MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 73 Zhaohua Fuying (22)

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As soon as he returned home that day, what happened when Zhao Xiaolan ran out.

Anxious and furious, Zhao Yan directly locked him in the yard.

Zhao Xiaolan couldn't live by himself, counted leaves in the yard boringly. The weather is getting colder and colder. In the spring, if Zhao Yan locked him in the house, he could still appreciate the flowers. Now the flower is lost, there is no reward.

Zhao Xiaolan sighed and called for a broom and a dustpan, doing nothing to sweep up the falling flowers on the ground. A bag was filled in the place, and Zhao Xiaolan borrowed a **** from his servant and dug a pit in the yard.

When it was dug halfway, someone came from outside the house.

The steward Wang entered the hospital and shouted, "Little Master, someone is looking for!"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Uncle Wang, wait, I'll finish my business first!"

Uncle Wang said: "Can't wait, Master, this is someone from the palace, don't delay!"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Come here!"

He went to the door, only to find that it was a hundred miles.

Baili Archway said: "Zhao Gongzi."

Seeing him, Zhao Xiaolan smiled and said, "I thought it was who came here. It turned out to be you! Is there anything you want from me? Get a drink in the house first!"

Baili said: "Thank you Zhao Gongzi for your good intentions. However, Bai Lishang still has something to do, so I can't stay long."

Zhao Xiaolan said: "I know. It's because of the feast." I know that every time you reach this time, you are the busiest. "

Baili humbled a few words, and said, "Grandson Zhao, the queen mother calls you into the palace. Then I will bring you. I will wait for you at Shaoyangmen three minutes later."

Zhao Xiaolan listened: "Aunt Huang is looking for me? Hey, but I can't go out!"

Baili Road: "What's wrong?"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Don't mention it! My sister listened to Brother Huaiyu's words and wouldn't let me go anywhere. She didn't tell me the reason, didn't let me see Lili, or let me see my brother!"

Baili said: "This ... Gongzi, Xiaoguoxiang is always good for you. After all, Zhu Xi is not a good person."

Zhao Xiaolan quickly retorted: "That's because you all misunderstood him! Forget it, I don't know where you can see that he is bad, I think he is good! He is my friend, I believe him."

Baili shook his head helplessly: "Since Zhao Gongzi can't go out, I go back to the queen."

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Don't do it! Let me think about it!"

Barry looked at him.

Zhao Xiaolan shook his fist with his left hand and tapped his right hand: "This time, it was Aunt Huang who called me. At that time, Auntie blame me. The fault is not with me, she dare not blame Aunt Huang!"

The more he thought, the more reasonable Zhao Xiaolan felt.

Behind the aunt's back, Zhao Xiaolan's courage was a lot bolder.

"Nothing! Nothing to worry about, I'll pack up and pack up and come in the afternoon! By the way, did the aunt Huang say anything to me?"

Baili shook his head: "The queen asked about Zhao Gongzi. How do I know, a little guard? Furthermore, the queen used to like you. Most of the time, Zhao Gongzi missed you."

Zhao Xiaolan nodded: "Okay! I see!"

Before Baili left, he said, "Grandson Zhao. Before going to the palace, let's say hi to Sister Ling. I don't know when I will return when I go."

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Relax! If Aunt Huang stays with me overnight, I won't promise her that!"

Bailiwei smiled, "I'm back."

Zhao Xiaolan waved his hand and entered the room and shouted, "Uncle Wang! Find a boy with good legs and legs, and help me run deep into the flowers! I have something to tell you!"

He poured the flowers in the bag into the pit, clapped his hands, filled them, and pressed with a hoe.

When going out, Zhao Xiaolan said: "Uncle Wang, my sister asked, you said the queen is looking for me!"

Because it was the queen's mother-in-law, the steward of the king did not dare stop. Wang steward said, "Little Master, when will you be back home tonight? Do you want to eat at home?"

Zhao Xiaolan meditated for a while and said, "Then you make me some sweet-scented osmanthus cake, this time, it is best to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cake!"

The housekeeper promised again and again.

Zhao Xiaolan went out and hired a carriage. Due to the guards in Zhao Fu's house, he did not simply walk through the main entrance, but left from the side entrance.

The carriage drove all the way to the palace. Zhao Xiaolan was held for a few days. After going out, he felt very happy.

He was jolting in the carriage, not knowing where his thoughts were drifting. After a while, he heard the sound of a fine bell ringing.


Zhao Xiaolan opened the curtain.

The driver said, "Just at the gate of the palace, my little master doesn't call me to stop, I have to stop too!"

Zhao Xiaolan didn't hesitate to return to him and jumped out of the carriage. The driver hurriedly said, "Be careful!"

Zhao Xiaolan waved: "Go back! I'll go in for a while!"

He walked forward, slowly stepped down, looked left and right, and raised his voice: "Best brother! Is it you!"

Zhao Xiaolan shouted a few words in succession, just as he was wondering, was it a hallucination, the sound of the ethereal bells rang outside the palace corridor.

Outside the Shaoyang gate, the maple trees along the road were red, and no one cleaned the ground, paved with a thick layer of maple leaves. Stepping on your feet will make a weird sound.

Zhu Xuan crossed his arms and stood under the largest red maple not far away. Zhao Xiaolan saw him, his eyes brightened, and he hurried away. He was stepping on maple leaves like a butterfly.

"Wish you brother! You don't make sense!" As soon as Zhao Xiaolan stepped forward, he blamed him: "Last time I came to play with me, but I was locked up at home for so many days. You haven't seen me for a day! "

Zhu Rong asked, "Are you going to the palace? What are you doing?"

Zhao Xiaolan nodded: "Yes, my aunt asked me to go to the palace to see her."

Zhu Xun's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and she said, "No one is allowed to go."

Zhao Xiaolan froze for a moment: "What?"

He made no sense at all and said, "I say you are not allowed in."

Zhao Xiaolan asked: "Why?" He was puzzled: "Best brother, otherwise, you can go with me. Speaking of it, you don't seem to have seen the palace!"

Zhu Xun said coldly, "I can't go in." At this time, the feast was sealed, and the city began to patrol the streets with officers and soldiers, let alone the palace. If it was meant to bring a stranger into the palace, even Zhao Xiaolan must also be stopped by the heavy guards outside the palace gate. Zhu Zheng added: "You are not allowed to go."

Zhao Xiaolan grabbed his hair in situ, suddenly realized: "I see!"

His hand was right on his tie. Previously, Zhao Xiaolan's sister-in-law broke into two pieces when the hero rescued the United States. These days, Zhao Ye closed him, leaving him unable to go out to buy a new one, so now he only has hair ropes on his head, and no sister-in-law. .

Zhao Xiaolan said: "You're right, if you go to see your aunt like this, maybe you will lose your sight in front of the hall! I wish you good thoughts, but there is no place to sell dumplings near here ..."

His gaze fell on Zhu Rong, and suddenly he laughed, "Best brother, don't be stingy, I saw it last time, is there a **** in your arms!"

After all, waiting for Zhu Xun to react, he directly and skillfully touched the opponent's arms, and took out the bitch.

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Let me use it!"

He held it in his hand and observed it. This **** is exquisite in workmanship, good in texture, and old, but it can be seen at a glance that it is a woman's bitch. Zhao Xiaolan looked at it, and then frowned suddenly, and smiled: "Wow! Brother, I can't think of it, which lady's **** is this?"

At the end of the gardenia, there is a small flower carved. On the petals, there are a few black-red marks, like blood stains left behind by blood splashing.

Zhao Xiaolan has cooked her hair with a mule and clapped her hands: "Thank you! I will give it back to you when I come out at night!"

Zhu Yan grabbed his arm suddenly and said, "I'll say it again, I'm not allowed in."

The tone can even be described as chilly.

Even though Zhao Xiaolan was still slow, he felt the strangeness of the other person at this moment. He said, "Best brother, what's wrong with you today, it's weird? You got my hand hurting so much, have something to say, I don't Understand why you do n’t let me in, why do you suddenly care about me? You never did that before. "

Hearing that, Zhu Xun was suddenly awakened and let go of his hand. Taking a step back, he said, "... Yes."

Zhao Xiaolan heard this statement and was even more baffled.

Zhu Rong repeated: "That's right."

Zhao Xiaolan stepped forward and asked with a tilted head, "Wish you brother?"

Zhu Wei smiled slightly: "What are you, what do you want to do with me."

He seemed to suddenly realize that he had realized that his previous behavior was very different from his own, as if he had encountered something unclean, and he turned around and left.

Zhao Xiaolan felt directly that he had irritated Zhu Yan, reached out and grabbed one in the air, but did not catch him.

He was anxious, and quickly caught up: "I wish--"

Who knows, he hadn't finished shouting, Zhu Zhuan turned around and slammed his neck.

Zhao Xiaolan was hit on a maple tree, and a red maple fell.

"Zhao Suhe, do you think I won't kill you."

Zhao Xiaolan quickly said: "Best brother! Best brother! Wrong, I was wrong!"

Zhu Yin's face was even darker, and there was a lingering black gas between his eyebrows. He yin measured and said, "It's better to die."

Zhao Xiaolan's feet kicked fiercely, Zhu Xuan gave him a cold look and released him.

Zhao Xiaolan coughed for a long time, panting, holding on to the tree and saying, "May I have a discussion, you don't want to hit my neck every time you get angry, it really hurts. Next time, otherwise hit me directly, then I still Carry some. "

Zhu Yan was silent and took a step forward, preparing to retrieve the mule taken by Zhao Xiaolan. Who knows, Zhao Xiaolan seemed to be frightened, and closed her eyes subtly to hide. Seeing this, Zhu Yi stretched his hand in the air and closed it back.

When Zhao Xiaolan saw that he was not moving, he touched his nose, "Wish ..."

Opening his eyes, Zhu Yuan has disappeared before his eyes.

Zhao Xiaolan was shocked. Somehow, seeing the person in front of him disappeared, he was relieved, stood up dryly, and thought with self-consolation: Forget it, brother is estimated to be angry now, wait for me to come back to him Explain!

Zhao Xiaolan quickly turned and walked to the palace.

Deep flowers.

When Xiaoli entered the house, Xiaoyu greeted him.

"Girl, today is Zhao's birthday."

Liwei slightly stunned: "So fast?"

Xiaoyu got a cup of tea for her: "It's not fast. It's just that the girl is absent-minded these days and feels that she is passing fast."

Lili hands on the tea cup, thoughtfully.

Xiaoyu reminded: "He is going to do it today."

A sudden meal off the centrifuge: "Today?"

Xiaoyudao: "Girl, let me show you something."

She said, turned around and took out a stationery. On the paper, there was a small dried flower clasping.

Lili took the letter and opened it. Xiaoyu said: "This was sent by Zhao Gongzi. He was going to the palace today and asked someone to ask what the girl loved. When he returned, he took some out of the palace to make the girl happy."

After looking at Lili, there wasn't a happy look on his face. The stationery was caught in her hands, crumpled and shattered.

"When did it arrive?"

"When I returned to the girl, it was delivered instantly. Now, Zhao Gongzi probably got up and walked to the palace." Xiaoyu hesitated: "Did the letter say, why did Zhao Gongzi enter the palace?"

"The queen summons," Li Li muttered to himself, "a nonsense. What does he want to do?"

Xiaoyu picked up the scissors, turned to the window sill, and trimmed the flower branches.

"Girl, don't blame Xiaoyu for talking too much. I have served you for years and I have never seen you so fond of other people. The so-called authorities are fascinated, and the onlookers are clear. I'm afraid you won't go today, and then you will feel regret.

Lili leaned on the couch and closed his eyes, "What shall I do?"

Xiaoyu cut off a dead branch: "Girl, the flower is lost in the autumn, and it will bloom in the spring next year. People will not."

Lili turned and said, "Don't mumble in my ear, you're so annoying."

Xiaoyu looked at Lili's back complicatedly, for a long while, and sighed helplessly.

"Girl, I just hope that you will not regret everything when you think of it in the future." Lili looked at the wooden hibiscus in front of the window and started to stay. Who knows, after a while, the last wooden hibiscus also fell Already.

Two quarters later, Lili sat up on the couch. She put on her shoes and hurried out, looking at the direction, which was the palace.

Unexpectedly, as soon as a hundred flowers came out, her shoulder seemed to be pierced with a needle, and she suddenly lost strength.

A silver thread passed through her shoulder and the end of the falling moon needle was severely tied in the wall.

Behind the wall, Ming Changyan calmly walked out.

"I think we need to do a good job accounting."

Shrinking the pupil, Li Yinduo smiled: "Chang Yan, what do you mean?"

Ming Chang feast said: "I want your life."

He said coldly: "Don't move. The more I struggle, the faster I will let you die."

Lili suddenly raised her hands and smiled and said, "Of course I don't move. It's just a long feast, I'm afraid you will regret it."

For Changli knowing his identity, Ming Changyan was not surprised, but he only frowned when he heard the last sentence.

Lili spoke methodically: "You've been staring at me? Seeing how you look like, martial arts has recovered a lot, and a small country is really nice to you."

Ming Chang Yan said: "Don't say more, you won't live long if you talk more."

Li Likou: "Live a long time, ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ming Shaoxia, although I will not live long, but compared to Zhao Lan, I am longer than him."

Ming Changyan tightened the silver thread in his hand, and Li Li snorted, a little blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"I don't like other people to do mystery with me. You better explain it all at once."

Lili stared at him and laughed: "If you want to get tangled with me here, I will accompany you to the end. It's hard to say if Zhao Lan can live to you to save him!"

Ming Changyan looked at her desperately.

The two were silent, the crisis was imminent, and the thread in the hands of Ming Changyan was tightened, as if the next moment, she would take her life.

From the bottom of my eyes, a flash of tension flashed, and soon disappeared.

"The palace. He went to the palace."

Zhao Xiaolan entered the palace for about a while, Zhu Zhuan went against the direction of the palace, the pace was very slow, he took out the fan with the copper bell, cloudy and shaken twice. Suddenly, I didn't know where to fly from something, and fell under his feet in response.

It is a piece of jade pendant with white jade inlay.

Seeing this scene, there was a flash of true intention to kill in his long-stable look.

The author has something to say: Do n’t worry, the specific plot will be told later! In short, sjb's behavior is a 2k novel reading network for a reason

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