MTL - A World Worth Protecting-~ Written before serialization

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Dear readers, I am very excited and sad in my heart.

Excited is that you can board my car again, and take you to experience the ups and downs of the story in my driving after the pink and handsome 00, thrilling.

As for the sadness... my vacation is gone... my heart hurts and I need comfort.

However, I also have enough rest. I feel that I am full of energy all over the body, full of the power of code words. Many times, when I think of a new book, I will not spit.

I miss my most dearest reader, my little brother, readers, sisters, come and hug.

Then I will report to you about my life in the past few months. During the holiday period, I have lost my life and lost weight. Now I see myself in the mirror. I think, God, this person is handsome, who is he? ......

Cough, do you want to know my unique weight loss tips?

At the same time, during these days, I am still resting on the idea of ​​perfecting new books. The new book is a big and big challenge for me. I have always considered how Xianxia novels can produce different flowers.

I used to add a lot of elements in many previous books, and I have achieved some results. I always feel that I am not satisfied. I think that Xianxia novels can be better, more exciting, and even different. The story of the background.

Background these two words, please focus on...

I am very prepared now. I feel very satisfied with this new book, especially the protagonist in the story. You will know tomorrow how he is different...

I will also understand how much effort and bitterness I have paid for this book. Now think about it, I am really fighting for this book.

Friendly reminder, starting tomorrow, there will be high energy, please fasten your seat belt...

We, tomorrow at 12 noon, see!

Finally, I read the eternal rumor, I used to be in the public micro-signal, some readers have not seen it, I will send it below.

I almost forgot to shout, ask for collection! ! ! ! Weight loss tips for collection! ! ! ! !


The years are long and swaying.

The eternal spirits are star-studded, and the 18,000-strong ethnic group is prosperous. The generations of generations are strong, and the ages are too old or dominated. They have mushroomed and become bright and stars in their respective eras.

Especially the Eternal Fairyland is the most special and brightest of the endless stars.

The story of Bai Xiaochun has been turned into a legend. After many years, he left the eternal fairyland with his family and friends. His past events have become a myth in this eternal spiritual world. Even after many years, it is still often mentioned by others. The glory of that period of time seems to represent the history of the peak of the eternal spiritual world to some extent.

No one knows where Bai Xiaochun went. He can only find some clues from the books left by the princes in the past. It seems that the recorder of the year faintly told the world that Bai Xiaochun and his relatives and friends went to a no one knows. The place where you live a happy life.

The contents of this classic book have been recognized and accepted by the world. In the entire eternal spiritual world, even now, it is still considered by everyone.

At the same time, every generation has monks trying to find Bai Xiaochun, trying to trace the history of the year, to see for themselves, the strongest one.

It is only whoever can find the traces of Bai Xiaochun and his relatives and friends.

At this moment, outside the eternal spirit world, it is a vast starry sky, there is endless fog, can not see too far, can only see in the dust of the starry sky, there is a shadow, a face of emotion, and even With some excitement, go forward quickly.

"I finally... finally escaped!!" This figure looks like a young man, white and tender, wearing a white robe, it seems very exciting at this moment, it seems to fly out of the cage, embraced the free bird...

"They are too much, I am too real, too honest, or how can I be so bullied!" The young man sighed, but although he seemed to be white and tender, the cleverness in his eyes made him look not bad. But definitely not an honest person.

This person is Bai Xiaochun.

In the classics, when he lived in the eternal fairyland for a period of time, he left with his family and friends and lived a happy life. In fact, even though it was a long time, Bai Xiaochun’s temper, he could not stand it. In particular, Song Junyi, Zhou Zimo, Hou Xiaomei, Gongsun, and Du Lingfei’s daughters are here to him, and the strictness of their care has reached the point where Bai Xiaochun feels that he is angry.

"They don't let any woman talk to me, let me go out alone. If I go where I go, I will be in danger. I am worried that I will collapse the disaster at home... This is all, even alchemy, Not allowed!"

"I am Bai Xiaochun who is that kind of person!"

"I can't let me talk to a woman. I won't let me go out to play. I won't let my alchemy, I will quit. But I have old wives. They are still quarreling, especially if they are not good, don't say no. Declared, a frame can be copied for a thousand years..." Bai Xiaochun was angry and angrily. When he thought of Song Junyi and others arguing that one thing was unsuccessful, he looked at himself and asked himself to choose who was right. Bai Xiaochun was going crazy.

"I still escaped clean... With the New Year's Eve, they are all busy, I quickly ran out and strolled." Bai Xiaochun felt so fast, he had already thought about it, this time, it must be good. Distracted heart.

In the emotion, Bai Xiaochun is flying fast, and every step falls. It is across time and space. His goal has been chosen. It is the source of the small turtle, not the domain.

But just as he was about to step into the Weiyang Road, Bai Xiaochun suddenly looked at the right side and looked to the right side, as if in the misty fog, he found something.

"The breath of the fourth step... No, there is a rhyme in the fifth step!" Bai Xiaochun blinked, his right hand lifted up in the sky, and there was a long rainbow flying from the fog inside. It fell in the hands of Bai Xiaochun.

That is a bottle, to be precise, is a drift bottle.

In this sky, I don’t know how long it has drifted until I realize that Bai Xiaochun passed by and took it.

"It's a bit interesting." Bai Xiaochun blinked and looked at the drift bottle in his hand. After opening it, he took a closer look and found that there was actually a note inside.

With curiosity, Bai Xiaochun took the note and opened it, and he was happy.

"Who wrote this, who wants to be a rich man?" When Bai Xiaochun was laughing, suddenly his look changed, and he saw that there was a trace of cause and effect on the note, which seemed to be connected with Bai Xiaochun.

This scene makes Bai Xiaochun's eyes wide, and the left hand smashes the cause and effect immediately.

"This guy is too bad. Who is this? His path actually contains causality. As long as he touches this note, he will invisibly write down the owe to him, owe him money in causality!!" Bai Xiaochun looked strange and looked at the note and snorted.

"Thinking about money is crazy!" After a sigh of relief, Bai Xiaochun simply waved his hand and used his own words on the note, adding a sentence behind the sentence.

"What's good about making a fortune, longevity is the most important thing! I want to live forever!"

After writing, it was about to be stuffed into the drift bottle. Bai Xiaochun suddenly hesitated and reopened the note. After his sentence, he added another sentence.

"Just find a Taoist!"

After doing this, Bai Xiaochun is satisfied, thinking that if someone else sees the drift bottle and listens to his own persuasion, he feels that he can tell the latecomer of his life experience, and throws the bottle into the sky. After that, the body swayed, with pride, went straight to the Weiyang domain!

"There is a chance to meet the poor mad guy, be sure to talk to him! I dare to let me owe him money? I sent him a mouthful of emotions!"


Shout again, ask for collection! ! ! ! Weight loss tips for collection! ! ! ! !

Read The Duke's Passion