MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 74 Zhaohua Fuying (23)

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Thinking of wishing his brother all the way, Zhao Xiaolan was annoyed.

Unconsciously, he reached the entrance of Shaoyang.

Baili has been waiting for a long time.

"Dr. Zhao."

Zhao Xiaolan nodded absently.

After observing Baili in detail, he asked, "I saw Zhao Gongzi's face is not very good, but what happened?"

Zhao Xiaolan sighed: "It's a big deal!"

Bai Li laughed: "I would like to hear the details."

After waiting for a while, Zhao Xiaolan waved his hand: "Forget it! Let alone!"

Baili said: "Is it Zhuan?"

Zhao Xiaolan was startled and stunned: "How did you know!"

Baili walked and said: "Gongzi, I'm not blind, I'm just such a big person there, can't I see?"

Zhao Xiaolan laughed awkwardly, "Since you know, then there is nothing to say. Anyway, I don't understand what I told you."

Baili smiled slightly: "Gong Zhao didn't tell me, how do I know I don't understand?"

Zhao Xiaolan was confused by him, and Baili began to say: "Speaking, Zhao Gongzi knows why the small country minister wants you to stay away from Zhuan?"

Zhao Xiaolan originally wanted to justify Zhu Xun as he once did, but when he thought of the matter, he hadn't seen that Zhu Xun once. He was also seen straight. He only whispered: "Maybe it was because he suspected I'm useless, hate me. "

Baili comforted him: "What are you saying, Zhao Gongzi, how can Zhugshi hate you?"

The two walked slowly on the stone road to Yongxian Palace, looking up at the end of the slate.

Silent along the way, Baili broke the silence and said, "If Zhao Gongzi is bored, I will tell you a story on the way to Yongxian Palace."

Zhao Xiaolan blinked and said, "Okay, you speak!"

Baili said: "The story I want to tell is a story about a young master. The beginning of the story starts from the fact that he should be the same as Zhao Gongzi, a carefree lifetime."

"This young master was born in a prestigious family. Ronghua is rich and rich, enjoyable and inexhaustible. His original life should be so easy and worry-free. In addition to being a rich young master, he is also a very qualified A good heavenly pride has a bright future. Until one day, his mother will visit her master's family to visit the master. The young master's father is very strict with him and is not humane. Therefore, he is especially dependent on his mother. "

"When I heard that my mother was about to leave, the young master played tricks, exhausted all his strengths, and finally achieved his goal. He wished to visit his relatives with his mother."

"This incident changed the young master's life. He changed his temperament and got into a demon."

Barry paused. At this point, the sun was almost over, and a drop of rain fell between the two.

Zhao Xiaolan said: "It's raining."

Baili took out his umbrella and put it on his head, smiling slightly: "Yeah, it's raining. Zhao Gongzi, you should be closer to me."

Zhao Xiaolan doubted him, and the two held an umbrella together. He asked, "What happened later? Little Master and his mother went back to visit their relatives, what happened?"

The rain was getting heavier, and water droplets shattered on the fan surface, bursting out a series of water splashes.

"The world is impermanent. When he was visiting his relatives with his mother, he was stopped by a band of gangsters halfway home. His mother was originally a marvelous martial artist. Unfortunately, after giving birth to him, he fell. The health of his body is getting worse and worse over the next few years, and martial arts is almost a waste. For this reason, his father also gradually turned his back on his mother-in-law. The gangsters were originally a group of horse thieves. Notorious, killing and setting fire, □□ plunder, do no evil. ”

"Little Master was not matched with his mother, and the two were taken back to the cottage together. His mother was badly defiled by the horse thief, and he was less than ten years old, and he was beaten and humiliated every day. The horse thief did everything, nothing The inhuman cruel methods are tried on him in turn. The little master is extinct, and life is better than death. There is only a little hope in his heart that supports him to live. That is to wait for his father to save his mother and son. "

When Zhao Xiaolan heard this, his heart was confused: "And then! Is his father here !?"

Baili laughed: "Of course it is here. After dozens of days, his father and friends from the rivers and lakes set foot on the hill and found their mother and son."

Zhao Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay, and he will be saved later!"

Baili raised the umbrella slightly, revealing the lower half of his face, and slowly said, "Natural. Little Master was saved, but his mother died under the sword of his father."

For a moment, Zhao Xiaolan seemed unable to accept the ending: "Why!"

Baili said: "Because her mother is already a broken body, a defiled woman, and her horse is broken in her belly. She is not worthy of being the mother of this family. If she takes her back, she is the whole The shame of the family. The young master ’s father would never allow such a stain on his perfect life, so when the young master saw the sky, he was overjoyed, and his smile was still on his face. His father pulled out his sword and put Her mother struck a pair. The sword passed through the woman's belly, killing all the evil species in the belly. "

Zhao Xiaolan's face turned pale: "This ..."

Baili said: "This young master is Zhuang Xiao. What I am telling is the story of the Huating Bookmaker."

Zhao Xiaolan opened her mouth slightly, and the parrot learned her tongue, and said, "Zhuang Xiao?"

He had never called the name, so he shouted from his mouth and was extraordinarily rusty.

Bai Li smiled slightly and said, "I just said that Zhuang Xiao's temperament changed a lot. Does Zhao Gongzi know what he did?"

Zhao Xiaolan shook his head blankly.

Baili Dengdao said: "He hated his father with resentment. Three years later, on a New Year's Eve that gathered hundreds of relatives of the dealer, he killed himself with a pack of medicine."

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Medicine ... he, did he poison?"

Baili Dengdao said: "No, it's not □□, but drugs. More than a hundred people were burned to death."

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Burning ... It's terrible. Why did he burn more than a hundred people? If he hates his father, then kill his father and not avenge his mother! In fact, the uncle is not A good behavior, hey, what a pity! "

Baili said: "Because he is a lunatic. What does a lunatic have to say?"

Zhao Xiaolan unnaturally stayed away from the Barry Lantern, trying to widen the distance between the two. Unexpectedly, Baili suddenly tilted his umbrella towards Zhao Xiaolan: "Zhao Gongzi is too far away, and the rain will fall on you."

Zhao Xiaolan touched his nose and asked, "Why is the road to Yongxian Palace today longer than usual?"

Baili Lamp Road: "It rains and slips, Zhao Gongzi goes slower."

Zhao Xiaolan always had a weird feeling of being inexplicable. He couldn't help asking: "What happened later?"

Baili Deng's eyes fell into the distance and continued: "Later, this lunatic didn't stop his killing. When his father killed his wife, the friends of Wulin who watched from the side were all looked out by Zhuang Xiao and slaughtered the door Wan needles, throats, elderly women and children, not one. "

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Thousands of needles pass through the throat! That's not in the palace, when the great prince died ..."

Baili Lamp said: "That's right. That's the trick."

Saying here, there was a sudden silence between the two.

Only the sound of rain rang.

Zhao Xiaolan suddenly asked: "What do you tell me about this?"

There was a suspicion in his heart, but it was beyond his acceptable range. Zhao Xiaolan's heart seemed to be frozen by the ice, and even with his limbs and bones, there was a chill.

Baili said: "Gongzi, do you remember the story I told you, the one who was left alive by Zhuang Xiao."

Zhao Xiaolan opened her mouth and murmured, "Remember."

"The one who survived is me," Baili smiled. "But Zhuang Xiao is too arrogant and arrogant. Even if I stand in front of him, he doesn't know who I am."

"Then you want to get revenge on him?"

"Report, of course."

With a smile on Baili, he reached out his hand and took off the **** from Zhao Xiaolan's hair.

"Gongzi, do you know the origin of this **** on your head?"

Zhao Xiaolan opened her mouth, and a horrible fear came to her heart. The fear numbed his scalp and shivered.

Hundreds of miles looked at the sister-in-law tenderly and said softly: "This sister-in-law was originally worn on Zhuang Xiao's mother's head. When his mother died, blood splattered on the silver spoon. Pink has been dyed scarlet. It is now black. "

After he finished speaking, holding the umbrella, slowly inserted the mule back into Zhao Xiaolan's hair. Only then did Zhao Xiaolan find that the road was very remote and there were no people around.

Baili re-hanged that empathetic smile and said slowly: "I have seen Zhuang Xiao with my own eyes, Zhao Gongzi, you also know him. He is your friend, I wish you well."

A drop of rain fell from the umbrella and hit Zhao Xiaolan's face.

Cold and biting, Zhao Xiaolan snorted.

"He, brother Zhu ... Zhuang laughs." His face turned pale, and his mind suddenly appeared before he was wrapped around his neck by Zhu Zhu.

Baili saw through Zhao Xiaolan's thoughts, and said, "Gongzi, he really takes you as a friend. He followed you and secretly stared at you for so many days. He was afraid of who you died in, and this came to the palace. , There is no way to follow up secretly, it may be anxious. "

Zhao Xiaolan froze slightly, did not expect the other side to say what he wanted.

"I was only a teenager at that time, Zhuang Xiao wiped out my door, killed my brother, and broke my life. You said, what should I do?"

Zhao Xiaolan swiped her throat up and down and swallowed twice.

Barry looked at his face gently, and reached out to wipe the water stains on his face: "I killed my master, he let me go and let me seek revenge at any time. But I have been thinking hard for so many years, He never thought of a good way to deal with him. "

At this moment, there seemed to be some noise from afar.

Bai Li's eyes fell on Zhao Xiaolan's face, and he smiled slightly: "In our martial arts, I am just an ordinary student who is unremarkable. No matter how hard I try, I can't catch up with him. Zhuang Xiao is an arrogant child, more It's a lunatic, even if I kill him, he just releases him. But if I kill his only friend, will he be more sad? "

Zhao Xiaolan took a step back with trembling, Baili Deng grabbed his arm: "Zhao Gongzi, can't go back anymore, it's not good to get wet."

Baili lifted the umbrella slightly up, first with the corner of his mouth smiling, and then, he revealed a pair of eyes without any smile.

He paused and said very calmly: "Be assured, I am the person who knows him best in the world, and he will never kill you."

"But I will."

Zhao Xiaolan listened, her pupils shrank.

"I'm so sorry, Zhao Gongzi, you are innocent. If you blame, blame yourself for being too bad, and be friends with a monster."

Zhao Xiaolan subconsciously touched his right hand, his wrist was empty, and the bracelet that could save his life was given to Lili some time ago.

Baili suddenly approached him with an umbrella, covering both of them under the rain.

Zhao Xiaolan's eyes widened slightly, and he felt cold, and he felt a cold thing passing through his chest. His eyelashes trembled, his eyes confused, and his eyes moved subconsciously to the left and right.

"Gong son, did you hear that, your friend has arrived."

In the heavy rain, the sound of the bells from near to far, calm and calm, and ethereal and crisp, Zhao Xiaolan didn't really listen.

The corner of Baili's mouth couldn't restrain a smile.

"The bell is ringing." He looked at Zhao Xiaolan behind him, and suddenly he laughed nervously, and said, "You are here." Looking at Bai Li, Zhao Xiaolan stood behind him, looking at him gloomily.

Good luck. At this moment, it should be called Zhuang Xiao. His left sleeve was broken, and he forced in from Shaoyangmen.

Baili Lantern released his hand and pushed Zhao Xiaolan to the side where Zhuang laughed.

Zhuang laughed and loosened his umbrella suddenly, and supported Zhao Xiaolan for the rest of his life, not even he could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Zhao ..."

Who knows, it feels sticky.

He finally changed his face, and his heart sank for a moment.

Along with the umbrella, there was a large swath of blood. In the place where Zhao Xiaolan was standing, rain and blood mixed together, his heart was broken by a sharp blade, his clothes were smashed, and his expression was distorted with pain. Zhao Xiaolan seemed to want to open his mouth to speak, but unexpectedly, there was blood from his mouth, and he ran down.

Zhuang Xiao felt incredible for a while, and the first reaction was unbelief.

Zhao Xiaolan couldn't support his body, and slowly slipped against him. When he was about to fall to the ground, Zhuang laughed and grabbed his hand. He squatted down, trying to block the wound on Zhao Xiaolan's body so that blood would no longer flow.

Zhao Xiaolan stretched out his hand and grabbed his placket. He closed his five fingers, stared straight at him, his eyebrows narrowed tightly, screaming silently like a fish thrown on the shore. The bell on Zhuang Xiao's waist was dragged by him fiercely. Zhao Xiaolan seemed to say nothing, struggling twice, and finally, his pupil suddenly lost the light spot and suddenly let go.

The bell that he held tightly in his hand fell with Zhuang Xiao's waist as his arm slipped. The bell rolled from the palm of his palm into the rain, and at last it sounded dead.

The silver golem on his head, stained with his blood, fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Baili threw an umbrella, like a madness, and suppressed himself severely, his expression quickly became very soft.

"Zhuang Xiaoshou, I haven't seen you for a long time. As you said, I will fulfill my promise and seek revenge from you."

Zhuang Xiao slowly looked up at him, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes, and his eyes were cold and cold, showing a bit of viciousness. Suddenly, he suddenly realized, "You?"

Barry Haha laughed: "It's me, how are you? Are you satisfied? I think about it, there is no such good way for revenge. Speaking of it, I like Zhao Gongzi very much. It's a pity that you don't make friends It ’s him. It ’s pitiful. ”He took out the only one to hold the white jade petal jade pendant that Zhao Xiaolan took from him and threw it in front of Zhuang Xiao. It appears that the effect is so good. It should scare you, right? "This piece of jade was the culprit who was briefly out of control when he saw it at Bailu Academy.

Zhuang Xiao pressed tightly on Zhao Xiaolan's heart, and his muscles were violent and pale as paper. Even so, it still couldn't stop the bleeding of Zhao Xiaolan's heart. There was a strong hatred in his heart, and he drew his three souls and seven souls, making his expression almost twisted, until he finally closed his eyes and laughed with ridicule.

"Okay, good, you won."

His words were waiting for him, he was ecstatic and laughed madly.

"Zhuang Xiaoshou, do you have today? You are arrogant, killing people for fun, but deliberately leaving alive and seeking revenge." Baili was very excited, his voice was trembling, even his hands were waving, "You do these It ’s just that you live too boring, too boring! Once someone revenge is successful, it ’s liberation for you. You do n’t care who killed you, you do n’t care to live, do you think I will do what you wish? You dream! You shouldn't kill me, you shouldn't kill me! "

He hissed, exhausted, and finally coughed sharply. Baili Lantern is obviously a victor, but at this moment is even more embarrassed than Zhuang Xiao. He stared at him viciously and resentfully, like the evil spirit in hell, cursing insincerely: "You ruined my life! It was you who played with me. At that time, you gave me hope and made me despair, Zhuang Little Master, do you know how I came here every day and night for so many years. As soon as I closed my eyes, it was my master ’s face, my brother ’s face, they asked for my life and asked me to die! Killing you, it's hard to solve my hatred! "

The Barry Lantern paused for a while and laughed loudly: "Only I know you best, you are the same as me. If you kill you and let you die, you will not get any punishment at all."

He walked back and forth in excitement in a small area, and suddenly turned his head and said, "How dare you learn to make friends with others like normal people? Are you qualified?" You killed him. "

While talking, Bai Li's mood gradually calmed down, he stood still, his eyes slowly fell on Zhao Xiaolan, and he said what Zhuang laughed to him that year, and returned Zhuang laugh without a word.

"If you create an unbearable karma, you will be punished like you are now."

After that, a silver light flashed from his neck, and a silver thread slammed through his throat. The Barry Lantern took a step, calm, as if waiting for this scene. Immediately, two or three of them were passed through countless silver needles around his neck. The Barry Lantern was finally unbearable, exhaling painfully, and gradually hissing exhausted. However, even with such embarrassment and extreme pain, Bai Li's face always had an excited smile on his face.

The needle was connected to the thread, and the other end of the thread was pulled tightly by Zhuang Xiao. He attacked the Barry Lamp out of control. His neck was not enough. He had to cut his hands, cut off his feet, crush him to pieces, and leave him dead!

The Baili lamp was cut off the hands and feet by the silver wire instantly, and a blood mist was mixed in the rain and fog, one after another.

Just then, in the sound of rain, an orderly footsteps came from a distance. Zhuang Xiaomu ran his face and did not hold an umbrella, so he was sitting at a loss on the ground, above the palace corridor, and stood by dozens of guards holding swords.

The leading guard saw this, screamed, and rushed forward.

A drop of rain fell in the puddle. A tick, aroused layers of ripples, and in the water ripples, the guard who rushed forward suddenly was distorted into a horse thief's face.

Zhuang Xiao's pupils suddenly narrowed, his eyes staring at the guard red. The guard came from a distance and stepped on the ground, splashing with rain. Zhuang Xiao suddenly exploded from the ground, desperately to pick up the sister-in-law who fell beside Zhao Xiaolan.

Holding it in his hands, the sound of rain suddenly disappeared. He looked at his hands and became a pair of teenagers' hands. He looked up and saw his father raise his sword high, without a hesitation on his face. Mother's sword runs through.

This scene was the most desperate moment of his childhood, when he saw the precious people go to Huangquan, but he did not dare to make a sound.

Zhuang Xiaoyan's eyes were cracked, his expression was distorted, and he stared at the scene. There were countless voices in my ears.

"Shiying, I didn't mean it, and I couldn't help it, wouldn't you blame me?"

"Mrs. Zhuang, you will be buried in beautiful scenery after you die, and don't blame Brother Zhuang, you go."


"It's bad to die."

"Do nothing, ruin your reputation."

Zhuang laughed panting, her chest violently ups and downs, clutching the mule tightly in her hand: "Go! Go! Go on! Damn it! Go on it!"

In the heavy rain, he suddenly got into trouble, and the ghostly and invisible silver thread relentlessly divided the guards who rushed forward into pieces, so that the two separated their heads and the blood splattered three feet. Faltering, looking at each other.

Ming Changyan finally arrived here. He stood in the rain and stopped suddenly. As far as the sight is concerned, there is a blood-stained scene, and in front of Zhuang Xiao, it is Zhao Xiaolan's angry and severed body.

If his brain was struck by lightning, his anger would be irresistible, and his heart would be shaken sharply by a blade, shaky and unstable.

Zhuang Xiao was as long as a jade, and he was independent. He stared silently at the Ming feast.

For a while, a drop of blood fell on his face without knowing when, and it fell from his eyes and fell on his hands. Zhuang Xiao seemed suddenly sober, shaped like a cypress.

"It's you?"

He looked around blankly, the only father and mother, the friends who stood by indifferently, all disappeared.

Zhuang Xiao seemed to think of something, Mu Ran said: "I won't kill you. Get out."

Between the electric light fire, several black needles have flew out of the cuffs, taking the life of Zhuang Xiao directly. Zhuang Xiao avoided the blow sideways, and looked at Ming Changyan with a dark look. The two did not need to talk for a while, Zhuang Xiao didn't kill Ming Changyan, but Ming Changyan would put him to death. He hit hard, leaving no room between the moves.

Ming Changyan bit his teeth, his eyes were slightly red, and during the movement, the body was unable to restrain and trembled slightly. He was out of the palm of his hand, right in the middle of Zhuang's heart, and the latter spit out blood, but he did not step back halfway. The guard holding a knife surrounded the two, and the movement was so loud that it finally caught the attention of the patrol guards in the palace, and at the same time, Huaiyu rushed forward.

He stood still, pursed his lips, and guarded, "Little country!"

Huai Yu said: "Give me the bow."

He took the long bow from the guard's ground, took an arrow to pull the bow, and the arrow came out on the string, passing through Zhuang Xiao's body heavily. Zhuang Xiao was hit by this blow, losing ground one after another, and knelt down on the ground. After a moment, he was finally under the pouring of heavy rain, exhausted, and hopeless, could not support his body, and fell beside Zhao Xiaolan.

As far as Zhuang Xiao's eyes were concerned, the maple leaves were in full swing and were hit by heavy rain. One of them fell on Zhao Xiaolan's face.

He finally closed his eyes.

Under the vast rain, a **** silver urn, a string of silent bells, lay between him.

The author has something to say:

The role of Zhao Lan has been settled from the beginning, and it has finally been written here. The character is inspired by the funeral flower chant of "A Dream of Red Mansions", because I heard a lyrics, so he had him.

Uh, there wo n’t be [good guys] getting the box lunch, the last one. 2k novel reading network

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