MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 708 Hot weapons can't save the world

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Early the next morning.

Song Yin, who was occupied by a dove, opened the door and walked into the house.

Some stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

In the living room, a girl wiped her tears and wiped the floor.

Wearing Song Yin's slightly loose and not fitting clothes, her expression was pitiful.

Instead of mopping the floor, take a cloth and kneel on the floor to wipe the floor.

Just like a poor girl who was abused.

That is to say, there is no injury on the body, otherwise, leaning on the sofa, Bai Ye, the uncle, is going to enter the shift room.

"Yo, I'm back." Bai Ye greeted Song Yin.


Song Yin pointed at the crying girl who wiped the floor, but hesitated.

"That's right, it's the weird one last night." Bai Ye nodded with a smile, "I named her Bai Yanyi. Hey, call her someone."

"… hum."

Bai Yanchen raised his head, sobbed twice, and greeted Song Yin.

"...What did you do last night?" Song Yin asked.

Can you give Wei Li a little face?

"I found out that it is possible for Wei Li to be tamed."

Bai Ye said solemnly, "This is the best proof."

"So you can tame it?"

Song Yin came over and smashed herself on the sofa.

I'm so tired, I feel like I won't love you anymore.

Every time I feel that I can accept all kinds of operations in Baiye.

He will give another surprise, saying that you are still far away.

Surprise or not surprise, surprise or not?

"So I plan to let the trading pavilion develop new products." Bai Ye said, "It will be used to capture Wei Li."

"...Poké Ball, no, weird ball?" Song Yin felt a pain in her head.

"Yes, at that time, you can become a trainer."

Bai Ye said, "But now there is a problem, that is, the cost is too high, and large-scale production is temporarily impossible."

If you want to suppress Wei Li, you must have power and wealth.

It is a piece of cake for the trading pavilion to make a strange elf ball.

But to conquer Wei Li, you need the power of the Poké Ball's own financial value.

At the current level of Bai Ye, it is not impossible.

But it will consume the right wealth.

So the price will be higher.

Not everyone can afford it.

Compared with taking the initiative to bless the power and wealth, fighting with Wei Li.

This way of subduing the Wei Li Poké Ball is undoubtedly a more effective means of dealing with Wei Li.

Of course, there are issues beyond the pricing issue.

Such as strange tameness.

Pokemon is still disobedient.

Pokémon are not obedient, at most they are not trainers.

Wei Li is disobedient, but he wants to eat people.

Also, where did the first monster come from?

If you don't have your own strange Li, to hurt the wild strange Li, how to conquer the wild strange Li?

Just throwing a Wei Li Poké Ball is not enough to conquer Wei Li.

Fighting half to death first, then subduing, is the basic operation.

Unless it's a master ball.

But the Masters Club is very expensive...

Thinking of this, Bai Ye couldn't help but nod his head slightly, indeed, he could give Wei Li Pokéball three, six, nine, and so on.

In this way, the needs of different classes of customers can be met.

Normal Poké Ball, Intermediate Poké Ball, Advanced Poké Ball, Master Ball.

Corresponding to the four levels of Wei Li.

Of course, everything at the moment is just White Night's imagination.

It's not that simple to make it work.

The understanding of Wei Li is not thorough enough, and the task on his shoulders is still very heavy.

The road is long and arduous, and there is a long way to go.

"I have arranged for the forging department to open a new production line to produce pokeballs."

Bai Ye said to Song Yin, "You inform the countries and ask them to prepare, at least first set up a special department for Wei Li, don't be afraid of the consumption of power and wealth, first injure Wei Li, then use the Wei Li Poke Ball to subdue it, and set up the defensive front. Build it first."

"it is good."

Song Yin nodded.

The so-called preparation, in addition to manpower.

The most important thing is to prepare enough funds.

War has always been very expensive.

Song Yin went to contact.

Bai Ye looked out the window and murmured, "What will the world look like?"

It doesn't look like he's talking to himself.

Rather asking questions.

a week later.

At the United Nations Headquarters, representatives of various countries and dignitaries gathered together.

Listening to Bai Ye's explanation of his "Salvation Plan", he had a pained expression on his face.

The true face of the true master of the biography of the Nightshade Group.

They can be said to have thoroughly learned it today.

However, no matter how painful it is, they can only hold back.

Not only had to hold back, but also smiled and applauded, saying "Mr. Bai is right".

Because not only China, but also various countries have similar strange incidents that cannot be handled and resolved.

Some small countries with weak government control have fallen into a state of civil strife.

The controller of the Nightfall Group controls super black technology (some people think), and the power is almost equivalent to the white night of a big country.

Is the present, the only savior.

It looks unreliable.

Everyone can only admit it.

"I know that everyone's confidence may not be enough." Bai Ye said, "So, I intend to demonstrate to you on the spot to prove the feasibility of my plan. Becoming a weird trainer is the only correct way."

Then, take out a cursed item and throw it away at will.

Seal lifted.

A monster appeared on the stage.

Has a basic human-like form, but twisted into an eerie, terrifying stance.

According to the Uncanny Valley theory, this kind of "existence" that is close to people rather than people is the most terrifying.

Invisible resentment emanated.

Even the people present are considered to be superior.

They are also two wars, and the heart is filled with fear and despair.

Even moving around has become a luxury.

Weird and terrifying.

Of course, this strange Li continued to struggle, but he couldn't get out of Bai Ye's control.

Can only move in a small area on the stage.

Bai Ye took out another walnut-sized strange elf ball and threw it out, shouting loudly, "It's up to you! Bai 嘤嘤!"

In fact, it is not impossible to use double-sided ghost carving.

However, passive geeks who have territorial awareness and will not go out are slightly lower than active geeks in terms of "wisdom".

In addition, the image of the double-sided ghost sculpture is really distorted.

Strength is also stronger.

The impact of grievances alone is enough to kill most of the people present.

After all, it is a demonstration, so it is natural to choose the lovely lady who will be "嘤嘤嘤".

Bai Ye's appearance is very deceptive, and Bai Ye is very satisfied.

"Come on, 嘤嘤, use 100,000 volts!" The trainer Bai Ye gave an order.


Bai Ying Ying looked at Bai Ye unsurely, 100,000 volts?

With her wisdom, she couldn't understand what Bai Ye was doing.

"Kill me to death."

Bai Ye pointed at the strange Li who could only move in a small area.

This time, Bai Yingying understood.

"Bang" sounded.

With an extra large axe in his hand, he jumped up and slashed towards the monster.

Bai Ye loosened the restrictions, and the two monsters directly fought into a ball.

Bai Ying Ying cut the monster into two halves with an axe.

A large amount of blood was sprayed out, but it did not affect the strange counterattack.

Ripped white belly.

The battle between the two is **** and brutal.

Bai Ye looked at him blankly.

There was an incomparably suppressed retching sound from the scene.

Only through descriptive materials, it is impossible to truly experience the strange and terrible.

seeing is believing.

During the battle, Bai Yingzheng also revealed his distorted true face.

The hands and feet are folded in a completely abnormal posture, and all kinds of attacks are simply not possible for humans to complete.

Wei Li, who was taught by Bai Ye himself.

After a short while, Bai Yanli chopped the monster into pieces, then leaned down and swallowed it.

The strong resentment on his body became more obvious.

"Good job."

Bai Ye praised After swallowing the strange, Bai Yanping turned his head sharply and stared at Bai Ye.

After a while, the wound on his body healed, and the distorted expression of resentment and the axe disappeared.

She has become the old lady again.

Leaning to Bai Ye's side, he looked at him flatteringly.

After using the head-to-head kill casually, Bai Ye took out the Wei Li Poké Ball and took Bai Yingying back.

"You can see that Wei Li can be conquered and fought."

Bai Ye said to everyone who now not only hurts his eggs, but also his brain and his whole body.

"Hot weapons can't save the world. Becoming a quirky trainer and mastering quirky li's strengths is the core of saving the world."

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