MTL - A Tale of Two Phoenixes-Chapter 249 True and false view of the sea

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When Wang Yizhi sent Chu Yu home, it was already late at night.

The two of them said goodbye at the door, Chu Yu glanced at the dark streets, and the secret road was now so late. Presumably the sea had already fallen asleep, or he would say sorry to him tomorrow morning.

Xi Chuyu walked into the Chu Garden, and when the door was closed, Wang Yi's relaxed smile condensed slightly. He stood there for a while, but turned to the house next to him. He came to the door without the plaque and rang the door gently.

The night was shrouded, covering the surroundings with deep darkness and silence. Wang Yizhi was not in a hurry. He waited leisurely at the door. The breeze slowly blew his flowing clothes and hair. After a while, the door spread Come ask cautiously: "Is there anyone outside the door?"

Wang Yizhi chuckled and said leisurely, "Please tell your master of the family, and say that Wang Lingzhi, the old man from Jiangling, is here." While chatting with Chu Yu, he knew that watching the sea lives next to Chu Yu.

After a short while, the man's footsteps returned and returned, but this time he opened the door and gave a gift: "Please come with me, my host is waiting in the front hall."

Following the servant to the front hall, one of Wang Yi's eyes saw the view of the sea, leaning against the main seat, wearing a white jacket and loosely wearing a blue-gray robe over his eyes, It is still the brocade with the fragrant medicine seen in the day.

I heard Wang Yizhi's footsteps approach, and smiled at the view of Canghai: "Yiyi arrived so late, but I blame you for knowing you clearly in the day, but not greeting you?"

Wang Yizhi heard the words for a while. He watched the sea for a while, which was different from the daytime. At the moment, he felt that he was watching the sea ... Is it because he hasn't seen each other for too long, causing him to be unfamiliar with the sea in his impression? Misunderstanding during the day?

But despite his misunderstanding, why didn't Guan Canghai recognize him actively?

He listened to Wang Yizhi and didn't speak, watching Canghai knew what he was wondering, but didn't explain, only smiled slightly, and let him guess enough.

The current view of the sea is not tolerant of disguise, but a genuine view of the sea. He and Rong Zhi were informed by others that the arrival of Wang Yi was clear. The brothers and brothers had a clear heart and knew why he came, so they were pushed out to receive customers. Yes, it's real.

Xun Chuyu didn't talk about Wang Yizhi's relationship between tolerance and viewing the sea. Rao is how Wang Yizhi became keen and could not imagine that the two men were in collusion.

After secretly speculating for a while, Wang Yizhi was finally able to confirm that the current view of the ocean is indeed a fake replacement, removing his suspicions, and he smiled and said, "Sorry, sorry, when I saw you today, I was suspicious that you were false, so I pretended to be I do n’t know each other, and I ’m still coming to verify it, and I ask brother Canghai not to be surprised. ”

Wang Yizhi was not an inscrutable rectum, but he was not a deep person who was never full of heart. He felt that his playfulness could not hold his friend, and he apologized frankly. It was because of his nature that he let go of his doubts. There is nothing wrong, and the second reason is because I know that Guan Canghai will not mind his misidentification.

I watched the sea with a smile.

The two again said and laughed for a while, when Wang Yizhi's purpose was achieved, they got up and left, watching the Canghai all the way to the door.

The guests were sent away, and Guan Canghai returned along the same road alone. Before Wang Yizhi came, he was playing against Rong Zhi. At this moment, Rong Zhi was still sitting in front of the chessboard, and he heard the sound of the chess pieces. Guan Canghai laughed casually: I will almost have to confess to you and tolerate my brother. "

The beautiful scenery of Wang Yiyi's heart was so beautiful that he almost told him almost frankly. Fortunately, he was not an impulsive and passionate person, but his thoughts moved slightly and he was completely eliminated.

Between Wang Yizhi and Rong Zhi, he still chose to protect Rong Zhi.

Tong Rongzhi said for a moment, faintly said: "Thank you Brother Canghai, we continue this game."

This is an old rule between brothers and brothers. Although I only watched the sea leave halfway, I didn't worry that I would take advantage of the opportunity to do something on the chessboard. For their comparison at this level, they would not use incompetent tricks, not to mention the chess game. Already in his heart.

The two players played chess for a long time, each step went through a long thought, until the middle of the night, Rong Zhi won with a slight advantage.

Silently stared at the chessboard for a moment, and allowed to start packing.

Watching the sea has not improved much, and his chess ability has not diminished. His ability to control and control is still strong and stable, but ... compared to the past, he seems to have so many things, which made some subtle accidents appear in some places. .

Sighing at the sea, Guan Guan sighed: "This game is a void, you are not in the game of chess, and we will play it again."

Wu Rongzhi reminded blankly: "Brother Canghai, I still win this game." Don't try to fool.

I watched the sea and laughed, "Is it, I forgot."

The brothers of the two divisions went back to their rooms and fell asleep after the first round. In the early morning of the next day, watching the Canghai heard the footsteps approaching in his sleep, his ears were excellent, and it was easy to tell that this was Chu Yu's footsteps. When he came to Rongzhi, he didn't bother to bother. He rolled over and slept again.

Chu Yu often came to look at the "view of the sea" this year, and almost regarded it as the second home. She could come without any notification when she came and went.

After a while, Chu Yu's footsteps came to the door. The knocking and greetings came at the same time: "Watch the sea, are you there?"

观 Guan Canghai, who is genuine, would never answer, but after a while, I didn't hear Rong Zhi pretend to answer him.

Watching the sea is very clear. Although the tolerant ear strength is not as good as his ears, it is also very sensitive. Otherwise, he will not pretend to be so long without revealing flaws. As well as the tolerant temperament, it will start from the wind. Waking up in my sleep, so called but not talking, is a bit abnormal.

I was puzzled, and I couldn't sleep while watching Canghai. I immediately turned over and got out of bed, passed through the main house to the bedroom on the other side, but realized that the tolerance was still lying on the bed, but I didn't know why I couldn't move.

Watching the Canghai knows that because of the hidden danger of the strange disease left by the mirror, it will happen from time to time, sometimes it is out of control of some parts of the body, and then it loses control of the whole body. Now it is the strange disease that happened to happen again, and this time it is more serious. I couldn't move my body, I couldn't even make a sound.

I have been together for a year, and I have seen several times to stop the attack, so I didn't panic at this time. I just quickly came to the bed, pressing one hand on the shoulder of the stop, and bending the fingers of the other hand into buckles. At the joints of the tolerance body, the taps are as dense as raindrops.

He worked out this with Rong Zhi. Although this method can't cure the disease, it can reduce the time of the attack and restore Rong's physical condition to normal as soon as possible.

He just focused on this, and forgot about Chu Yu who knocked on the door for a while.

Tong Chuyu knocked on the door for a while and got no response. She felt strange and heard a faint sound inside the door. Then she pushed the door straight in and walked towards the place where the sound came.

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