MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 62 Photographing flowers (eighteen)

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Ming feast of the long feast turned red, and he immediately said, "Well, good guard, Baili, please tell me the story again."

The Barry Lantern immediately stopped, and re-telled the story told at that time to the Ming Chang Banquet, and said, "Why the wife want to listen to this story?"

Ming Chang feasted: "Curious! How did you hear this story in such a detailed way as if you had experienced it yourself? Tell me the truth, is this the one who survived?"

Baili hurriedly said: "In the following, I just heard hearsay, I heard it when I was traveling abroad before entering Beijing."

"Where exactly? Who told you?"

"Only, just one side ... I don't really know."

Ming Changyan saw him nervous, took his shoulders, walked aside, and said, "I won't tell others, hey! There were many martial arts that were destroyed, but there were only a few. In the story, Which one is this sect, you should always know? "

Baili hesitated for a moment, as if thinking, and finally said, "Yes ... it's Lingyun."

The Ming long banquet got the answer, let go of the Baili lamp with satisfaction, and said, "Thank you for telling the Baili guards." Just when Bai Li was relieved, he was about to leave. Suddenly felt a strong murderous spirit, at the same time the body has reacted subconsciously, his hilt blocked in front, blocking a hand straight to the life gate.

The feast of the Ming dynasty lifted its momentum and laughed at Baili Deng: "Just a joke, the Baili guards won't mind it."

The Barry Lantern was scared enough, but still arched, "If nothing happens, leave first."

The long feast of Ming dynasty waved his hand, indicating that nothing had happened.

After Baili left, he turned around and said, "Huaiyu, I'll go back to the inn first."

Huai Yu nodded, followed immediately, and Zhao Xiaolan followed.

After walking for a while, he suddenly said, "What do you think."

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty is still thinking, and the steps underneath are a little bit fluttering, saying: "The tenth **."

Zhao Xiaolan suddenly said: "This hundred-mile guard is too old-fashioned! And timid! Before I said that he would take him to see the dangers of the rivers and lakes, he would not dare, but also asked me to stay away from Zhu Xiong, saying that these rivers and lakes people are sinister and know I do n’t know my heart! Let me go back to the palace to study honestly! "

Baili's reminder was that Zhao Xiaolan didn't believe it at all, or that he really believed in Zhu Rong, so what Baili said was only regarded as a breeze by his ears.

After listening to the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, he thought about it again. Zhao Xiaolan still chattered aside, he quietly said to Huaiyu: "I wish this person, pretending to be very good, he almost does not leak, I have no solid evidence to identify him as Zhuang Xiao"

Huai Yu: "You have suspected him for a long time."

Ming Chang Yan nodded: "Yes, I already think he has a problem, but not because his martial arts is strong and strange, but the sound of the bell."

"I noticed the ringtone from the first time I heard it. The sound was indeed very pleasing, and after listening to it, it made me feel very peaceful, as if I could forget all the troubles and make people feel refreshed."

Ming Changyan touched his nose. When he first met Zhu Xun, he remembered the death of Yiyue. Although Ming Changyan seemed to be low for two days and then jumped alive, but his heart was not on the surface. Showed like that.

To be honest, it's very hard.

Of course, he has never liked being known by others.

He paused and continued: "My mother is proficient in chess, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy, and is a top class. I grew up in music from an early age. Indeed, sometimes the music can be a little emotional, but not like Zhu Yi of."

"That is to say, what I felt at that time was not that the emotion was slightly driven, but that the voice was forcibly controlled by the voice."

Forcing him to feel extremely restless and suddenly calm and peaceful at the time, it felt really wonderful. If it wasn't for the big fluctuations in his heart, he might not really have noticed the strangeness of this person.

"In short, the feeling is abnormal, I can be sure." Hearing here, Huaiyu's face sank slightly.

Huai Yu said: "Why can you feel it?" Ming Changyan was afraid that Huai Yu noticed this, perfunctoryly said: "Maybe ... maybe I'm more sensitive, right?"

Then he quickly summed up: "When this is clear, the problem comes. Obviously, the effect of calming the mind is not because of the bell, but because of the person who uses it, let it make a voice that can calm the mind, of course. , 80% can also make sounds for other purposes. "

"So why would you want to let Ling Ting calm the mind at all times? Is it for others? For Xiao Lan? Impossible, would Xiao Lan need someone to control his emotions to be happy? Let me hear it? Here you are Listen? To passersby? That doesn't make sense. "

Huai Yu concluded: "It's for him to listen to."

"Yes, only for him. I guess he is actually a totally different person from what we have seen. He may be very violent, cold-blooded, weird, his personality and behavior logic are different from ordinary people, or What he has experienced is very painful in his heart, but he can't control it himself, so he can use external force to control it, so it makes sense. "

He: "Unfortunately, I was run away by Zhu. Otherwise, if he catches him, he will be able to clearly understand the ins and outs of the matter. People who want to do more of this kind of bad things are very keen on crisis."

At this point, Zhao Xiaolan was already walking in front of them.

Huai Yu said, "What are you asking?"

Ming Changyan smiled slightly: "For example, is there any behind-the-scenes ambassador, if he is going to harm me, if I have any resentment against him, do not know the person who has imitated me. Since I died two years ago, that person He never gave up marrying me. But, I do n’t know, he killed me. Why did he pour dirty water on me? Does he hate me to torture me even if I die? "

Huai Yu: "Why did he want you to die."

Ming Chang feast said: "Probably any good."

Huai Yu said: "Know how many people you are alive?"

Ming banquet: "Not much. But the use of needles to destroy the door has never stopped, not after I lived."

Huai Yu said, "But after you wake up, he came to the palace. This means that he knows you are alive and earlier than anyone."

The feast of the Ming dynasty was a slight meal.

He pondered for a moment: "There is no such person."

Huai Yu seemed to want to say something, but when he saw the scene of the Ming Changyan so decisive, he kept silent.

The long feast of the Ming dynasty said: "Before the feast is sealed, I must fully recover the martial arts. Huaiyu, how much medicine is there for you, I just drank it all at once!"

Huai Yu said coldly, "Do you think it's okay to drink it once."

Ming feast began: "I can't wait. The feast is sealed ..."

He paused: "In short, I will meet people I don't want to see very much."

Huai Yu suddenly turned around: "Ming Chang Yan, have you never doubted the people around you?"

Ming Chang Yan said: "What?"

Huai Yu: "Since someone knows that you are alive and arranges it all, why don't you think about it, and who knows you are alive from the beginning."

Ming Changyan said: "You mean girl Hua?"

Huai Yu didn't speak, and went straight forward.

Ming Changyan laughed and said, "How is she possible! Even if I doubt all the people in the world, I won't doubt her."

After all, Huaiyu asked, "What about me?"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was rather strange: "What happened to you? Why should I doubt you again?"

He followed a few steps to go up: "Ah, hey! Huaiyu, Xiaoguoxiang! I won't say anymore, why are you angry again? Would you like to have a notice next time?"

"Okay, I doubt it, I doubt it immediately! Xiaoguoxiang, you said, did you plan this all secretly, because you are jealous of Ben Shaoxia's martial arts higher than you, you hate it, collude with Xiaohan Temple, and trap Ben Shaoxia forever Ground! "

Huai Yu stopped and stared at him coldly.

Ming Changyan quickly raised his hands: "I don't say, I'm wrong!"

Huai Yu said, "What's wrong with you?"

Regardless of the thirty-seven and twenty-one, the Ming banquet first explained his mistakes and thoroughly reviewed: "I was wrong everywhere! No matter, don't ignore me."

He always admits his mistakes in time, and never repents. Huai Yu knew about Ming Shaoxia's bad character, so he ignored it.

Ming Changyan said: "Xiao Huaiyu, there is a debtor and a debtor, and there must be a reason for doubt. You say Girl Hua, first of all I have known her for many years, and her body is far away. I ca n’t keep up, I just have to take a few more steps to stop and rest. What kind of ability can trap me. Besides, is there any good for her to kill me? ”

Huai Yu said, "If you don't doubt, you don't doubt, explain to me."

On the call, Ming Shaoxia said Yu Yu died.

After thinking about it, this is indeed the truth.

What is he nervous? Why explain so much to Huaiyu? Afraid he wouldn't be jealous.

Thinking of this, Ming Shaoxia's head flickered suddenly, he shook his head and secretly said: nonsense, nonsense! No no no! Forget it! !!

Huai Yu said, "Why not keep up, can I say no to you!"

Ming Changyan fanned her cheeks with her hands, and quickly lowered the heat on her face, followed by saying, "It's all up to you, it's all up to you. When you get back to Kyoto, I will definitely ask the girl Hua!"

Huai Yu pursed her lips: "It's up to you!"

After the fireworks display, Zhu Xi disappeared completely into the sight of everyone.

The Ming banquet was finally empty and separated from Huaiyu for a few days.

Previously, due to various things, they were like conjoined babies, almost inseparable. This time they suddenly separated, but the Ming feast was a bit uncomfortable.

Hua Yunshang asked: "Zhaozhao, what's wrong with you, it's only summer that you can post spring."

Ming Chang Yan gave the fish a hand, and said, "Who made spring!"

Hua Yunshang clapped her hands: "Naturally you, are there anyone else in the yard?"

Ming Chang feasted, "I won't feed."

Hua Yunshang laughed: "It can be seen that your mind is completely out of this fish."

Xiao Azha also made fun of him: "Chang Yan, son, everyone else buys the fish and eats it by himself. You'd better, buy a fish and raise it in a wooden barrel."

The Ming banquet folded a dogtail grass in the courtyard to tease the fish in the barrel.

Hua Yunshang said, "Why, quarrel with the fish outside, come to me and buy a fish to vent?"

Ming Changyan listened and sighed. Immediately, he asked, "Actually, I came to you this time to ask you a question. Xiao Azha, you go to the kitchen and cook this fish for your girl."

Xiao Azai knew that the Ming feast was opening her, so she put a smile away and promised to go to the kitchen.

Ming Chang feasted: "Yun Luo, you still refuse to tell me, what is going on with your body?"

Sitting on a stool, Hua Yunshang asked with a smile: "Suddenly, what did I call this name? No one has called it for more than ten years."

Ming Chang feasted and asked, "Yun Luo, who knows that I am not dead except you?"

Hua Yunshang said, "Do you suspect that it came to me?"

Seeing her speaking so frankly, Ming Changyan simply said, "That's not necessarily true. I will just ask."

Hua Yunchang sighed.

Ming Changyan held his heart tight: "Don't get me wrong, I have no doubt what you mean, just ..."

Hua Yunshang said quietly, "It's really a daughter to marry, and water to spill."

Ming Changyan said expressionlessly: "... I see that the ambassador behind you must be you!"

Hua Yunsang laughed and said, "Zhao Zhao was fooled by two people outside. When I came back to the house, I suspected that I was going to kill you. You have already died thousands of times."

The long feast of the Ming dynasty, but so did.

Hua Yunshang smiled slightly: "Zhao Zhao, don't rely on me to love you, just be willful in my place, I'm not happy."

The long feast of the Ming dynasty laughed: "I have to be willful!" Then he said seriously: "When you first saw me, my body was almost as dilapidated as you were, and I was so helpless that it turned out to be so good now. All are recovering fast Same as before. "

"I was thinking that if Huaiyu were to help you take a look, he might be able to heal you, although he must ask him carefully before he can agree."

Listening to Hua Yunshang, she finally said, "No, don't you want to know what's going on with my body. I can tell you."

She paused and said quietly: "In the past, Nanrou was destroyed by Dachu. I was caught by Dachu's army and thrown into the barracks. At this time, it was my fifteenth birthday."

Ming Changyan asked, "What then?"

Hua Yunshang laughed: "It's gone."

Ming Chang feast wondered: "Gone?"

Hua Yunshang said, "Otherwise, what else do you want?"

Ming Changyan refused to say anything: "You have been caught, and then what? Did they hit you and destroy you? It doesn't make sense to use your martial arts to easily be scrapped!"

Hua Yunsang laughed at his innocence, and only said, "I have a high level of martial arts, but how can I withstand thousands of horses. Besides, I was only fifteen years old at the time, and I was even better among my peers. Opening knife. Zhaozhao, do you think that the woman was thrown into the barracks, how many ends? "

She did not say, but the face of Ming Changyan turned pale for a moment.

Hua Yunchang said: "I have put down the past. If you are willing to leave a few tears for me, I will remember you. But I don't need tears, Zhaozhao, you sit down."

Silent for a long while, the Ming feast gave him a slap.

This slap was stopped by Hua Yunshang in mid-air.

"What are you doing? I want to say, what is it to do with you?"

Ming Changyan pursed his lips and whispered, "I'm sorry."

Hua Yunshang smiled, "You, you, I told you not to tell you, you have to pester me. After telling you, you make me look like this and hurt my heart."

She poured a bowl of tea and handed it to the Ming Chang feast: "I have been killed in this life, but just seeing you step by step, I remind you that in this world, not martial arts is everything."

"You know the power of the people behind you and the spread of the net. It will cause you to die. Why did you not remember it after you died once and continue to mingle with this river?"

Immediately, Hua Yunshang thought something, saying, "However, I was surprised that you recovered so well, but you got the fairy grass?"

Ming Changyan said: "This is not the case. I didn't find the fairy grass after I went to the palace.

Hua Yunsang nodded and continued: "Listen to me and persuade me, it's better to abandon everything and stand by and look for a place where the mountains and rivers are green and carefree."

After listening to the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, he waved his hand and said, "No. That person has hurt me so much. If I don't stab him out of a thousand swords, I will climb up when I leave Huangquan."

Hua Yunshang said: "You are used to this nature, I advise you that it is useless a hundred times, but it gives you a headache. Zhaozhao, you really don't worry about me. When I fight and kill all day, I am afraid and afraid I will collect your body someday. "

Ming Changyan said: "Be assured, before corpse collection, I have to take revenge for Yiyue and Yulou." Then he asked, "Why do you look at me with this look?"

Hua Yunshang said, "It's just that you have changed a lot, which makes me a little embarrassed."

Ming Chang Yan said, "Why don't I know I've changed a lot?"

Hua Yunshang: "If you were sitting before me, most of you would say‘ how many people can stand in the world ’, or‘ take the world ’s first play ’.”

Ming Chang feasted his forefinger on the table and suddenly became agitated. "Is that so?"

Ming Changyan himself understood that he was different from before. Nowadays, I just don't want to have the troubled Yulou and my sister. They died unclearly. The feast of the Ming dynasty was well known. Although Huai Yu's technique of Qihuang was almost against the sky, he could not fully restore him to the martial arts before.

Without the former capital, and through life and death, it is no longer possible to be as blind and confident as before, and only to look after oneself. But he couldn't do it if he let it go. This is the end of the event, even if the same end, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty will not let those behind the scenes.

Hua Yunshang sighed again, looking at him anxiously.

Ming Changyan stayed for several days.

In fact, he was unsteady the next day. Hua Yunshang's residence is not far from the imperial palace. According to his light work at this time, it will take two hours to go back and forth.

But he thought about it all day and night, but didn't think of a reasonable reason to go to Huaiyu.

On the third day, Ming Shaoxia finally opened the door. Now, whether or not there is a reason. If there is a reason, then go to him in good faith, no reason, can't you sneak up?

He changed his costume and entered the palace from Shaoyang Gate, all the way through the eaves, and fell on the corridor in front of the main hall of the 99th Palace.

At this point, under the palace corridor, Zhao Xiaolan was hurried past.

The Ming Changyan didn't expect to meet him, but now he looks so inconvenient to say hello, so he watched Zhao Xiaolan go to the 99th Palace.

Huai Yu seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and Zhao Xiaolan came out at the door.

Ming Changyan sat on the palace gallery and found a hidden place to hide his whereabouts.

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Brother Huaiyu, I'm here to get the medicine!"

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty suddenly dawned on him, and immediately remembered that a few days ago, he promised Zhao Xiaolan that Huai Yu should give him an extra ointment, so that he could send Lili to treat old injuries.

Huai Yu took out two boxes of ointment from his cuffs, and his hands reached into the air, but he took them back.

Not only did Zhao Xiaolan stunned, the Ming banquet on the palace porch also stunned.

Undercover: What does Huaiyu do?

Huai Yu said: "I will go with you."

Zhao Xiaolan was startled, "What?"

Huai Yu said: "In case, just in case, I'm going to take a look at her scars, and apply the right medicine, the effect is better."

Zhao Xiaolan murmured: "This, this ..."

Huai Yu said: "What's wrong?"

Zhao Xiaolan's face changed slightly, saying: "This is not good, Brother Huaiyu, what if sister Yan knows what to do. Although the folk customs in our Central Plains are indeed more open, there is nothing wrong with the doctor's look at the woman ’s arm.

"But Liliu is the world's first beauty, after all, Brother Huaiyu is beautiful again. You know that the mind of a woman is always very difficult to guess, even if there is nothing between you and Lili, in case it is discovered by Sister Yan , She must be able to think about a lot of things. "

Huai Yu froze and said, "It seems that your brain is usually used to study these crooked ways, books are not read, and classes are not available. I am letting you know that if you use the wrong medicine, maybe the scars will remain forever. So I'll see it with my own eyes. "

Zhao Xiaolan said quickly and nervously: "No, no! Brother Huaiyu, I don't have ... I, I'm talking nonsense! I have read recently, I read ..."

Huai Yu didn't bother to care about him, didn't squint, and walked forward.

Zhao Xiaolan shouted, "Brother Huaiyu! Wait for me, otherwise you still say hi to Sister Yan ..." He finally said what he was worried about: "If Sister Yan knew, she would be jealous ... … Besides, you, you look good, what to do if Lili falls in love with you! "

Ming banquet was on the wall, Haha smiled, and he could not help but think: Zhao Xiaolan, this little cub, had thought of me too stingily, how could I be jealous of Huaiyu for this kind of thing.

Who knew, Huaiyu replied, "Hehe, maybe."

Ming feast is expressionless: Damn it

The author has something to say: The face of Shao Ming Ming becomes fast!

Huai Yu certainly knew that there was a small eye staring at him at this time

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