MTL - A Tale of Two Phoenixes-Chapter 248 Leave not leave

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Xun's words sent doubts on the view of the sea, and asked Mo Xiang to speak again, tolerant to wipe the remaining drugs on the clean surface, and to clean up the fake ornaments on the hands.

洗 Wash his hands carefully, he walked slowly to the window, and the clear sunlight shone on his beautiful face, showing an airy spirit.

的 The reason why he stayed, Guan Canghai would not understand.

Because even he himself hasn't been able to figure it out completely.

Xu first approached Chu Yu by fakely observing the sea, only due to some shocks in his heart. He was amazed at her resolute abandonment, and even couldn't help wanting to know whether she could really let go completely as she said.

Why did you get along with each other later?

There is a pensive look flowing into the eyes that can't be tolerated, and he calmly analyzes his state of mind. He has done this many times in one year. He is not the only one who tolerates others. He is the strongest one. In terms of tolerance, he will not let any foreign object cover his eyes and obscure his mind.

Includes Chu Yu.

He opened his heart and looked closely in front of his eyes. Once he found any problems, he would wave the decisive sword and cut off the crux.

But this time, he found that he couldn't find the crux.

I'm ridiculous.

Wu Rongzhi said in his heart.

The sight of Xun with that woman was very ridiculous and unexpected. After being awakened by the call in the morning dream, the woman she saw had shame and horror in her eyes. From that moment, everything quietly began to be different.

She hides clumsily, distressed seriously, thinks carefully, and ... sincerely and frankly loves.

起 When did it become impossible to ignore it?

Originally I just thought about another day, because I had an appointment with her the next day to go fishing together. If I leave then, the authentic view of the sea may not go, but after fishing, I simply have a picnic by the river for the night. When I got home, even the dusk of the third day passed.

I stayed again and again for various reasons, but Rong Zhi knew in the heart that this was just an excuse. If he really wanted to leave, no matter how much the matter was delayed, he could ignore it.

He doesn't leave, but he doesn't want to leave.

Even though Chu often stayed with Chu Yu, but he did not give up his original goal. Through Feng Ting, he gradually infiltrated the Northern Wei Dynasty's government. Feng Ting and the small emperor Tuobahong were just a cover and a tool he currently uses.

However, the appearance of Tian Rujing disrupted his layout. He stood on the side of Takuba Hong, clearly opposing Tupoba Hong and Feng Ting, a pair of nominal mother and son, and prevented Feng Ting from further grasping power. The move, then, he extended the request to Yuanyuan through the promotion of Hiroaki.

Bian Rongzhi knows the purpose of Tian Rujing very clearly. Tian Rujing has two uses for this purpose. One is to control Chu Yu's group and the other is to test him.

Here is the battle book for him: from south to north, although crossing the national border, Beiwei is their new battlefield.

The past sky is like a moon, and the present sky is like a mirror.

Tian Ru Jing is not terrible, but the bracelet he owns is a headache. Even if it is tolerated, he has to be cautious. If he has nothing to do at this moment, he should immediately go to Pingcheng to deal with the cause caused by Tian Ru Jing. Dilemma.

He went to Pingcheng to solve the sky as a mirror, mastered the Northern Wei Dynasty, and after rectifying his armaments for a few years, he caused himself to provoke the war in the Southern Dynasties and wave his army south. After the completion of these plans, he won the chess game of Jiangshan ...

and then……

Then what?

Bian Rongzhi frowned slightly. He used to think about it here before, he would never have so many thoughts, and would only plan more carefully. But now, he doesn't know why there is a feeling as if something is missing.

That open space cannot be destroyed, even if it is thousands of miles of beautiful rivers and mountains, it cannot be full. What must be filled in to be full.

Uh ...


Xu Chuyu was shocked and almost dropped the wine glass.

Although she drank several glasses of wine, there was no difference between sweet and light fruit wine and beverages. Her mind was still sober. Thinking back carefully, it was sure that Wang Yizhi did say the phrase: "Will you go with me?"

Chu Chuyu could not help frowning: "Walk with you, what do you do?"

Wang Yizhi smiled brightly: "You have nothing to worry about in Luoyang now. It happens that I lack a travel companion, and you and I have similar temperaments. It is better to follow me, so-called reading thousands of books, traveling thousands of miles, and traveling the vastness of the world. ? "

The two of them were in the White Horse Temple at this moment, and there was still a courtyard in the temple that belonged to him alone. As long as he ordered not to disturb, no one would come in.

Wu Qingya's Zen room, sitting silently in the corner, looking at the two sitting and drinking, but with a helpless smile, they could not help but go and study the scriptures on their own.

As long as Wang Yizhi does not invite him to drink, what he does on this so-called Buddhist gate pure land, he has the right to only open one eye and close one eye, the Buddha is not in the Buddhist temple, the Buddha is in the heart.

Chu Yu put down her wine glass, she seriously thought about what Wang Yi said, and she was a little surprised that this suggestion made her feel so comfortable. If she really could see the world like Wang Yi and carefreely invite the world, it might not be a joyful one. Things, but also to get rid of her depression now.

Hagiwara thought he had gone far, but unexpectedly met again. He was full of uninhibited breath, smiled Yan Yan, and stretched out her hand.

The more I think about it, the more I feel. Chu Yu can't help but ask, "If you go together, can you bring your family?"

Wang Yizhi raised his eyebrows and felt puzzled: "Family?"

She Chuyu changed her eyes without blinking: "I mean family, I want to bring Aman, don't know if it is convenient?"

对照 Contrast the name Aman with the Kunlun slave boy whom he had just seen by the river, and Wang Yizhi answered easily: "There is nothing inconvenient ... but, you only take him alone? And the other ... watch the sea?"

Chu Yu shrugged and said, "He has a great ability to watch the sea. He has his own place, so I don't need to worry about it." Hesitated for a moment, she said, "You said this thing is too sudden, can you let me think about it later? "

Although she was very interested in Wang Yizhi's proposal, Chu Yu didn't plan to promise it immediately because she still had some other concerns. She would have to wait for her to think about it.

Wang Yizhi was not embarrassed. He only said, "This is the best way. If you respond with a sip, I have to be afraid of regrets on the way." He raised his glass and smiled with a smile: "After three days, I Luoshui waits for your good news. If you agree, come to my boat and we will start together. "

I was so impressed by the smile in his eyes that Chu Yu couldn't help laughing. She raised her glass and touched him lightly: "It's all right."

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