MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 89 Grand Banquet (Seventeen)

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Ming Chang Yan turned the newspaper over and over again.

Linglong Court's newspapers have always been sloppy and turned over seven or eight times. The room was full of paper capricorns.

Huai Yu said, "What are you turning?"

Ming Changyan didn't look up, skipped the big title on the first page, and turned to the second and third pages.

"Isn't Xiu Linglong going to make a grievance for Zhao Xue for me? Why did I read the whole newspaper without seeing where she wrote it?"

Huai Yu said, "Zhuang laughs at this issue, everyone in the rivers and lakes knows it well, so it doesn't have to be written in the newspaper."

Ming Changyan knew Huaiyu's words, but he still answered, "That's different. Xiu Linglong, the evil woman, I have known her for so many years, and I have never seen her talk to me. Whenever something goes wrong, the fastest is the worst. It's her. The newspaper is so messy, it's more exciting than my own experience. "

He said, flipped over, and watched it a dozen times.

Finally, in the gap between the two editions of the newspaper, I found an article that I had been washed away.

His three-word, few articles did not take up much space at all, let alone the various poisons. The promotion articles of medicinal weapons were crowded with the short and injustice Zhao Xuelu, which was extremely funny. .

Ming Changyan threw the newspaper: "I'll know!"

He stood up and Huaiyu pulled him: "Where are you going?"

Ming Changyan cleared his throat and cleared his throat, "I've disturbed you for so long, and I should almost go back." Lai, who used to be very cheeky, did not leave at the 99th Palace. He has experienced some things now, and he always feels that he is not It's perfect to stay here.

However, he failed to make it that night.

Sometimes the body at the Ming Long Banquet was too bad at night, I am afraid he would fall apart by taking two steps. So he rested for one night in the 99th Palace and prepared to leave early the next morning.

Going downstairs, I'm meeting Grandma.

Grandma seemed to be waiting here for a long time, seeing the Ming Changyan coming down from the 99th Palace, and quickly stopping him: "Hey!"

Ming Chang Yan laughed and said, "What's wrong?"

At this moment, Huai Yu followed him, and followed him out of the building.

When Grandma saw Huaiyu, her momentum was a little smaller, and she said, "You, did you read yesterday's newspaper?"

Ming Changyan said: "I still have something urgent. If you have to chat with me, then walk and talk."

Grandma did not see the Ming feast for a while, but suddenly she felt uneasy.

She preconceived that the Ming Long Banquet was a woman, so no matter what was against the Ming Chang Yan, or what earth-shattering nonsense he said, Grandma only treated him as a strange character. Therefore, She also secretly doubted Huaiyu's taste.

Although this "Smoke Young Servant" looks beautiful, her brother will not be stunned by the beauty. Looking for such a lively woman, how to be a virtuous wife and mother in the future if she starts a family.

Yesterday, a newspaper broke up the grandma's last idea.

In black and white, she did not look at the gossip of the front page of the small country minister and which pretty woman, but in the gap between the second page, she turned to the description of the gentleman who was first in the world.

Although she doesn't look, every move is very similar to this "sister of smoke".

Leaving aside the preconceived impressions, the grandma is very curious, but she doesn't think that Sister Yan is a gentleman, but she doesn't know how to think of him, she is sober and sober, she feels that "Sister Yan" is really not a woman, A man. With such a guess, the more I think about it, the more I doubt it.

Only for a while and a half, I couldn't believe that Huaiyu had really gotten together with a man, so he hurried to the 99th Palace and planned to ask what happened.

She pursed her lips, dragged the Ming feast, and went a long way.

She was dragged by a long feast at the Ming banquet, and could not help asking: "Ama, what did you do to drag me?"

Grandma said: "Are you actually not a woman at all?" That's the way to say it, but Grandma is still a little cautious. If the other person is really just a weird woman, it would be too hurting to ask such a question. He added: "I mean it is impossible."

Ming Changyan was surprised first, then smiled and looked at him: "What do you think?"

Grandma was silent, holding Duan's hand, gloomy.

Duan Ye didn't know what happened, and just let her pull.

After a while, Grandma paused: "Are you really a man? I suddenly thought today that you look a bit like a man, not a woman, so ..."

As soon as this remark came out, Ming Changyan was very puzzled: I was just a bit like a man?

It was just that the long feast of the Ming Dynasty not only thought so, but also accidentally said it. Upon hearing this, Grandma said, "Forget it. You really hate it!" After that, he asked, "What about you and Brother Huaiyu, are you real?"

Ming Chang Yan asked, "What is really fake?"

Grandma's eyes widened slightly: "Aren't you okay?"

Ming Changyan touched his chin and said, "Is this thing hard to say? I also want to ask what's going on!"

He: "Don't say this, you came to me today just for this matter?"

Grandma shook her head and quickly said, "I saw Chu Xiaoyun yesterday."

Huai Yu stepped forward: "What if you meet?"

Grandma seeing Huaiyu is like seeing a savior. But she didn't dare to coquettish with Huaiyu, she only reached out and dragged the sleeves of Ming Changyan, shook it twice, and said pitifully: "Brother Huaiyu, please help, I don't marry him!"

Ming Chang Yan was shaken by her instability, and Huai Yu helped.

Huai Yu glanced at Grandma coldly.

Grandma drilled to the Ming feast.

The Ming banquet was sandwiched by the two and hit a round: "Okay. I see, it's not convenient for the blue sky to be blocked in the palace corridors. Why not go to Bailu Academy first?"

At the hearing of Egret College, Grandma's eyes lit up: "You're right! I'm going to Egret College!"

The four hired a carriage, and the Ming Changyan opened the curtains and took a seat in the most comfortable position. There was an incense burner heater in the car. He was holding Mrs. Tang and leaning sideways.

A Yiwei said, "Why are you afraid of colder than me?"

Ming Chang feasted: "Oh. It's normal to be cold when it's cold, isn't this a normal thing?"

Grandma said: "But I heard that those who practice martial arts are in good health. I'm afraid of cold like you, I have never seen it before."

Ming Chang Yan said: "Then you see it now! Okay, don't ask this. Speaking of which, I was not afraid of the cold a few years ago. It's probably colder in winter this year. Huaiyu, what do I think? The one in your hand is warmer, do you want to use it? "

Huaiyu shook his head.

Grandma said: "How could Brother Huaiyu use this!"

Ming Chang Yan said with a smile: "That was prepared for me. I'm welcome."

The carriage went halfway, bumped and stopped suddenly.

Ming Changyan opened the curtain and looked out.

Grandma asked, "What's wrong?"

The driver turned back and said, "Princess, there seems to be something wrong in front of you?"

Grandma said, "What's going on, look down."

As usual, Grandma went out with Duan Mao, but she also had to bring a few guards. But today, when I go out with Huaiyu, I don't need to bring anything. What's more, there is still a "first in the world" sitting next to her. Therefore, the search for the question was originally a guard's work, and now it was given to the coachman.

A moment later, the coachman returned and said, "It seems that there was a little conflict between the two foreign nations."

Grandma said: "Conflict? Are the people in Tudou? Are they all for display?"

The coachman said: "The princess doesn't know. This place is the Langya River. There are foreign post houses nearby, and Wang Fa of the Central Plains cannot control them."

Grandma said angrily: "How can this be true! Wang Fa cannot control them, are they going to rebel!"

The coachman said: "Langya Xiaohe is a well-known country in China. Hey, the princess's body of gold must not be angry and hurt her body."

At this moment, Ming Changyan asked: "The Gentiles are noisy? Well, the dog bites the dog. What are they arguing about?"

When he was about to send a coachman to inquire again, everyone found that it was no longer needed.

The two quarreling foreigners quarreled and went all the way to the Ming Chang feast, and finally stopped at a spot in front of their carriage.

A man yelled, "Are you ill! You will be beaten up without any discrimination! Where do we offend you!"

He scolded the woman who beat him.

Dressed in an alien race, with a pot of good wine hanging around his waist, his facial features are deep, and the Ming feast is slightly hesitated.

He stared intently at the alien woman and looked at it, until he was scalded by Tang Pozi in his hand, and then returned to his senses. As soon as I saw God, I saw Huai Yu's cold eyes.

I do not know why, a shock in his heart, secretly said: not good.

What's not good is temporarily unknown.

In short, looking at Huaiyu's appearance, it is necessary to play with his temper again.

Ming Changyan quickly said: "I know this person."

Huai Yu snorted.

Ming Chang Yan changed his mouth immediately: "No, don't believe the rumors!"

Huaiyu coldly: "What rumors?"

Ming Changyan lowered his voice and said, "I only know pretty women. Although this person is also pretty, I knew her by accident, and I knew it when I went to buy a book."

Huaiyu raised an eyebrow and said, "Everyone can buy a book."

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was startled: "She hit me first, I didn't fight back. Well, I won't tell you this, anyway, this is a small thing. I remember that someone called her Mr. Hai. The first thing I want to tell you Two things are also about her. And this thing you should know. Do you remember when we went undercover in Langya Little Hanoi, I was dressed as a Bai Guo person at the time, and spoke the language of Dayue, was caught by this woman It's right! However, her martial arts is not as good as mine, and I was fixed by needle and thread. "

He looked out, and Mr. Hai was arguing with the man.

Ming Changyan glanced at the man when he looked at the man.

Huai Yu said: "What's wrong?"

Ming Changyan said: "That man is wearing Dayue's clothes."

Mr. Hai cursed: "Dayue is really shameless! Wearing Baiguo's clothes pretending to be a Baiguo, I was arrested and dared to run away! I must teach you today!"

Dayue's guard spoke a lame mandarin saying, "The old woman is farting wildly! Who the **** is pretending to be Baiguo, what is there to do in a **** country!"

Among them, a person from Baiguo who was watching, could not help but curse, "What do you mean, you two quarrel and quarrel, fight and fight, is it fun to pull us into the water?"

The two sides fight into a three-party melee.

After listening to the ins and outs of their quarrel, Ming Changyan immediately knew that Mr. Hai had counted himself as Baiguo's account and accounted to the country of Dayue.

Although Mr. Hai's martial arts are not as good as him, it is more than enough to bully this kind of fish and shrimp.

Although the Ming Changyan had no deep feelings for Dayue, it was because of him that he could not ignore it.

A needle pierced out of the carriage like lightning.

Mr. Hai raised his hand with a whip, and there was a sharp pain in the wrist, running through the entire arm. Her whip suddenly fell to the ground.

Mr. Hai turned back sharply, staring directly at the carriage.

She couldn't hold the whip in her right hand, so she picked up the whip with her left hand and flew towards the carriage.

"get out!"

Shouted Mr. Hai.

Who knows, the coachman had a louder voice than her: "Bold! Who are you calling out?"

Mr. Hai said, "Which shameless villain attacked me, let me out!"

The coachman asked very confidently, "Do you know who is on the cart?"

Around the crowd gathered.

Seeing the other party's arrogance, Mr. Hai couldn't help feeling a little dazed. After all, no matter how useless the Central Plains is, this time is a big country. When everyone didn't work together to step on Central Plains completely, they still had to worry about the three-pointers in Central Plains.

Mr. Hai said, "Hearing what you said, is it that your chief officials in the Central Plains are not in the carriage?"

The coachman said: "In the coach, I am the state of Korea."

As soon as this word came out, everyone's faces changed.

The coachman added: "And his wife!"

Ming feast: ...

This need not be emphasized!

Among the crowd, there was a soothing discussion: "Country Prime Minister? Isn't that Yun Qingxian?"

"Why did he leave the house?"

"Don't you see yesterday's newspaper and say he married?"

"What does marriage have to do with going out of the palace!"

"Maybe it's the wife of the small country minister, and the country minister will accompany it!"

The Ming feast at the moment had good ears, and it was a bit embarrassing to hear what was right. At the same time, Grandma was also sitting opposite, and Duan Qiang eyes turned to look at them both.

He could hear it, and Huai Yu could certainly hear it.

Mr. Hai said: "Yunqing fairy?"

The coachman arrived: "Exactly."

Mr. Hai dare not move.

The Dayue Kingdom said: "Since the state is here today, I will not care about you! If you dare to indiscriminate us again next time, I want you to look good!"

Mr. Hai was originally worried about Huaiyu, and was ready to relax. As a result of being stimulated by this ignorant idiot, the whip in his hand was raised, intending to take his life directly!

Ming Chang Yan secretly said: stupid too!

Then, the second needle directly took the thread and wrapped it around Mr. Hai's whip. Ming Changyan reached out and pulled it. The whip was smashed by the thread, and Mr. Hai's left hand trembled with scream.

She gritted her teeth and said, "He is an expert in the car. Since he has repeatedly shot, why not show him his true face! Or, it ’s your little countryman who shot!"

Ming Changyan lifted the curtain, only one hand was exposed, and said, "It's nothing but three. If you take another shot, I will waste your arms."

Everyone could only see a hand with a distinct joint. After the curtain fell, the coachman cursed, "Not yet, roll! Today is your wife's life!"

Mr. Hai froze.

Everyone was holding back, and could not help but secretly said: What does he mean? Is the owner of that hand just the little country minister? Still ... the master of that hand is the wife of the little country minister!

It's amazing to think about it. Everyone had to secretly say: It should be a small country, how can any lady have a voice like a big man! However, do small country ministers also make needles?

And the big moon man standing aside, with a stunned expression, wondered what he was thinking.

After the long feast of Ming Dynasty lowered the curtain and resolved the small riot, the carriage continued to move forward.

Ming Changyan said: "It seems that I have encountered some trouble. Now I don't know how many foreign countries there are in Kyoto. I need to ask Xiuling."

When the two soup ladies were getting colder, Egret College arrived.

The Ming banquet jumped out of the carriage, and it was difficult to go up the road, and finally to the gate of Bailu Academy.

Open the door and pass through the academy and the backyard, which is Liu Cang's residence.

Huai Yu asked: "Aren't you looking for Xiu Linglong?"

Ming Chang feasted: "It's right to find her here."

Sure enough, as soon as he stepped into the backyard, Liu Kuang's door opened.

The person who came out was not him, but a woman.

Grandma's eyes widened.

This is a woman with all kinds of charms. She is as silky as if she just woke up and shakes her fan and laughs: "A rare guest, you left me the day before yesterday, can't you come to see me today?"

Grandma looked pale and asked, "Where is Mr. Liu? Who are you? Why is it in Mr. Liu's room ?!"

Ming Chang feasted: "She is a woman with a dove in her nest. If you want to find your husband, look in the guest room."

Grandma said: "Guest room?"

Her heart didn't beat so fast.

At this time, Liu Qian was coming in from the outside. Grandma was very wronged when she saw him.

Liu Chuang smiled slightly: "What's wrong?" Then he looked up, looked at Ming Changyan, and said, "It seems that you have encountered something again."

The Ming banquet opened the door and asked directly: "How many foreign countries are there in Kyoto now. I want a complete list, all of which are listed for me."

Liu Cang smiled bitterly: "Sometimes I don't want to see you because you always ask me things that make me very difficult."

Ming Changyan said: "What's the problem? Now that you can organize the records, what makes you organize this list? Besides, I don't believe you don't have it here."

Liu Chuang said: "You are looking for this list, and you should go to Xiaocheng adults."

Ming feast directly reached out.

Liu Kang sighed helplessly.

At this point, Xiu Linglong slowly leaned on Liu Liu, and said, "Small feast, you know that the Lord of the Great Moon has entered Beijing this morning. You haven't seen him for many years. Do n’t you go and see?

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