MTL - Abyss Domination-v11 Chapter 33 Lobbying the gods!

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"There is still 15 points of Godhead value to advance to powerful power!"

For Sauron, the greatest joy in killing Orkas is not to gain the ability to be related to the undead field, but to bring him closer to the powerful power. 【】

At present, the divine value of Sauron's ontology is 505 points, which is superior to most of the gods with medium divine power. Even if it is compared with the powerful power of the old brand, it will not be too far apart. And Sauron's demon avatar has a part of the divine value, although not a lot, but it is no problem to accumulate the 550 or so divinity. After all, the bottomless abyss has many demons with a trace of divinity. Then there is Saurer's godhead value. After a long accumulation, his godhead value has already reached 285 points. This means that as long as Sauron kills a weak enemy and reaches the enemy of medium power, he can directly advance to the level of powerful power.

"Who else!?"

From the depths of his memory, Sauron looks for the gods who are most likely to kill and who are the least likely to offend.


The undead disaster has reached the final stage. This stage is a period of riots, that is, many undead lose control and start to go away. The root cause of this phenomenon is death - Nai Luo gave up control of these undead, and prepared to absorb the power of death to advance to powerful power.

Ke Lanwo’s [Sleep] field has broken.

The last wave of the undead disaster, in simple terms, can be divided into three parts, and three epic quests that the adventurers intervened in the past.

The first part is related to the red robe wizard. The chief ‘Sazastan’ of the Necromancer of the Red Robe Wizard is a powerful demigod lich who led many remaining red robe wizards to attack the Torre area. Because the red robe wizard is almost destroyed, the remaining wizards are basically the Necromancer and the Lich of the undead, so this part of the battle affects the entire Torre area, involving the gods including the silver moon, the noble goddess, crafts God and the **** of suffering and so on. These godly churches secretly prevented the Red Robe Wizard, and the original high-level adventurers also accessed this epic mission.

The final result of the battle was the death of Sazatan, and the red robe wizard returned to the realm of the dead.

But now it's hard to say, mainly depending on whether other gods will be shot in person, after all, there are not so many adventurers.

The second part of the task is the counterattack of the worship of the dragon and the dragon. This part has been frustrated by Sauron, and there are already good dragons on the mainland who are fighting members of the dragon witch, so this part of the epic The task should be the one with the lowest current difficulty. In the case of other dragons involved, it is difficult for the dragon witch to become a climate, and there is no time to help them.

The third part is the key.

This is the top epic mission since the eruption of the Holy Holocaust!

Those who were eligible to join this epic quest were basically legendary to semi-god-level adventurers, and the aborigines who are now eligible to intervene need at least half-god strength.

This part of the epic mission is divided into three camps, namely Death God - Nai Luo, the King of the Dead - Ke Lanwo, the murder **** Shenik, in addition to the goddess of death and magic from different worlds, but the latter is only If you come to the water to fish, you will not go to life for the sake of God.

Therefore, this third part is the key to decisive!

The adventurer can choose one of the interventions, and there are other gods behind them that are drawn by the three camps, and according to the original progress should be the final death **** in the three gods!


Sauron also inherited the power of the three gods of death, which means that Sauron is eligible to intervene in this struggle if he wishes.

Death - Nai Luo is the most powerful one today. After he has been preparing for the undead disaster, he ambushed Ke Lanwo to seriously injure him, and then broke the field of "sleeping" and caused a catastrophe. In a large number of undead resurrection, the dead died. In this case, the force of death of the material plane has gathered to the critical point.

This power can make a **** who masters the [death] priesthood advance directly to powerful power!

Nai Luo is preparing for the final step.

When the entire ritual reaches its apex, He will appear to take advantage of these forces and directly replace Kranwo as the master of death.

For this kind of situation, Clanwo is unlikely to sit still, so when the last stop is when Nye is ready to advance to the powerful power, Klanwo will definitely show up, while at the same time hate Kleinwo, who is in charge of the murder of the priest, The same will be done.

Sauron is now faced with a choice.

That is the part of the last three parts of the access to the undead. If it is the first part, the difficulty of solving it is small, the harvest is also less, and the second part is even lower. After all, the **** of the lich has fallen. And there are other dragons involved, the defeat of the dragon witch is only a matter of time.

But the third part is really too mixed.

According to what Solon learned, other gods who secretly watched all of this were Ms. Night, Ms. Silvermoon, Lady of Magic, Lord of Glory, God of Spider, God of War, Goddess of Doom and so on.

There is a little thought about this point, but there are not many who are willing to go out in person.

This is not a trivial matter, because it is related to the pattern of the lower plane of the multiverse, especially the final winner will gain the power to rule the underworld.

This is the most crucial point!

"Klanwo and the goddess of magic used to be lovers, and he is a kind-hearted one in death, and the relationship with Ms. Yinyue is also good. But because of the doctrine, Klanwo is very very in the eyes of undead and evil creatures. Hostility, the field of long sleep has caused many undead to turn away from Him."

"At the beginning, the believer of Mirza was defected to the realm of the dead because of his teachings and the field of sleep. ~ Soren meditated and muttered: "Hirek has many enemies, and now his allies have Almost no, except for its own blackmail, his strength is the weakest one. ”

"Death is the real enemy!"

"He not only controls most of the underworld, but also the support of many undead monarchs, and his church is very powerful! But He also has a weakness, that is, the teachings are more extreme and they are a **** of the same world, even if it is rooted here. For thousands of years, it can't change. He is the essence of a different god."

"in case!……"

"If I really want to fight for the death priest!...So personal strength is not the most critical point!... The affiliation of the underworld determines the pattern of the multiverse!... The believers of the gods are transported through the Styx. !...... Finally, many gods with powerful powers may intervene in the result of death priesthood!..."

"This way."

"If I really want to compete for the position of God of Death, then lobbying other gods is a must-have!"

The benefits behind death are too great.

After all, Sauron’s foundation is still a little shallow. If he wants to join this competition, he must first try another downstream god.

.................. (To be continued.).


Read The Duke's Passion