MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 82 Grand Banquet (13)

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Ming Changyan turned his head and saw a woman.

However, at this time, whether it is to see a man or a woman, it is not a good sign.

And, this woman also knows him.

Judging by a black dress with a tall fork, the person who came was Mr. Hai, who had smashed an apple core on his head the other day.

Ming Chang feasted: "It was you!"

After Mr. Hai arrived in the Central Plains, everyone went to the countryside to follow the customs, and called her "Mr." Mr. Hai liked this title very much, so he also asked the Ming Banquet to call her "Mr."

Mr. Hai said: "It's me, why are you here. When I saw you last time, you were a Central Plains person. When I saw you this time, you were wearing Bai Guo's clothes, and you spoke the language of Dayue. You are such a strange person! "

Ming Changyan laughed and laughed: "Actually, my mother is a Central Plains man, my father is a Dayue ... wife, is it Baiguo. Now, my parents died, and naturally they followed his wife and wore Baiguo clothes!"

Mr. Hai was very strange, saying: "Follow his wife? In your Central Plains, isn't it to marry your husband and your husband and your dog to your dog?

Ming Changyan laughed and said, "That's Mr. Hai, I don't know. We are all like this. There are still important things to do, let's just stop there."

Unexpectedly, Mr. Hai suddenly broke into a problem and stopped one hand in front of Ming Changyan.

Wanting to come to the other party does not intend to let him such a suspicious character easily, Ming Chang Yan Yan raised his eyebrows and asked: "Mr. Hai, what do you mean?"

Mr. Hai looked at Ming Changyan with a smile, and said, "You remember what I said last time, and when I meet next time, I want to talk to you."

Ming Changyan replied, "Mr. Hai, don't say that I have a bad memory. I just have a bad memory, and I know that you and I have never said this."

Mr. Hai laughed: "You also said that you have a bad memory. Naturally you don't remember! Anyway, I remind you now!"

A long banquet was given at the Ming dynasty, saying: "No. This matter, whether I have a memory or not, I will not say it. It is true that I have already made it clear that this young man has a wife's room. If you think I'm handsome and entangled with me, I will be upset. "

Mr. Hai's face turned red, and he was annoyed, "You're bullshit! Find death!"

Ming Chang Yan gave a grinning smile, and quickly took a step back: "Oh! Don't be angry, Mr. Hai! As I said before, you do n’t hit handsome guys, I do n’t hit women, we are not destined to fight! Ca n’t just look at you I am stubborn around me, I do n’t love you, and you hate because of love. ”When he said that, his eyes narrowed,“ If you must stop me, then it does n’t matter to me. Anyway, you will Let me go. "

Mr. Hai suddenly felt a keen sense of killing. As soon as she said a word "what", she realized that she could not move all over her body.

Not only was she unable to move, she also watched her hands that had been blocking the road slammed down, giving way to the Ming feast.

Mr. Hai glared, "What did you do!"

She was shocked.

Mr. Hai himself has a high level of martial arts. When he came to the Central Plains, he did not take anyone seriously. She is one of the best warriors in her country, so she also has this capital and ability. But at this moment, she was successful in her alert state of defense!

Not only can't move, even hands and feet don't listen! But she kept keeping her distance from each other. Why?

Shocked, Mr. Hai raised his voice and said, "What the **** did you do!"

Ming Changyan laughed and said, "Relieve the anger. Women are always angry what they do, they are angry, they have bad skin, and they become ugly. Mr. Hai is beautiful, if I am angry, I will be very sad."

Seeing his mouth full of nonsense, Mr. Hai couldn't help gritting his teeth. After a while, she suddenly smiled softly: "Since you say I'm beautiful, it's better that you let me go, I must treat you well."

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty jumped on the wall and smiled slightly: "Isn't Mr. Hai waiting for people to finish their words? You are beautiful, but my wife is more beautiful than Tianxian."

He clenched his fist: "Thank you Mr. Hai for letting me go, there will be a period later!"

After a quarter of an hour, Mr. Hai barely moved. Her hand moved first, with a small pinhole at her arm. After her whole body recovered, she discovered that her limbs had been punctured with a few needles before she noticed.

Anxious, she kicked the captain lying on the floor and cursed, "Stupid!"

Ming Changyan jumped off the wall, and Huaiyu has been waiting for a long time.

He jumped like this and almost jumped into Huaiyu's arms. After landing, he was surprised: "How are you here!"

Huai Yu said coldly: "Why, shouldn't I be here. Still here should be your wife who looks like a fairy."

Ming Chang feast laughed, but secretly said in his heart: It happened, something bad is happening. Why is this little ancestor outside the wall, if I know, I won't talk nonsense!

Huai Yu said, "What's wrong, do you really think?"

Ming Changyan slammed back: "Uh, uh uh? Think about it, I didn't think of anything! I swear! Hey, the situation is urgent, you haven't seen it, the woman saw Ben Shaoxia handsome and unparalleled, Being romantic, I want to occupy Ben Shaoxia as a husband. Fortunately, I am clean and smart, so I thought of a way to get away in time.

Huai Yu was too lazy to listen to his explanation, the Ming Changyan quickly caught up with: "Okay, okay, I won't say it next time!"

Huai Yu said, "What matters to me."

After speaking, without looking at the long feast, I went a long way.

Ming Chang Yan sighed and was wondering what was going on.

Huai Yu walked for a long time, seeing that he did not keep up, and his footwork gradually became heavy. Go further, slower, and finally stop.

Seeing Ming Changyan, he quickly stepped forward: "Why don't you go?"

Huai Yu didn't speak.

The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty suddenly blessed the soul, and smiled slightly: "I'm going to Egret College, are you going?"

Huai Yu said, "Are you going to Egret College now?"

Ming Chang Yan nodded: "I need to find Liu Cang."

Huai Yu said, "Egret College now gathers many rivers and lakes. If you pass by like this, if you meet an acquaintance, take you ..."

He hadn't finished this sentence, and suddenly, a loud cry appeared between the two.


The long feast of the Ming lingered slightly.

In the restaurant, a young man was shaking his arms with flowers: "Brother! Brother! It's me! It's me!"

Ming Changyan muttered, "Strange? Is he talking to me?"

The young man not only moved to show off, but everyone also dressed up in a garish manner. He pushed the crowd away and ran down from the restaurant.

"Let Jean! Let Jean! I'm looking for my brother, I'm looking for my brother!"

Ming Changyan saw him crawling down and running down, the posture, the movement, and the "water-filled poppies", could not help but open the air field with scattered leaves, the more you look, the more familiar you are.

Is it him?

No, why is it so bad?

The young man finally came to the Ming feast and shouted, "Brother!"

Ming Changyan laughed: "Stop. Who are you? I have only one younger sister and no younger brother."

Youth said: "You don't remember me! I'm a wooden figure!"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty suddenly realized: "Oh-it's a wooden figure!"

Mu Tu said: "Do you remember me?"

Ming Chang feasted: "Who is the wooden figure?"

Mu Tu didn't care if Mingyan remembered him, and said directly: "It doesn't matter, brother forgot me, but I dare not forget brother for a moment."

He said sadly: "Brother, I already know that Yiyue is dead. Your grief will change smoothly, but you can rest assured that even if she dies, I will let her scenery marry me and become the Queen of Aga!"

Ming Changyan finally couldn't pretend to be stupid and said, "Save it, I won't agree. Also, don't call me my brother, I don't have your brother."

Mu Tu said: "It doesn't matter, brother! It doesn't matter if you don't agree, my soul is already with Yiyue! It doesn't matter if you don't have my brother, I have always been your brother-in-law!"

Ming Changyan pushed his face away and said briefly: "Don't dream in the sky."

Huaiyu tilted her head and looked at the Ming feast, meaning: Explanation.

The long banquet of the Ming dynasty made a short story: "The three princes of the Ajia tribe had played with Yi Yue as a child. Since childhood, he has been a shameless gummy candy, entangled with Yi Yue to marry her. But Yi Yue did not like it, so I disagree , He took care of himself and called me brother. After I arrived in the Central Plains, I didn't meet. "

Mu Tu insisted on catching up and said, "Brother, I just saw you far away, and I still can't recognize you. It turns out that you are really in the Central Plains! What have you done in the Central Plains these years? But how do you wear Baiguo's clothes?"

Ming Chang Yan secretly said: No, which pot is not open!

Just now, when he was confronted with Mr. Hai, nonsense, he had a wife of Bai Guo, because of this matter, Huai Yu was still out of temper with him.

This temper is really inexplicable. The Ming Changyan seems to understand a little, and a little do not understand.

In short, he knew one thing: Huaiyu was upset.

Ming Changyan said: "Don't bother me-what do you watch me do?"

This person, Mutu, was born with a lack of eyes and a missing muscle in his brain. Looking at Ming Changyan at this moment, he suddenly said with emotion: "Brother, you and Yiyue really look like you! I was thinking just now. Since Yiyue is dead, it would be the same as I marry you!"

Ming Yan feasted with a heartbeat, and slapped the wooden figure with a slap.

He was relieved with a lot of cleanness in his ears.

Mu Tu lay on the ground, screaming in pain.

Ming Changyan ignored him and turned to look at Huaiyu, "What did you just say? When you meet an acquaintance, what about me?"

He asked exactly what Huaiyu had said before, but was later interrupted by Mu Tu.

Who knows, Huaiyu said nothing.

He said: "The three princes of the Ajia tribe should rest in the post hall at this time. It seems that the person in front of him must be impersonating."

Ming Changyan said: "Impersonation? That's not true. I've seen him. Apart from being stupid, this boy looks ..."

Huaiyu's eyes frosted and he said, "Where is the Thirteen Guards?"

In the dark, a team gathered silently. After Zhao Xiaolan's incident, the queen was overly sad, and the emperor increased his force on Kyoto, fearing that such incidents would occur again. Therefore, there are thirteen guards secretly protecting Im and Huaiyu. Although Ming Changyan always knew that these people were around, it was also very indifferent. After all, Huaiyu's martial arts are not bad, and no human protection is needed at all.

This was the first time that the Ming feast saw him calling the 13 guards.

Huai Yu said arrogantly: "Catch it."

Mutu said blankly: "Wait! Wait what you do to this prince!"

Huaiyu ignored: "Existing people from unknown sources pretend to be the three princes of the Ajia tribe, put him in a dungeon, and punish him for three days to show the dignity of the emperor.

Mutu suddenly struggled: "Presumptuous! What is pretending to be! The prince is a prince who is serious and honest! What are you doing! You let me go! Be careful I ask my father to clean up!"

The Thirteen Guards obeyed Xiao Guoxiang and ignored the screams of Mu Tu at all. After Mutu yelled and found that it was completely useless, his eyes turned to Ming Changyan.

He shouted: "Brother! Brother! You save me! You know mine! I'm not impersonating! Who is he brother! Why did he catch me!"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty was helping, and he was about to speak, but unexpectedly the thirteen guards said, "Stop! You have no reason for the small country!"

Mu Tu said: "What little country, I don't know! Brother! What did he say!"

Take a look at Huaiyu, and then look at the long feast.

He thought: Although I never knew when the small country minister was married, I heard Princess Yonging said that the small country minister accompanied his wife day and night, and the wife of the country minister loved to wear men's clothes.

Leading a boxing in the belly of Mutu, he said, "Bold! Let's take care of your relatives, open your dog's eyes and see clearly, that's Mrs. Guo, who is your brother!"

Although Mu Tu was punched in the stomach, his head started to faint.

"What country lady? He is my brother! Otsuki's prince! Why are you Central Plains so strange! Just open your eyes and talk nonsense! He is clearly a man!"

Ming Changyan said: "Speak well, don't do it. This kid really annoys me. Have you not given a heavy hand?"

The leader said: "Mrs. Hui, just a little commandment."

The Ming Changyan ignored this sour title, but still got goosebumps, and only said, "Don't go to jail, find me a clean inn and shut him down for three days. Don't stop him from eating. Give whatever you want, just don't allow him to run around. "

After speaking, the Ming feast didn't want to hear what Mu Tu said, and dragged Huaiyu to rush to Egret College.

Along the way, he intuitively thought that Huaiyu's mood was better, not as cold as before.

The two went up from the back of the mountain to avoid meeting acquaintances.

At the academy, the Ming feast directly opened the door and saw Liu Cang standing in the yard. Grandma was lying on the stone table beside her, looking sick and weak. Zhao Xiaolan has always had the best relationship with Grandma in the academy. After his death, Grandma has always been gloomy. She used to take Zhao Xiaolan as her small follower every time she had fun, but suddenly she lost a friend, and she told any Nothing interest me. Because of Zhuang's laugh, the emperor was worried that Duan Mintian would probably be crazy when he was next to him. He almost got rid of him. Because of this crying even more, Grandma later let the queen come forward. Duan Yi left.

Duan Ye did not know what he was about to leave. He was by his side every day. He only knew that the little master had been sad and crying for nearly a month, but he did n’t know how to be good, so he stayed obedient. Beside her. Huai Yu saw it and walked over.

Ming Changyan closed his eyes, sighed, and opened his eyes again, and approached: "Liu Sanqing, what's happening over Langya Xiaohe, do you know?"

Liu Cang put down his pen and replied, "Can you know such a big thing?"

Ming Chang feasted, "Do you know that you're still so sleepy?"

Liu Qiang behaved very generously: "Why should I not be able to hold my breath? Isn't this you?"

Ming Yan feasted for a moment, and asked, "What do you mean?"

The author has something to say: Our little fish is more beautiful than Tianxian

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