MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 72 Grand Banquet (6)

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Zhao Yan's face changed, and he gnashed his teeth and said, "This ... this little king bastard! I told him not to give me to do these rotten things in rivers and lakes, and I didn't listen! I, I must kill him!"

A long banquet in the Ming dynasty stopped her: "Sister Zhao's family, Mo angry. I told you with the small country minister that you just don't want him to be hurt. This time Xiao Lan returned to Zhao's family for the same reason. Sister as much as possible Some people looked after him, or blocked the Zhao family directly. He couldn't get out, and people outside couldn't get in. "

Zhao Min nodded: "I don't need you to say it, I will do the same." After a pause, she still had difficulty telling: "You said to wish him ... he really is Zhuang laugh?"

Ming Chang Yan nodded: "It's true."

Zhao Kun said: "Su He knew him in the early years. It was then that Su He said that Zhu Yi saved his life, and this is what he knew. I have never seen anything wrong with this child. See I always smiled and was very polite, I don't see such a person. "

Ming Changyan said: "Just because you can't see it, this is terrible. The face before the person and the face after the person are very cruel. He uses his life to kill people, and calculates according to time. Learn this evil method. "

"Moreover, the banker was killed in a fire-fighting case that year, I am afraid he did it."

Zhao Kun stepped back slightly, covering his mouth, and said in fear: "This is him too? This ... what kind of person is this, why did he slaughter his family?"

Ming Changyan said: "According to my speculation, he is likely to be unable to control his behavior at some time. Even if he is not malicious to Xiao Lan, no one can say when he will go crazy, so no matter what, let Xiao Lan should stay away from him. "

Huai Yu suddenly said at this time: "It's not early."

Ming Changyan knew that this was to remind him that it was almost time to go back and take medicine. Recently, in order to seal the banquet for the feast, the Ming feast is not afraid of this bitter medicine.

After the two left, Zhao Xu ordered to go down and arrange two more layers of Zhao's guards.

For a period of time thereafter, Zhao Xiaolan was held in the house all day long, almost dying.

Five days later, Zhao Yan went out to work, and Zhao Xiaolan finally found the space and planned to slip out to play. When Zhao Sutong heard that his cousin was in Beijing, his big cousin had a foot restraint. He was very sympathetic, so he took time to take a look at Zhao Xiaolan.

When Zhao Xiaolan saw him, a ghost idea popped up. Zhao Sutong heard that Zhao Xiaolan wanted to take him out, but at first he was very reluctant. Later, he couldn't resist Zhao Xiaolan seduced by Ming Shaoxia's same sword. The two whispered in the room to discuss for a while, Zhao Sutong found Zhao Xiaolan Xiaozhang dressed up, tossed for a long time, and went out of the house.

As soon as he came out, he took a carriage, crossed the market, and reached the sparsely populated suburb. Zhao Xiaolan jumped out of the car and stretched a lazy waist.


Zhao Sutong said: "Cousin, we can't go out too long. When the big cousin goes back, you must go back!"

Zhao Xiaolan waved his hand: "Know, know! Let me see, what is fun here!"

He was released, like a bird throwing forest. Zhao Sutong had some worries before, but then she started playing and simply ignored nothing.

When Zhao Xiaolan had enough fun on the ground, he wanted to play in the water. He was about to charter a boat, but unexpectedly, a familiar voice came from him.

He turned his head sharply, staring at Lili.


Li Li heard this sound for a moment.

Immediately, Zhao Xiaolan looked over, and saw Lili standing beside him, standing with four men dressed in strange costumes. Look at clothes, not the Central Plains.

Zhao Xiaolan was shocked. The four men surrounded Lili, and they tried to misbehave. One of them even started to move the manual foot, and the off-face showed some impatience.

Thinking about it this way, wouldn't it just be the message of asking for help.

"What are you doing!"

Zhao Xiaolan strode forward, and as soon as he walked in, he found that he was physically different from the four men. However, no matter how physically different the other person is, it does not affect Zhao Xiaolan's hero's determination to save the United States. He quickly stood before Lili, separating Lili from the four.

Lilidao: "Zhao Gongzi."

Zhao Xiaolan said: "They didn't do anything to you!"

Lili shook his head: "Not yet."

One of them was very tall and the man with a nose ring on his face said, "Who are you from?"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "No matter who I am, let me first say what you are going to do to her!"

The man said, "What do we want to do to her? It's your girl who comes to your door! However, she looks so beautiful and it's quite suitable for us to have a drink."

The companion said, "Where's the Huangmao boy, don't worry about uncle's gossip!"

Zhao Xiaolan quickly took out the "Way for the King" in her arms and looked at it with courage, and replied: "Will Lili be willing to go with you, gentlemen are not strong, and you who know the truth, go ahead!"

Obviously, the four men did not intend to meet each other.

When Zhao Xiaolan had just finished this sentence, he was severely hit on the head. Before he could react, he was kicked down by the man wearing the nose ring.

Li Li looked at Zhao Xiaolan indifferently. Zhao Xiaolan was determined and could not beat him with a punch. He was spoiled and had never been hit so hard. He got up tremblingly, bit his teeth, and shouted at Li Li: Lili girl! You run away! I'm standing here! "

A chunky man is about five feet tall, but he has a lot of meat. Every step he takes, his face will be shaken with movement, and he will teach people to worry about whether his meat will fall to the ground. Zhao Xiaolan stood up and touched the wooden knife on his waist.

The knife is a knife that imitates the order of Cang Sheng. Because Zhao Zheng didn't allow him to use a real knife, he only provided him with a wooden knife on the waist side. Zhao Xiaolan pulled up the knife and used it as a stick. Seeing that Lili hasn't left yet, he retired and said, "Have a quick leave from the girl. Run! "

Lili nodded and said, "There is a master Xiao Xiaolan."

As soon as the word "Shao Xia" came out, Zhao Xiaolan's heart swelled for a while. Unexpectedly, the short man was very flexible. Zhao Xiaolan's knife would be lifted to his heart. This time, Zhao Xiaolan was born before he died, and he vomited blood.

The hero was beaten so hard, Lili's face finally changed.

Zhao Xiaolan lay on the ground and tried to stand up for the fourth time.

"You, don't be afraid, I have learned martial arts ... I protect you ..."

Lilidao: "Gongzi, you look bad."

Zhao Xiaolan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, panting, "It's all right, in fact, it's usually me and brother Zhu Zhushuang, but now I'm alone, and I can't help it. But don't be nervous, it's enough to deal with the foreign boys.

Lili pulled his arm: "Your face is full of blood."

More than blood, the four big men played Zhao Xiaolan in the applause. Although they did not take his life, they humiliated him extremely.

The pudgy man said: "Girls in the Central Plains, are you guys in the Central Plains so reckless! I think it would be better to play with my brothers!"

Zhao Xiaolan stood up tremblingly, his legs were shaking, and he was too scared or beaten. If it was normal, he would have disappeared without a trace, but his mouth was vicious: "You dream!"

He yelled, rushed forward, and screamed again, getting kicked by the chunky man. Zhao Xiaolan rolled forty-five meters on the ground and hit a willow tree that needed three people to hold by the river. He was in the pan like a live shrimp, his pain was straightening his back, his head was groggy, and he was about to faint.

After struggling twice, Zhao Xiaolan was breathless and his body was motionless.

Lili was shocked and stunned, and shouted: "Gong Zhao?"

I didn't get a response. I saw that my heart was fluctuating and my breathing was stable. I'm afraid it's fine-skinned and tender meat.

The chubby man smiled warily and rubbed his hands, "How about the girl in the Central Plains?"

Lili took a photo of the dust that did not exist on Luo's skirt, and showed a smile: "In my life, I hate one kind of person and like one kind of person the most."

The chubby man quickly asked: "Which kind of hate and which kind of joy?"

Lili played with the hair that fell on her chest and said, "I hate nosy people. Do you like it ..."

She paused and said indifferently, "Dead man."

The expression of the chubby man suddenly freezes on his face, and he leaps to the tree and sits lightly on the trunk.

The chubby man staggered his head, his thick blood splashed three feet, and all the warm blood was sprinkled on Zhao Xiaolan's clothes. He frowned slightly and would not wake up.

From the speed of the battle, the blade in the hand was as fast as a phantom. In less than half a column of incense, there were only four people in sight, and only one died.

She slightly widened her eyes: "Why are you still alive? Sorry, it seems that my crosshair has been a little bad recently, and you haven't cut off half of it."

Lili smiled, holding her chin and admiring the scene in front of her.

The one who was not dead was cut in half by his waist, with only some flesh attached, but his consciousness was still there. The broken lower body is conditioned to reflex, jumping like a fish ashore.

Lili covered her ears and didn't listen to the screams of heartbreaking, she laughed, and suddenly heard Zhao Xiaolan's puppet.


Three more blades emerged from Lili, right in the middle of the man's temple, and finally, the inhuman torture was over.

She jumped off the tree and kicked the corpse at will as she walked. There were a total of four pieces, and they were all in bad condition. All of them were kicked into the side of the river and dyed the water scarlet. She went to Zhao Xiaolan and looked at him thoughtfully.

Zhao Xiaolan passed out in pain, and now woke up in pain. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a slightly worried look.

"you're awake?"

Zhao Xiaolan sat up abruptly, his eyes fell on his feet, and he was stunned by the blood on one foot.


Lilidao: "Gongzi, what are you shouting?"

Zhao Xiaolan's face turned red, and she suddenly realized that she had done something embarrassing and quickly shut up and stopped shouting.

"No, no shout, I just, just ..."

Lili turned away from the topic very personally, relieved: "Thank you today for your help, otherwise Bai Jin will probably have a hard time getting out."

Zhao Xiaolan was stunned, he quickly got up, looked around, and sure enough, only those four people disappeared without a trace.

He said stupidly: "I, I beat them off?"

Lili saw him so stupid, could not help but Jun. Later, when he felt that he couldn't laugh much, he solemnly said, "Zhao Gongzi is brave and extraordinary. They are naturally frightened by your momentum. If they can't support it in three or two times, they run.

Zhao Xiaolan looked at his hand and was shocked: "Am I so powerful!"

Liliwei smiled, "Did Zhao Gongsu suspect me to lie to you?"

Zhao Xiaolan's face was hardly self-sustaining flushed: "And, no! I, I have made such a big improvement! I always say I haven't made progress, which is not very good! It seems to be the first day in the world! The second feast is sealed, or else, I'm going to sign up? "

Li Lidao: "Don't hesitate before Zhao Gongzi signs up, it is better to replace the dirty clothes on his body first."

Zhao Xiaolan nodded quickly: "Okay!"

Li Lidao: "If Zhao Gongzi doesn't dislike it, it is very close to the house of a friend of mine. I will go in and ask for a piece of clothes, and change it for you."

When Zhao Xiaolan listened, she blushed so badly that she nodded.

He went forward with Lili, and Zhao Xiaolan walked with the same hands and feet, extremely nervous.

For a time, the two had no common topic, and the silence spread. Zhao Xiaolan was reluctant to get this rare chance to live together, so he brazenly picked up a topic and came out: "Lili girl, why do you call Lili?"

Lili Dao: "If Zhao Gongzi doesn't want to shout Lili, he can also call Bai Jin's name directly."

Zhao Xiaolan waved his hand: "No, no! I just ask casually ... sisters deep in Baihua, the names all have their origins, I was thinking of leaving the girl ..."

Lili slowly said: "The old man took it. Speaking of it, he is similar to you."

Zhao Xiaolan asked: "What is similar?"

Lili seemed to remember something, and he laughed out loud: "That person also wants to be the best in the world."

Zhao Xiaolan grabbed his head and walked away from the road: "That person not only wants to be the first in the day, but also promised me when I was young: If I can be the first in this world, I will be the third in the world.

Zhao Xiaolan couldn't help asking: "Why is it the third in the world, not the second in the world? If I become the first in the world, I will seal you as the second in the world!"

Lili didn't answer, Zhao Xiaolan was so embarrassed that he scratched his head and scratched his head for a long time. "Lili ... is a good name! Very good ... good name!"

Lilidao: "Gongzi, please."

The cottage in front of it, which is three in and two out, is very simple in layout, and it should be the residence of a recluse. The door was wide open and the room was empty.

Zhao Xiaolan went in three times, five times and two, changed his clothes, and touched his hair, only to find that the hair bun on his head was broken in two. It's really not right for him to circulate now.

At this point, Zhao Sutong finally found him.

Li Lidao: "Gongzi, in the future, if you encounter something like today, don't force yourself to save people, take care of yourself in all things. Nothing is wrong."

Zhao Xiaolan just hit four big men. Now he just feels that he is very brave, and there should be no major problems. So he in turn ordered Lili.

"Lili girl, I have no problem. You should be careful! You look so beautiful, you are not the few, and you remember, this pair of bracelets I gave you can protect you when it matters. A life! "

Li Li asked in wonder: "Why?"

Zhao Xiaolan blinked and explained: "The bracelet is highly toxic in the air and volatilizes. The organ is at the bottom, or in an emergency, you can break it. The antidote is in the other bracelet. Don't fall wrong. bracelet!"

"Gongzi, why are you always so good to others?" Lili nodded: "I remember."

Zhao Xiaolan ordered something, hurriedly pulled Zhao Sutong to run home. Li Li looked at him as he walked away, dumbfounded.

As soon as he left, there was an extra person in the originally empty house.

Lili glanced at the "people" in the room, and fled away lightly.

The author has something to say: I say that it is the third in the world. In fact, Lili ’s force is below the laughing fish in Changyanzhuang and above the fishes. If you really want to count, it must be the 2nd novel reading network

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