MTL - A Tale of Two Phoenixes-Chapter 260 Never again

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Chu Yu knew in her heart that she could find those details. It was tolerant to leave it to her deliberately, so that she could find his clues in order to find his clues. With tolerance, it was impossible to expose such a large flaw, otherwise Liu Ye would not meet again. Without seeing her, he sent someone to take her directly to the place of tolerance, and he would not have waited here long ago.

到底 What is he trying to do?

This side courtyard is similar to the Muxue Garden in Princess Jiankang Mansion. It is also in the bamboo forest. The young boy in white sits alone on the blue stone platform. On the bluestone platform, he smiles like water and his eyes are unfathomable. Not yesterday.

When I saw Chu Yu, Rong Zhi did n’t ask anything else, and did n’t explain his behavior. He just smiled and smiled as if facing an ordinary person. "I have a deal. I want to To do with you, I wonder if you would? "

Wu Chuyu smiled a little ironically: "Can I refuse?" In addition to mocking, she was also slightly tired.

He always laid a huge net in silence, waiting for her to walk into the net without knowing it. This was the case in Luoyang, and it was the same when he came to Pingcheng.

Her home was afraid that he was in his possession, and the attentive servants were probably his ears and hearts. In the house where she now lives, in addition to the original people brought from Luoyang, even one The little mosquitoes are insignificant because of their surname.

He is very good. He has complete control. She can't. He has a high weight. She doesn't. Under such unequal conditions, she doesn't know if there is anything else worthy of him.

Sun Wukong couldn't find Wuzhishan like a Buddha anyway.

She never completely got rid of his shadow from south to north.

Hey, is it amazing?

Only when she saw the moment of tolerance, Chu Yu made a plan to compromise. In the face of such a person, she could not run or run, but she could not fight, but the other side smiled cheerfully and made her angry. No energy.

Now Chu Yu wants to drive too. Do n’t get rid of it if she ca n’t get rid of it. She concedes, she is convinced, and when the value of her use disappears, she wo n’t look at her more.

Judging from the situation of the past year, it seems that tolerance does not want to hurt her and even protect her, which is why she is not afraid now.

Chu Yu noticed something.

From Jiankang to Luoyang, and then from Luoyang to Pingcheng, she has gone through thousands of miles. For nerve tolerance, her nerves have been exercised more vigorously. Even if tolerance suddenly turns into a Saiyan, she would not be surprised.

But this incident still surprised Chu Yu a little, because now she just realized that tolerance is not alone in the bamboo forest, there is another person beside him, but that person is too small, and both her mind is on Rong Zhi, did not see for a while.

It was a round baby wrapped in gorgeous brocade silk quilt, which was covered with several layers of brocade, and lay beside the container. The baby's skin was white and delicate, and the round face had exquisite facial features, especially the small mouths. Soft and bright, the two chubby little hands were still holding the palm of tolerance, and Rong Zhi still stretched his fingers to tease the baby from time to time.

In sharp contrast to the eyes that can not tolerate the deepness, the baby's eyes are not stained with dirt. Although it is the same dark as ink, the former is so deep as if it can swallow time, while the latter is clear and complete. Full reflection of the green sparse shadow of the bamboo forest.

Chu Yu carefully looked at the child and tried to find signs of tolerance in the child's beautiful eyebrows. But the child was beautiful but not very tolerant. After looking for a while, she couldn't help curiosity and asked directly Says: "Your bastard?"

Wu Rongzhi smiled mysteriously, "My nephew."

As soon as he talked about the relationship, Chu Yu immediately understood the identity of the baby: Empress Dowager Feng Ting was the mother of the Northern Wei Emperor Tuobahong in the name, in other words, tolerance was Tuobahong's name, and in other words, The son of Takuba Hiroshi's early maturity, early marriage and early childbirth is Rong Zhi's nephew.

婴儿 This baby, so young and weak, is likely to be the future heir of the Northern Wei Dynasty, but now he is in tolerance.

Chu Yu resisted the impulse to look at the baby more, and turned her attention back to the topic of conversation: "Again, what is the deal?" She seemed to be able to glimpse the corner of Rong Zhi's ambition, even though she was the queen mother's brother, but Rong seemed not to be satisfied At this point, he may continue to snatch, Jiangshan picturesque is his chess game, this baby or his chess piece ... But these have nothing to do with her.

Wu Chuyu thought calmly.

It doesn't matter to her whether he is king or Kou. She doesn't mind making his **** for a while, and will leave the place once things are done, and get rid of him completely.

Rong Zhi smiled slightly and said, "This transaction is related to the sky as a mirror. If today the mirror is next to Takuba Hiroshi, I can't come forward directly to fight with it. I guess that you know about the bracelet much more than me, tell What you know is that when the Northern Wei authority finally has ownership, this is the time when this transaction is completed. "

As for the request he made, Chu Yu slightly surprised and immediately let go. This is about the only thing that can be conspired with her, but she is still a little strange. What is required is not difficult. Why was it in Luoyang last time? When he refused to say it? Further derivation, when he was "watching the sea", she had little defense against him. At that time, he could completely use her words, why didn't he do that?

I do n’t know why. Chu Yu did n’t feel like she should ask these questions, so she held back her doubts and talked directly to the conditions: “Excellent, if I tell you those, what can you give me?”

Wu Rongzhi smiled. Chu Yu's reflection was reflected in his dark pupils, so he concentrated deeply: "What do you want?"

Xu Chuyu quickly calculated in his heart, and then looked at the tolerance, and tentatively said, "I don't want too much. First, the right to free living in the Northern Wei Dynasty, isn't this excessive?"

"Not too much."

"Second, after the event is completed, I hope that you will no longer appear in front of me, and do not send someone to disturb me again." This condition was put forward by Chu Yu for herself. Hold yourself, as if now, just with him in a space for a while, then there is an unspeakable taste spreading in my heart.

Although this feeling is still within the scope of controlling depression, Chu Yu is not reconciled. Only if she truly broke her relationship with her could she completely forget.

Seeing that Rongzhi was silent but did not answer, Chu Yu continued calmly: "I didn't ask for too much, right? You were only for Tianrujing's information. After you have done it, there will be nothing for me. It is. The grievances disappeared, and they will be irrelevant in the future. Isn't this bad? "

It's not that she's being jealous, but judging the situation, which is best.

"... good." Rong Zhi smiled slowly, slowly.

I do n’t care about one more.

It turns out, can you really be indifferent to this point?

Rong Zhi looked at Chu Yu, looking at her eyes with a certain resolute meaning. For the first time, I felt this coldness, and it was clear that summer was approaching, but the coldness from the depths of the soul wrapped him all over. Obviously inconspicuous, silent, without trace, everywhere.

His heart is always strong and patient, unshakable. As long as it is good for the target, even if he breaks a bone, or even his life is in danger, he can be treated like that. It is not patience and pain, it is based on carelessness under strong control.

He never thought that there would be such a day.

The one who was at first consciously was her, and the one who was ruthless at first was clearly his, but why is she now retreating from her whole body?

He was just vicious to his body, but she was vicious to his heart.

休 If you are ruthless, I will rest.

You can throw away whatever you like, regardless of it.

I never look back.

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