MTL - A World Worth Protecting-Chapter 1 I want to lose weight!

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In the hot summer days, the cloud rain forest in the eastern part of the Federation is filled with clouds, like a layer of tulle, a towering old tree, criss-crossing, lush canopy, sometimes a few birds vacant, humming and flying In the sky.

In the sky, the sun, which seems to be eternal, is no longer the way people remember, but many years ago, it was pierced directly by a large and indescribable bronze sword, revealing a small half-tip!

This ancient sword seems to have experienced the ages of the ages, coming from the stars, revealing endless vicissitudes, and there is a strong pressure, forming a halo, shrouded the sky, as if to suppress the earth, so that all the people worship!

From a distance, this scene of Jianyang Rainforest is like a scroll, until it is heard in the distance. A red hot air balloon boat is slowly flying over the rainforest.

The balloon of this hot air balloon is large enough to accommodate hundreds of people. Many young men and women can be seen on the deck, and sometimes laughter and laughter.

They are from the city of Phoenix. This year, they were admitted to one of the four avenues of the Federation. The students of the martyrdom school are taking the airship belonging to the martyrdom, crossing the miles and going to the martyrdom school to study.

Perhaps it is the expectation of studying, the journey is not boring for these young men and women, and there are some awkward attraction between men and women, which makes this trip of Miles have some fun.

Because of the long distance, the airship is equipped with a food hall, a repair room, and an infirmary.

At the moment, there are many students in the food court of the airship. At one of the tables, there is a little fat man with a belly.

This little fat man is about seventeen or eight years old, wearing a blue wide robes, a small round face and a reluctant look. He is smacking his belly and making a squeaking voice, while looking back at the seven or eight empty spaces in front of him. Plate.

"This meal will go up three pounds. How can I not hold back? I want to be the president of the Federation. I can't die young." The little fat man frowned and confessed, and he was full.

This little fat man is called Wang Baole, and this is the student who was admitted to the Shuyuan Academy. The dream of his life is to be an official, to become the president of the federation, and to be his lifelong pursuit. The reason why he has such a great ideal, and his Childhood experience is inseparable.

In his memory, when he was a child, his father often patted his head with great enthusiasm.

"Bao Le, still a good official, you have to remember that although money can solve everything, it will still be bullied, want to be bullied, only to be an official, to become a person."

At the beginning, Wang Baole didn't understand. Until he was in elementary school, he was reprimanded by the squad leader because he didn't hand in his homework on time. After he sent two pieces of sugar, he was named by the squad leader and gave a small report to the teacher. All this, in his young In the soul, there is an indelible mark.

From that moment on, he wanted to be the squad leader, not to bully people, but to be able to be bullied by others.

As he grew up, he found that there were still many who could bully the squad leader, so he felt that being the biggest official, the federal president, no one really dared to bully himself. The reason why the sharpened head was admitted to the Shudaoyuan was because all the senior officials of the Federation graduated from the Fourth Avenue.

It’s just that his life is not very good. The family’s blood is very wonderful. He still remembers that one day before that night, the skinny father was in the family’s ancestral hall and gave him a look at the genealogy.

That is the first time Wang Baole saw the genealogy. He clearly saw that generations of ancestors, but whoever weighed more than two hundred pounds, died young and died thirty-five.

That night, Wang Baole had a dream... He had not waited to become the federal president, and he was reunited with the fat grandfathers.

In the following year, for him, the matter of weight loss has risen to a certain height, even if the federal step into the spiritual Yuan, with the aura of the aura, with the resumption of the ancient Wu, the way to lose weight They are all varied, but Wang Baole has tried almost everything, and his weight is still steady.

The emergence of memory, Wang Baole licked his teeth and made up his mind to lose weight tomorrow.

After such a decision, Wang Baole suddenly felt that the pressure was much smaller. While picking up his teeth, while holding a small song, looking up at the blue sky outside the window, his mind began to live.

"I don't know the gift to Dr. Lu. He likes it or not. It's the antique that I have come out of my house. The old guy should like it." Wang Baole comforted himself, wondering if he would go to Dr. Lu and later himself. In the Taoist temple, there is also a small backing.

"The teacher has limited power, but I have to give some gifts in the future, but this doctor is a lot of age, and it must be a small network. I should be right in this step." Thinking of this, Wang Bao is very happy and only knows that he is going to the Federal President. The location is a step closer.

He is very confident that he can become the president of the Federation. This confidence mainly comes from the autobiography of all the senior officials he has studied from childhood to large, and even summed up several tricks as official killers.

At this moment, the body and mind are happy. Wang Baole looks at the blue sky outside the window and feels very good.

Can be very fast, he suddenly eyes wide, noticed the distant sky, there is a black cloud condensate, filled with the desire to cover the sky, there is lightning, flashing a line of electric light, is slowly approaching, this scene It also caught the attention of many students and exclaimed.

"It's a thunderstorm!"

Wang Baole was also taken aback. It was really after the Federals entered the Yuanyuan period. Because of the emergence of the aura, it caused a lot of amazing weather between the heavens and the earth. Once the flying objects were difficult to be safe, this was the heat driven by the Lingshi. The birth of a balloon airship.

With the constant exclamation, the thunder of the rumble came suddenly, and the loud noise was shocking. I could see the distant thunder magnetic black cloud flying fast, and the lightning inside has spread, like the black big net, flashing the sky, dazzling Shocking, people can not help but speed up, the original airship, and slowly slow down at the moment.

Just when everyone was uneasy, the door of the restaurant was pushed open, as if there was a wind whistling, walking into an old man wearing a white robe. The old man was wrinkled, but his face was sinister and his face was correct, especially The eyes of the eyes shine, and the body is scattered and square. As soon as he arrives, his majestic voice is spread throughout the restaurant.

"Everyone, immediately reported in the repair room, put on your magnetic clothes, half a column of incense, we will enter the mine magnetic area!"

As soon as the words came out, the students in the restaurant were awe, and they stood up quickly.

Wang Baole’s eyes brightened, and the old man in front of him was exactly the doctor Lu who had sent him before. At this moment, he looked at the other party’s momentum. Wang Baole felt that his previous investment was correct. The old guy must be very human. I am even a high player.

When the beauty was smug, the old doctor looked away and saw Wang Baole. He snorted and walked over. He took out a half black mask from his arms and threw it on Wang Baole.

"Small age, the mind should not be placed in some messy places, you have not entered the Taoist temple, you have learned to give gifts, the old man is also a well-informed person, you mask, or keep it yourself." Absolutely, a pair of honest and honest appearances, as if to hate iron is not a steel general reprimand.

Wang Baole took the mask and snorted at the bottom of his heart. He saw that the old doctor was angry, and he was anxious. He just wanted to explain it. He suddenly thought of the killer he summed up in the high-ranking autobiography. One of them was in front of the boss, cheeky first. Time admits mistakes, and often it can make things bigger.

So I took a deep breath and quickly put on a repentant look and admit the mistake.

"The teacher is right, I am wrong!"

The old doctor was a little surprised, and the words that had to be reprimanded were somewhat unsatisfactory because the other party was so convinced.

Wang Baole saw the expression of the old doctor, relieved his breath, and had some smugness. The secret autobiography of the senior official is indeed useful.

The old doctor snorted and looked up at all the students in the entire restaurant. The right hand pointed to everyone.

"And you, you are the future students of my school. Look at what you look like these days. You must remember forever, my generation of warriors, stand up first, then speak again, then stand up!"

The old doctor hated it, and the words echoed in the restaurant, so that everyone could not help but bow down and be awkward, and Wang Baole was here, his eyes jerked brightly, and it was time to express himself.

So I quickly took out a small book from my arms and recorded it on it. From time to time, I looked up at the old doctor, showing the expression of listening, and sometimes nodded seriously, as if I had to remember every word spoken by the other party. He summed up the killer in the autobiography of senior officials.

Other students saw this scene, and looked at Wang Baole as if they were looking at God.

After seeing it, the old doctor also stayed for a moment, an unprecedented sense of weirdness, and could not help but float on his heart. It was really his ushered in so many students. This is the first time that someone has encountered such a wonderful person. I saw a few more eyes, but I gradually sneered.

"Little guy, the old man's flattery is not so good to shoot, you have to thank this thunder magnetic storm, otherwise, the old man can train for three days and three nights, I see if you can write on the small book!"

When the old doctor’s words came out, the momentum suddenly changed. The breath of a strong man was scattered from his body. It seemed to be a pressure, and the whole restaurant was covered. All the students were shocked, and they only felt that this fighting method was still an old doctor. The road is one foot high.

Wang Baole blinked and touched the recording jade in his pocket. He weighed it for a long time, and looked at the lightning storm that was approaching. He gave up the idea of ​​taking out. He felt that he was in front of the boss and not shameful.

Seeing everyone's expression, the old physician was smug and eloquent.

"You remember, you should put your mind on cultivation, be a man in the future, you can't be greedy, you can't be unjust, and you don't always want to find a female companion. You must know a knife on your head. These days, you are not too good. Like words!"

Speaking of this, suddenly, a delicate voice drifted from the old doctor's voice bracelet.

"Physician grandfather, where are you, people will not be the magnetic clothes, you come to help me."

The sound was charming, and the old doctor heard it, and the body shook involuntarily. He barely coughed and glanced at the crowd seriously. This turned his heart and hurriedly turned away, and at the same time rushed to the opening of the spirit bracelet.

"Hey, come here, baby is not in a hurry, I will come over to help you."

This scene was reversed too fast, the contrast was too big, everyone was dumbfounded, and even Wang Baole was stunned for a while. After a long while, he took a breath, and as the people couldn’t help but stunned, Wang Baole gritted his teeth and smashed a few words.

"Shameless! This old ghost, the ones I said before are all butt! There are only so many female students, we are not enough. He is so old, and comes to grab resources with us, not because of the size is an official! "Wang Baole wants to be more and more angry. In the discussion with the students around me, my heart is more determined about my dream of being an official."

As the sound of the alarm intensified, the people ended their discussion, and they went to the spiritual room with indignation.

The Xiuling Room, in the core area of ​​the airship, as its name implies, is a place for these students to cultivate, and it is also the most protected place for the airship in the process of passing through special areas.

At this moment in the Xiu Ling room, with the gathering of the people, arranged by the teacher of the ship in the Shudao Courtyard, all the people sit in rows and put on the special magnetic suits for the airships issued by the Shudao.

Just wearing a magnetic Lingfu, Wang Baole is immersed in the injustice of Dr. Lu, and looked up at it casually. The depressed mood, because of a distant look, suddenly worse, unconscious brows, exposed Disliked look.

His eyes, sitting on a slender girl with two legs, is very moving, but now it is also frowning, showing a look of disgust, apparently in their mutual gaze, the other is familiar and extremely disgusting.

"Hey!" Both of them were timid, and they quickly avoided their gaze, as if they even looked at each other and felt spicy eyes.

"Where can you meet this tablet Du Min, I am sick of it!" Wang Baole snorted, it is his and the girl named Du Min, from small to large, all in a class, especially the other side of the week, arrogant, with As the squad leader, he constantly harassed himself. The two pieces of sugar that year were sent to her...

"What's so great, isn't it a broken squad leader? After waiting for the Daoyuan, with my official killer, Laozi can also mix a part-time job!" Wang Baole snorted.

Soon, after everyone dressed up, the teachers of the Shudaoyuan with the ship checked them one by one, they explained the precautions, and even severely warned everyone. After the airship entered the minefield, there was danger, there may be life and death. crisis.

To see everyone changing their looks, these teachers accompanying the ship just left, the door of the repairing room was directly sealed, and the lights gradually darkened.

At the moment, the Xiu Ling room still has a low voice conversation, but as time goes by, the tension becomes more and more intense, and gradually no one speaks and falls into complete silence.

In this silence, as if I could hear my heartbeat, even Wang Baole, who is still in the middle of nowhere, could not help but be nervous. After half a column of incense, the entire airship slammed into the lightning area!

Looking from the outside, the whole thunder magnetic cloud is very majestic, like a big mouth, will be compared with it, it is a small hot airship airship, directly swallowed.

This kind of meteorology seems to contain the power of destruction. It can sweep everything. Perhaps only the sky, the shocking Jianyang, can ignore everything, as if overlooking the world for 37 years is not enough, but also longer.

This year is the thirty-seventh year of the spirit.

In 3029, the rapid development of earth science and technology, without borders, achieved the unification of the earth and entered the federal era. It was at this time that a big sword flew from the starry sky, penetrated the sun, and the world was sensational.

The hilt of this great sword may have been broken because of this. In this violent vibration, a large number of fragments were broken and sprinkled over the stars, some of which landed on the earth.

With the advent of the bronze sword, as the debris fell, there was a sudden emergence of a new source of energy that seemed to pervade the world, and was named... aura!

The aura is like the air, some places are rich, some are thin, and because the scattered pieces are obtained by the federal and various forces, they have found various exercises on cultivation and refining, alchemy, and refining. The text on it is full of ancient meanings, causing people to come into contact with ancient Chinese and become a trend.

The emergence of Reiki also quickly eliminated the original energy and changed people's lives. Not only did it form a spiritual network, but it also changed the course of the earth's civilization, and made the whole earth open a spiritual civilization.

Since the rise of the ancient Wu, the world has undergone great changes, and the era of the people's cultivation of immortals has thus begun.

History said, Ling Yuan Ji.

At this moment, in the thunder magnetic black cloud, the slow-moving red hot air balloon airship, surrounded by lightning, is constantly bombarded, but there is a soft light curtain spread protection around, making the airship stable.

As for the repair room in the core area of ​​the cabin, all the students, including Wang Baole, have unknowingly slept at this moment, and it seems that there is a strange power to guide them into the dream.

In the main cabinet of the bow, there are seven or eight teachers at the moment. Some drink tea, some laugh, and talk to each other easily, which is quite different from what they used to scare the students.

The head of the person is an old man, wrinkled with a smoker, and is smoking a mouthful. If Wang Baole is here, he must recognize it at a glance. This old man is the shameless Lu Lao physician.

"There are already in the hospital, we are ready to start the trial of the district." With the opening of a middle-aged teacher, the old doctor who smoked a cigarette smiled.



Although it is only one more, it can be nearly 5,000 words, younger brothers and sisters, ask for encouragement, seek collection, and recommend tickets! !

New book seedlings, need care, urgent need to guard ~~~

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