MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 78 Grand Banquet (9)

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Ming Chang Yan smiled twice and said, "Yu Bao, come here, let me see how tall you are."

Qin Yubao loved sticking to the Ming long feast from a young age. When he heard him speak at this moment, he immediately ran towards the Ming long feast. A few years ago, Qin Yubao loved to hug his waist, and he could hold him in his arms by simply mentioning the long feast of the Ming Dynasty.

It's a pity that in the past few years that Qin Yubao has not been seen, the boy is like a dog, one day long, and now he is only half a head shorter than Ming Changyan. Therefore, before Qin Yubao had time to pounce on his brother's arms, he felt a very cold sight coming from behind him. Qin Yubao's action suddenly caused a sudden meal, and his posture was very delicate. Looking back, there was a person standing next to him, which was Huai Yu, who met in the morning. He greeted Huaiyu politely and returned.

Li Minjun said, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." Qin Yubao shook his head, and he also learned to wrap the subject back, saying, "Brother, you haven't said who saved you on your Beijing side?"

Seeing that this topic could not be separated, Ming Changyan coughed, solemnly brought Huaiyu to the front and introduced: "Of course everyone's brother Huaiyu."

After hearing the words, everyone's eyes glowed with strange brilliance, and they raised the venue "Wow", "Awesome", "Brother Huaiyu is really good to you". For a while, the room was muttering, and Hua Yuling was the most active .

Ming Changyan patted the table and said, "Be quiet. The table is big enough and there are enough stools to sit down and talk. I have a lot of things to ask you."

Li Minjun and others sat down and looked at Huaiyu again.

Ming Chang feast said: "It doesn't bother. Anything can be said straight."

He first asked what happened to Tian Qing. Li Minjun told the truth.

In the few months after the Ming feast, Tianqing sent a blood transfusion. Because of the incident of Zhong Yulou, all the disciples who could run outside ran clean, and when Li Minjun returned, Tianqing was gone.

Later, the girls of Mingyue and Hua also disappeared. At that time, the school was messed up and down, while they were trying to correct Tianqing again, they were also looking for him.

Hearing here, Ming Changyan raised an eyebrow and asked, "Girl Hua is gone?"

Li Minjun only said that he blamed himself for not holding Hua Yunshang, and touched his nose. He said, "It was my fault. The situation was too chaotic at that time, maybe the girl Hua was ..."

"Tell me more details."

Seeing that he hadn't asked Mingyue about it, Li Minjun didn't talk much. He only answered partly: "At that time, after you fell Yanbojiang, the Six Schools were not enough to force you to death, and the Heavenly Qing School asked for a life order. Helpless Next, I can only tell everyone to sneak away from the secret road of the Yueyue Mountain. Girl Hua's health is poor, she has always been at the back, and sometimes, she ca n’t keep up with our speed, she has to sit down for a while. ”

"However, when Xiao A tears up martial arts, I don't have any objection when Hua Hua said she was going to rest. After all, her body is really not suitable for hurrying so fast. But I can't leave everyone else waiting, so I let Xiao Azha stayed with her and waited for three days to converge in Jinling. Unexpectedly, we did not wait for Hua Hua to appear afterwards. "

"The longer the time dragged on, the more anxious I was, and I didn't care about the danger. I simply went back to Yueyue Mountain. I didn't meet the Chinese girl and Xiao Aya in the middle, and there were no fighting marks or dead bodies in the secret road of Yueyue Mountain. Inquired, there was no news of being arrested. If you want to come ... you may have suffered unexpectedly. "

Ming Changyan listened in silence. After a while, she asked: "She asked you to go first, but she didn't come to meet. You later ran back to find her?"

Li Minjun took a sip of tea: "Of course. Hua Hua is your best friend. She and you are self-evident. How can I ignore her! Furthermore, I don't care, my conscience can't get through. Wan As soon as you have a haunted soul, you will die under Jiuquan. What if you look back and ask for my life? "

In fact, Tianqing walked away and died. The sister of Ming Changyan left her. If a close friend died in Tianqing again, Li Minjun would not know how to face Ming Changyan.

Ming Changyan heard this, pursed his lips, and looked at Huaiyu. He suddenly said, "You are here to play. I have something to say with your second brother alone."

Li Minjun said, "What are you telling me? Can't you say it here?"

Ming Changyan said: "Of course I can't say anything here!" He turned to Huaiyu and said, "Huaiyu, look at them for me, don't let them run around, I'll be back in a while."

Qin Yubao is still mumbling with Hua Yuling. He turned back and said nicely: "Master, I'm not a kid anymore, don't look at me. I will be very obedient."

Ming Chang feasted, "What's so obedient? Listen to me now and play with Brother Huaiyu."

After speaking, Li Minjun was taken to another more hidden place.

Li Minjun stood still and asked, "Let's do this. Don't run any further, stay a little further, wait for the trouble later. What do you want to say?"

Ming Chang feasted: "Girl Hua did not encounter unexpected events."

Li Minjun listened, shocked and stunned: "How do you know?"

Ming Chang feasted: "A year ago, the first thing I woke up was to find her."

Li Minjun breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good to be alive." Then he suddenly asked: "How has she been in these years, no matter how well she is, she should report a peace with Tianqing. Our face, in your face, you should contact us. "

Who knows, the Ming feast suddenly said, "It's best not to come to you."

Li Minjun looked at him, wondering what he meant.


After the Ming banquet will be awake, Tong Wan and Li Minjun were all told about the Wanzhen needle-throat incident and the plague incident in Guangling. Of course, the shameful behaviors of omitting him as a woman, hugging Huaiyu's thigh, and calling his brother Huaiyu are omitted. In the same way, there is also a nondescript relationship with Huai Yu, which was omitted by him.

Even to make a long story short, it took a quarter of an hour for the Ming Chang Ban to finish these things.

Li Minjun frowned, thinking, "But what does this have to do with the meaning of the sentence you just said? Guangling's Hebo married the living and dead people, and What is the relationship between Zhuang Xiao's life and the Chinese girl? "

Ming Changyan said: "The reason why I said that the girl Hua did not go to you is the best. That's the meaning." He said: "Originally, we didn't know what the relationship was, but what happened later, also That's the case of Zhao's sister-in-law. These days, the things about Zhuang Xiao and Zhao's are spread all over the streets and alleys, you know about it, right? "

Li Minjun listened, and it was foggy, but he still said, "I heard it naturally."

Speaking of this, Li Minjun resentfully said: "The original things that destroyed the door were Zhuang Xiao doing! The blind old thieves on the rivers and lakes had to blame everything on you, sick. However, this person never made a public appearance. It was also after this Zhao family's accident that I knew that there was such a person as Zhuang Xiao. This person is very cunning. If he was taken out that year, the group of bald donkeys at Xiaohan Temple You can't use any of your cruel, unremarkable reasons, etc., to exaggerate the threats, incite major factions, and finally force you to die in the Yanbo River. "

"Fortunately, this Zhuang laughed badly, and was eventually put down in the field. I heard that he rushed into the palace to kill the ring, and killed his long-time friend Zhao Lan?"

Ming Changyan said: "Yes. The general facts are the same as the rumors you heard. But there is something wrong."

Li Minjun asked, "What's wrong?"

Ming Changyan said: "Zhuang Xiao never wanted to kill Xiao Lan. The one who really killed Zhao Xiaolan was a guard named Baili Deng. He is a thirteen guard and he is not famous, so no one has heard of it. His name. Zhuang Xiao was killed in the palace last month. "

Li Minjun was dizzy again, and asked, "Why did he kill Zhao Lan? How can it be said that Zhuang laughs?"

Ming Changyan said: "The rumors are said to be Zhuang Xiao, because many of his evil deeds have been unveiled together and countless, who cares if you kill one more or one less in the end."

"Xiao Lan was killed. When I arrived at the scene, I only saw a group of dead bodies. At that time, I also thought that it was Zhuang Xiao who killed everyone. Later, Huaiyu arrived and Zhuang Xiao was injured by him. I went to check the wound again and found that Xiao Lan was not killed by him. Zhuang Xiao used the needle to kill. Xiao Lan at the scene was killed by Bai Li with a knife. Bai Li was killed by Zhuang Xiao using a ten thousand needle to pierce his throat. , The rest of the people died of ice needles. This needle was made by the thousand years of ice and hid in the bone fan of Zhuang Xiao. The ice needle takes human life, and melts on its own in case of heat. Cunning. If I hadn't checked his bone fan, I'm afraid I can't imagine that there are such tricky hidden weapon in the world. "

Li Minjun groaned: "If it is Zhuang Xiao, it is not difficult to guess. According to legend, Dong Xun is rich in these magical magical methods. It is not surprising that he is the young master of the Zhuang family and his mother is the Princess Dong Xun."

Ming Chang feasted: "I went to the Zhao family to find out. Xiao Lan was called into the palace by the queen that day, and the housekeeper told me that it was called by a hundred miles. However, after verifying with the queen, she learned that she had never called. Xiao Lan. "

When hearing this, Li Minjun got the wrong point and was shocked. "How do you still know the queen? Do you still talk to her?"

The verification of nature was confirmed by Huaiyu, but Li Minjun suddenly got tricky, and the Ming banquet propped his chin, "Is it strange to know the queen?"

Li Minjun said: "Don't you find it strange! Why did you call the kid of the Zhao family Xiaolan? I remember that when he was in Lin'an that year, if Lin'an wanted to choose a brain-smuggling fan who thought about the gentleman's most brain-worn, this Zhao Lan Son-in-law must be a well-deserved first. Listen to your tone, you seem to be familiar with him! "

Ming Chang Yan thought of this, but did not want to tell Li Minjun at all. After all, the more you say, the more you reveal the stuffing. This **** is shameless. If he knew that he was a wife for the emperor, how could he start in the eyes of a few young masters in Tianqing. Therefore, Ming Chang feasted: "The queen is Xiao Lan's aunt, what is strange about me to know her. It can only be that I have a high-character personality, and everyone dumps it!"

Li Minjun snorted and asked, "The queen didn't summon Zhao Lan. Listen to what you mean. Is there something wrong with the guard named Barry Lantern?"

Ming Chang feast said: "It's not a problem, it's very problematic. I don't go back to Tianqing and choose to enter the palace. The biggest reason is for the fairy grass."

Li Minjun said: "Immortal grass? Is there really a panacea in this world?"

Ming Changyan said: "Of course there is. Otherwise, how can I recover the martial arts?"

Li Minjun: "Have you found the fairy grass? Your luck is really good."

Ming Chang Yan said: "I didn't find it. The fairy grass is in Huaiyu. I don't know how he found it, but I later learned that he used it for me. The fairy grass is not Huaiyu either. Things, but the queen's belongings. However, it was stolen later! Huaiyu was so meticulous that she had expected someone to pay attention to the fairy grass, so she put a fake in the queen. This fake fairy grass, made After a special treatment. Anyone who touched the fake fairy grass will have a special smell on it and it will last forever. If this person appears in front of Huaiyu, he will immediately know who stole it. Fairy grass. "

Li Minjun said: "Wait, my brain is a bit messy. I asked one by one, Huai Yu, how could you fool around in the queen? Who is he? What identity?"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty remembered that when Huaiyu was in Tianqing, he even thought that the other party was just a little master who slipped out to play. Who knows, his origins are so big.

Without concealment, he simply stated briefly: "Huaiyu is the country's national minister."

Li Minjun paused for two seconds: "Country Minister? Which Nationalist? Excuse me, is it the Yun Qingxian?"

Ming Chang Yan nodded: "Exactly."

Li Minjun's face suddenly became pale. Immediately after that, there were white and blue, and the last word was inexplicable: "I thought it was your luck. I never thought it would be a good marriage."

Ming Chang Yan didn't bother him, and continued, "The smell of fake fairy grass is just above the corpse of Barry Lantern. Therefore, we can be sure that he has directly contacted the fake fairy grass. The guard, it is not difficult to approach the Emperor's Palace where the queen is located. There are all kinds of **, the fairy grass was stolen by him. "

As the topic changed, Li Minjun directly asked, "What does he want the fairy grass? I heard that if the fairy grass is eaten to a healthy person, the medicine is too strong, it will bleed to death in seven holes. To kill people, there is no need to risk so much to steal the fairy grass. "

Ming Changyan nodded: "I don't know, but he is dead. So I can only go to the dungeon and ask Zhuang Xiao."

Li Minjun said: "Zhuang Xiao was not dead?"

Ming Changyan: "Huaiyu just seriously injured him, but did not kill him."

Li Minjun said: "This kind of person regrets death, what to save him? Want me to say that you should be a thousand swords and never be alive. You went to the dungeon and asked Zhuang laugh what?"

Ming Changyan said: "Two questions: What is the relationship between Baili and him, and what is the relationship between Ugly Guanyin and him."

Li Minjun: "Ugly Guanyin? The more you say, the more confused I am, what does this matter have to do with Ugly Guanyin?"

Ming Changyan glanced at him and said, "Would you please don't always interrupt, if you interrupt, I will hit you."

Li Minjun recognized the current affairs officer as Junjie and shut up.

Decades ago, Huaiyu asked Zhuang Xiao these two questions in the dungeon.

The dungeon was dark and damp. Zhuang Xiao was leaning against the wall, her right foot was bent, and she didn't care about the chains on her hands and feet. She smiled and replied, "The teacher of the barry lamp was destroyed by me. He is an orphan and hates me. Extremely, I don't wear it with me. But I let him go and let him avenge me at any time. "

Huai Yu said, "He does what you want."

Zhuang laughed: "The ugly Guanyin cooperated with him and performed a play to warn me that he was about to take revenge."

Huai Yu said: "It seems that is the scene of the flower feast."

Zhuang Xiao: "Bai Jin was sitting beside you at the time, and I don't think you would doubt her. However, the 'ugly Guanyin' on the stage should be her companion. I knew Bai as early as when I was in Guangling Jin is an ugly Guanyin. Otherwise, why do you think Su He would ask you to see Bai Jin ’s arm? However, you and Ming Changyan are both wastes. They were reminded that they had not killed her. "

Huai Yu said coldly: "Do you know the Ugly Guanyin?"

Zhuang smiled and answered, "I don't know 'Ugly Guanyin'. She targeted me because of Zhao Suhe." After saying that, "the waste is more of a blame."

Recalling this, Li Minjun couldn't help but interjected: "It's not obvious that they are aiming at each other! Do the children quarrel and speak each other's bad words behind each other!"

Ming Changyan gave him a scornful look and said, "Huaiyu later investigated Barry Lantern, and his identity and name used in the palace were real. Since it is true, he is an orphan, without relatives and without reason, not for his own use. Immortal grass, then who is it for? And, why does Ugly Guanyin help him play a little guard for revenge? "

Li Minjun suddenly realized: "You mean, Baili has the message of" Fairy Grass "as a bargaining chip, and let Ugly Goddess of Mercy play with him."

Ming Chang Yan nodded: "You have a good understanding. I know the true identity of the ugly Guanyin is the departure of the first beauty in the world. She is a healthy person and doesn't need fairy grass. So who is she looking for? grass?"

Li Minjun seemed to be shattered in all three views: "Lili? The world's first beauty Lili !?"

Ming Chang feasted: "Three doubts."

He stretched out his first finger: "In Guangling, He Bo got married, we once faced the ugly Guanyin directly. She was hurt by Huaiyu. I wanted to take her down, but I did not expect that the wedding dress Yan Luo turned out to be Appeared, helped cover Ugly Kannon and let her escape. "

The second finger was stretched out: "It was in Guangling again. At that time, the plague emanating from Guangling was actually poisoned by someone at the water source. The illness was exhilarating and energetic, but after a few days, it finally declined. Lethal ... I believe that this poisoning symptom will not be unfamiliar to you. Three years ago, the Guifeng faction died of this poison. Those who poisoned it ... Once they found the poisoned person, they could not continue to investigate. "

The third feast of Ming Changyan extended his third finger: "Still in Guangling, because of this plague, Guangling sacrificed many girls to 'He Bo', but they did not expect that they found many surviving girls under the Yandang River in Guangling. It will be taken away by the paper man. As we all know, the only man who can control the paper man is Yan Luo. "

He finally concluded: "At first glance, the plague did not seem to be the result of the marriage of Yan Luo, but if it was not for the plague, there would not be those girls who were sacrificed. Then, for the wedding of Yan Luo to make the plague, what is the reason for holding the girl? Originally thought it was a cult, a sacrifice or something. But once connected with the ugly goddess of mercy to help others find the fairy grass, this move has other meanings. "

Li Minjun was in the same place, and the Ming banquet was clear in his thinking. After analysis, he almost pointed at one person.

Ming Changyan closed his eyes, calmed for a moment, and slowly asked: "Is the ugly Guanyin helping the wedding dress Yan Luo to find the fairy grass? According to the" poison "that was exhilarating and energetic, and then decayed to death, Are these really 'poisons'? Or is it a 'medicine' that failed to make? The wedding dress Yan Luo is doing these experiments on drugs, because he doesn't have fairy grass, so he wants to make it the same as fairy grass. s things."

"Is the wedding dress Yan Luo a terminally ill person?"

"Why does Hua Girl want to say goodbye to you?"

"Why did I wake up to the Royal Palace and be known by the Ugly Goddess of Mercy? By the way, I went to the Royal Palace to find the fairy grass, and the girl Hua told me."

"I asked her where Yiyue's body had gone, did she lie to me?"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty is like asking Li Minjun, and it is like asking yourself: "Who is the martial art above me? I can fully gain the trust of Yiyue and my trust. I can conceal the death of Princess Big Moon, Playing with the Central Plains martial arts in applause, he disputed the dispute between the two countries. "

Li Minjun heard the fur on his back: "If you really say that, this person must be one, one ..."

madman? Neuropathy? Hey? Paranoid? Crazy?

Nothing is enough to describe this person.

Li Minjun said, "Did you think that such a powerful person, a well-thought-out, heartbroken person, would be the girl Hua? As for her body? Why is she! What good does she do to you, and besides, doing so many things, What can she get? "

Ming Changyan thought about the previous events in his mind and muttered to himself: "I don't know what she wants. I didn't know since I was a kid." He looked back and said positively: "In short. Whether this person is or not She, you, and your younger brothers and sisters are not allowed to contact her. If you have contact with others, don't make a fuss. "

Li Minjun said: "Don't worry about me anymore. I worry about you more, what do you think?"

Ming Changyan sighed deeply: "If I kill your beloved friends, kill you to death, cause you to betray your relatives and leave you, and martial arts to no avail, what do you think?"

Li Minjun listened and said dryly: "I can't think of it."

Ming Chang Yan said: "Exactly. I can't think of it."

"Anyway, 'Marry Yi Yan Luo' has quieted down in recent days. I guess it ’s because of the feast and banquet, I will not forget the dead, but now it is more important to keep the living, you now I ’m here to take the young masters with great attention. She left you that year. Maybe it ’s just that I ’m dead. It does n’t matter how you are. If you know what you told me, you might not know what she would do. . "

"You can rest assured that I am not as good as you, but no one can beat the light work. In the three years you were away, I taught all the young people to be flexible enough to die, and they can directly act as sparrows in the sky. If you ca n’t beat others, your life is absolutely no problem. ”Li Minjun took a long banquet. Although this person is not at the top of the force, his power is as powerful as he said. If it is in the Central Plains Wulin, there is absolutely no second. A man who is better than him, so Ming Changyan once laughed that he was more suitable as a flying thief.

At this point, Huaiyu had already come out and said, "There is one more thing, your martial arts are totally abolished, which is caused by poisoning. But no matter what the poison is, if you want to poison the world's first martial arts almost completely, it will not be destroyed We noticed that once a short period of severe poisoning, it is too difficult to achieve, and it is likely to be caused by long-term poisoning. "

Li Minjun turned around. Just now, he already knew Huaiyu's identity, but in the face of Huaiyu's face, he still couldn't believe it. A young man like this would turn out to be the legendary small country man. Can't help but sigh.

Qin Yubao also followed him, and within a few minutes, he quickly became familiar with Huaiyu, like a little follower, and said, "Master, second master, what are you talking about? Such a long time?"

The Ming Dynasty feast came back to life, and Li Minjun felt that the burden of the Tianqing faction that was pressed on him was lighter, and he could not help reverting to his original state. He said, "Say your brother, the married brother, spilled water."

Qin Yubao crashed and said, "What to marry?"

Li Minjun said coldly: "Marry into a giant."

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