MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 75 Zhaohua Fuying (24)

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Five years ago, Lin'an, Xiaoheshan. There is an empty temple on the mountain, except for an elderly blind monk ringing the clock every day, there is no visit.

On this day, a teenager came out of the temple. After greeting the familiar blind monk in the temple, he walked down the mountain. A bell sent by the monk hung around his waist and clanged as he walked. It is said that the bell was once obtained by the blind monk at Dahan treasure.

This person, from the looks, was very handsome, and there was a mole at the end of his eyes. He played with the fan in his hands, and threw him into the air, catching it.

Leng Buding, when he counted the fan to the thirty-fifth time, a fast hidden weapon knocked it down.

The boy raised his eyebrows, and saw the big man suddenly surrounded by seven or eight tigers.

"Catch him! Wait, no, it doesn't seem to be the stupid guy!"

The boy looked at the others uncertainly and suddenly laughed.

The big man cursed, "What the **** are you laughing at!"

The teenager picked up the fan on the ground and smiled more politely.

He speaks to himself and always likes to put on a smile and play a good person. Over time, it made him develop a habit, but wherever there were people, the young man always made a gentle gentleman, gentle and magnificent.

"Want me?"

The big man saw him smirking, but it was so unpleasant that it made people goosebumps, and the more he looked at him, the more he wanted to slap him.

He took a sip: "Damn! It's disgusting, this one also caught me up and beat me, I hate sissy the most!"

Several big men took turns in battle, and the teenager's expression remained unchanged, still smiling.

It stands to reason that he was a teenager who was only seventeen or eighteen years old, and he should have been rubbed on the ground in the face of a few people with such large differences in physique. Not to mention a few big guys hitting him together, even if a big guy hits him, he can't fight it.

Who knows, everyone rushed up and saw no shots from the teenagers, but saw several big men screaming and falling to the ground.

The young man kicked off the big man who was standing in the middle of the mountain road, and just took two steps forward, but unexpectedly, the abnormal changes suddenly occurred.

In the grass, a dank suddenly emerged, like a blast, as fast as lightning. The young man was slightly surprised, but he had no time to dodge, and when he didn't pay attention, the dumpling stuck to his thigh.

To be precise, it is not sticky, but hug.

The dumplings are not very old, and the teenager can only see the top of his head. According to his weight, it is estimated that he is only fourteen or five.

The boy moved his feet and hugged him tightly, unable to take a step.

The next second, the dumpling suddenly raised his head, his eyes sparkled, he stared at the boy tightly, and slowly opened his mouth: "Heroes !!!"


The feeling of excitement on the surface of the dumplings, holding his thigh and shouting: "Heroes !!! You are so good !!!"

The young man subconsciously showed a killing intention, and then conditioned reflexively, and hung the cold smile on his face: "This little friend, your behavior makes me confused."

The dumpling quickly let go of his hand and stood up abruptly, making a funny sting. The boy found that the dumplings were luxurious and exquisite, and the skin was tender and tender, but it was not a mountain baby. There was a nondescript wooden knife hanging around his waist, and as the dumpling bowed, the knife followed.

"Thanks to the heroes for their rescue! In the next Zhao Lan, the word Su He. Dare to ask who is the surname of the heroes? Where are they? Where do they live? Have a wife and children? Geometry? How many acres?"

The boy gave a slight pause and replied, "My last name is wish, my name is good."

This teenager is Zhuang Xiao. Zhu Xun, the pseudonym he usually uses.

Zhao Suhe's face glowed with joy: "It turned out to be a hero! Long admired! Admire admire! Good heroes! How did you beat all those old things down!"

Zhuang Xiao didn't speak. He thought that Zhao Suhe's brain was sick, so he ignored him and walked forward.

If ordinary people are so despised, even if stupid, they know that the other party is unwilling to deal with themselves. Unfortunately, Zhao Suhe was extraordinary. The more Zhuang Xiao ignored him, the more vigorous he became. And, very familiar.

"Actually, I went to participate in the selection of Tianqing today. Who knows that I met these people halfway." Speaking of this, Zhao Suhe looked back with a bit of anxiety.

The two had already walked a hundred meters away, and the big men were still unconscious on the ground. Zhao Suhe was puzzled, and just thought: How can these old things look so tall, but they are so weak that they can't help but be beaten casually. Just passed out? Knowing this, maybe I can beat them down!

He didn't know that some of the big men were not in a coma, but their eyes were glaring, and they would not stare at death, and they violently died in one place.

Zhao Suhe said: "Wish you heroes, what kind of effort did you make! It's so good, I didn't see how you did it, and they fell down!"

For the first time, Zhuang Xiao met such a child who didn't know how to live or die, and surrounded him like a bee.

Finally, he was so worn that he couldn't help but said, "Needles. Needles used."

Who knows, as soon as this remark turned on, what kind of mysterious switch Zhao Suhe turned on, the other person's gaze turned to him more hot.

"You use needles too!"

Zhuang laughed.

Zhao Suhe raised his hand and said, "I worship you as a teacher!"

Zhuang laughed, "Did you not go to Tianqing's selection?"

There was an unnatural flash on Zhao Suhe's face, "Since this and this are selections, there must have been someone, but some people!"

Zhuang laughed: "Then you just haven't?"

Zhao Suhe touched his nose: "It hasn't happened this year, it doesn't mean next year!"

He suddenly changed the subject and coughed a few times: "Okay, okay, don't say this. I wish the heroes, the life-saving grace can not be reported, it is better that you go to my house first, and I will let my sister give you money!"

Zhuang Xiao originally wanted to speak directly and refused, but for some reason, came to interest.


Zhao Suhe overjoyed, and along the way, Tiannandi told him about his martial arts in recent years. Zhuang laughed and listened, and knew about it. Most of Zhao Suhe ’s chivalrous ways are centered on a long feast for the gentleman Ming Dynasty. In the past few days, he heard about the feast for the Ming feast, but today he encountered a brain powder.

This Zhao Suhe Shaoxia has no martial arts, and the wooden sword on his waist has never been sharpened. From his words and deeds, it can be seen that this man must have encountered no big storms when he went out. Only before, it was the guard who protected him and lost him, which caused him a lot of trouble.

Zhuang Xiao interjected and asked, "Since you don't have martial arts, how can you make so many warriors dump?"

Zhao Suhe shouted: "I'm rich! They make friends with me, there are many benefits! I can take them to eat, drink and have fun!"

After hearing this, Zhuang Xiao roughly understood. Although Zhao Suhe has a lot of friends, most of them are some fox friends and dog friends, and only a few of them come at his money. He walked the rivers and lakes, one was guarded by the guards, and the other was the silver money, which was really innocent and carefree. He had never seen the storms of the rivers and lakes.

The two went down the Xiaoheshan all the way, Zhao Suhe hired a horse carriage, walked for several kilometers, passed a dart board, Zhuang Xiao opened the curtain, and said, "Su He Xiaoyou, there is an important thing to do next, you are here Wait for me a moment. "

Zhao Suhe greeted the carriage to stop and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhuang laughed: "I have a must-see person and I have to meet at this time."

Zhao Suhe suddenly realized: "I see! Are you going to see an old friend, you go, I'll wait for you here!"

Zhuang smiled, got off the car, turned two corners, and disappeared on the street.

About two quarters later, he came out of the alley with a flesh. As he walked, he bought a handkerchief at the roadside stall. He wiped off a few drops of blood that he accidentally made, threw a handkerchief, and climbed into the carriage with his feet. After putting on a smile, no one could see that this handsome young man had killed eleven living people just like the evil spirit of hell.

Zhao Suhe was so drowsy that the driver saw Zhuang laugh and continued to drive. After the time of Sanxiangxiang, he finally came to the most lively urban area of ​​Lin'an.

Zhao Suhe jumped out of the carriage and trot to the gate of Zhao House.

Zhuang laughed, looked up slightly. He did not expect that the regiment rushing out of the roadside was from the Zhao family. Zhuang Xiao had a suspicion in his heart. When Zhao's parents called Zhao Suhe, he confirmed this conjecture.

For a moment, he squeezed the hand of the fan, remembered something very annoying, could not help holding it tighter. The killing in his heart suddenly rose, and Zhao Suhe didn't realize the murderous spirit, and after she spoiled her in her arms, she shouted, "Sister! I will introduce you to someone. Today he saved my life! "

Zhuang Xiao's intention to kill himself abruptly reduced throughout his life. When he turned around, he smiled slightly and arched, "Miss Zhao."

Seeing Zhuang Xiao's handsome appearance, Zhao Xun did not resemble Zhao Suhe's friends who had brought crooked and cracked dates, so he believed Zhao Suhe's remarks and invited Zhuang Xiao to the room.

Zhuang Xiao was born in the Zhuang family, and he was very strict in his childhood. He can tell at a glance that this is a very well-educated and noble son.

The more Zhao Zhao looked at him, the more relieved he was, and he was pleased that Zhao Suhe finally met such an excellent friend.

Liu Zhuang laughed at lunch. Zhao Xie ordered the kitchen very carefully, and must take it seriously to celebrate Zhao Suhe's first dog-like friend. When the meal came to the table, Zhao Suhe grabbed the chopsticks, first clamped them to Zhuang Xiao, and Zhuang Xiao froze.

Zhao Suhe said: "I wish you heroes! Try this first, this is my favorite!"

Zhao Yan said: "Funny, that's what you like to eat. How do you know if others like it?"

Zhuang Xiao was used to pretending to be in front of people. At this moment, he habitually pouted and smiled: "It doesn't bother me. I also love to eat."

Zhao Suhe laughed: "Look, sister, I'm right! No one can refuse the temptation of chicken legs!"

After all, while he was picking vegetables for Zhuang Xiao, he was eating non-stop Hesse. Zhuang smiled and looked very puzzled, and asked: "Aren't you a young master, why can you always eat the same dish? Are you afraid of being punished?"

Zhao Suhe said: "What punished? Did you punish me for finishing this dish?"

Zhuang laughed, "You can't eat three."

When he was young, the rules of the dealer were very strict. Even if it was delicious, and he liked it again, once he had eaten three mouthfuls, he could not eat it anymore. If you eat it secretly, or take an extra bite, you will be severely punished by your father, such as not being allowed to eat for two days.

Zhao Yan smiled: "I wish the son no general knowledge with him, there are rules, but I can not control him. You look at him like this, like a starving ghost born, I really did evil in my last life, and spread this in my life Little brother."

Zhao Suhe took two bites of glutinous rice cakes and muttered, "Why am I hungry? People need to eat more when they are hungry! People take food as a god!"

At the end of the meal, Zhao Suhe couldn't wait to pull the new friend he knew into the backyard. Zhuang Xiao will stop, Zhao Suhe can't help but show him his many weapons of the same gentleman. In addition to weapons, there are countless pictures and textbooks.

In Zhao Suhe's view, these are extremely important treasures, but from the outsiders' perspective, they are just a bunch of broken copper and iron.

Zhuang Xiao was astonished and asked, "Did you make so many messy things, and your father wouldn't smash you? Wouldn't he be at home?"

Zhao Suhe was picking up an imitation life order and dancing with great power, Haha laughed: "My dad doesn't care about me! If he dares to control me, I will go to my mother to sue and tell him to sleep in the yard at night! Bad, I asked Aunt Huang to take the lead for me. Our whole family is afraid of Aunt Huang. I ’m not afraid! She likes me, and I also like aunt! ”After thinking about it, she added:“ Besides my mother and sister, I like Aunt best. It's up! "

Hearing this, Zhuang Xiao's surprise never stopped. It was unheard of for Zhao's wife to let the owner sleep in the yard.

Zhao Suhe put down the "Cang Sheng Ling" and sighed, "But when I was the last in the test, no one helped me, hey! Isn't it what I want to take, but my score is the lowest, so I can only Countdown! "

Hearing "the last countdown", Zhuang Xiao was even more surprised, saying: "You still have the last count? The Zhao family is ranked first among the four major families. How could the Zhao family allow the sister-in-law to be the last?"

Zhao Suhe breathed out a breath: "Why can't the Zhao family's sister-in-law take the countdown first! I didn't want to take the exam myself. Mr. Liu gave me the lowest score ... Actually, I think the score is almost the same!"

Zhuang Xiao suddenly felt incredible, let alone the penultimate first time, even if he passed the second, he would be injured by his father with a rattan, and ill in bed. Only his mother would come to the bed to accompany him. If he passed the penultimate exam, he would have been beaten to death by his father.

And Zhao Suhe not only died, but also lived up to this day without any injuries, which made him rare inexplicable envy.

Zhao Yan stepped in the door and saw Zhao Suhe and his friends showing the pile of tatters, pretending to be angry: "Xiao Lan! Pack up your tatters, why would you take it out to shame? Otherwise I will throw it to you tomorrow!"

Zhao Suhe shouted, "No, no! Sister, it's not junk, it's my collectible! It's expensive!"

Zhao Yun said: "What do you collect, you collect, you will run to Yueyue Mountain all day long, who is your father? Is your father the Ming Dynasty feast? If your dad does not filial piety, you will know" Ming Shaoxia "and" Ming Shaoxia ". Blasting, if it weren't for you today, I don't think you would even have your life! "

Zhao Suhe knew that he was suffering, and touched his nose and lowered his head.

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Xiao was very confused. Zhao Yan seemed to be reprimanding Zhao Suhe, but in fact he was not angry at all, and it was a completely different atmosphere than when he was in Zhuang government.

Zhao Yan brought a box of snacks to Zhuang Xiao. Zhuang Xiao took the box of snacks in a daze, and Zhao Xuan said softly: "Wish you nothing, but we ca n’t tell you what to do. You can take this snack back and try it. If there is any difficulty in the future, , Despite coming to the Zhao family. No matter what, our Zhao family will settle for you. "

The last sentence was nothing more than ordinary. Nowadays, he doesn't need anyone to "settle" him. But when the ghost made a difference, Zhuang laughed and looked at Zhao Yan and nodded.

After Zhao Yan left, while Zhao Suhe was playing with him, Zhuang Xiao couldn't wait to open the box Zhao Zhao had just given. He wanted to see what kind of snacks would be inside.

After a while, Zhao Suhe jumped to Zhuang Xiao with energy and energetic: "Wish you heroes, do n’t give you money, do n’t give you a house, I see you want and want, it ’s better, you are my friend and teach me Kung Fu In the future, I will carry forward your efforts and let you succeed someone! "

Zhuang Xiao ate a snack and said, "Why should I teach you?"

Zhao Suhe was very itchy. Since he saw Zhuang Xiao making that move in the morning, he wanted to learn. On rivers and lakes, people use needles, and people who use them very well can output ten fingers. Now, Zhao Suhe hit and found one by accident, he could not let Zhuang Xiao just slip away.

"Wish you heroes! Didn't I say that, I will carry forward your efforts!"

Zhuang Xiao sat on the stone bench: "I don't need to carry forward." Then he picked up half of the snack in his hand and asked, "What kind of snack is this? I have never eaten it, have you?"

"Some and some, brother, why haven't you even eaten this one? The one you have in hand is lotus cake!" After that, Zhao Suhe asked someone to bring up a plate of lotus cake, and said charmingly: "Best brother Just teach me your martial arts. "

"I think about it again."

Zhao Suhe touched his head, Zhuang Xiao poured a bowl of tea for himself, smiled slightly, and watched him anxiously scratching his ears. It seems that this can make him feel refreshed.

In November, the weather turned cold, and the red maple in the backyard was coldly blown by the autumn wind. The maple leaves were squeaked, and one of them fell on Zhao Suhe's face.

In the air, a drop of rain fell in the tea cup, and the tea slightly shook.

With a tick, Zhuang Xiao blinked and woke up.

I have known each other for a few years, such as the dream of the yellow beam, everything in the dream, and the fleeting moment.

Zhuang Xiao was silent for a moment. As soon as he started, the chain on his hand made a heavy, unpleasant sound, very different from the bell.

The drop of water that had just landed on his face was originally stared at by the cell. This dungeon has been in disrepair for years, and it is not surprising that water leaks occasionally.

There was a sound of footsteps in the empty and silent prison, hurriedly.

When Zhuang Xiao heard it, he moved his body and pulled a wound on his abdomen. The wound was deep, a wound penetrated by an arrow. At this moment it has been bandaged intact. However, he didn't care about the pain at all. He only heard the footsteps and stopped in front of him through the prison door.

Zhuang Xiao looked up.

The person in front wore a light golden dress, which was out of step with the dim dungeon. The person who came was Huaiyu.

Zhuang smiled at his face and laughed: "You have good medical skills."

Huai Yu said flatly, "This is not a good credit for medical skills. I just avoided the key points."

Zhuang Xiao said coldly, "Are you sick? I beg you to save me."

"Do you want to die?" Huaiyu asked slowly, with his hands behind his back. "Now it looks like you are more sick."

"To keep you alive, naturally there is something to ask you."

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