MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 83 Grand Banquet (14)

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Liu Cang made a gesture to him, signaled that the long feast was listening.

Ming Changyan doubted him, leaned slightly and got closer to Liu Cang. Liu Cang lowered his voice, his expression was serious, and he said so to the Ming Long Banquet. The more Ming Chang Yan listened, the more his face became speechless, and, a little bit unhappy.

After Liu Qian finished speaking, he patted his shoulder and sighed, "Sometimes, many personal feelings are put at the end. If you are convinced, if you are not convinced, there is only this way for you to go. Right I saw Brother Min Jun just now. He is here. "

When the Long Banquet of the Ming Dynasty arrived at Egret Academy, the Cang Shengling was invited to be born.

Originally, Cang Shengling has been hanging around Huaiyu's waist, but now, in his empty place, only one jade pendant has fallen here.

With this in mind, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty secretly said: How did it fall into the hands of Huaiyu after the disappearance of the Cangsheng? It seems that the people in the martial arts have great confidence in Huaiyu, and even this thing can be deposited in the 99th Palace!

At that time, when the Ming banquet was held all over the world, although I have heard the name of the ninety-nine palace Yun Qingxian, but never minded it. The matter of the temple has never belonged to his jurisdiction. However, after losing all his martial arts, he followed Huai Yu's side, almost inseparable. In this year, he saw that Huai Yu and the martial arts contacts many times, and found that a large part of the prestigious martial arts in Martial Arts were very afraid of "Yun Qingxian people ". Even if the other person is a young man, it scares everyone by three points.

The Ming banquet did not understand. In the end, did those people fear the power in Huaiyu's hands, or the living order in his hands?

Liu Cang said, "Did you listen to me?"

Ming Chang feast returned to God: "I heard. I know that I met Li Minjun a few days ago and said hello."

Huai Yu stood not far away, and after seeing the two of them chatting privately, they walked straight up.

Liu Cang hurriedly greeted, "Small country, I have been fine recently."

Huai Yu nodded slightly and said, "Sui Ning's condition is not good."

Liu Cang glanced at the gloomy grandma and sighed helplessly: "This is also no way out. She and Xiao Lan are the best. The princess is still young and has not experienced life and death. Now a good friend says that it will be No, I'm afraid she can't accept this fact for a while. "

Huai Yu said, "I'm not here to listen to your nonsense."

Liu Qiang was a little surprised, and turned his head to Huaiyu.

Huai Yu ordered: "You give me a chance to coax her."

Liu condition: ...

Grandma is pleased with Liu Liu, this is a well-known thing. However, Liu Kuang is a teacher, and naturally he can't be the grandmother's intention, everyone should only be a child to play tricks. Of course, there is another very important reason. This little girl is only fifteen this year. The age when she does n’t understand any love is because Mr. Liu is different from everyone, most gentle and erudite. Share worship has developed into a favorite. At the same time that Liu Cang couldn't help crying, he could only watch Grandma sell his babies in front of him, unable to refuse directly. After all, this princess is the only daughter of the queen today, and she is loved by the emperor. Who dares to disobey it?

Ming Changyan said: "Huaiyu, don't let the strong guys do it. What little girl can Liu Sanqing coax? Doesn't this allow him to take advantage of it? Grandma is about to get married, so let's talk first. But she is not allowed to marry Liu Sanqing! "

Huaiyu nodded: "Yes."

Liu Qian: "..."

"I shouldn't let you up the mountain. Maybe you should be stopped at the foot of the mountain."

Ming Changyan looked at Huaiyu, lowered his voice, and whispered, "I rarely see that you care about others. Why, now it's changed?"

Huai Yu said coldly, "Do you care?"

Ming feast suddenly shut up.

Just then, a familiar figure came up from the road.

"Mr. Liu!"

The visitor was Lu Xingjiu.

Ming Changyan didn't see him for a long time.

Liu Cang said, "What do you run so fast, watch out for wrestling. Why did you come to me today? Didn't you listen to you yesterday, you want to see your big brother?"

After Lu Xingjiu said hello, people got stuck, and he looked like he was afraid to say it. After hearing that Liu Cang mentioned his big brother, that look even more slack, like the eggplant beaten by frost.

Liu Ceng looked at him and said slowly: "If you want to talk to me, just say it, you don't have to cover it in front of me."

Lu Xingjiu came here this time, in fact, he wanted to ask his emperor Lu Xinggeng's arrival. But he was slow, and he didn't catch up with the request of Cang Shengling. When he came down the mountain, the people were almost dispersed.

He hesitated for a moment and asked, "Are my emperors here?"

Liu Cang said: "Here it is. It's just gone."

Lu Xingjiu was very disappointed: "Leave? When did he leave? He, he ... Has he ever asked, asked about my schoolwork ..."

Liu Kuang stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Of course I asked."

Lu Xingjiu's eyes lit up: "What did Mr. Na say! What my brother said!"

Liu Cang said: "I am honestly telling you. Your Highness is very concerned about your schoolwork. Of course, in addition to your schoolwork, you also asked how your food and accommodation are. I told him that you are all well, so that he does not have to worry about it.

The more Lu Xingjiu listened, the more excited he was. He squeezed his hands into fists, and finally let go: "Then I, then I'll go to the Emperor! I haven't seen him for a long time!"

Unexpectedly, Liu Cang stopped him suddenly: "It's not necessary to go to Nine. His Royal Highness takes care of everything, and now the feast of the feast is busy, so wait after this period of time, and don't worry."

Lu Xingjiu listened, thought about it, nodded quickly, and suddenly realized: "Mr. Right! The students have been taught!"

His face was so bright, different from the sullenness when he first arrived.

Lu Xingjiu arched his hand and said, "The student has left!"

Before saying goodbye to Liu Qiang, he glanced and glimpsed the Ming feast.

Ming feast stood in place, do not dodge or dodge, let Lu Xingjiu look.

Lu Xingjiu looked at him suspiciously for a long time, and thought: This man is so familiar, have I met him somewhere?

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty has been seen for a long time, and it is not natural. He said very politely to Lu Xing, "Hello."

When he was dressed as a woman, he had a family holiday with Lu Xingjiu, a little kid. I was just bored at that time, bullying Lu Xingjiu to relieve boredom. Now that martial arts has been restored, naturally it is no longer common with children.

Fortunately, Lu Xingjiu didn't watch it for a long time. He was really happy, and he almost jumped down the mountain.

Until the other person's figure completely disappeared, Ming Changyan asked: "What did you lie to him just now? What did he say about the emperor, did you never care about him from beginning to end? I have known you for so long, still It's the first time I've seen you engage in this kind of lies. "

Liu Cang said: "Did I not have it before?"

Ming Chang feasted: "You used to be malicious."

Liu Cang laughed and poured himself a cup of tea to drink to himself: "The child Lu Xingjiu is the most unloved prince in Nanliang. He was bereaved from childhood and was crowded out by everyone and hates it. The Emperor Liang Guo did not like him, so Send him to Central Plains as a proton. "

"He works hardest and worked hardest at Egret College. He is the student who has the best writing skills and the first homework in the college. He comes to ask his elder brother just to wonder if his elder brother has ever asked him about his schoolwork. In this way, his elder brother You know, he's not completely useless, or he's actually a very useful child. "

Ming Changyan said: "I saw that he was good in all aspects except for his bad temper. Why was he excluded?"

Liu Cong calmly said: "Because he is a broken sleeve. He is both inferior and strong. He has been squeezed out in Nanliang for a long time and his character has become very bad. He treats his peers very harshly. He is already the first in Egret College, but It is still not valued by Liang Guo. Well, how can the royal family allow a prince in his country to have a broken sleeve. "

Ming Changyan raised an eyebrow and said, "Is it because of a broken sleeve?"

Liu Qian put down the tea bowl and said, "Yes."

Ming Changyan asked again, "Is that because he hates him for this reason?"

Liu Cang said: "That's not it. The princess is naive and kind, and she will never hate anyone because of her broken sleeves. She just hates Lu Xingjiu, and has no other meaning. I guess it is probably the beam that was formed before. , But the children are fighting, and they will be reconciled after the quarrel. "

Ming Chang Yan nodded: "It's not late, let's leave first."

Liu Cang said: "Take care of yourself. It's better not to show up for a while."

Say goodbye to Liu Qian, and walk down the hill in the Ming Dynasty Banquet Hall.

At the mid-mountain, he suddenly grasped the point.

Footsteps, a sudden meal.

Broken sleeves? ?

Is the broken sleeve still to be abandoned? ?

Ming Changyan touched his nose and walked slowly. Somehow ... he was very guilty.

Speaking of broken sleeves, he had previously read a Longyang album. Although the picture book was stuffed into his arms by the hawker, it had nothing to do with him, but it fell out of his arms at that time, and was watched by Huaiyu.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was startled, and secretly said: No! In the Central Plains, is it still necessary to be abandoned? That grandma also told me that everyone likes to read off sleeve pictures! Huaiyu ... don't you hate me?

After thinking about it, it's not right.

Ming Changyan said, "No, no, nothing to do with me. I'm not a broken sleeve. I don't like men. I walk right, I'm not afraid of shadows, and I'm nervous. If Huaiyu asked, I would tell the truth, saying that this album was forcibly and forcibly given to me by others, and I didn't know it.

After a solitary consolation, Ming Shaoxia still had a little tadpole in his heart.

He walked around, looking at Huaiyu again and again, still tangling the matter.

However, the album did fall out of his arms and was indeed seen by Huaiyu. The evidence was conclusive, and he would not sink even if he wanted to resist. If Huaiyu hates broken sleeves, doesn't he also hate him? Then he walked so close to Huaiyu, would Huaiyu hate me? And it's been so long, Huaiyu didn't ask, wouldn't he have reached a conclusion for him?

After much deliberation, Ming Shaoxia fell into confusion.

In my mind, the two villains were fighting hard.

The villain said: What is your guilty conscience, and you are not breaking your sleeves, how can you walk closer to him! Heaven and earth can be learned, and have a clear conscience!

Villain B said: you fart!

The Ming feast suddenly took a few steps back.

Huai Yu felt weird when he saw that he didn't talk along the way. It's even more weird to go back and forth now.

So he stopped and asked, "What are you doing?"

Ming Changyan looked at him blankly: "Huh? Oh, oh, me, I'm a little tired, I'm going slowly, you go first!"

After listening to his words, instead of walking first, Huaiyu stepped back and walked to him.

"What are you thinking?"

Ming Changyan almost blurted out: I was wondering if I was really a broken sleeve.

Fortunately, the words came to my mouth, and I braked in time. Ming Changyan coughed suddenly: "Nothing. By the way, don't lean on me so close, I'm a little hot."

Huaiyu's face suddenly darkened.

This look was being captured by Ming Shaoxia. The alarm bell in his heart was a masterpiece and secretly said: No! Ben Shaoxia hasn't determined whether he is or not. His response is so great. In case I am really a broken sleeve, he doesn't hate me. It must be.

Ming Changyan flatly did not want to damage his relationship with Huaiyu because he "just had a little possibility" was a broken sleeve, so he didn't want to, and quickly distanced himself from Huaiyu.

"You go!"

Huai Yu said darkly, "Where to go?"

Ming Changyan said: "Down the mountain! Xiao Huaiyu, you don't need to worry about me. I just think that we can actually walk so close together. Make friends, and the most important thing is to give the other party a sufficient foothold. There is enough Think about time. I think this distance is just right! "

Huai Yu said coldly, "What's in your head?"

Ming Chang Yan said: "Naturally you don't understand. Otherwise, how can I be the best in the world!"

After he said it, he quickly added: "Don't rush, you go first, I'm thinking about one thing."

Huai Yu snorted coldly and turned around.

Ming Chang Yan was relieved, and slowly followed.

He thought to himself: hey, I shouldn't be a broken sleeve.

Ming Shaoxia searched his intestines and scratched his belly, and matched a few friends around him. If he married Li Minjun, how would he marry him?

He was definitely not interested in men. Ming Shaoxia folded a piece of hay and drew it in his mouth as he walked: I think in the Longyang dialect, there was a man who had to be broken sleeves ... Appalling. If I were really a broken sleeve, and seeing the temperament of Huaiyu ’s little ancestor, how could I be willing to be willing to let others down, it would be a pity for that beautiful face. If I say that, would n’t it be me ...

Ming Shaoxia was scared by a shock, thinking: Forget it, nonsense!

After taking two steps, he suddenly returned to God, like Wu Lei Hongding, shocked in place.

Why did he use Huaiyu to imagine!

The author has something to say: Hahahahaha! Bend me!

I remember when the serialization was very early, there were still people who shouted that Lu Xingjiu was Lu Zhinan. In fact, Lu Xingjiu was a little guy. 2k novel reading network