MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 90 Banquet in the Banquet (eighteen)

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Before the Long Banquet was answered, the grandma's scream sounded first.

Ming Changyan covered her ears and said, "Auntie, my ears are going to be deaf!"

Grandma's face was pale, her eyes flushed, and she stared at Xiuling.

Xiu Linglong held up a strand of hair in her ears and leaned on Liu Cang's shoulder, motionless.

Grandma was so jealous and angry that she jumped up and was about to bite. But because Liu Qiang is here, although she is jealous, she does not dare to act arbitrarily, and grit her teeth. "You let go!"

Xiuling's ten fingers are coated with big red cardan, bright and compelling, and the fingers are white and tender. It reveals the charm of a mature woman. It seems that the grand girl who is not open can not have it.

She pointed to herself and said, "Are you talking to me?"

Grandma clenched her fists in both hands, her shoulders rising high with anger, her eyes widening, her lips pursing, and sparks appearing in her eyes.

Xiu Lingling had a smile in her eyes, her hands crossed, her body was as if she had no bones, she leaned softly and weakly on Liu Kuang's shoulder.

"I don't."

Liu Cang touched his nose and was embarrassed.

Grandma was so anxious that her tears were about to drop. She glanced at Huaiyu first, and then looked at Ming Changyan.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was a little hesitant, and said, "My little girl is watching me, and looking for your brother!"

Unfortunately, Grandma did not dare to find Huaiyu, so she relied on a long banquet.

"You let her come down from Mr. Liu!"

Ming Chang feasted: "Okay. However, I can only suggest that Xiu Linglong has always acted his way and can't listen to anything."

Grandma said willfully: "I don't care! I want you to help me!"

She was dragged by the Ming banquet and knew: "Okay." He looked at Xiulinglong and said, "You heard me. I haven't come down from others yet."

Xiu Linglong teased the little girl, and leaned lazily on the door frame on the other side: "Little feast, you are really ..."

Ming Changyan tilted her head and looked at her.

Xiu Linglong made a mouth shape: long 嫂 like a mother.

Ming Changyan's face changed, and he replied, "You are not bored!"

Xiuling pulled her hair back and returned to the beginning: "You haven't told me yet, do you want to see your father?"

Ming Changyan said, "What am I going to see him for? He hates me, and I hate him, and it's just me looking tired after seeing it."

Xiu Linglong: "Your father and son are strange. You haven't seen each other for more than ten years, and you never care about each other. Do you plan to not meet him for a lifetime?"

Ming Chang feast said: "That's not it either."

Xiuling looked at her.

Ming Chang Yan said calmly: "When he is dead, I will set off two firecrackers. You know, we have a sacrificial dance in Dayue, and he forces me to dance with my sister every day. I think he likes it so much. Give him filial piety and step on him on the coffin board. "

Liu Kuang reluctantly said, "You always speak so harshly."

Grandma was very grieved and looked at Liu Cang with tears in her eyes.

Liu Kuang bowed his head slightly, watching her look like a little temper, and sighed helplessly.

He found a piece of confectionery from his sleeve and put it in the hands of Grandma: "No. The last piece, secretly to you, don't be mad. The girl's face is crying and it doesn't look good."

Grandma dragged the sugar cake, not sure what was angry. Raising high, it seemed that I wanted to throw the sugar cake on the ground, anxious to step on a few feet and grind it into powder, only to find a bad breath in my heart. As a result, holding the hand for a long time, the temperature of the palm of the hand had to melt the sugar cake, but still reluctant to throw it.

Grandma wiped a tear and said to Liu Cang, "Don't always treat me as a child! I hate to kill you!"

Liu Cang shouted at her and sighed: "Jin ..."

Grandma did not wait for him to finish and ran away.

Duan Yan looked at him with a stunned expression and gave Liu Liu a warning.

Liu Kuang was not concealed, and the overwhelming oppression forced him to take a small step back, only to laugh at him: "Duan Duan, I have no intention of bullying the princess."

Duan Yan looked at him fiercely and turned to chase after Grandma.

Xiu Linglong shook her fan and wondered, "Who is he? That young man?"

Liu Qiang said: "Shou Ning's guards accompanied her from an early age. I heard that it was the emperor's child that he carried out from the wolf den in the mountains in the autumn hunting. When the emperor saw him, the fiercest of the wolves The wolf is playing with him intimately. He doesn't understand human literacy, and because of his beautiful appearance, the emperor sent him to accompany Su Ning. "

Xiu Linglong was surprised and happy: "Interesting, I have never seen anyone with such a look."

Liu Kuangliang reminded her: "Don't be interesting. I don't know when you took your life in."

Ming Changyan said: "No more. The little girl is sad, I don't want her to run alone. Take a step first."

Liu Cang said: "Remember to pay for my sins when I saw her."

Ming Chang feasted: "If you really want to make amends, go for yourself."

Liu Chuang smiled slightly: "I have a huge disparity with her, and I am personally apologizing. If she is misunderstood, it is that I am a great teacher."

Ming Chang feast: "That's your problem, it's nothing to do with me. Remember to put things in order and I'll pick them up at noon tomorrow."

Liu Cang arched a handy gift: "Two please."

Out of Egret College, the Ming Changyan went down the mountain all the way.

The snow came late this winter. It seems to be blowing the autumn wind, the cold wind blows, there are no leaves on the road, and nothing can float.

In a moment, a man got out of the plum forest.

The man patted the plum petals on his body, raised his head, and overjoyed, "Brother!"

Ming Changyan said nothing: "How are you?"

Mutu overjoyed: "Brother! It's me again! How! Are you happy!"

Ming Changyan said: "Do you look happy to me?"

Mutu was about to step forward and saw Huaiyu, and all his goosebumps were up and dancing, his scalp exploded, and he took two steps back: "Brother! Why are you with him again!"

Ming Changyan said: "Who should I be with, as you see?"

Mutu was just taken out of the inn by his father. Although he was only kept in the inn, and he did not eat or drink, but when he was a royal prince of Aga, when he was so wronged.

After a few days, I feel like my life is gone!

Now when I see Huaiyu, I'm afraid of conditioned reflexes.

Ming Chang feasted: "Speak quickly if you have something. I have no time to waste time with you here."

Mutu was surprised: "Brother, how do you know I came to you on purpose!"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty said: "You have 140 words to express the word count."

Mu Tu said: "This is too little!"

Ming Chang Yan said indifferently: "One hundred and thirty-four."

Mutu closed her mouth tightly, organized the language, and quickly said, "Brother, I won't tell you about you as a talent."

He lowered his voice, and seemed to want to spread the Ming Changyan away from Huai Yu. Although the two seem to have a good relationship, Huaiyu is the country's prime minister, after all, Mu Tu told Ming Changyan that Ming Chang Yan is the prince of the Great Moon and has little to do with the Central Plains. And this time the feast is closed, which is of great importance and directly linked to the survival of small foreign nations.

The wooden map had to be treated with caution and caution.

I didn't know that the long feast ignored him at all and stood still.

Mu Tu scratched his head, afraid that he would talk too much nonsense, Ming Chang Yan really left, long story short, broken jar broke: "It is like this, brother, when the feast is closed, you must be careful of other countries! Best, you Still with Dayue, don't get confused with Central Plains! "

As Mu Tu said, he didn't know the relationship between him and his father. Ming Chang Yan asked: "Why?"

Mu Tu said: "I seem to have finished a hundred and forty words."

Ming Chang Yan smiled and stretched out his hand, spread it out, closed it again, clenched his fists, without a trace of emotion: "Do you want to try?"

Mu Tu immediately shook his head into a rattle: "You know, the Central Plains are very chaotic and the internal consumption is very serious. This feast may be ..."

He resolutely said: "So you should stop fooling around with the Central Plains. Brother, don't you know that the feast of the feast has other uses besides choosing a life-giving lord? If it can perform very well in the feast of the feast, it shows The strength of a powerful country will surely deter the Quartet. If it loses ground at the feast of the feast, this is what every country sees. Now the strength of the Central Plains has become so bad. Do you think that if the neighboring countries see the strength of the Central Plains crumbling, What will they do? "

The answer is obvious: rebellion.

Mutu eagerly said, "Brother, how long have you been in Central China? I heard that Dayue's prince is missing. Are you traveling around the world?"

"Anyway, listen to me, that's right. They don't think so, but they have already done so. If the power of the Central Plains was suppressed at the feast, as long as you wait for a command, they will flock to attack. You and the Central Plains again People mingle together will be implicated! "

After speaking, he glanced at Huaiyu and couldn't help but say to Ming Changyan: "Brother, what happened when I heard someone call you Mrs. Xiaoguoxiang? I advise you not to get too involved with the Central Plains. Marry directly to the Central Plains! Didn't expect that the male style of the Central Plains was so open! "

Ming Chang Yan frowned, and said, "Don't talk nonsense here!"

What did Mu Tu want to say? Cold, an arrow flew from a distance.

The Ming Chang feast responded very quickly. The arrow, looking at the angle and direction, should be directed towards Huaiyu. However, it was just a bow and arrow. He just didn't make a shot, and Huaiyu escaped it easily. However, Ming Changyan's body was faster than thinking. When the arrow was still away from the two, he reached out and grabbed the arrow body.

The archer couldn't make a single arrow and immediately pulled the bow. The time between the second arrow and the first arrow was only a few seconds. Then Mutu reacted, and someone was ambush in the dark.

He screamed, panicking, trying to hide behind the Ming Chang feast. The long feast of the Ming dynasty was unexpected—Mutu didn't need to be injured, he just needed to stand in place and the arrows couldn't shoot him. Unfortunately, he didn't know how he hadn't seen the assassination. He jumped higher than the rabbit, just blocking the arrow for the Ming feast.

At the critical moment, the second arrow was still shot by him.

However, the arrow was folded into two ends, and the tip of the arrow still had a little bit of force. It flew forward half a meter, and it was stuck on the leg of Mu Tu.

Mutu screamed heartbreakingly.

"Brother !!! Brother !!!!!! I'm done !!! Am I going to die !!! I've got an arrow !!! I've got an arrow !!! Brother !!!!!!!!! "

Ming Changyan leaned down, covering her ears, and said, "I saw it. You don't need to tell me, can you be quiet?"

Mu Tu is so boneless that if there weren't anyone else around, he would have cried with the thigh of Ming Changyan long ago.

Now that there is Huaiyu, as a prince of Aga, naturally he cannot be so imposing.

The wound wasn't deep, just looking scary.

Ming Changyan took out his arrow, clicked two acupoints, stopped the wooden figure's blood, and clapped his hands: "The skin trauma is also called so powerful, it is really pampering you. Go to the mountain and grab some medicine."

Mu Tu covered her thigh, and her tears flowed: "Brother, I don't feel skin trauma, otherwise you prescribe me, I don't believe the doctor in Central Plains. In case he sees me as a foreigner, he poisons it in the medicine What should I do! Besides, with such a deep mouth, if I don't go down the mountain, the blood will flow into the river, and what to do if I lose too much blood! "

Ming Chang Yan laughed and said, "You have to hurry up. I'm afraid this wound will heal before you go down the mountain."

Mu Tu originally wanted to go to the Ming Chang Banquet to eat flowers and wine, but in the end, he never expected that he would end up like this. He lost his mood to drink and ran down the mountain while crying.

Ming Changyan picked up a half-arrow on the ground, weighed it, and concluded: "Ordinary bow and arrow."

Huai Yu was good at using bows and arrows. He glanced and nodded.

"The arrow came at you just now, little country minister. It seems you have offended many people."

The Ming banquet looked towards the mountains and forests in the distance. There was only one wind blowing the dead branches and there was no one.

The two of them exchanged a gaze unconsciously, all the way down the mountain.

Ming Changyan took two steps and said, "Little girl can run very fast. How long has it been? I can't even find her shadow."

Huai Yu said: "With Duan Yu, don't worry."

Ming Changyan said, "I don't worry about her safety, but worry about her mood."

Huai Yu snorted, but this reaction surprised Ming Changyan a bit, and he suddenly wanted to say something to him.

"Iyue is a few years older than her. If she is still alive, she will definitely be able to play with Grandma now. Her character is also the best in the world. It ’s just that I ’m so useless. In my life, no one knew that I was involved and eventually killed others. "

Huai Yu said: "It's not your fault."

A long feast of the Ming dynasty, I didn't respond much, only said: "I boasted about Haikou in my early years, and wanted to make a career in the Central Plains, so as to allow her a glorious future. I thought about it for many years and the future of Yiyue In the middle of the year, I want to buy a four-in courtyard, plant an apple tree in front of the yard, bloom in summer, eat melon in autumn. Later she will live here, if you want to raise a dog, if you want a cat, if you want a cat, If I don't want to marry someone, I will raise her forever. "

"Cang Sheng Ling brought me many scourges, but I had to choose that way because my father and he were not ordinary people, so I could n’t just buy a courtyard and take Yi Yue. If I did n’t contact him, The strength of the competition will not keep me safe. "

When the Ming Dynasty feast became famous, the youth scene was endless. I don't know how many people talked about him or envy him. The flattery he has heard is not one thousand or eighty. What he hears most often is to tell him that many people can never reach his height in their lives.

But what does he want to do at this height?

Originally, he only wanted a four-in courtyard, a month of peace and joy in Yiyue, and in the end, none were caught.

"My mother has a weak personality and refuses to say a word all day long. She died in depression in the end. I barely saw her smile during the four or five years before her death. My father was busy with politics and was very harsh on me and Yi Yue. When I did something that didn't agree with his heart, I was beaten and scolded to kill and vent my anger. I was able to run and jump when I was fifteen. Why was he beaten every day? He didn't love my mother, and of course he didn't love us. "

At this point, the Ming feast seemed to remind me of something, saying, "However, no matter how much you don't love us, I never thought that I and Yiyue would become the tools he used to sacrifice in exchange for benefits. Yue was released by him before he fled to the Central Plains. For this reason, he asked for three years of resources. He must have known what I had done in the Central Plains. "

Ming Changyan made a gesture while walking forward.

"Of course, there is no full evidence. Everything is speculation. At this time, people in the world only knew that the gentleman was dead, but no one knew that the prince of Dayue was also dead. Guess, if I were like that image, The black gauze mask appeared in the center of the feast of the feast, and pulled out the Cangsheng order-- "

"What do people think?"

Everyone will suddenly realize that even a gentleman is alive!

And his father, if it is related to the events of that year, will definitely think that this is a counterfeit, and he must come forward to expose his true colors. If it is irrelevant, it will be like everyone else, just knowing that the gentleman is still alive.

"The feast is sealed, this is my last chance to confirm to him."

This is the first time he has told so much to people, and Huaiyu listens in silence. After a long time, he finally said, "I have never met my father."

He stopped and waited quietly.

When Ming Changyan had previously entrusted Xiu Ling to investigate the incident of Prince Nanxun, he had a general understanding of the ins and outs.

It's just that he hasn't heard of Huai Yu's life experience.

Just when he thought that Huaiyu was going to talk to him, he waited for a long time, there was no more.

Ming Changyan said in surprise: "What then?"

Huai Yu somehow said: "What then?"

Ming Changyan: "Then what you said! Then you said you've never met your father, what then?"

Huai Yu said: "I haven't met him, how to proceed."

Ming Changyan didn't speak, and after a while, he began to say: "The first time I saw Grandma, I only felt that her temper and looks were like you. I thought you were grown up together, and you talked and worked a little Like. Now I want to come, but there are many doubts. For example, Xiao Lan is nothing like your brother and sister. "

Unconsciously, he had reached the foot of the mountain, and a white plum forest was in full swing. No one comes, the fragrance comes first. Coming with the floral fragrance, there was the voice of Imam.

Ming Chang Yan laughed and said, "I found it."

Grandma was sitting on a huge rock with her arms around her knees and her eyes red. Duan Kui stood awkwardly without a word. It was only occasionally that the flowers fell between the hairpins, and he carefully removed the petals.

The Ming feast came forward and shouted, "Ama."

When Grandma heard his voice, she became even more sullen.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was extremely wronged: "If you want to be angry, you should not be angry with me."

Grandma said dumbly, "So what! Anyway, you're all together!"

Ming Changyan explained: "This statement is not appropriate. It is impossible for anyone I belong to with Xiu Linglong."

After a moment of hesitation, Grandma asked, "Is she called Xiulinglong?"

Ming feast nodded.

Grandma put her lips on her lips. "Then she and Mr. Liu ... have known each other for a long time?"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty could not bear to hurt the little girl, let alone the insidious man Liu Yan, and the more insidious woman Xiuling, so she immediately deceived and said: "It didn't take long to meet. You can rest assured that Liu Chuang will treat her There is no love for men and women. "

Grandma said, "But they are all hugging together."

Ming Changyan said: "That was Xiu Linglong's own sticking. Don't you believe me? I always talk and talk. Moreover, if I have known Liu Liu for several years, if he really loves which woman Can I not know? You don't believe me, you should always believe in your brother Huaiyu. "

Grandma looked at Huaiyu, who was silent for a while and nodded.

She was affirmed by Huaiyu, and the big rock in her heart finally fell.

At this moment, it was getting dark.

The plum blossoms in the white plum forest became more and more eye-catching. After the grandmother recovered her vitality, she jumped, dragged Duan's hand, and talked about the temple fair.

The Ming feast was full of attention, listening to it.

The feast of the Ming dynasty has an outstanding talent in coaxing his sister. Grandma finally willingly walked down the stone, uttered a few words in a long feast, and made her giggle again.

But Grandma was so lively that Ming Changyan could not keep up with him. After a while, she was left behind.

At this moment, the sky is high and the water is far away. After three years of healing, the middle is rough, and now there is a moment of tranquility.

Grandma's laughter came from not far away, and it penetrated into the ears of Ming Changyan, hazy, like water. His body was extremely relaxed, and the long feast of Ming Dynasty looked at the figure of Grandma, which had been blocked by heavy mountains, and sighed rare.

Huai Yu said: "Liu Qian is not her benevolent."

Hearing the words, Ming Changyan turned his head and smiled: "Huaiyu, you don't understand. As long as you are with the person you like, whether it is her beloved or not is not ours."

Huai Yu was on his side, just listening and not answering.

A white plum blossom, blown by the wind, crumbling and shaving, fell straight on his shoulder.

As soon as Huaiyu moved, he reached out and picked up the flower on his shoulder. Such a move, at this moment, has a different meaning, but in the dim, I heard the grandma shouting in front: "Hey! What are you grinding!"

Ming Changyan's body reacted faster than his mind, subconsciously pulling Huaiyu, hiding the two figures in the rockery, so that Grandma could not see it. When I came back to God, I realized that I really wanted to do something. Just before the action hit the plum branch sticking out behind Shishan, a few white plums fell down, he was trying to explain, and just stopped saying "I".

What would he explain?

He didn't know it himself.

After a pause, Huai Yu asked softly, "Why don't you talk." After hiding behind Shishan, the two were close together, and they could even feel each other's breath.

Huaiyu looked at the person in front of her, and her memory was violently pulled back four years ago. The glazed lantern flower banquet and the fire tree and silver flower were combined.

The words of the long feast of the Ming dynasty were still hanging around his mouth, caught off guard, and the other party pressed the petals to his lips.

He wondered: "What to do--"

The next moment, the person in front leaned forward, Bai Mei fragrant, floating on the lips of the two who were close to each other.

Flowers don't know who was bitten first, a hint of sweetness in the mouth.

Ming Changyan's eyes widened, his body was stiff, and he was about to struggle.

At this moment there is no wind, the trees do not move, and the people do not move, only to hear the flowers fall.

The sound was gurgling, dreamlike.

The author has something to say: The wind does not move, it is heartbeat ~ 2k novel reading network

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