MTL - A Tale of Two Phoenixes-Chapter 259 Meet again

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Chu Yu and Yuan Yuan reunited on the street, and each said that they would not reflect on the recent situation. They heard that Chu Yu said that the "watching the sea" that they have been with them for the past year was actually a tolerant. I like to watch the sea, and even if he talks about articles with him, he still can't get rid of the hint of precaution. He thought it was because of tolerance, but now it seems that the person is tolerance.

Why was he dormant for a year?

As soon as she thought about it, Yuanyuan watched Chuyu's color with anxiety, but when she felt a little disappointed in her slight annoyance, she seemed relieved that she didn't suffer much.

Chu Yu went on to say that she came to Pingcheng: "Since I understand that the view of the sea is tolerant of disguise, and I have no interest to continue living in Luoyang, plus I miss you a bit, I came to Pingcheng wrongly with Amanhua. Later, Hua Cuo also knew the identity of tolerance, but did not react too violently, her expression remained cold, but when she proposed to leave Luoyang to come to Pingcheng, she also said that she would go together.

When she first arrived in Pingcheng, she was unfamiliar with her life and did not know where to look for Yuanyuan. Although she had a big goal, she couldn't run into the palace, right?

Although Yuan Yuan was not famous in Pingcheng, Chu Yu soon found out where the other person was. She was in the crisis and Liu Yi, the king of Yiyang, was sent away by Jiankang. As soon as he left Jiankang, he went straight to himself. The station, meaning meant a fight with Liu Ziye's generals, and then packed up and went to the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Liu Xun came to the Northern Wei Dynasty and was very much treated by the emperor. Chu Yu made a post to pay homage. She had the mentality of trying and unexpectedly received comprehensive help. Liu Xun not only informed her about Yuan Yuan's recent situation, but she was still in Pingcheng. I found her a big house full of servants and she could live in it.

She came to Pingcheng for three or four days, and there are many miscellaneous chores. Today she is completely settled, so she made a special trip to find Yuan.

Wu Yuan has been listening to what happened after he left, nodding from time to time with a smile, Pingcheng is located in the north, and the spring scenery here is always not as strong as the south of the river, but today he feels as if all the spring light around the world has gathered around him.

After Xi Chuyu told her situation, Qi Yuan also chose to tell her something that had nothing to do with government affairs. She only said where she lived and who she was dealing with every day, but it was rarely mentioned on the political side.

Although he is following Tuoba Hong, he has not been closed, but he has been summoned occasionally to ask his opinions on some political matters. In addition to formulating a policy strategy, Tuoba Hong's most urgent thing is to completely power from the hands of Queen Mother Feng. Rob it over.

Although Queen Mother Feng has not been in control of the DPRK for a long time, she has also gathered a group of close friends. As long as she is willing, it can still affect the changes in the DPRK situation. This is intolerable for Tuoba Hong, who is ambitious to monopolize power.

Emperor Yun is lonely, and no one is allowed to stand at the same height and share the same power as him.

However, the Queen Mother Feng is not a fuel-saving lamp. The Queen Mother herself is good at fighting for power, and she has powerful advisers. Even though she falls into the downwind, she has not completely failed, and the two have fallen into a state of stalemate. Anxious, but helpless.

To Yuanyuan's surprise, Tian Rujing's attitude seemed to be standing on the side of Emperor Beiwei without further efforts, as if only a quiet bystander, watching the pair of nominal mother and child quietly. Killed.

He suddenly remembered that in the Southern Dynasty, Tian Rujing seemed to be with Liu Ziye as he is now, watching Liu Ziye act violently, and he went to ruin without intervention.

Isn't what Tian Rujing wants now?

究竟 What is he thinking?

No matter how clever Yun Yuan was, he could not imagine that Tian Rujing's move was only to maintain a balance for the time being to comply with a certain historical record.

They talked and laughed, but they went to Yuanyuan's residence first. Chu Yu let Yuanyuan leave the place and live with her. Yuanyuan didn't shirk, but they settled in the new house for half a day.

Wu Yuan made people move books and other luggage into the house, and occasionally looked up, but saw that Chu Yuhan looked at him with a smile. He was always with him from south to north. Although he was not a loved one, it was more difficult to give up than his loved ones.

With four eyes facing each other, the hearts of both of them were warm.

Uh ...

When Chu Yu came to Pingcheng, the main purpose was to look for Yuanyuan. Seeing that he seemed to be unable to get rid of him for a while, he also settled down here. Fortunately, the residences provided by Liu Ye were extremely comfortable, and they were almost furnished according to the pattern of the Southern Dynasty. The servants in the house are more attentive, especially the cook, and she also considers that she will not be convinced when she first came here, and she will use medicine to nourish and warm her body.

But ...

She is too careful and thoughtful. Everything is her favorite type. The building decoration is her favorite style. The dishes and drinks are her favorite taste. Although Liu Ye is a famous chef from the south, no matter what kind of chef, It is impossible to know what she likes to eat without knowing the prophet?

After a few days of comfortable life, Chu Yu gradually realized that something was wrong. She asked several people for questions, and then one morning, she went to Liu Ye to find out.

Chu Yu took the bus to the front of Liu Xie's Mansion and made a pass. After a while, someone came out and said that she was asked to meet him in another place. She was brought back near her residence.

When Chu Yu couldn't help asking what was going on, the man stopped at a door.

I just happened to be the door to the neighbor on the left side of Chu Yu.

After entering the new residence, Chu Yu had a special talk about the origins of her neighbors. She is the house of nobles and senior officials. The one on the left belongs to Liu Ye, but Liu Ye mostly lives in her own house. The mansion doesn't come here very often.

The guide did not knock on the door, and pushed the door straight in. The two doors were not locked. Only one push pushed the two sides apart. The guide walked towards the door.

I walked along the repaired stone road and walked to a side yard. The yard was full of lush bamboo shades, and white clothes were like floating ice and snow. It was obvious in the deep green.

He led Chu Yu to this place, and the lead man bowed back and left, and Chu Yu stood at the gate of the courtyard, sneering: "It really is you, what do you want to do?"

Jianjian Kang-Luoyang-Pingcheng.

I really have a ghost.

Realizing that the cook Liu Ye assigned to her knew her eating habits so well, Chu Yu became suspicious. She asked a person who came from Luoyang with her and learned that the cook had not asked them about her preferences. This shows that The cook's information was obtained elsewhere.

She recalled the matter of Luoyang, and it was easy to associate these with tolerance. Only he would be so careful and meticulous, and only he would fully understand her habits and preferences.

It is not difficult to deduce that Liu Ye and Rong Zhi are all the same. As long as you ask Liu Rong, you can find the behind the scenes.

I am now in front of me.

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