MTL - A World Worth Protecting-Chapter 2 Wang Baole, what have you done!

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At midnight, the moon is rare.

It is still the Chiyun Rainforest, but there is more shady here at night. Occasionally, there are some rivers where rainwater gathers. It is bright in the moonlight, but sometimes the birds and beasts are humming, but people can’t help but rise. disturbed.

At this moment, in the corner of this rainforest, next to a river, under the moonlight, you can see two girls who are wolverine, but pure, tall and cute, Chunlan Qiuju. Among them, the tall woman is nervous and vigilant. As for the cute and delicate, the underwear is uncovered, revealing the white skin. The eyebrows are cleaning the underarms, and the eyes are confused and whispered softly.

"Du Min, for three days, I don't know when the rescuers can come, and the food in our camp is not enough."

The high-profile girls who were called Du Min’s high-sounding voices were silent. For them, the whole life was changed in these three days. Three days ago, they were still students of the Shudao Academy. After three days, they fell into this place, hiding the crisis everywhere.

This pool cloud rain forest looks beautiful, but in fact the ground is wet and rot, sometimes revealing the bones of the animal, and there are many long squats and colorful snakes, which make the scalp numb. In addition, since the Yuan dynasty, all kinds of fierce beasts that are as fast as human beings are extremely powerful and extremely ferocious, making the wilderness a restricted area for people.

Only at this moment, when the two women were bitter, under a big tree not far from them, there was a little fat man who was standing there and looking up and peeing.

This little fat man is Wang Baole. He didn't notice the two women who were cleaning the wounds. He didn't go to see a small, original flower on the ground under his feet. He was shaking in a mess that was suppressed by the current...

"Damn, my Wang Baole said that I can see through the world, I can see through the world's hearts and minds... I didn't even think that I was counted by the Shudao Academy!"

"This is a thief in the Daoist Temple. It is the same as the real one. In order to let us believe, everyone has seen the spaceship bursting open!" Wang Baole’s heart was angry, it was these three days, and it was a shock to him. .

Three days ago, he and his classmates fell asleep unconsciously in the Xiuling room. They were awakened by a huge roar. They couldn’t think too much, and the body was directly launched by an impact force. Fortunately, the repairing suit itself has a buffer. With the role of lightning protection, this barely fell in the rain forest, but witnessed the airship crashed in the thunderstorm.

In the next three days, Wang Baole and the people scattered in the jungle, the lack of food, the brutality of the beast, the confusion and fear of the future, made all the students reveal more or less the nature of the character under this great change. Some people are holding groups, some are alone, some are decisive, some are weak.

Although the law of the jungle is too sudden for the students who have just entered the martyrdom, it is as if the germination is motivated, whether it is greed or ferocious, whether it is selfless or kind, Zoom in out of thin air.

"Shameless!" Wang Baole sighed at the bottom of his heart. He really thought that all this was true three days ago. He was scared that even if he met the dead Du Min, he also resisted and stayed in the camp where the other party was. .

Until now, three days have passed, and in the state of not eating enough, he found out that his weight has miraculously dropped six or seven pounds through the physical test function of his own voice, and he was shocked by the suspicion.

It is really Wang Baole's experience is different. He used to lose weight. He almost didn't eat or drink for a month. He was crazy, but he didn't know what happened. The weight didn't decrease, but he added three pounds!

In the three days now, six or seven pounds have been lost. This is impossible for him!

In particular, he recalled that he had been in the autobiography of some senior officials. When he saw someone in the hospital, he had implicitly mentioned that it seems that the Taoist Academy will have so-called freshmen assessment every once in a while.

If it wasn’t for Wang Baole’s thorough research, it’s hard to notice this. Nowadays, such a association, in front of all this, he does not know how to make the Taoist hospital so realistic, but it is very likely that it is a hundred secrets, to normal people. Metabolism comes as a building standard, and I am obviously not a normal person...

He has five points to grasp, and all this should be illusory.

And let him be completely sure of the evidence of his judgment, that is, the one that was once returned by the old doctor in the arms... half a black mask!

Thinking of this, Wang Baole, who is peeing, couldn’t help but look down at his chest, and the bottom of his heart raised a strange feeling of incomprehension.

It is he who clearly remembers that before he stepped into the repair room, he placed the half of the black mask in his arms casually. After the distress, he did not have time to pay attention. Until recently, he accidentally discovered the mask. It seems to be the same as usual, but actually it can be penetrated by hand, as if it can never be touched.

It is as if this can simulate the illusory world of all things, it is difficult to analyze its structure and reshape the essence.

Even as time went by, even its external shape began to be illusory, and at the same time, some illegible handwriting appeared.

Although it is difficult to see clearly, the change of this mask has made Wang Baole's original 50% grasp become 10%!

According to this kind of thinking, if this is an assessment formed by a false disaster, it is not difficult to guess the direction of its assessment.

"It is impossible to see who is strong and who is weak. After all, everyone has not yet contacted Guwu. Then the purpose of this assessment can only be to examine the heart of the crisis, and perhaps to investigate the confidence of the Taoist hospital?" Wang Baole Urine, while the brain is constantly turning, from time to time also a few trembles.

When the little flowers in front of him were more and more messy, Wang Baole’s breathing was slightly rushed. He felt that it was necessary to seize the opportunity at the moment to give himself extra points.

"Just do it!" Thinking of this, Wang Baole shook with force, just about to put on his pants, but suddenly, he saw a small river not far away.

In the moonlight, Du Min stood there, but Wang Baole’s eyes were gone without her, only a cute girl who was cleaning the wound, and the slim white rabbit on her chest.

"There are people who are fierce beasts!" Wang Baole's eyes slammed wide, sucking his breath, his heartbeat accelerated, but he just glanced at it. He was alert to Du Min around him. He seemed to be aware of it. When he saw it, Wang Baole couldn’t help but look at it. Looking at it together, after a glimpse, the look changed a lot, but before she screamed, Wang Baole gave her a glimpse of her eyes and raised her pants.

"What do you think, I have never seen a man pee!"

When his words came out, Du Min only felt that all his words were all scorned by Wang Baole. All of them went back and trembled with anger. She grew so big that she had only seen Wang Baole’s such a brazen man, and could not help but roar.

"Dead fat, you are a man!"

When this sentence came out, Wang Baole was almost a bit fat. He grew up from the big to the big Du Min with this mouth poison. He looked at each other and was not pleasing to the eye. However, both of them were in a class, and now they have been admitted together. At the moment, Wang Baole took a deep breath and snorted.

"Dead tablet, no big chest, you are a woman!"

When Du Min heard this, he almost spurted a blood, and his forehead was bulging. When he was about to rush, Wang Baole sighed.

"My innocent body is clearly seen by you. How can I be a man in the future?" He had no face to be in love, carrying his trousers, turned and ran, and his heart was screaming and accelerating, with cold sweat behind him. The dark passage is okay to react quickly, otherwise it is dangerous.

Seeing that Wang Baole wants to escape, Du Minxing is angry and chasing, and then the cute and charming in the Xiaohe River, after hearing the vicious confrontation between the two, his face is blank and he feels that he was occupied by Wang Baole. Cheap, see Du Min chasing out, she just put on clothes, blush quickly chased.

At this moment, with the anger of Du Min, the calm of the rain forest was broken. In the direction of their temporary camp in the jungle ahead, the crowd immediately heard the sound and quickly blocked the road of Wang Baole.

The first person, a young man in white, the young man with a torch, his body tall, the eyebrows of the eyebrows, is very conspicuous in the crowd, and there are many students surrounded by him, obviously headed by him.

This person is the camp where Wang Baole is in this group. In these three days, Liu Daobin, who unites the people and shows his personal charm.

"Wang Baole, what have you done!" Liu Daopeng saw Du Min's two women chasing with anger from a distance, and Wang Baole, who was chased by them, was wearing trousers while walking... This strange scene, let Liu Daobin After a moment of sighing, he had long thoughts about Du Min, and at the moment, the instinct was disgusted with Wang Baole.

"I just peeed a urine..." Wang Baole’s words have not been finished, and suddenly there was a strong scream from Du Min, who was running from a distance.

At the moment when this sound appeared, a suffocating air filled the place, and the sound of rustling was like a tidal wave, and the rapid spread of the storm.

Wang Baole turned his head sharply. At the same time, Liu Daobin and other students changed their appearance. Their eyes were seen in the distance around Du Min and the cute girl. On the ground of the jungle, the branches, at this moment, emerged. Countless snakes!

Those snakes are green and green, seemingly full of toxicity, and the number is too much. From a distance, it looks like a snake sea, trapping Du Min’s two people.

Looking at the countless poisonous snakes around, the two women's eyes changed greatly, especially since they had opened the mouth of the fangs full of fangs, the venom shed, making a squeaky voice, and the suffocation was disgusting.

Liu Daobin’s body was shocked, and he didn’t have time to pay attention to Wang Baole. He rushed to Du Min directly. Later, there were some students, his eyes were red, and he was going to rescue.

All this happened too fast, just in the moment when everyone wanted to go to the rescue. Suddenly, on the jungle ground in the distance, there was a shocking baby, a red line with a thick arm, even in the dark, still Clear and unbeatable, unbeatable speed, straight to the ground.

Sometimes the body that leaps out, revealing a pale head, it is not like a snake head, it is clearly a baby's face, but the eyes are exposed to the violent anger of everyone.

"Red bone white baby snake!!" Someone in the school recognized, confused, exclaimed, and retired.

Liu Daobin is also the scalp to be blasted, the hair is standing, and the bottom of his heart is trembled. It is really that this red bone white baby snake is too famous and listed in the ranks of the Federal Lingyuan. The snake body is fragile and the speed is not extreme. But its toxicity is so great that it will instantly turn into blood water when it is contaminated, leaving only a red bone, hence the name.

Even if he loves Du Min in his heart, if he loses his life, he instinctively feels that he is not worth the loss. He subconsciously retreats and avoids it. He is afraid of the rise of the red-bone white baby snake and kills them together.

Wang Baole here, after seeing this scene, first took a breath, but immediately realized that all of this was actually false, and suddenly it was easy to get up, his eyes lit up, and the opportunity to show his face in front of the teacher appeared.

"It's all fake anyway, I am afraid of a bird." Thinking of this, Wang Baole suddenly stood up and looked at the classmates who had escaped, showing deep contempt.

"Although Du Min’s flat-faced sister has a sharp mouth and is ugly, he always uses his power to make it difficult for me. But Wang Baole is a noble person, an upright person, a person who is not afraid of sacrifice, and a person who is free from vulgarity. People, a person who is good for classmates!"

"In such a dangerous environment, I can't go back to Wang Baole, others are afraid to die, but... for my classmates, I dare!"

This shameless fat man is being touched by his own words at this moment. Did he really forget that this is a false world? But he prefers to look like he has forgotten, and he is intoxicated there, as if only here is true, he can deserve his heroism.

"Board, let you see today, what is a man!"

At this moment when everyone was regressed by fear, Wang Baole not only did not retreat, but instead made a loud noise. He licked his lips and lifted his chin, as if the round face at this moment had a sharpness like a knife. Full of male scent, dragons and tigers, like a broken bamboo generally rushed into the snake group.

The momentum is like a rainbow, the mighty figure of the mighty, it seems to represent justice, go straight to Du Min two women!

This scene, suddenly let Du Min stayed, even if there is a strong discomfort in the snake group, but the cute and delicate around her, can not help but excited.

As for the other people, they were also shocked by Wang Baole’s amnesty and imposing manner. Seeing Wang Baole’s moment when the red-bone white baby snake approached Du Min’s two women, it was approaching, as if the gods were coming, grabbing the red bone white that everyone feared. The baby snake, thrown into the distance.

At this moment, he exuded the mighty domineering spirits, like the sage's possession, and he was full of anger and all directions. Then he did not pause for a while, hugged the excited cute Jiao, and another Du Min clip that will be squatting. Under your majesty, go straight to the crowd and fly back.

It’s just that there are too many snakes around here. In the process of going back and forth, he still bite a few mouthfuls on his buttocks. When he came back, his face was already black, and he could bite his teeth until he was safely sent back. This is the foot, the power is lost, and it falls down.

"It seems to be a little impulsive... The buttocks are sore, it proves that the real man is so hard." Wang Baole mourned at the bottom of his heart, seeing Du Min still looking at himself at the same time, as for the cute and charming, the eyes are different. With gratitude, and everyone around them saw a ghostly look, although his eyelids were a little heavy, but his heart still raised some pride.

Only at this moment, the wound in the buttocks turned from pain to pain, and Wang Baole quickly grabbed Du Min’s little hand.

"Du Min, I have a life-saving grace for you. I don't feel the existence of my **** now. I heard that if snake venom is sucked out, it can be saved. You can help me..." Waiting, Wang Baole I couldn't help but stun, my head squinted, and I was going to rest on Du Min's chest, but he suddenly realized what it was, and changed direction, falling on the cute little white rabbit.

Seeing this scene, everyone around them looked strange, Du Min was even seeing Wang Baole even coma, but also revealed the look of disappointment, his face suddenly black.

At this moment, in the federal territory, away from the pool and rainforest, on the sky closer and closer to the Shudaoyuan, in a red airship, in the Xiuling room, hundreds of students are quietly sleeping, Wang Baole is also inside, like Have a sweet dream, licking my head and a smile on my lips.

In the main hall of the airship, including the old doctors, all the teachers, all stunned, wide-eyed, looked at one of the many crystal images that appeared in front of them.

In the picture, it was in the cloud rain forest, after the rescue of Du Min, the coma Wang Baole.

"What is the name of this little fat man!"

"Although it is a dream, but it is exactly the same as reality. His performance in it is his true heart!"

"So brave, so in order to save the fearlessness of the classmates, this child is a good seedling that is difficult to meet in a hundred years! It is the outstanding student that our Taoyuan is most eager to get!!"

For a long while, the teachers exclaimed. When they looked at Wang Baole, they were very appreciative. Some teachers have already been heart-warming. They are considering whether to directly bring Wang Baole together and join their own department.

Even the old hospital doctor, the old doctor, is also a bit dumbfounded, he hesitated at the bottom of his heart, faintly feel that something is wrong.

"Don't I really look away?" In the midst of Shen Yu, he simply took out Wang Baole's copy from the student file and looked down.


It is a 5,000-word chapter!

Companionship is the longest-lasting confession. If you are big, can you guard the three-inch world and let her three-inch snow from the shackles become a horror!

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