MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 81 Feast of Zen (12)

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Qin Yubao asked: "Brother, what else do you have?"

Ming Chang Yan said: "This matter has nothing to do with you. Now you both go back to Yuanhefang ~ ~, or practice sword, find something to do."

He concluded: "Anyway, don't follow me."

Qin Yubao nodded: "Oh!"

Ming Changyan also said, "Yu Ling, you too, you are not allowed to follow me, nor can it be secretly. If I find it, I will beat you fiercely."

Hua Yuling shrank her head and asked, "Brother, when will you be free?"

Ming long banquet: "Wait for my business."

As a brother, Hua Yuling listened to the long feast of the Ming Dynasty and obediently dragged Qin Yubao out of the door.

When arriving at the door, Qin Yubao suddenly said, "Brother! Then Brother Huaiyu, will he go with you?"

The long feast of the Ming lingered slightly.

Hua Yuling quickly said: "Oh! What's wrong with you, Brother Huaiyu is different from us!"

Qin Yubao asked: "What's different?"

Hua Yuling said: "The status is higher than ours. In short, don't ask! You are too young, and I said you don't understand it!"

Qin Yubao was dragged away in fog.

Huai Yu asked, "What do you have?"

He glanced warningly at the long feast.

Ming Changyan touched his neck and said, "It doesn't interfere with things. After I slept for a night, I feel much better. Huaiyu, I ask you, where is a clothing store in Kyoto?"

Huai Yu glanced at him.

Ming Chang feasted: "I want to buy clothes."

Huai Yu asked, "Are you rich?"

Ming Changyan thought that people had helped him so much. If he even used his money to buy clothes, it would be too ridiculous. He laughed and said, "You don't need to worry about it."

Who knows, speaking of this, Huaiyu's face is very bad.

Ming Chang Ban did not know why he was in a bad mood again. It's just that he didn't make it clear to Huaiyu and made the other person think he was an outsider. The long feast of the Ming Dynasty secretly said: I and him can be regarded as confidants, Huai Yu helped me twice or twice, but it was not good for me to conceal him.

Simply, no longer wasting time in this place, and directly said to Huaiyu, "I'm going to Langya Creek?"

Huai Yu's face was loose, and she immediately guessed, "You're going to the post house."

Langya Creek has a relatively large post house. Among them, many people live in other countries, and that street is more prosperous than elsewhere.

Ming Changyan said: "Yes. This year is very strange. After Langya Xiaohe lived in, they were not allowed to enter the Central Plains. Unheard of! On the territory of the Central Plains, people in the Central Plains cannot go!"

Huaiyu explained: "The station is divided into several terrains, and the courts of various countries stand up and stand on their own. In addition, in the special territory, except the Central Plains are not allowed to enter, nor are they controlled by the Central Plains King Law, all are handled by their own laws. . "

Ming Changyan said: "It seems Li Minjun is right. I still have to take a look at this to ensure that Li Minjun is not a wrong judge."

Huai Yu said: "The world is big, there are as many officials as clouds, there are so many chivalrous people, why do you want to take care of this matter?"

Ming Changyan said: "You have asked this question many years ago. The answer is no solution."

Huai Yu did not speak, but accompanied him down the 99th Palace.

Ming Changyan said: "In this world, many things are involuntary. It's strange that this young man was too young and vigorous at that time, so what's wrong is not good enough. Hey! It can be seen that people are too good, but also a trouble!"

Huai Yu listened to him and started to appreciate it again, so he ignored it.

In the character of Ming Changyan, this is not bad. He will never feel sad, and has a strong ability to heal. The sky collapses and presses him. Within a few days, he will be able to get up alive, clap his hands and continue to move forward.

Huai Yu paused for a while, and then asked, "Why do you want to draw a life order?"

Ming Chang feasted: "Because I want to be first in the day."

Huai Yu said: "Why do you want to be number one in the day?"

Ming banquet of Ming Dynasty: "Naturally, I became the number one in the world, so I have gained fame, which can be daunting and intimidating, and I can receive Yi Yue from the Central Plains. Unfortunately, I thought it was too simple at the time. It ’s useless now. I ’m number one in the world, and it ’s good or bad. It ’s not something I can decide. ”Speaking of this, Ming Changyan said with emotion:“ After the Cangsheng Order was taken, Xiaohan Temple was not. I have stopped vilifying Tianqing. I always talk about how brutal the Tianqing faction is and how cruel I am. Xiaohan Temple and Dahan Temple, one □□ face and one sing white face, are actually neither good. Actually, I still did a lot of good things in Lin'an. My evaluations elsewhere were mixed. In Lin'an, even the old storyteller who ran and worked hard for many years didn't help much, haha. "

Huai Yu said: "For example?"

Ming Changyan began: "It's bigger than the little good things like helping grandma to cross the street."

Huai Yu asked, "What is bigger?"

The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty is very proud: "Help two grandmothers cross the street!"

Huai Yu: ...

Ming Chang Yan Wu said, "Of course, it's not just two grandmothers who crossed the street."

Huaiyu was also curious: "What else?"

Ming Chang Yan grinned, "Maybe it's the grandmother and her object."

Huai Yu simply shut up and didn't ask.

In the Chen Yipu, the Ming banquet only requires a set of clothes. Long-sleeved wide robe, skirt with high forks, silver pendants on the waist, white costume. He looks very good, is more three-dimensional than the man's facial features in Central Plains, and has extremely white skin, reddish-brown pupils, and not pure black hair, which is very exotic.

Huai Yu said, "How do you mix in?"

Ming Chang Yan smiled slightly: "me, I have my own way. In the end, I haven't worn this kind of clothes for years. I really don't like these jingle things."

Huai Yu asked, "Is Dayue's clothes the same?"

Ming Chang feasted: "Dayue's clothes are more cumbersome. And there are a bunch of accessories hanging on the ears and heads, which are useless." He touched his tail: "In Dayue, the hair can't be this Stay, you have to cut everything, representing the whole country as a whole. "

Out of the door, Ming Changyan stood at the door, squinting and looking at a certain direction.

Huai Yu looked around and saw a man, a man, kneeling beside the tea shop, with a sign on his neck: to sell his dog and bury his dog.

Looking at the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, this person is a tiger head and a brain, with a red face and a thick neck, and his right leg is slightly deformed. The whole person is very round. Of course, this is not the reason that Ming Changyan noticed him. The reason Ming Changyan noticed him was because he wore a dress.

Black clothes and black yarn, a gentleman!

The gentleman who buried his dog buried himself drank saliva, wiped his sweat, and suddenly grabbed a passerby's leg.

The passer-by was startled and yelled, "You fucking! What are you doing!"

"A gentleman" said: "Give me some money and I will bury a pet dog."

Passerby: "Are you sick!"

"A gentleman" said: "Ah, don't say that, anyway, I am also a long feast. You give me some money, and I bless your family with everything, every year today, every year."

Passerby: "My mother is dead today!"

"Some gentleman" sighed endlessly: "Sorrow changes smoothly."

He let go of his hand, but unexpectedly, the next moment, a man suddenly stood in front of him.

"A gentleman looks up", Ming Chang Yan smiled slightly and said, "Old acquaintance. Long time no see, kidnapper."

The kidnapper said: "Ah, long time no see!"

At this moment, the dog pretending to be dead immediately climbed up with training.

Ming Long Banquet: "It seems that your days have been very difficult recently."

The kidnapping king touched his dog and said, "Yeah, the big feast is going to be sealed, and there are more and more‘ a gentleman ’on the road. It ’s hard to do!”

Ming Changyan laughed and said, "Why, is there any competition for this?"

King Ziguai: "Of course, three hundred and sixty lines, which one is easy to do? I really can't figure out what those people with martial arts play as a gentleman and grab a job!"

He said: "I won't say this anymore, it's rare to see an acquaintance in Kyoto. Why, this time your friend is not with you."

Ming Changyan said: "Aren't you my friend. Good friend, you are so short of money, why don't I give you a way to make money?"

After taking a few steps, the Ming feast brought the king of the abductor's collar and directly carried out light work. The abductor Wang stunned for a moment, and then made a loud cry.

After calling for less than a quarter of an hour, the voice of the kidnapper king came to an abrupt halt, and the Ming feast fell on the wall.

"Why don't you call?"

The kidnapping king's belt was grasped by him. It was like a piece of pork to be harvested at the moment. I was embarrassed and said, "My throat is a little dry."

Ming Changyan smiled and said, "I see you screaming loudly when you pretend to be a gentleman and sell your dog."

Although his expression was very harmonious, there was no smile in his eyes.

The kidnapper Wang instinctively felt that his life had been threatened.

Sure enough, the next second, Ming Changyan lifted his feet, the kidnapper screamed, rolled from the wall to the ground, rolled a dozen circles, and stopped.

Ming Changyan smiled and looked cold and cold, he took a smile, and suddenly yelled: "A Central Plains waste, dare to do something with me!"

The kidnapper Wang Zhengyu stood up, Ming Changyan moved his right hand flexibly, and clicked his dumb hole. The abductor Wang Dun felt uncomfortable, stood up, stumbled and tried to run, but unexpectedly, the Ming Changyan was right in the middle of his chest, and kicked out again.

"Why? Feeling guilty? Don't dare talk? Waste things! I thought I was the same year, and I don't see what the Central Plains look like now!"

The kidnapping king was bruised and swollen, and he could not escape the encirclement planned by the Ming Changyan.

There was a lot of movement, and the pedestrians gradually moved closer.

Here, it is the periphery of the Langya Creek, a row of guards, and a nondescript white line that turned the residential area of ​​the Langya Creek into a country of China.

There is a state within a state, and a law within a law.

The Ming Changyan feasted like a sandbag, and took the abductor Wang on the tree. Fortunately, he covered his flesh with the whole body, and Ming Changyan didn't play a heavy hand, in fact, it didn't hurt much.

The team at the Langya River was finally shocked.

The leader held Ming Changyan and said, "What are you doing?"

Ming Changyan cursed fiercely: "I learned this Central Plains waste! What are you doing!" He shouted loudly: "What are you afraid of? Central Plains waste, are you wasteful! We can occupy here right away and hit him now What happened to a few people, I just killed him and I see how the Emperor of Central Plains can treat me! "

The lead guard's face and beard were scared and deformed, and he rushed to cover Ming Changyan's mouth. Ming Changyan's eyes fell on him in black and white, with bright colors and touching hair, and stepped back without a trace.

The lead guard looked at his appearance and confirmed that he was not from the Central Plains, so he said, "Where do you come from, how dare you speak so loudly outside! You know this--"

He suddenly lowered his voice: "Hasn't it been implemented yet! Are you so anxious about your temper ?! Dumb! Idiot!"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty secretly said: He lied to him, but did not expect that they really had the idea of ​​the Central Plains.

He said, "I don't like to hear what you say. Why do you call me stupid? Will you hit me!"

The lead guard thought that he was magnanimous. In the future, his tribe would conquer the Central Plains. He is to be a general, and a person to be a general, he will certainly not argue with such a concubine.

Xiao Yanming's long banquet was caught by the self-proclaimed "future general" and brought to Langya Xiao Hanoi.

The kidnapper Wang's eyes widened, and he ran up and down to run into Langya Creek, but he was stopped halfway by another man.

At a glance, the kidnapper Wang was still an acquaintance, and this acquaintance was the handsome little friend of the Ming Dynasty feast.

When Ming Changyan left, he did not unlock the acupuncture points. The kidnapper Wang lived on as a "gentleman", but he had never learned a little bit of martial arts. Therefore, he could not solve the dumb point.

Huai Yu helped him unlock the acupuncture instead of the Ming Chang Ban, and gave him the reward that he had just said to the Ming Chang Ban. It turned out to be a small gold bead. The kidnapper Wang was overjoyed. I want to thank, who knows that the handsome young friends are very cold. Road: "Get out."

The kidnapper Wang took a nap, and said that he would roll away without any delay.

On the other side, after the Ming banquet was brought into the Langya Xiaohe residential area, the chief guard said, "What country are you from, did the envoys who brought you remind you?"

Ming Chang feasted stupidly: "Remind me? Remind me?"

The guard sighed and said, "You speak more carefully yourself. Don't go into the mouth of the Central Plains to talk about the things just now."

The Ming Chang feast suddenly realized, "I see. You mean something to rebel?"

The guard's face changed, and he said, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Ming Changyan also said: "That is to prepare to resist, has not yet begun to resist? Sorry, the envoy has never said this to me, I will pay attention next time. Then you, are you ready to resist?"

The guard has a thick eyebrow and a stern look. The Ming Changyan judged that his intelligence level was not high, so he talked and cheated, saying: "Or do you want to join forces to resist?"

The guard did not like the word "resistance" and said: "Weak flesh and strong food, heroes compete, and strong ones win. The Central Plains is no longer the former Central Plains. We are just following the fate of heaven and taking over this land!"

Listening to the long feast of Ming, "It seems that you have made up your mind?"

The captain hesitated, "Which country are you from?"

Ming Chang Yan opened his hand: "You can't see the clothes I'm wearing?"

The guard stared at it for a long time and shook his head.

It is expected that this person could not understand the language of Dayue, and the Ming Changyan spoke two more words of Dayue, so that the captain of the guard relieved his final doubts. However, the chief guard did not understand which country he was from, but the Ming banquet was not annoyed, but smiled and said, "Then come closer and take a closer look."

The head of the guard extended his head and glanced at it, and Ming Changyan suddenly raised his knees in the middle of the head of the guard's nose.

The guard gazed at Venus, covering his nose, and immediately felt two warm liquids pouring out of his nose.

Ming Changyan clapped his hands and was about to slip away. At this moment, he heard a familiar voice coming from behind.

"How do you say it is Dayue, but you are wearing Bai Guo's clothes?" 2k novel reading network

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