MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 61 Photographing flowers (seventeen)

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The look of the long feast of the Ming Dynasty changed.

The person who came was the Daozhen monk from Xiaohan Temple. This person had a relationship with him and had seen him before. A few days ago, the two had a face-to-face meeting, but the bright feast saw him, he didn't see the bright feast.

I didn't see it once, it was Ming Shaoxia's luck. This time, his luck was not very good.

Dao Zhen monk stared at him for a moment, blurted out: "You ..."

The Ming Chang feast secretly said "Not good", and when he was lame, he had wind on his feet and ran away.

He turned and ran towards the road, who knew he had run into Zhao Xiaolan who hurried forward. Zhao Xiaolan yelled, was embraced by Ming Changyan's shoulders, his face blushed, and the speed of light jumped away: "Sister Yan !!"

Ming Changyan said, "What are you nervous about?" He said, glanced behind him, and rushed along with Zhao Xiaolan.

Zhao Xiaolan originally came to the rescue of the fire, but at this moment was pulled by the Ming feast and stunned.

"Sister Smoke! And slow! Sister Smoke !!!"

Ming Chang Yan said: "Slow! Slow slow! I'm being chased!"

Zhao Xiaolan looked back, and sure enough, behind the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, several monks from Xiaohan Temple followed closely.

He screamed: "But !!! But what am I running !!!"

Ming Chang feasted: "If you don't run, then you stop."

Zhao Xiaolan stood still for a while and immediately shouted, "No, no !!!! They chase me !!! Sister Yan !! How could you be chased by a monk at Xiaohan Temple !!!"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty exclaimed: "I am beautiful!"

Zhao Xiaolan wanted to cry without tears, and when he turned, he shouted, "It is brother Huaiyu!"

Ming Changyan's eyes brightened, and three steps and two steps quickly, got behind Huaiyu. Zhao Xiaolan ran out of breath, leaning against the wall, breathing with a big mouth.

Seeing these two men utterly embarrassed, Grandma asked stunned, "What's wrong with you?"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was relieved. Looking around, I saw the grandmother and the three princes all here.

He asked, "Huaiyu, how are you here? Zhuzhu? Aren't you staring at him?"

Huai Yu said: "Xiaohan Temple is walking, I will come to see you."

Ming Changyan said: "Look at me?" He couldn't laugh or cry: "What's so good about me, can I still run into the fire?"

After saying this, Ming Changyan suddenly responded and urged Narrow Road: "Are you worried about me?"

Huai Yu snorted.

With a smile at the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, several monks at Xiaohan Temple have come to the door.

One of the sharp-headed monks roared, "Where's the Ming feast!"

Zhao Xiaolan listened and said, "Ming Shaoxia? What Ming Shaoxia?"

The fire was burning vigorously, the county grandfather sweating heavily to command officers and soldiers to extinguish the fire, and how much the newly built temple of Xiaohan Temple was lost has no one cared. Dozens of lives were lost in the temple. The fire burned for a while, and the door collapsed. Several charred corpses stuck to the door, rolled out, ignited the fire, covered their mouths and vomited.

Daozhen monk took a firm look, as if struck by lightning. After a moment, the pointed monk burst into tears and shouted, "The needle ... is the needle! The brothers' necks are full of needles!"

I saw the corpses, although the burned face was completely different, but the throat was indeed white bones, with belt meat hanging on the chest, hundreds of burnt black needles looked particularly shy in the light of fire.

Monk Daozhen screamed: "Long feast tomorrow!"

Ming Chang feast said: Strange! When you see the needle, say me! It's almost indiscriminate, so good!

Monk Daozhen's eyes were bloodshot, and he looked at Zhao Xiaolan: "How about a long feast for the Ming Dynasty!"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Ask me? How do I, me ... he, I know! Ming Shaoxia, Ming Shaoxia have not been forced to death by you already!"

The pointed monk shouted: "He wasn't dead at all! He is still alive! Otherwise ... how can the fire be explained!"

Ming Changyan was scolded for no reason, but he himself was used to it, but Zhao Xiaolan was stubbing his neck and flushed. Once involved in the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, Zhao Xiaolan seemed to have changed a person, and had to compete with the other party.

"Old monk! I respect you as a monk in the martial arts and give you some face. If you say that the young hero is half bad, I will tell you that I can't take it for a walk!"

The pointed monk said angrily: "What kind of person are you? The Ming Dynasty feast killed dozens of disciples at Xiaohan Temple. I have to pay him blood for blood!"

Zhao Xiaolan: "The laughter is dead! The man who forced Ming Shaoxia back then was the first battle of your Xiaohan Temple! Who didn't see him fall into the Yanbo River? Why, it is not enough to slander him when he is alive, but to slander after death He? I'll see what ridiculous reasons your old monks can make up! "

The pointed monk said: "Who else besides him!"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Joke! There are so many people who use needles in the world, but you blame it on a dead person! It's because your Xiaohan Temple looked at him badly. It's so ridiculous that people haven't looked at you until death , Rushing to admit the enemy, your faction is really the most inexplicable martial art I have ever seen! Why do n’t you say that you built a house here and disturbed the villain's grievances! It's also a fire! This is warning you! "

Pointed monk: "You!"

The three princes said, "Stop!"

Only then did the monk Daozhen find that the three princes were also here.

He sorrowfully said: "His Royal Highness Three ... I was sent to this catastrophe, and I asked the Three Highnesses to make a clear observation and decide for us."

Hearing this, Ming Changyan laughed out loud. He stood behind Huaiyu and said coldly: "The bald donkey at Xiaohan Temple simply didn't approve a piece of skin, and collusion with the court blatantly."

Huai Yu said, "You should worry about yourself first."

Ming Changyan said: "I? Why should I worry about myself." He suddenly bent his eyes and groaned with a smile: "Brother Huaiyu, say you covered me."

Huai Yu turned his head calmly: "Huh."

Ming Changyan yanked his sleeves: "I ask you, where have you been?"

Huai Yu shook his head: "I took Zhao Xiaolan over while the riot ran away."

Ming Changyan: "I'm afraid he had expected that I would stare at him, so I set fire to Xiaohan Temple to draw our attention. It was only his run that Xiaohan Temple put all the responsibilities on me coming."

At this moment, the three princes asked: "Absolute Tao, how did you determine that this Xiaohan Temple was running for the Ming Dynasty feast?"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "That's it! Ming Shaoxia died when he was dead, there are old monks like you who don't practice martial arts, don't read books, and go to the blue house every day for fun! Just stare at people who are better than you, and don't keep big dogs See what kind of virtue you have! "

The three princes said, "Xiao Lan, calm down."

Zhao Xiaolan gritted his teeth, hugged his chest with both hands, twisted his head, closed his eyes, and was so angry that he said nothing.

The three princes said, "Abbot, it was you who explained that the long feast was dead, and now you are pushing these on him, this ..."

The pointed monk said, "He is not dead! Master also saw him just now! Master Dao, as for you-Master is the only person who has seen the Ming Rong feast. Just now, he saw the Ming Rong feast. Everyone saw him there, and as soon as he saw Master, the Ming feast ran away! "

The sharp-headed monk suddenly turned his eyes and stared at Zhao Xiaolan: "It's him! When the Ming feast ran, he ran with him!"

The three princes asked kindly, "Absolute Tao, is this possible?"

Dao Zhen's face changed: "This ..."

He was unsure. Although Daozhen monk was born in Xiaohan Temple, he is different from most monks in Xiaohan Temple. He has a solid personality, but is a man of nature. Just now, he really felt that what he saw might be the Ming Long Banquet, but he couldn't conclude that that person was the Ming Long Banquet!

After all, a gentleman died as early as two years ago. There is no doubt about it. Everyone looked at his body and was picked up. Although there are rumors on the rivers and lakes that he did not die, it is not the mainstream after all. Moreover, Dao Zhen once only met the Ming Changyan many years ago. Even so long, his memory is as good as possible, and deviations are not impossible.

Daozhen Monk said: "The poor monk is not sure."

Zhao Xiaolan said: "What is not so sure. There is no one! There is little blood here! Do you want me to tell you? Old monk, the person who ran with me just now is not Ming Shaoxia. Not a man! "

Ming feast: ...

Zhao Xiaolan said indignantly: "She is a woman!"

The pointed monk froze for a moment, then quickly said, "Well! What woman! You kid is blind, is there such a tall woman!"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "You just blinded your eyes. Why can't a woman grow tall! Hugh wants to say mad words, do you know who she is?"

The alarm bell in the heart of the Ming banquet was a masterpiece. As expected, Zhao Xiaolan paused and said immediately: "She is the wife of a small country minister!"

This time, even Daozhen monk was shocked.

"Mrs. Guo?"

Zhao Xiaolan secretly said: Sure enough, this world only works if he moves out of his brother Huaiyu's reputation.

The third prince's face changed slightly.

Taoist monk asked, "But that Yunqing immortal?"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "What's the matter? I think you are old and confused, no distinction between men and women! Is there anything false about this? The three princes are here. If you don't believe me, you can ask him."

The third prince's face was awkward for a while, and Zhao Xiaolan's arrogance made him unable to come to Taiwan. He had to be wronged by a long feast, and laughed: "Xiao Lan spoke absolutely."

Zhao Xiaolan was proud of himself, as if fighting a victory, he turned his head and shouted, "Brother Huaiyu, I'm right!"

The feast of the Ming dynasty felt complacent, almost covered his face and dug a pit to bury himself.

No, he doesn't need to dig. He is digging himself all the way. Now he is pushed into the pit by this little fool, Zhao Xiaolan!


Ming Shaoxia shouted in his heart.

He quickly looked at Huaiyu, but fortunately, the other party ignored Zhao Xiaolan's nonsense, which made Ming Changyan feel relieved and very unpleasant.

Huaiyu was here, and the people at Xiaohan Temple had concealed their arrogance and lost their arrogance. The monk Daozhen originally thought that this person looked more and more like a Ming feast, but now even the three princes have guaranteed it, and he has lost his confidence and began to doubt whether his memory is really unclear.

But the sharp-headed monk persisted and asked, "In short, even if it was n’t done by the Ming Chang Banquet, this matter would not be related to him. If he did n’t, would n’t the Tianqing people do? In recent years, are there still few martial arts that have been destroyed by needles on the rivers and lakes? In my opinion, it is the secret of the Tianqing school! "

The long feast of the Ming dynasty sank his face: "a nonsense."

The third prince said: "Absolute Daozhen, this matter is very strange. Now it is the most important thing to put out the fire at Xiaohan Temple. After the fire goes out, we will discuss it."

He turned around: "Ama, it's so late, you are not allowed to make fun here, let Duan Ai take you back to bed."

Grandma looked energetically and was told by the three princes that she yawned and rubbed her eyes.

She was indeed a little sleepy, and at this time, usually, she had already climbed into bed to sleep.

Therefore, the three princes proposed that she nodded and stretched out her hands, facing Duan Jun: "I'm tired, hold me back to sleep."

The three princes frowned: "Ama, he doesn't understand this, how can you follow it irrationally. You are so old, you still get along with Duan Ai. In a few years, the emperor will choose a relative for you I know you grew up next to him, but there is a difference between men and women, and you can't be like this in the future. "

Grandma was told by him, and he was very upset: "Brother Three Emperors, take care of yourself, huh! Duanduan, I can't walk anymore, I want to sleep!"

Duan Yue bent down, hugged his grandma in his arms, and left gently.

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty also arched his hand: "His Royal Highness Three, I have also said goodbye. Xiao Lan, come here, follow me tonight."

After he finished, Zhao Xiaolan said: "Sister Yan, are you going back to bed?"

Ming Chang feast said, "Natural."

Zhao Xiaolan took two steps quickly and stood in front of Huaiyu: "I have one more thing. I want to ask brother Huaiyu."

As they walked, the three heard Zhao Xiaolan finish.

He: "Brother Huaiyu, do you have any medicine for scars, that is, after applying it, the skin can be as good as before?"

Ming Changyan curiously said, "What do you want this to do? Are you injured? Where can I show you?"

Zhao Xiaolan shook her head: "I was not injured. It was Lili, who had many scars on her hands. I would like to ask Brother Huaiyu for an ointment."

Huai Yu was surprised: "Bai Jin?"

The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty was also a little surprised: "She has scars on her hands? I thought that the world's first beauty is the best and the most beautiful everywhere."

Zhao Xiaolan sighed: "According to the girl from Lili, it was her hand that broke a lantern and was cut by the falling glass fragments. I looked at it as if it was cut. No wonder I started to leave Lili a year ago I ’m no longer invited by any dance. This is the reason. In short, one arm is full and terrible. Lili is not finding a good ointment, so I asked Brother Huaiyu to get one. support."

Huai Yu was silent for a long time, and after a moment of thought, he finally said, "Go to the 99th Palace after returning to Beijing."

Zhao Xiaolan smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Huaiyu!"

Ming Changyan said: "Slow. Xiao Lan, come here, I will also ask you a question. After you answer me, I will let your brother Huaiyu give you an ointment."

Zhao Xiaolan glanced at Huaiyu, only to see Huaiyu nodded and agreed, "Sister Yan asked me?"

Ming long feast said: "Your good friend, I wish you well!"

Zhao Xiaolan's eyes widened: "Wish brother?"

Ming Changyan said: "Yes, that's him. Xiao Lan, I ask you, is there any strange behavior in Zhu Xi? Do you feel anything wrong with his bells? Or, you are right next to him, Do you feel your body or your heart suddenly feel uncomfortable? "

Although Zhao Xiaolan didn't know why Ming Changyan asked him these things, but after thinking about it, he answered honestly: "No. I wish the brother's bell sounded strange, but nothing else."

Ming Changyan said: It seems that he hasn't done anything to Xiao Lan.

Suddenly, Zhao Xiaolan comforted the Ming feast: "Sister Yan, do n’t take your mind off those old monks, but your voice is slightly more magnetic than other women, and they blame you as a Man! I don't believe it. Of course, I will never feel that you are bad. Sister Yan treats me well. I won't let others say you are not! "

After listening to the long feast of the Ming dynasty, he cried and laughed, and said, "Okay, thank you Xiaolan."

He turned to Huaiyu and said, "I'm going to find someone."

Huai Yu asked, "Who else are you looking for?"

Ming Changyan smiled, "He just came when I talked about him."

Huai Yu looked around and saw Barry carrying a team of guards, hurried up. Seems to be looking at the fire.

The long feast of the Ming hurriedly stopped, and said, "Guard of Baili, someone is taking care of Xiaohan Temple now. Could you take a step to speak?"

Seeing Zhao Xiaolan and Xiaoguo Xiang also here, Bai Li couldn't refuse to come, but only saw Huai Yu, his face was slightly hesitant, and he looked at him with a stunned look.

"This ... Madam, this is not appropriate." Barry Lantern actually did not see that the long feast was a woman, but Zhao Xiaolan said so, and Princess Juning also said that he was a slave. Naturally can only follow the intention of the master.

Hearing this title, Ming Shao Xia Lei became accustomed to the habit of splitting, and he was too lazy to refute, letting him call it a hundred miles.

"What's wrong with this. I just want to ask you a few questions, and I won't eat you!" Ming Changyan saw that he was unwilling to move, so he asked straightforwardly, "On that day, you and Zhao Xiaolan Can you tell me the story of the destruction of the door and the young man in black who killed someone with a needle? "

The Barry Lantern was shocked and stunned: "Story? Why does Madam know that I told a story?"

Ming feast stunned.

Leng Buding, he suddenly remembered that at present, his identity was "the wife of a small country minister". When he heard the story earlier, he was still "the emperor's wife". I didn't pay attention this time, and asked directly. Seeing Baili's appearance, he probably didn't recognize him. If the emperor's personal guard knew that Huaiyu had pried the corner of the emperor's Laozi and abducted his wife, wouldn't it be a major crime of beheading!

Ming Shaoxia had a lot of thoughts, and his mind was in a chaos, and he did not forget that he was narcissistic and said: Ben Shaoxia is really jealous and talented!

He rarely got a word stuck, his gaze begging, looking at Huaiyu.

Huai Yu said: "I told him."

The Barry Lantern suddenly realized, and laughed, "That's the case. The small country partner really had a deep affection for his wife, and everything was told to her that the relationship was really good."

The long feast of the Ming dynasty, the heart said: Ben Shaoxia's famous name in the world is now ruined! Fortunately, the little bunny in Huaiyu didn't care about this, otherwise, I couldn't even wash it when I jumped into the Yellow River.

I didn't know, for a moment, Huaiyu nodded cautiously: "Um."

Ming banquet: eh? ? ?

Huai Yu said: "It's good."

The author has something to say: 嗯 嗯 嗯 嗯 嗯 嗯 嗯 嗯 嗯!! !!

Although you did not fall in love, but every night I was crazy in my mind! !!

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! !! !!

If tomorrow is free, I will write a short section of the Mid-Autumn Festival on Weibo, after all, it is an important festival of Da Yue! Hey, I can move from the copywriting to my Weibo ~

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