MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 56 Photographing flowers (thirteen)

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After having enough tea for the Ming banquet, he said goodbye to Zhu Lao Liu.

Huaiyu paid for the tea and followed him.

Ming Changyan walked and said, "I remember I told you that it wasn't the same person who killed someone with a needle, but two people."

Huai Yu said: "Remember."

Ming Changyan: "I have seen two methods of destroying the door, one is the ten thousand needles to pass the throat, and the other is to thread people up with needles and threads and hang them in the air until they are consumed. The means are cruel, but the former is something I would not. "

Huai Yu: "You won't?"

Ming Changyan said: "I won't. Because, I don't know how to put the needle in someone's neck and make him unaware. Then, with his movement and struggle, the needle began to slowly come out. His throat was tumbling and agitating until he died alive. "

He suddenly turned his head: "I didn't know it, but you reminded me. That night, the monk at Xiaohan Temple died in the alley, and you said something."

Huai Yu stepped forward.

The Ming Changyan was originally analyzed intently. As a result, Huai Yu's meal made him involuntarily think of the phrase "you kiss me". This was originally a joke, used to bully Ming Shaoxia, but it happened that it happened. One day later, the two kissed him well. When Ming Shaoxia's face changed, he suddenly felt that the cold touch on his lips was still on his lips. When he walked, his feet drifted away.

Huai Yu repeated what he said that night: "Maybe when he put it in, he doesn't feel pain."

This sentence brought Ming Shaoxia's thoughts back on track.

"That's right, this is it!" He said: "I don't know how to put it, because I don't know how to make people feel painless."

Huai Yu groaned for a moment and said, "Medicine, or sound."

Ming Changyan's eyes brightened: "That's what I think! Zhuang Xiao's mother is Dan Zuo, the sect she once belonged to, since she is a princess. She is very good at manipulating the heart with rhythm. After listening to the tune, I hallucinated, so I could not feel any stimulation of reality. This method kills the invisible, because it is too evil, and was listed as a forbidden practice by the Central Plains Martial Arts, and that martial art gradually declined.

Huai Yu said: "East magic."

Ming Chang feasted: "Well, this is your fault, small country minister. How can you forbid the martial arts of others because they are not as good as others? They say they are evil! Want me to say it, but unfortunately I If I was born late, if I had been born twenty years earlier, I would have to teach this martial art. Maybe the ten thousand needles could be used for me. "

Huai Yu listened, frowning: "What do you learn this?"

Ming Chang Yan feasted: "I won't of course have to learn! Moreover, if I learn it, I don't need to, I'll take a look."

He loves all the martial arts in the world. If there is something he doesn't, others will, he wants to learn it. Even now, Ming Shaoxia is the number one in the world, but he often has a tight eye on other schools.

The reason why the Changzhou feast of the Ming Dynasty was interested in this technique was that most of the martial arts in the Central Plains used swords and swords, and the eighteen-type weapons turned into battle. The two moves that were drawn were the supreme martial arts of this martial art. Already. Unfortunately, these martial arts are very superficial, as long as they make a gesture in front of Ming Shaoxia, or they can do two tricks with Ming Shaoxia, he can silently write the number of martial arts of his opponent within a few days, even on this basis, Better. Therefore, most of the martial arts hated the gentleman for a while, and it was also related to his moves of engraving others.

He said: "The Kung Fu in the Central Plains is too easy to see through. I will fight it once, and it is better than them. They resent me with hate!"

Huai Yu said, "Why don't you know how to repent and bully others?"

Ming Changyan laughed and said, "No. The skills are not as good as people, and they deserve to be beaten. I did not let them fight back. You see them like this, for more than a decade, the morals have not changed. Once outside martial arts, once they exceed them It is expected, or if they can't think of a solution, they will exclude the dissidents, instead of treating others as demons. For a long time, the Central Plains martial arts has always been a way, standing still, what is the progress? "

Huai Yu said: "Indeed." After a pause, he asked, "Where are you going?"

Ming Changyan was taking him on the street, he said, "Go and find Xiulonglong. I need to know something."

Linglong Pavilion is located near the river in Huating. The further you go, the stronger the wind will be when you reach the river. The Ming banquet was worn a little, and it was a bit cold at the moment, so I couldn't help leaning towards Huaiyu.

He said: "This river has no name. Because of its proximity to Linglong Pavilion, Huating called it Linglong River. On Linglong River, every fifteenth day, there is an antique event, here."

After all, the long feast of the Ming stopped and pointed.

"This event is called 'Ghost Rush,' and everyone will come here without stalls, or carrying boxes, or bags. The smaller ones will put things directly next to each other. If the two look right, one will Put something in the sleeve, and the other person touches it. If you feel it is good, you can negotiate the price in the sleeve, and pay by hand and deliver by hand. There is no remorse. "

"The ghost gathering is generally selected when the fog is thick and the transaction is completed. The person takes a few steps forward and disappears into the fog. If you buy fakes yourself, you can't speak up, just because you don't feel it. Wrong thing. Otherwise, you'll sell this fake again! "

Huai Yu said, "Have you sold anything here?"

Ming Changyan shook his head: "Where is there anything I can sell on my body? These are all heard by Xiu Linglong. There are so many things she hasn't gotten right, so I got such a nonsense ghost to rush out and just gamble Similarly, getting rich or unlucky is a matter of thought. And the hot babes around her were washed out in this way. "

The two said as they walked, stopping at the ferry to the river. Ming Changyan found a transparent and clear glass chopsticks in his arms, and struck a series of irregular movements on the bell at the ferry.

A ghostly ship came slowly from the river.

Ming Chang feasted: "Get on board."

On the river, the fog is thicker than outside.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty jumped on board, and the ship swayed on the river for a while, hidden in the mist.

Ming Chang feasted: "Xiu Linglong lives on an island on the river. No one can find it unless this boat leads the way. She has done too much with conscience, and she has no less enemies than me, staring at her money. There may be more people than staring at Cang Shengling. "

Huai Yu asked, "What did you just knock?"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty said: "Secret words. When the ghost rushes to the market, Ming people say secret words, so people who have mistakenly entered the market can't buy anything. The secret word I just knocked was for the boatman to hear, Putian. Below, no more than ten people know. Now, you know! "

Huai Yu: "Sophisticated whisper?"

Ming Changyan nodded: "This woman has a terrible life. She is the only one who ever seeks you. It is even harder for you to find her. You look, she is even guarding me. This water, we just came here clearly. This boat has taken us around for several times, and she is afraid that I will remember the way. "

Huai Yu said: "The fog is so big that you can't see anything clearly. How do you remember the way?"

Ming Chang feasted: "So she's too cautious."

Sure enough, the boat shook for about half an hour and finally saw an island.

When the boat was moored ashore, the boatman led the two men forward, and finally, an exhausted house appeared in front of him.

Ming Changyan said with emotion: "Gold is a house, pearl is a lamp, it is indeed Linglong Pavilion. She should know that I am coming."

The door was opened by two extremely handsome teenagers, and they went all the way. The surroundings or lanterns or end plates were all handsome and immaculate youths. Ming Changyan entered the main hall along the corridor, and saw Xiuling shaking her fan and lying on the chaise longue, waiting for a long time.

"What wind is blowing today that blows you to me."

Ming Chang Yan said: "Let's talk nonsense, I'll ask you a few questions."

Xiu Linglong grinned and sat up straight from the couch: "Chang Yan, son of someone who is looking for me who is not kneeling and crying, I will order the owner of the cabinet as soon as you come in, you are so good!"

Ming Chang feasted: "I still have a greater ability. If you are crooked, I will wipe out the hair on your fan."

Xiu Linglong laughed even harder, she sighed at the fan, her eyes lightly fell on the Ming Chang feast: "You know, how many people in the world dare to speak with Xiu Linglong?"

Ming Chang Yan laughed: "I must be one of them."

Xiuling laughed, laughed, and looked obscurely at Ming Changyan: "You are the only one."

She fanned it twice and said slowly: "Sometimes, I really want to kill you. But to kill you, the owner of the cabinet has another fun friend."

Ming Changyan said: "You haven't killed me yet. If you really treat me as a friend, you will tear up Ben Shao's name on the horizon."

Xiulinglong said: "Sit down. Little long banquet, the name is not what I want to write, it is everyone's election. If I take you down, others say that I am a private person, and I care about my personal affairs."

As soon as the Ming banquet was on a stool, two teenagers brought tea and water, and fruit plates and snacks were placed on the table, but there was no wine.

He had no intention of eating tea at this moment, and asked directly: "I want to see the piece of jade from the dealer's young master."

Xiu Linglong shook her fan's hand and smiled, "I don't."

Ming Chang feasted, "Did you not?"

Xiu Linglong said: "It looks like I should look at your expression. I have heard of the jade of the dealer, but there was a fire that year, who knows where the jade was lost. Furthermore, it will How old am I, how can there be this piece of jade. "

Ming Chang Yan stood up: "How old are you? I don't even know how old you are until now. No matter, let me ask you again, you know the wife of the bookmaker."

Xiulinglong: "How do I know, you follow me, you can check it."

Ming Changyan turned to Huaiyu and said, "Follow her."

Huai Yu asked calmly, "Are you familiar with her?"

Ming Changyan: "It hasn't been much familiarity for more than ten years, and I just hope she doesn't think about **** me all day long. Let's go."

Xiu Linglong divides flowers and willows all the way. After passing a few hand-picked verandas, she walks around a pool, and then walks to a wooden facade.

Open the door, there are no holes in it, there are thousands of files.

She said, "I'll check it for you. What benefit do you give me?"

Ming Chang Yan said, "Hit a white bar first."

Xiu Linglong smiled: "I'm afraid the white bars you hit here will fill up the river. I don't know when the Shao Ming plans to cash in?"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty waved his hand: "Don't be in a hurry, you must pay it back before you die."

Sophisticated but not smiling, walked to a table, spread out a blank sheet of paper, and wrote the words "Huating Zhuangzhuang". Ming Changyan stopped her hand and suddenly said, "Slowly, help me check someone."

Xiu Linglong said, "But it doesn't matter."

The Ming banquet hesitated for a moment, and slowly spoke: "The former prince turned south."

Huai Yu froze and looked up at him.

Xiu Linglong wrote, and handed two notes to the young people waiting a few days before the case.

After a joss stick, a booklet was handed up. Xiulinglong turned a few pages and threw it to Ming Changyan: "The dealer's stuff is all over here. You can check it out and return it to me. As for the former prince who said later, I dare not hide his data."

Ming Changyan raised an eyebrow: "I don't believe it, would you?"

Xiu Linglong covered her face with a fan, but her eyes fell on Huaiyu.

Ming Changyan secretly said: What is she going to say, and there is still no way for Huaiyu to know?

He: "No problem, you can just say it."

Xiuling said: "I can't say that."

Ming Chang Yan and Huai Yu stared at each other, who went out coldly.

As soon as I left the house, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty turned around and complained, "You have done me a terrible job!"

Xiu Linglong smiled and said, "Why did I hurt you?"

Ming Shaoxia dumbly eats Coptis chinensis, and can't say if he has suffering, he can only think in his heart: Isn't it miserable enough! You were kicked out by this little ancestor, and if you do n’t make a demon with me once, this matter will not be settled!

The more he thought, the more angry he was.

Coaxed for a few days before coaxing, and now it's okay, and once back to its original shape.

Ming Changyan said impatiently: "Say something quickly."

Xiu Linglong narrowed her eyes and smiled: "Why are you happy when you are with him, and frowning with me? Little white-eyed wolf, but you begged me to help, and dare to show me a face?"

Ming Changyan asked, "What on earth do you have to say to him?"

Xiu Linglong said: "I ask you why you want to investigate the matter of the former prince. You really think that I am too great. Keeping things from the former prince is a matter of my head."

Ming Changyan said: "Are you still doing a few things off your head? Take them out."

Xiu Linglong stared at him for a while, and then sat on the table with a smile: "I don't have anything, but I know a little insider, do you listen?"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was a little hesitant: "Everyone with a white mouth can be said to be black. I don't believe you."

Xiu Linglong shook her fan: "If you don't believe you still come to ask me, then don't ask me, I don't want to say."

Ming Chang feast: "Wait, you still say it!"

Xiu Linglong smiled: "You asked Prince Nanzhao nothing more than to inquire about Princess Zhu. I only tell you that your mother and his brothers and sisters are the same. Ji Lao only received these two apprentices in his life. The two of them studied together at Egret College, that's all. "

Ming Changyan asked, "What happened later?"

Xiu Linglong said: "Later, after praying for the blessing ceremony, Zhao Yi's sister-in-law of Zhao's family entered the palace to greet her queen mother. Prince Nanzhao fell in love with her at first sight, and the former emperor decided to marry."

After listening to the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, he slightly hesitated and asked, "Zhao Yimin? That's not ..."

Xiu Linglong said: "Yes, she is the queen of today. Otherwise, why are the books related to Prince Nanzhao destroyed? Why do you think the emperor's position got up? He grew up with the Zhao family girl from a young age The Zhao family girl was born again with a beautiful and charming country, charming and moving, and the emperor naturally admired it very much. Unfortunately, the rabbit also knew that he would not eat grass on the nest. If the Zhao family girl was interested in him, he would not show his heart. The day of blessing, When Zhao Yizhen met his prince Nanzhao, he met at the first meeting. The emperor failed in courtship, his brother took the wife, sought power, and seized the girl of the Zhao family as a wife. After the ceremony, he disregarded the opposition of civil and military officials and sealed her down.

Ming Changyan said: "Where are the opponents?"

Xiuling: "The emperor now naturally has his own way. He can succeed even with the throne. Do you think he will be a man with no ability? From then on, who would dare to say that he is not. You are in Xiuling You can't find a little bit of paperwork about Prince Edward here, let alone elsewhere. I urge you to die early, what are you doing as a man in the rivers and lakes? "

Ming Chang feasted, "Where is my mother? How about she and the prince?"

Xiu Linglong smiled: "Your mother-in-law is arrogant, cold and frosty. Whoever is close to her within three meters will be frozen into a popsicle. She has high martial arts, is proficient in Liuyi, does not like liveliness, does not like talking, and stands tall No one can beat her. For a woman like her, would you still have to believe folk rumors and think who she can fall in love with? "

Ming Changyan sighed, "She really doesn't like to talk."

Xiu Linglong asked, "But what did you hear, and then came to ask me about it?"

He knocked on the table but didn't answer.

Xiu Linglong held out her hand, glanced at the cardan she had just made, her eyes changed, and she said ambiguously, "Are you arguing with the little country?"

Ming Changyan looked up from his troubled thoughts: "What?"

Xiu Linglong sighed, switched off the topic, pretending to mourn: "How did you do it last time, this time it was so noisy."

Ming Changyan was unnaturally spoken by her, and replied, "What's that got to do with you?"

Xiuling opened the fan, covered her face, and smiled. Suddenly, she put away the fan again: "It's different from you nonsense, you pay attention, a large part of the martial arts that were destroyed by the needle in the past were old friends of the dealer's owner."

Ming Chang Yan said: "Old friends? Why old friends?"

Xiu Linglong said: "I have told you everything I know, and the rest is for you to investigate yourself. However, there is an ugly word I said at the beginning, seeing that your martial arts recovered one or two, but it has not reached your previous level. The level is even worse. I do n’t know what method you used to achieve this level, but at the end of the year is the feast of banquet, and Cang Sheng ordered you to choose another master. A blood rain. "

Ming Chang feast said: "I know."

Xiu Linglong said, "I can press you all this year and perform well."

Ming Chang feast said: "... I know!"

After he had said it, he had intended to go straight to the door. Somehow, he paused.

Xiu Linglong said: "What? Do you still tell me the old times? The time of the owner is very precious."

Hesitating again and again, Ming Changyan babbled openly: "Ask you a question."

Xiuling raised an eyebrow: "You ask."

He was silent for a long time, and this time, he drank the tea on the table.

After drinking, Ming Shaoxia regarded death as home, and asked Ai Ai again: "I have a friend who was kissed by others, but afterwards both of them happened without incident. What do you think he meant?"

Speaking again, I didn't feel right, I added: "I mean, the other party's meaning is not that of my friend."

Xiu Linglong's complexion changed, her eyes were clear, her eyes widened and her voice was raised: "You've been blind dated by a small country ?!"

Ming Changyan's entire face was steaming red, he glanced nervously outside and warned: "Don't talk nonsense! It's a friend of mine, not me!"

Xiuling leaned on his forehead, he didn't listen to his explanation at all, and sat down slowly: "It's unbelievable that I'm going to make this up, and no one believes me. It looks like my Linglong Pavilion is like a river and lake **** stick. Amitabha, you really Was kissed by him? "

Ming Shaoxia became angry and angry: "I said that it was my friend. Forget it, I couldn't make sense to you. I really fainted before I came to discuss it with you, right? My friend fainted. You and you should not hear Alright! I'm gone! "

Walked to the door, kicked the threshold, and was ashamed and angry: "How can this be true!"

He then scolded himself: stupid stupid! You are so stupid! I went to Xiu Linglong to discuss the matter, and the unfortunate mother-in-law opened the door to the unlucky one, and the unlucky one came home! Now, there is a third person who knows this and how to end it!

Ming Shaoxia regretted it, didn't look at the road ahead, and bumped into Huaiyu's back.

He looked up and fell into Huaiyu's eyes.

The author has something to say: I have a friend in the legend is my series! 2k novel reading network

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