"I want to go around."

Liu Cang said, "You keep thinking. No one is stopping you."

The long feast of the Ming dynasty said: "It's useless to think, I'll take action tonight!"

Liu Cang looked at him with a grin: "What action are you going to take?"

The Ming banquet ignored him and blasted Liu Cang out of the small yard, forbidding him to come in.

At night, Huaiyu returned from the palace.

The Ming banquet was sitting in the main hall in serious danger, and said solemnly, "You are back."

Huai Yu stepped into the door with a slight meal, and intuitively thought that the Ming feast was a bit weird today.

He asked, "What are you doing on the stool?"

Ming Chang feasted, "Don't sit on the stool, do you sit on the ground?"

After listening to his words, Huai Yu felt that he was even more weird.

He took two steps into the room, and the Ming feast stared at him deadly. Huai Yu was staring at him with no opinion, and two more eyes would be indispensable for flesh. Besides, the long banquet used to stare at him like this.

Who knows, this time is different.

After staring at the long banquet for a while, Ming Yan suddenly broke out and pounced on Huaiyu.

Huai Yu thinks that the older he gets, the more he regresses, but he still reaches out to catch the Ming feast. Unfortunately, the purpose of the Ming feast is not to throw him on him, but to throw him on the bed.

Huai Yu originally stood firm, but the Ming Dynasty feast made a mistake, and with a little effort, he deliberately pushed Huai Yu to bed. Huai Yu had no defense against him. Ming Shaoxia was very quick. After pressing down, Huai Yu looked at him from the bottom up.

Ming Changyan coughed and said, "Did you find anything?"

Huai Yu left his hair on the table and said quietly, "What do you think I should find?"

Ming Changyan lowered his body and changed to a more comfortable posture. At this point, his legs turned away, his knees were against the window, and the whole person changed from kneeling to sitting.

"Do you think that my health is almost better?"

Huai Yu looked at him.

The long feast of the Ming dynasty continued: "You see, you can't resist me now. This shows that my body is already well."

Huai Yu grabbed his waist, Ming Chang Yan softened for a moment, and remembered that he had come to Huai Yu to settle accounts, so he quickly took the other's hand off his waist.

Ming Changyan combined a few words in his heart, and finally, after thinking about it, he said it directly.

"I'm going out."

Huai Yu said, "I didn't stop you."

The Ming banquet corrected: "I'm not talking about going out of Egret College. I'm going back to Lin'an."

Huai Yu's face finally changed.

Ming Changyan captured his actions in an instant and immediately added fiercely: "This matter has not been discussed. If you do not agree, I will go by myself."

Huai Yu stared at him.

The Ming banquet was persuaded by him for a while, and the original anger in his heart turned into depression. He screamed and indulged himself directly on Huaiyu.

After two laps, there is no hard, but soft.

Ming Chang Yan hugged him violently, and later found that this method was not feasible. He released his hands and folded his hands, and said pitifully, "Let me go. The best feeling is to let go of your hands."

Huaiyu grabbed his cheek.

The long feast of the Ming dynasty was unsuccessful and gave birth to another plan. The left hand was flat on the ground, the right index finger and **** were on the legs, slightly bent, and made a kneeling motion.

With a blink of his eyes, Ming Changyan said sadly: "Only this time, otherwise you take me out for a walk!"

Huai Yu said, "You haven't got all the injuries."

Hearing this sentence, Ming Changyan couldn't help but ruthlessly slandered in his heart: Why didn't I feel that my body was incomplete at night, and clearly made an excuse!

He said: "If things in the palace aren't handled well, I'll go back to Lin'an and wait for you first. How about you? You should always go back with me."

Huai Yu didn't speak.

Ming Changyan closed his eyes, bit his teeth, and secretly said: Anyway, there are only two of them, no one can see.

Think of it this way, the face of Ming Changyan becomes thicker and thicker.

Laughing and rolling all the time, the whole bed was stirred by him without a clean place.

Huai Yu first let him go, whatever he kicked the quilt or hit the pillow.

As a result, the Ming long banquet should not be alone, but must be led to suffer together. Huai Yu was dragged twice by him, and finally couldn't hold himself up. At the last time, he was an anti-visitor, and clasped Ming Changyan with both hands, raised his head violently, and pressed him on the bed.

This familiar move made Ming Chang feast a moment.

Soon, he reacted, struggling to kick with both legs.

As soon as Huaiyu rolled over, he pressed his legs.

The next feast of the Ming feast cannot be moved.

He said, "No, no! You come here every time, and I ask to try again!"

Huai Yu did not give him a chance: "No."

Ming Changyan twisted his wrist twice and rolled it twice hard, and found that he couldn't move. It was honest.

He looked up and ran into Huai Yu's eyes.

The other person's eyelashes are long and there is a shadow hanging down.

Ming Changyan looked for a while, suddenly raised his head, and touched his lips lightly. After he kissed him, he dropped his head on the pillow again and looked at Huaiyu with a smile.

At this moment, knowing that he was selling well, he lowered his voice and shouted, "Brother Huaiyu."

Huai Yu still looked at him, and released his hand to catch Ming Changyan's wrist.

As soon as Ming Changyan's hand was empty, it naturally hung on his shoulder. He pulled Huaiyu's body down a bit and licked each other's lips again.

I licked it twice, and then I took a little bite.

Huai Yu frowned, and said at a long feast, "Let me go out for a walk. I'm almost moldy when I'm at Egret College."

He buried his head in Huai Yu's arms, and gave him a pudgy look.

Waited for a while, did not wait for Huaiyu's answer.

Ming Changyan raised his head, thinking that even lowering the fu to be small would be useless. Who knew that just raised, Huaiyu pressed over.

When the two lips touched each other, a vague "good" word disappeared near the mouth.

In the early morning of the next day, Ming Changyan opened his eyes and couldn't wait to jump off the bed.

Huaiyu stopped his waist and dragged him into the bed.

Ming Changyan was dragged suddenly, his head fainted for a while, Huaiyu took him back to his arms, and held it for a while.

The temperature in the room was very high, and the curtains were pulled tightly, and there was no light outside.

Ming Changyan used his intuition to think that it should be early now. His hair was entangled with Huai Yu's hair. When he got up again, he found that half of his hair was suppressed by Huai Yu.

Woke Yu was awoken, the other party refused to get up, and resigned in bed.

Ming Changyan didn't wake up by pushing it twice, nor did he wake up twice. When pushing the third feast, Huai Yu wanted to drag him back into the quilt and continue to sleep.

Ming Shaoxia simply didn't push, and jumped down to wash himself.

He took a bath earlier this morning, and was hugged by Huaiyu half awake and now still has the aroma after bathing.

After touching it for a long time on the table, he found a headband, which was tied as fast as before. Later, after pondering in front of the bronze mirror, he tore off the hairband, pulled a hand on his head, only a part of the hair, and the rest was mostly loose and loose.

There is indeed a dressing table in the room.

It's a pity that he and Huaiyu didn't have to dress themselves. Putting this thing here is purely a display.

Ming Changyan sat in front of the bronze mirror for a while, waiting for Huaiyu to wake up.

The other person just woke up and his hair was scattered behind his back. When he was in bed last night, he didn't know where to throw Huaiyu's hairband.

After washing Huaiyu, before looking for it, Ming Changyan suddenly laughed, grabbed Huaiyu, and pressed him to the table.

"You don't move."

Huai Yu didn't really move, but looking at the long feast of Ming, all asked.

Ming Chang feasted: "I help you get your hair today."

Huai Yu did not refuse to see the face of Ming Changyan looking eagerly through the bronze mirror. He asked, "Why?"

Ming Changyan caught a handful of Huaiyu's hair, and played with it for a while before he remembered his business. Reluctantly, he let go of his hair and turned over the dressing table.

The two maids outside the door knew better than him what was on the table. The Ming banquet only saw them combing their hair for Huaiyu, and they didn't know much about Huaiyu's hairband.

But that doesn't matter.

At the beginning of the Ming Chang Yan feast, he did not know much about martial arts. Anyway, this kind of thing is just like martial arts. Although I didn't understand it at the beginning, I can do it by practicing. I will find it when I look for it.

Adhering to this concept, the long feast of Ming Dynasty turned around.

Turning over to Huaiyu, he asked, "What are you looking for?"

Ming Changyan leaned his head from behind his back: "Where is your hairband?"

Huai Yu stretched out a drawer.

Ming Changyan's eyes brightened, "That's it!"

Huai Yu used two golden ears when she pricked her tail. After half piercing, the remaining spikes fell behind his head. The Ming Changyan sometimes walked behind him, and his hands were particularly owed. He had to tear the hair off. Even if you can't pull the hair band, you have to pull it.

Therefore, these two golden ears are an old friend to him.

Ming Changyan held it in his hands, turned upside down, looking at Huaiyu's hair, thinking in his heart: Let me play with you today.

He was particularly fond of Huai Yu's hair, grabbed it in his hands, slipped like water, and slipped away from his fingertips in an instant.

The golden spike turned around in his hair a few times, and Ming Changyan flipped his hands up and down, watching it terribly, but he couldn't grab it for a long time.

If it doesn't work once, then twice, Ming Shaoxia followed this hair. He erected several times, either this strand was not combed or the strand fell. In short, after a long grab, the hair was still loose.

Huai Yu saw that he had a hard comb, but he was not annoyed, holding his chin, and staring patiently at the mirror.

The long feast in the mirror fell on himself with his full attention.

If I can't grab my hair, I will simply lower it. There was a ray on each side, half tied behind the back, and wrapped around the ears for a few turns, and spread out directly.

Clapped his hands, Ming Shaoxia announced his success.

He tossed for almost a quarter of an hour before he tossed out such a thing, and his face was a little bit lost.

Fortunately, Huaiyu didn't seem to have any opinion on him, and he was in a good mood. Ming Changyan glanced at him twice, and the only remaining mood was gone.

The two walked out of the courtyard, and the long feast of the Ming awakened suddenly, saying, "I haven't sorted my things!"

Huai Yu asked, "What are you going to organize?"

Ming Chang Yan said: "It is natural to prepare some clothes and entanglement on the way back to Lin'an. I have been walking the rivers and lakes for so many years. I am very experienced. If I do n’t prepare in advance, there will be some crying on the road." It's all sorted out by Li Minjun, and I don't worry much about it. I just forgot about it. "

He looked at Huaiyu and asked, "The carriage hasn't come yet. I'll see if there's anything in the house to clean up."

As soon as he wanted to go back, the Ming Changyan did not take a step forward, and Huaiyu grabbed his arm.

The former froze.

Huai Yu said: "No need."

Ming Changyan tilted his head and looked at him.

Huaiyu continued: "What you need can be bought on the road, no need to bring."

Ming Chang feast touched his purse and was shy.

Huai Yu said: "You can't clean up now, the carriage is here."

Ming Changyan asked, "What about Li Minjun?"

Huai Yu: "It was sent yesterday to inform, and it is time to come."

As soon as the words came down, Cao Cao arrived.

I did not hear Li Minjun's voice. In the distance, I heard Qin Yubao's voice first.


Hearing the voice, Ming Changyan took two steps forward and just reached the wind. The wind at the end of February was like a knife. He took a breath of air.

Qin Yubao trot up. He carried a simple package on his back, and looking at the knot on his chest, Li Minjun should pack it for him.

Qin Yubao said: "There is a big carriage under the mountain. I bet with Yuling. He said that the carriage was a big brother, and I said it was someone else's ...

Ming Changyan interrupted him: "Why do you say it's someone else's?"

Qin Yubao said: "Master, how can I have so much money to find such a big carriage!"

Ming Changyan touched his nose and said, "You're right. In fact, I don't know who it is?"

He looked at Huaiyu.

Huai Yu glanced at him and said, "Let's go."

Li Minjun had just climbed up the mountain and heard that he was going down again. The news was like a bang and he was dizzy.

"What ?! A long feast tomorrow! You tell me clearly, did I spend half an hour climbing up to hear you say down the mountain!"

He gasped and said, "You need at least a glass of water!"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty laughed, and it was very unconscionable: "I didn't ask you to climb. Is it bad for you to wait for us down the mountain? Or did Huaiyu not tell you clearly yesterday? Oh-I know, you are weird A little country? "

Li Minjun breathed a breath.

Ming Chang feasted on his shoulders, and he hurriedly said, "We haven't said anything to the Tianqing Xiaomen Xiaopai, why did you jump out to fight the court first? This is not good."

Li Minjun said: "You are going to die!"

He paused strangely and asked, "What's the matter with you, hot?"

Ming Changyan held his head and asked, "Are you there? Is it too cold for you to go all the way, to see everyone getting hot?"

He pushed Li Minjun and pushed him down the mountain, which made Li Minjun bewildered.

"Walk around, don't hurry up and delay my time, I'm in a hurry to go back."

Li Minjun was shoved by the Ming long banquet, and he easily stood still and turned his head, saying, "Hey, stop me!"

A group of people walked up and down the mountain and saw the big carriage.

Hua Yuling stood in front of the carriage and said with emotion: "It's really rich!"

Li Minjun didn't expect to see such a large carriage, and when he came down, he was surprised.

The Ming feast of the Ming yelled, opened the curtain, and found that the carriage was very empty, enough to seat seven or eight people. Not only seats, but also low tables and heaters, a thick layer of carpet was laid under the carriage. Stepping on it is as soft as stepping on cotton.

He jumped into the car and found a seat by the window. Huai Yu got in the car after him and sat beside the Ming Chang feast.

After Li Minjun and Qin Yubao got on the bus, they finally came up.

As soon as Qin Yubao sat down, he couldn't help but whispered, "Such a big carriage, are we going down the road or down the road?"

Hua Yuling said: "What is the difference between the road and the road?"

Qin Yubao: "The main road back to Lin'an is from Shu. You have to walk for half a month, and then take a boat from Shu. The path back to Lin'an can be shortened by half, and you can go back faster."

Hua Yuling said: "That was the time when the horse was stretched before. There was no way to take the path. Besides, the path is easy to encounter mountain thieves. Although it is not scary to encounter mountain thieves, it is very troublesome! There is no guest house to live in, and it is really uncomfortable to sleep in the wild. "

He opened the curtain and glanced outside: "The wind is so strong and the weather is so cold, it's hard to sleep outside all night and freeze to death. Right, brother!"

Hua Yuling turned her head to see Ming Changyan, who was lethargic and was called by Hua Yuling. Then she looked up and said: "How? Yes, you're right!"

Hua Yuling raised an eyebrow and said, "Brother, what are you talking about?"

Ming Chang feasted: "I didn't sleep well last night. Don't provoke me, let me sleep."

Li Minjun listened, and his expression seemed dignified.

When Ming Changyan finished speaking, he tilted his head and fell down. When he was about to hit Huaiyu's shoulder, he suddenly felt wrong again. He sat upright and leaned directly to the edge of the window.

The wind outside can't come in for a while, but leaning against the edge of the window is definitely not comfortable against the shoulders of the people.

Huai Yu asked, "Do you want to sleep?"

Ming Changyan opened his eyes and smiled, "Otherwise, am I closing my eyes to repair the immortal?"

Huai Yu snorted softly, reached out and held his shoulder, forcibly dragged him to his side.

The Ming banquet was not far away from him. When they were hugged by Huaiyu, the two were almost sitting next to each other.

He hesitated for a moment, then reacted later, this place is not Egret Academy, but on a carriage. More importantly, several young masters in Tianqing were here.

Ming Shaoxia sometimes has no face, or is as light as Hong Mao, or as heavy as Mount Tai, but in the face of his young masters, he must be as heavy as five Mount Tai.

It's okay to sell to Huaiyu on weekdays, no one sees it. Now being stared by several pairs of eyes, Ming Shaoxia was reluctant to lose the face of this "brother".

He coughed. "I slept well."

Huai Yu said, "You just sleep like this."

Li Minjun couldn't bear to look directly.

What did the Chang Banquet of Ming originally want to say, but the drowsiness came too fast. In other words, as soon as he leaned on Huaiyu, he lost his energy and was unwilling to think about anything. Before long, he fell asleep.

The carriage jolted for a day, and once at bedtime, the Ming feast slept all day long.

By the time he got off the bus, he hadn't woke up.

Li Minjun looked at the Ming feast and saw his expression more difficult to say.

In the morning, he leaned on Huaiyu's shoulders, still leaning well, and released without sleep. As a result, after falling asleep, all his body instincts, his head tilted, and half of the people rolled into each other's arms. Seeing this, Li Minjun wanted to cover Qin Yubao's eyes. Originally, he thought that the long banquet would be accepted as soon as it was good. Although he was unconscious, it was the limit to sleep like this.

Facts have proved that Ming Shaoxia, who is even more ruthless than the last moment, is only Ming Shaoxia at the next moment.

To the back, almost Huaiyu hugged him to sleep.

The carriage was big enough, Ming Shaoxiao made it a bed here.

The crooked and crooked tiredness is on Huaiyu. There is no bone. Where is the first place in the world? Telling who believes that this man is a daunting gentleman?

Li Minjun was speechless for a moment, looking at Ming Changyan, and then looking at Huaiyu, and suddenly he felt a sigh.

The reason is without him, he really admired the small country minister.

One day, Huai Yu didn't change her posture.

When getting out of the car, Li Minjun finally spoke: "Little country minister, you should wake him up."

At the same time, my heart is defamated: how to sleep like this? I have never seen him sleep so dead. Is this Yun Qing by his side? Isn't the last bit of vigilance gone?

Ming Changyan didn't know if he heard Li Minjun's words, it seemed a little moving, and he made a soft squeak, his brows frowned, and he seemed to be awakened.

Li Minjun saw it, relieved, and said, "It's better to be awakened, so I don't need to call him."

He was about to speak, but unexpectedly, two sharp sights suddenly crossed his face.

Li Minjun was conditioned, and his hair was upside down, startled.

Looking up, Huai Yu looked at him coldly.

When Li Minjun reached his mouth, he immediately turned nineteen and eighteen turns, and turned into: "——I still think you must hold him down!"

The author has something to say: I immediately go to Shuzhong to eat hot pot!

Reveal a little Mimi: Li Minjun has a special expression of mother-in-law, who will be beaten by others when he calls. He introduced that he only called himself Li Minjun, and never said what his character was. [Tweet Glasses 2k novel reading network

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