MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 77 The feast of Feng Zan (8)

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Qin Yubao had a closer relationship with Huaiyu than others.

Probably he looks flattering.

Now, because this son is a very familiar person, the four stood in line for a while, and he was the first to call Huaiyu.


Qin Yubao trot forward and stopped in front of Huaiyu. At this point, he finally remembered the name of Huaiyu, so he cried in surprise: "Brother Huaiyu!"

Huai Yu glanced at him.

Qin Yubao said: "You don't remember me! I am Yubao!"

Huaiyu thought back for a moment, and nodded slightly: "I remember you. You are the little master of the Ming Changyan."

Qin Yubao said: "It's me and I! It's good if you call me Yubao! Did you also come to the feast to seal Zen?"

Li Minjun surrounded with the others.

After looking at Huaiyu, after saying hello, Qin Yubao said: "It seems that the feast is really well-deserved! It attracts the heroes of the world and recruits martial arts heroes! I did not expect that even people who haven't seen it for so many years can see you! is it going well?"

Huaiyu's eyes moved and said: "Yes."

Hua Yuling was the most sensuous. I heard that everyone had published a "Widow Theory". At this moment, when I looked at Huaiyu, I only felt that I was not very embarrassed.

He secretly said: Yeah, the master is so handsome, the martial arts are so high, the people are so good, where can such a good man go. After his death, even our brothers felt heartache, let alone his wife. Presumably for so many years, the sister-in-law must have been very lonely, I must comfort him well! Hey, it ’s so jealous!

Hua Yuling opened her mouth, learning Qin Yubao and shouting, "Brother Huaiyu, you don't have to force it. We all know that you have worked hard these years!"

Huai Yu glanced at him somehow.

Hua Yuling seemed to think that Huaiyu's eyes were full of infinite grievances and regrets. He said in his heart: It was such a miserable mischief that he went alone to the West Tower!

Huai Yu asked, "Where do you live now because you came here for the feast?"

Li Minjun went back to God first and said, "It's in a restaurant next to Yuanhefang. But today our brothers and sisters are not available. If you have time to change, you must come and gather."

Huai Yu wrote down the name of the restaurant.

Qin Yubao asked again with concern: "Brother Huaiyu, where do you live? Can we come and visit you?"

When Hua Yuling listened, she could not help but admire Qin Yubao's eyes: Well said, Yubao really grew up. I know Xunzi lost her lover, and she must be broken. We brothers, of course, have an obligation to take care of widows!

Yan Yunan also said, "Yes, yes! Brother Huaiyu, what difficulties do you have in your life, even if you talk to us, we will help you even if we go to soup and fire!"

Huai Yu smiled slightly and said, "Okay."

The three teenagers were relieved to hear that.

Li Minjun said: "Then we will meet again in another day."

Huai Yu nodded, without saying much, carrying the medicine in his hand, and walked to Egret College.

After he left, Yan Yu said: "It seems that his health is not good. I just saw Brother Huaiyu holding the medicine in his hand. What medicine is that?"

Qin Yubao replied solemnly: "Maybe it's bad health! I heard that some women have bad health after confinement when they have a child!"

Hua Yuling was very surprised and said, "Isn't Brother Huaiyu's confinement sitting?"

Qin Yubao's eyes were wide and bulging: "What! Does Brother Huaiyu have the flesh of a master! Is it a boy or a girl!"

Li Minjun gave them a slap in their heads, and the three of them were beaten.

Li Minjun said: "I've gone back to live more, haven't I?

Qin Yubao burst into tears: "We are just kidding ..."

Li Mingjun loved to play jokes about Huaiyu and Ming Changyan the most, but he said rightly: "Don't dare to make any jokes! Didn't you see his temper then?"

Qin Yubao clutched his head and was very grieved: "So I deliberately waited for him to leave before secretly speaking ..."

Li Minjun slapped again.

Qin Yubao dared not say anything.

Egret College, alone, a deer, was rolling on the ground, rolling very happily.

Deer rolls, and people roll.

After a few laps, the man got up and said, "No more trouble."

This person is the Ming feast.

He was holding the deer head, and the little white deer was very reluctant, struggling backwards. Ming Changyan took out a few snacks from his arms and fed them. The white deer immediately was quite honest, with his front knee slightly bent, and he lay on his leg obediently.

Ming Changyan reverted to the old state, and began to scratch the white deer's **** again. It had the most hair, the softest meat, and was very comfortable to touch. The sound of the sound was crisp and crunchy, and it was a treasure of feng shui. But this big brother Lu really hates being touched by other people's butt. Except for Huaiyu, anyone has to be kicked.

As he feeds the deer, he stretches out his hand-first **** are stretched out, slowly, mimicking the walking posture, and walking towards the deer's butt.

Taking advantage of it, he held his deer tail abruptly. White Deer suddenly looked up, Ming Chang Yan knew that he was running out of time, and quickly grabbed his ass, grabbed two severely. White Deer was immediately sober, realizing that he was tempted by the material of the "demon outside" His buttocks were also invaded because of this, and it really degraded his dignity as a deer. It shuddered twice with disappointment, and the two hind heels were charged and unexpectedly kicked the Ming Chang feast.

Ming Changyan was kicked back a few steps by this strength and hit a person.

He doesn't have to look back, smelling incense and knowing people. Therefore, it is imperative to educate Bailu deeply.

"What's going on! What's wrong with touching your ass! Are you a girl!"

When White Deer met Huaiyu, he ignored the words of the long banquet, and flung his hooves on Huaiyu. It is a pity that at this moment the long feast is swaying and occupying Huaiyu, and the little white deer jumped around twice, unable to get down.

Ming Changyan found this out. Haha smiled, covering hands and feet with Huaiyu, trying to cover all of Huaiyu. He arrogantly said, "Little hoof, you won't let me touch your butt, nor will I let you touch your little master!"

The White Deer yelled twice, anxious to use the horns on his head to open the long feast severely.

Ming Changyan grabbed its horns and learned: "You are really not cute anymore. Or your master is more cute!"

After speaking, he turned back and said, "Right, Huaiyu!"

Huai Yu said, "I saw Li Minjun and your little brother on the road."

The Ming banquet took a moment and let go of the antlers. White Deer hugged Huaiyu as he wished.

"He? It must be due to the feast of the feast. Where do they live?"

Huai Yu said: "Yuanhefang."

Ming Changyan listened: "Yes. It's OK to live, it seems that Tianqing is not very short of money. Anyway, there is only one month left from the feast of the feast. I'll find some time to give them a secret look!"

Huaiyu pressed his arm: "I'll take you there."

Ming Chang Yan laughed and said, "Okay, it's not bad. You will take me in the evening."

The two agreed that the sky would be dark, so they set off from Bailu Academy and walked to Yuanhefang.

On the way, the Ming Banquet did not see the masters and brothers for a long time, and was slightly nervous.

By the time of Yuanhefang, it was midday.

Yuanhefang's floors are very wide.

Ming Changyan said: "I can't think of this Yuanhefang being so big and so many buildings, it will be troublesome to find it. Do you want me to go to see it one by one?"

"This man is just fine. What if it is wrong to enter the girl's room. Not right, I have to think of a way."

Huai Yu calmly said, "Don't think about it."

He pointed to Yuan Hefang's backyard.

It turned out that there was a room with a yard here. There are about four or five rooms next to each other, and in the courtyard, there are four people, including Li Minjun and others.

I haven't seen it in years, and the Ming banquet is a bit embarrassing.

He squinted his eyes, looked carefully, and said with emotion: "The one in the front, isn't Yubao, it has grown so tall. I remember three years ago, he seemed to have reached my thigh."

Huai Yu said, "You don't know if you go down and see."

Ming Changyan touched his nose and said, "I'll prepare."

Huaiyu raised an eyebrow.

Ming Changyan took a deep breath: "Huaiyu, honestly, I treat you as a friend before telling you something in your heart, don't laugh at me. In fact, Ben Shaoxia has a bit of imagination."

"What do you call me?" Huaiyu said suddenly.

Hearing this sentence, the Ming feast lingered for a while, and finally remembered that I had previously said that Huaiyu was always his brother, and as a result, shouted and forgot this "honorary title", which has not been so for a long time recently Shouted.

"Brother Huaiyu, OK, OK, I remember!"

Huai Yu nodded with satisfaction before asking, "Why guilty?"

Ming Changyan said: "It's been three years now, and I jumped out at this time, would they blame me? Or maybe they thought I was dead. If I suddenly lived, would I be a superfluous person?"

Huai Yu said, "When did you become so sentimental?"

Ming Changyan sighed: "Don't you understand. It's scarier to be close to hometown!"

Huai Yu suddenly carried his collar and pushed him into the yard. After all, let the Ming long feast stand on the roof to hurt the sad and the sad, and I am afraid that until tomorrow morning, he may still be "fearful."

The Ming feast was unstable, soaring down.

Qin Yubao first reacted and pulled out the sword and pointed him immediately.

"who is it!"

Ming Changyan patted the dust on his clothes, coughed, and laughed: "Long time I have seen you!"

When the four people saw his face clearly, they were all together.

The Ming Chang banquet felt a little awkward, and said, "Ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha! What's the matter, terrified! Let me say first, I'm not a ghost, I'm a human. Don't believe it, you can find someone to listen to my heartbeat . "

At the scene, the four were still holding their feet and there was no movement.

The Ming feast can only sit on a stool and pour a bowl of tea for himself.

Who knows, Li Minjun flew with his hand before the tea reached his mouth.

The tea bowl was just broken on the shadow of the Ming feast.

Qin Yubao responded suddenly: "Second Brother ... Yes, there is shadow! There is shadow!"

Ming Changyan laughed and said, "Of course there is a shadow, because I am a human!"

Li Minjun was so shocked that his expression was a little distorted: "You **** isn't dead!"

Ming Chang Yan nodded with integrity, and then accused: "Speak well. Don't scold people as soon as you meet."

Li Minjun screamed: "You **** aren't dead! You still sit here and let me talk well! Do you look like I can talk to you now! A long feast tomorrow!"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty had long expected such an event, and said with a smile: "Don't shout, don't shout, the child is watching."

He said, "Sit down and drink saliva, and I'll explain it to you slowly."

The tears of the three young masters came as soon as possible, but because of the manly husband, tears could not be easily shed, so pursing his lips, wrinkling his face, struggling hard to not cry.

Ming Changyan was very sorry for them, and touched one of his heads: "Not dead, not dead! Cry!"

Li Minjun calmed down and asked, "How did you survive?"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty shortly said, "Three years ago, on the way back from Guifeng Mountain, I noticed poison in my body. The poison broke out when I didn't reach the Yanbo River. At this time, I could hardly move, and forced me No good. I have no choice but to bury the worms that Liu Cang gave me into my body.

Li Minjun immediately had a question: "Poisoning? What poison, how poison?"

"I do n’t know, it was difficult to move when I found it. Later, I realized that I was wrong and wanted to drive to Tianqing. Only halfway, the six majorists surrounded me in the Yanbo River. At this moment, I have nothing left in martial arts. After all, I could only jump over the river without help, maybe there is a line of vitality. The matter between them is not much different from folk rumors. However, after struggling for a while after falling off the Yanbo River, my strength gradually disappeared. Later He has been groggy, and when the consciousness is really awake, an old couple is taking care of me. "

Li Minjun said: "Old couple? Are you rescued by them?"

Ming Changyan shook his head: "I can't remember this memory. But the two elderly people are physically weak, and they don't know how to rescue me from the river. The old couple spoke very strongly, but not Lin'an's words, and I don't know how to read. So, I could hardly communicate with them, I didn't know where I was taken, and I lost all my martial arts, just like a futile. When I could move, I said goodbye to them. After coming down the mountain, I know that two years have passed. "

As the former said, Li Minjun sighed.

Suddenly, he asked again, "You lost all your martial arts? But I don't think you are the same as an ordinary person. Have you recovered?"

Ming Changyan nodded: "Indeed. I met a noble man and he helped him to restore martial arts, but it can't be compared to before."

Li Minjun said: "This is the kindness of Tian Da, who saved you? Do you still remember his face? Tian Qing sent a picture of graciousness, and thank you for your kindness."

"Since you woke up a year ago, why don't you come back to see us, why not come back to Tianqing."

Ming Changyan touched his nose and said, "I have not been seriously injured and I have no ability to protect myself. At that time, it was rumored that I had destroyed so many schools. In case Xiaohan Temple knew that I was alive. Back to Tianqing, wouldn't it? Will drag you down and make you embarrassed. "

Hearing that, Li Minjun snorted coldly: "Afraid we are in trouble, are you taking us as an outsider? We are afraid of being dragged by you? Does it mean that Tianqing cannot even afford a disabled person!"

The atmosphere suddenly stiffened.

Qin Yubao wanted to activate the atmosphere and quickly interjected: "Wow, who is the master who helped the master recover the martial arts! The life-saving grace must be made with personal respect!"

Ming Changyan turned his head and said haha, "It's a pity that he is a man."

Qin Yubao uttered "Ah?" He grabbed his head and said, "A man ... is fine!"

The author has something to say: I promise to you! !! I agreed! !! !!

As mentioned in the previous chapter, it has been a month since Xiao Lan brought the box lunch, and emphasize the timeline [. 2k novel reading network

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