MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 707 Strange

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It is impossible to take a bath.

It is impossible to take a bath in this life, and can only survive by wearing a dirty little foreign dress.

Dignified and fierce, to be dragged to take a bath?

Tolerable or unbearable!

Wei Li struggled harder than when Bai Ye took her rabbit doll just now.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance!

Wei Li will never be a slave!


With a loud bang, this strange Li was smashed to the ground by Bai Ye.

The floor shattered and a large hole appeared in the ground.

"This is someone else's house. If you damage someone else's house, you will lose money."

Bai Ye squatted down and said, pressing down on the body that Wei Li had just struggled to get up.

Wei Li wanted to get up.

Bai Ye slapped it down.

Like the sound of a pile driver, the pit on the ground is one layer down.

The whole house shook.

Shaky look.

Wei Li refused to admit defeat, got up again, and was slapped to the ground by Bai Ye again.

"Life force is very tenacious."

Bai Ye whispered, "stabilizing" the surrounding environment.

Bless it to become a super solid place that can withstand a nuclear explosion.

In this way, you don't have to worry about the collapse of the house, you can do whatever you want.




Wei Li Pile Driver · Bai Ye is officially launched.

The sound, which stopped after about fifteen minutes, did not reach the outside, of course.

Otherwise, the other residents of this villa area would have already called the police.

Hello, 110?

In the middle of the night someone demolished the house.

Bai Ye hummed an unknown little tune, the same tune that "Sister Wei Li" hummed when he rang the doorbell.

Slightly weird.

He grabbed the weird feet and dragged her towards the bathroom.

Sister Wei Li kept whimpering and scratching with both hands on the ground.

But he couldn't change his fate of being "dragged forward".

The other foot kicked Bai Ye occasionally, it didn't hurt or itch, just like scratching it.

This is the wheel of history that cannot be changed!

Forcibly dragged him into the bathroom, Bai Ye turned on the faucet and flicked it.

He threw Wei Li into the big bathtub, and kicked her back before she could climb out.

"Wash well."

Bai Ye said, "Do you know?"

"Woo—" Wei Li let out a whimpering sound like a small animal.

She shrank and shivered on the other side of the bathtub.

The water gradually disappeared, submerging her ankles.

It made Wei Li move twice uneasy.

The dirty little foreign dress floated in the water.

The long hair that fell to the waist was twisted into a ball in the water, like a water plant or a water snake.

"Take it off and wash it yourself, understand?"

Bai Ye said.


The voice was already crying.

Well, I was beaten and cried.

What a shameful disgrace.

"It's really bad shape."

Bai Ye commented unceremoniously at all.

Contrary to Bai Ye's expectations, there is not an extremely ferocious body under the clothes.

On the contrary, it was as pure as jade, without the slightest sense of strangeness and terror.

It's just a little slender, and it doesn't fit into the eyes of the white night.

"Don't walk around."

Bai Ye stood up, gave a warning, walked out of the bathroom, and said directly to Song Yin, "Where do you keep your clothes?"


Song Yin didn't know why.

"Oh, I gave the monster a bath, and I plan to change its clothes. The original clothes are too dirty." Bai Ye said.


Song Yin was stunned, what exactly is this operation?

After half an hour.

Wei Li, who put on some big clean clothes, continued to huddle beside the sofa and shivered.

Her bangs, which covered her eyes, were lifted.

Showing her true face, a very beautiful girl's face.

His eyes were as pure as that of a deer, and it was the same as the voice of the speech when he "first met", showing a timidity.

However, if you are deceived by this appearance, the end will definitely be miserable.


Leaning on the sofa, Bai Ye stretched out a hand in front of Wei Li and said.

Wei Li's originally pure and timid eyes changed.

It has become extremely resentful, and just one look is extremely hideous.

Bring boundless fear.

The normal mouth also opened at the same time, turning into a big mouth, biting towards Bai Ye's hand.

Bai Ye grabbed it casually, avoiding Wei Li's bite.

He also grabbed his wrist, and then—flipped wildly in mid-air.

It's like teasing a cat with a cat stick.

Without a cat, Wei Li is a cat-friendly joker.

After a full two minutes of shaking, Bai Ye took it lightly, and put Wei Li back next to the sofa.

A crying voice with a "嘤嘤" sound came out from Gu Li's body.



Bai Ye stretched out his hand unremittingly and spread it out in front of Wei Li again.

This time, Wei Li didn't resist, and stretched out his hand on Bai Ye's palm while crying.

"very good."

Bai Ye nodded in satisfaction.

The first step in taming the strange force was a complete success.

"Left hand."

Bai Ye began to go further, experimenting with this strange intelligence level.

Looking up, he glanced at Bai Ye for unknown reasons. After hesitating for a while, Gu Li removed his right hand and put his left hand on.


The trainer Bai Ye complimented without hesitation, took the grapes on the coffee table, picked one and sent it to Gue Li's mouth.

His head was crooked, and Wei Li opened his mouth for a moment.

He opened it to an exaggerated level, then returned to normal in an instant, and ate the grapes that Bai Ye handed over.

"stand up."

"Turn around."

"Squat down."

"Playing dead, this is very good."




"Hey - brother, brother."

It was very reluctant to say, and it was very different from the fluent words that he asked Bai Ye at the beginning.

White Night has been tested repeatedly.

After confirming that Wei Li can understand his words, he will also respond to his own commands.

But don't say "words".

Those normal-sounding words like "brother eats", "brother is always with me", etc.

Rather than talking to Bai Ye.

Rather, it's a meaningless "cry".

It's like a parrot learning to talk.

On the contrary, the sound of "嘤嘤嘤" conveyed different feelings.

It's like the barking of a kitten and a puppy.

It is the "language" that is really used to communicate.

"Unexpectedly, it's still a monster."

Bai Ye patted Wei Li's head.

The other party wanted to dodge, but he didn't dare to dodge, and let Bai Ye's hand stroke his head.

For Wei Li, what he felt was not a warm big hand touching his hair.

And then completed the head-to-head kill.

But instinct is roaring frantically, telling her not to move and obey the person in front of her? monster? exist?

"Why don't I give you a name? Let's call it Bai Yanyi."

Said the night.


Wei Li-Bai Yingying made a suspicious voice.

"It's such a happy decision."

Bai Ye said, taking out the axe of the river god, "Come on, this is a greeting."

The possessed type is weird, what will happen when you encounter an active mobile weird like Bai Yingying?

Will the axe of the river **** control Bai Yingying?

Those who did not dare to disobey Bai Ye's orders stretched out their hands timidly and took the axe.

Bai Ye lifted the "seal".

The axe model suddenly turned into a rusty axe, and then formed a complete small axe, which was held in Bai Yanying's hand.


The voice of surprise came, and Bai Yuzhen was shocked and took a few steps back.

into a stagnant state.

After a while, the axe in his hand suddenly changed.

Suddenly changed from a small axe to a big axe.

Holding the axe in both hands.

"elder brother…"

Bai Yanzhen opened his mouth to speak, and his voice was full of excitement, resentment, confusion, and distortion.

Terrible resentment emanated from her.

Go straight into the night.

At the same time, the axe was also lifted high by her and fell towards Bai Ye.

Standard position, not Bai Ye's head.

But Bai Ye's legs.

"I will always take care of you."

Bai Ye said In order to achieve this goal, Bai Ye's legs need to be cut off first.

In this way, he can be taken care of all the time and will not leave Bai Yanyi.


Bai Ye didn't dodge or evade, and looked at Bai Yan.

The moment his eyes fell on her, the axe stopped in mid-air.


Throwing the axe, Bai Yingying ran to the corner of the living room and shivered.

The axe disappeared the moment it fell.

"You tremble after equipping you with a weapon?"

Bai Ye said, "It seems that education is not enough."

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes
Read The Duke's Passion