MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 55 Photographing flowers (12)

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The crowd listened, sighing endlessly, and turned to listen to Lao Qin's storytelling.

The human said: "What are you booing about, am I telling lies?"

Humanity around: "Good friend, there are rumors in this room that you can pull out the order of life, there are 800 or 800 without a thousand, it is the most fake rumor you made!"

The martial arts people, before the long feast of the Ming Dynasty was not born in the sky, once every year, the news came out, saying that a certain sect, a certain sect, had drawn out a life order. This is a kind of rumor means, in order to create a meditation for the feast, so that this good man to be recommended in the martial arts has become more famous in the martial arts. As soon as this law came out, everyone followed suit, and afterwards, almost everyone seemed to have pulled out the life order.

In the end, the truth became clear: for more than forty years, there was only one gentleman who read the sword and made the sword recognized.

The man was anxious: "It's true! I'm from Jingcheng! We have an alchemist who saw it with my own eyes!"

"At that time, he found an errand in Kyoto and ran a errand. Who knew that when he was going to deliver something that day, he saw that Mr. Ji took his students to Egret College and said that he wanted to have a glimpse of Cang Shengling. For this reason, I was invited here some time ago. There are six or seven of Mr. Ji's students, and one is the former Prince of the East Palace. "

"The prince said he was going to pull a knife, and no one around him stopped him, but he went up and pulled, and did not pull out. Come out. Later, everyone went to try, only one girl did not. Mr. Ji let her try, she said it was boring It's very shameless. Later everyone went away, but the girl went up and tried again. She pulled out a seam, but put the knife back! "

"Mr. Ji also saw it, but somehow he didn't say it. It is true, he won't lie to us! She really pulled out. Come out! He heard someone call her Girl Qin, not Princess Hanzhu again who is it!"

Everyone heard his nonsense and laughed.

Lao Qin said: "Put the princess with pearls aside first. Today, the second person I want to say is the former prince Nanzhao. As we all know, this prince-"

The prince was a dream of a girl in Beijing. He looks handsome and lively. He crosses the long street with horses and red sleeves. He is free-spirited, highly talented, and has a high popularity, attracting countless beautiful people.

Lao Qin continued: "This man was holding his military power at a young age. He was a pillar of the former dynasty. If he did not have him in the previous dynasty, he would be completely defeated within two years. It ’s hard to meet rivals in the world, but he has countless romantic charms and unique miracles. He has been rumored to have seen no one who has ever played with the prince, has not been tricked by him, and has not been played by him. It's so boring! It's boring! "

The longer the Ming banquet is heard, the more familiar.

Zhao Xiaolan said: "This prince is like Ming Shaoxia!"

Ming Changyan drew a corner of his mouth and said in full color: "Xiao Lan, why are you saying this?"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Lao Qin's face on this occasion was such a terrible expression when he was judging Shaoxia."

Ming Chang Yan said: "Non-sense, when is the Ming Chang Yan-when is the time to attract bees and butterflies!"

He quietly glanced at Huaiyu and emphasized again: "A nonsense!"

Lao Qin commented on Prince Nanzhao for a while, and after a lot of criticism, suddenly the topic turned around, saying that Princess Han Zhu and Prince had worshiped at the same time under the gift of Ji Taicai. .

Speaking of later, the topic became more and more obscene, and Ming Changyan's face sank gradually. He hadn't waited for his shot, and saw two peanuts rushing towards the place where Lao Qin was. Lao Qin was caught off guard and ate the two peanuts. Leaning back suddenly, the pain flushed, dancing.

He exclaimed: "Who!"

For a moment, everyone was shocked by this sudden change, and no one spoke.

Who does Lao Qin turn around? Who knows, when he moved, his face seemed to be slapped by someone, and he was stunned.

It was a small chopstick that hit his face.

He was embarrassed and irritable. He slammed the table and shouted, "Fuck! Who hit Lao Tzu!"

Looking around, there was no one at all. Lao Qin knew that he had said something wrong. Someone had to play tricks on himself. He had a dumb loss, and he didn't want to shut up.

"Legong, if you have any comments to your husband, you can stand up and speak. Why sneak behind your back and use a hidden weapon! Isn't this a trick!"

Ming Changyan sneered, that chopsticks seemed to be a trick he made up.

He stood up, but was pulled by Huaiyu.

"It's not easy to cause trouble."

The long feast of the Ming dynasty was silent, and Huai Yu said, "Xiao imposes punishment. Don't rush for a while, wait for him to step down, and then calculate slowly."

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Is it the old Qin you just hit?"

Ming Changyan didn't talk, and he turned the curtain away badly. Zhao Xiaolan said: "Sister Yan seems to be in a bad mood. I'll see her."

Just remembered, was pressed by Zhu Xi. He took a slow sip of tea and laughed, "You don't even worry about your own business, what else do you care about?"

Zhao Xiaolan thinks he is quite reasonable. Moreover, Huaiyu had followed him out, Zhao Xiaolan no longer said more, and sat down to take a bite of pastry.

After the Ming Changyan went downstairs, he didn't go far. He walked for a while on the lively street.

Huai Yu followed him and saw him sitting at a tea shop.

He sat down and said at the long banquet: "My mother will never be in trouble with the former prince."

Huai Yu said: "I know."

Somehow the long feast of the Ming Dynasty was very depressed. In previous years, he hasn't heard of Qin Jun's storytelling, which is even worse than this, and there are a lot of more works. It was just that he grew up next to Qin Mao, and knew his mother never cared about these things. But this time, in the presence of Huaiyu, he couldn't swallow it anyway.

He knocked on the table sharply, and said, "Little official, what's going on, take out our table and chairs."

The name of Dr. Zhu who opened the tea shop is Zhu, and his family is ranked sixth. Zhu Laoli died his wife and had a son doing business in Beijing. He had nothing to do when he was alone, so he set up a tea shop here to earn no money, so the guests came and greeted him very diligently. Over time, few people came to his tea shop. Today, the Ming feast was his first guest.

"What tea to eat, I'll make you some."

Ming Chang feast said: "Eat a bowl of tea."

Zhu Laoli poured tea slowly, but did not leave. He is the famous rag pocket in this area. He doesn't like to do business, but loves to chat with people. The parents were short of Xijia, the court affairs, and martial arts. He couldn't talk without him. At this moment, he was sitting at the same table as Ming Changyan, found a topic, and started talking.

"Little brothers and sisters are guests from afar? Are they watching the fireworks display?"

Ming banquet put down the bowl: "Exactly."

Zhu Laoliu said: "You should be careful then. Little official, I remind you, Lao Liu, you can't wear this in Huating."

Ming Changyan glanced at his dress and there was no problem, so he looked up and asked, "Why?"

Zhu Laoliu said: "Huating, the county magistrate, is an official with ill eyes. He doesn't like anyone who wears black clothes. He has to grab and torture him, but he can't ask why, so use this person. The carriage was dragged to the mouth of Caishi, where it was exposed for a few days, and it was not until it was sunk to death. Of course, you can't kill someone for nothing, so the county master always finds a reason. Recently, you must not wear black clothes. . "

Ming long feast: "Why?"

Huai Yu said: "Just a gentleman."

Zhu Laoli said, "Yes."

Ming Chang feasted: "Why is he again!"

Zhu Laoliu said: "Little officials, you don't know about it. There have been rumors recently that the long feast fell into the Yanbo River that year, and his ghost is going to come back for revenge! Otherwise, the rivers and lakes have been frequent in these two years How can you explain the case of smashing the door with silver needles? "

Ming Chang Yan said: "It's not just Ming Chang Yan who uses needles in the world. Why everyone uses needles should be pushed to his head. It's strange."

Zhu Laoliu said, "Xiao Han Temple has done too much for its mischief, and has been punished in recent years. The wicked man who killed with a needle has already killed many monks in Xiao Han Temple."

Hearing here, the Ming Chang feast said positively: "Kill the monk at Xiaohan Temple?"

Zhu Laoliu said: "If the Xiaohan Temple didn't collude with the county grandfather, did the county grandfather see a man in black clothes and kill one in black clothes! The monk at Xiaohan Temple suspected that the Ming Banquet was not dead. The Xiaohan Temple was the biggest and the fiercest to fight against the First World War. Now that the Long Banquet is not dead, it is naturally the first to find them. "

Ming Changyan said: "Maybe Ming Changyan is a kind-hearted person. He never thought of revenge?"

Zhu Laoli said: "Impossible!"

At this point, the tea in the room was boiling, and Zhu Laoli hurried to turn off the fire.

Huai Yu asked, "Are you really not going to get revenge?"

Ming Changyan smiled slightly: "Impossible. Allow them to kill me, do you not allow me to kill them? If they are not as good as people, they will be waiting for me. My sister and Yulou's share, as long as I live, I will All of them must be brought back with interest. However, Ben Shaoxia's killing has always been bright and fair, and he disdains to do small actions that cannot be seen behind. "

Huaiyu nodded, and the long feast of the Ming dynasty said, "It's just that I didn't expect that Xiaohan Temple is now collusion with the government government blatantly."

At that time, the Ming banquet had just won the order of life, the court heard the wind, first observed him for a few months, and then sent someone to discuss cooperation with him. The emperor did not allow the rivers and lakes to develop at their own pace. For more than ten years, they have tried every means to control the rivers and lakes in their palms. Cang Sheng Ling is a secretive and undeclared symbol of power in the rivers and lakes. With it, it is equivalent to the entire Central Plains martial arts. It was a pity that the court sought him. In addition to promising him benefits, he also offered him a lot of conditions. Ming Changyan only glanced at the conditions and knew that he could not accept it, so he simply refused.

But the Ming Dynasty feast pulled out the order of life, which has never happened before in forty years. It is impossible for the court to give up so easily. Therefore, the court later sent different people to find the Ming Long Banquet, and every time he came, he came back. Ming Chang Yan said that he refused to agree to the conditions of the court. After another year, he finally gave up and stopped coming to him.

Ming Changyan said: "The emperor was dead to me, but he couldn't let me use this knife to be wanton and sharp on the rivers and lakes. The life order he wanted was a good knife to listen to him, and if he was disobedient, he must try his best to break it. .But if I were to obey him, it was impossible before and impossible in the future. Otherwise, what am I going to do to the Central Plains. Is it possible to change from a small cage to another large cage? "

Speaking of which, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty remembered the emperor's appearance that seemed to be very confusing when he was in the palace. To be honest, he thought the emperor looked a little silly. The long feast of the Ming Dynasty really did not believe that those things a few years ago could all be written by the emperor. After the Ming banquet rejected the conditions of the court, it was not that he had not prepared to be targeted by the court. Who knew that the other party could lurk for several years, made a big pit to let him jump in, and finally picked himself clean.

Huai Yu said: "Before Cang Shengling recognized you as the Lord, for 40 years, Xiaohan Temple had kept the knife on behalf of you. After you got it, you took their rights in Wulin in the Central Plains. But the forces accumulated over the past 40 years, It's not going to be a short while. "

Ming Chang Yan hummed, "I thought that the sword was in my hands, and Xiaohan Temple would be able to stop. Although it was necessary to be targeted, I would offend Xiaohan Temple when I came. Every time something happened to kill the door It ’s not like I'm pouring black water on my body. Even if it's fake, I've said so much, there will always be people who believe. "

"They are daring and talented, and they can mix with the wind and the water without a life-threatening order. Now they are embarrassed with Huating ’s government, exploiting the people, eating the flesh and blood of ordinary people, and building such a big one in Huating. Temples are nothing. "

After speaking, he added: "The court does not include you, Xiao Huaiyu, don't get me wrong."

Huai Yu: "What do you think are the frequent killings of monks at Xiaohan Temple?"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty smiled: "Naturally ask the dealer's young owner."

Huai Yu glanced at him, and said at the long feast, "Do you still remember the appreciation of the opera at the flower feast?"

Huaiyu nodded.

Ming Changyan said: "I came to Central Plains late, and I have a lot of things to inquire about. But I guess that the play of the zhezi opera may have to do with the banker being destroyed. You see the child on the stage, his waist Are there any jade hanging on it? "

Huaiyu thought for a moment and replied, "A piece of white jade."

Ming Chang Yan said: "It's not bad. It is not only a piece of white jade, but also a pink petal in the middle of this white jade."

"The stage is so far away that I can't see even if I stare down at the eyes, so it's not what I see, but I guess. And, I must be right. There are flowers in jade, flowers must be It is pink, and it is the jade pendant of the owner. The jade is polished by the water of the thousand years of mysterious ice. By chance, it contains a petal, so it becomes this beautiful jade. It was one of the most precious treasures on the rivers and lakes. "

Huai Yu said: "Have you ever seen this piece of jade?"

Ming Chang feasted: "I haven't seen it. But someone must have seen it. Maybe she has not only seen it, but this piece of jade!"

Huaiyu blurted out a name: "Xiu Linglong."

The author has something to say: Thank you everyone for the mines!

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