MTL - Abyss Domination-v11 Chapter 32 [Undead] field!

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"No! No! No!..."

The human soul that looked a little puffy in front of him was full of unwilling roar, but Sauron’s expression did not change at all. He did not hesitate to reach out and hold the soul in front of him, and then directly crushed him.

A huge soul power broke out.

The power of Okas turned into the brilliance of countless divine, and then rushed into Sauron itself.

A row of data emerges first:

"Kill the undead king - Okas [soul form]!..."

"Extracting the target soul energy!..."

"You have gained 15 million killing experience!..."

"Extracting the target divine power!..."

"You have gained a value of 10 points!..."

"Extracting the target **** power!..."

"You got a 5 point value!..."


"Devouring the target divine power!... You have acquired the characteristics of the [not dead]!..."

"Your [Death] field has improved!... You have gained extra talent ability [Summon Undead]!... You gain extra talent ability [Create Undead]!..."


A force that belongs to death is integrated into Sauron's body.

The weak soul of Orkas was crushed by He without hesitation, accompanied by the complete death of Orkas, and a special undead character was absorbed by Sauron.

"[Undead] Features: Your soul peeks through the mystery of death, which allows you to escape death. This is the power that the gods can have. When your body dies, your soul can use foreign objects to make you Resurrection. The undead character makes your soul stronger, and it seems that only the real death can kill you!..."

The source of the resurrection of Okas.

Sauron seemed to feel something in the dark, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"It seems that Okas is really a bit unfortunate."

After gaining the characteristics of the undead, Sauron finally understood the reason why Okas was constantly resurrected, and it was because of this ability to peek into the mystery of death that many people once killed Orkas and could not completely end. he. However, after all, Sauron is different from other people. He inherits the power of the three gods of death, and this is exactly what Ocas is most afraid of.

Only ‘death' can really kill him!

The power of Sauron just meets this requirement. Otherwise, other gods will at most imprison and seal the soul of Ocas, just like other people in the past did.

"This feature seems to be useless to me."

Sauron frowned and glanced, muttering: "The true form of God itself can be resurrected. As long as it is not the death of the Holy Holocaust, or death in the **** battle of the Abyss, otherwise the possibility of the resurrection of the gods would have been Very high. Moreover, death can eliminate the characteristics of the undead and completely kill the target."


"There are still many gods with death priests who are active in material planes!"

A basically useless feature.

Unless Sauron kills all those who have a death priest, this feature is a complete feat.

However, after killing Ocas, Sauron’s death field has once again increased, and it has also extended out of the field of “undead creatures”. This special extension field has allowed Sauron to obtain [call undead] and [create undead. The power of the creature also allows his pastor to access the field of [calling undead].

In other words.

From now on, the priests in the church of Sauron can use the spells of the undead.

For example, the awakening of awakening, undead, dominating undead, group summoning the undead, etc., these are originally unusable magic, and now because of the power of Sauron, his pastor can have two kinds of Summoning ability, one is to summon the shadow life, the other is to summon undead life.

A little golden light spread with the temple.

When Sauron re-sitting on the throne, with the whole Modo Island as the center, all the faiths of the material plane and the priests who served Sauron were all inductive, and then they found that there was more magic in their own use. Some other spells.

These spells are fed back to the priest through the sensory perception of the gods. They must reach a certain level of strength to gain access to the field of Summon Undead.

A burst of prayer sounded.

Countless pastors involuntarily began to pray and praise the greatness of Sauron, because they have no doubt that the gods they have served have become stronger again!

of course.

The real power in this field is not here.

But Sauron is also a bit confused whether this ability should be turned on. That is, after he killed Ocas, it seems that the field of believers has expanded into undead.

Sauron seems to be able to receive the faith of the undead!

This is the ability that the real brand of death has, whether it is death - Nailu or Klango have many undead believers.

At the same time, in the special ability that Sauron can give to believers, there is also a special power after deep access to the field of undead creatures, that is, [transformation of the semi-dead form] and [transformation of the undead form]!

At present, the special blood pulse opened by Sauron only transforms the shadow life.

His followers can be transformed into shadow life through some kind of ritual, giving up part of human characteristics, and gaining the ability to shadow while greatly improving their life. The transformation of the undead form is to be more thorough, and it becomes an undead creature directly. The life theory is extremely long, but it will have the weakness of undead.

"Forget it."

Sauron carefully thought about it and shook his head: "It is still not the ability to transform the undead form."

After all, the undead is not a living person.

This is not necessarily a good thing for Sauron's church, and it is still not the case that he does not fully master the death priesthood.

If you open this field, the interior of the church is more complicated.

In the case of a shadowed life, there is also an internal sect of the undead, which is not a good thing for Sauron. And the kingdom of Sauron needs to be enriched. If many believers become undead when they are dying, then where does the soul of God come from?

At some point, Sauron still agrees with the teachings of Ke Lanwo.

That is, the deceased should not be too disturbing the world of the living, which will blur the boundaries of life and death.

What Sauron needs more is the peacemakers in God, not a lot of non-death. Although the prayers are reborn after death, they will lose a lot of memories, but after all, they still have seven emotions and desires, and they have their own feelings and thoughts, but the undead are completely different. For a long time, the form of the undead spirit has more harm than good to the church in Sauron!

.................. (To be continued.).
