MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 106 Magic Stick (3)

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That night, Shi Jingge had a long, long dream.

In the dream, it was as if he was being spied on by someone, and that sight followed him everywhere, but he didn't feel any discomfort.

It's just a little cold, like stepping from a warm spring day to a cold winter month.

He has always been the most sensitive to the cold, and he curled up involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards, he felt as if it was not so cold anymore.

Seeing his treasure curled up into a ball, looking extremely cold, the evil ghost couldn't help being slightly startled.

Before he himself could react, his body had already quietly floated out.

He moved away from the man on the bed.

But the distance didn't change anything.

The devil is actually not reconciled.

Every part of his body clamored for closeness.

He had waited for too long, the long years had worn away many things, leaving him with nothing left of memory, just relying on instinct, in the sealed days, quietly waiting for the treasure he was waiting for.

Finally, he waited.

He wanted to get closer to his treasure, even if he knew it was impolite, but he couldn't control this instinct.

He's actually...not such an impatient person...oh's a ghost.

It's just that he really can't control the instinct of wanting to be close and intimate, and he can't refuse it.

But, his treasure, felt the cold.

The evil spirit gritted his teeth.

He knew it was because the breath on his body was too cold.

...and don't care about such a day!

…There is still time!

...I've been waiting for so long, I really don't care about these few hours.

He desperately tried to comfort himself, and his body floated out bit by bit.

Floating very slowly, paying attention to the changes of the person on the bed every time, I only hope that the person on the bed will feel comfortable and stretch out his limbs, so that he doesn't have to continue to float out.

No matter how much he comforted himself, the evil ghost had to admit that he just cared so **** well.

Let alone a few hours, even a few minutes and a second, he also cares, very much.

He didn't want to take a step away from the man on the bed.

The demon's instinct was to get a little closer to him—and a little closer.

He was basically fighting his instincts by staying away from the person in the bed.

How much sense can an evil ghost have?

Evil spirits act on instinct.

Confronting his instincts caused a surge of hostility in his heart, which led to a strong desire to destroy.

But here, only his treasure.

Treasures belonging to evil spirits should not be harmed in any way.

Well, this time he was not only fighting against his own instinct, but also against the emotions of the evil spirit.

His movement of floating out was even slower.

And at this time, Shi Jingge on the bed suddenly started to shake.

The evil spirit dared not move immediately.

Shi Jingge's breathing became more and more rapid, and even began to become heavy. Both of his hands were raised, and he waved vigorously in the air, as if he wanted to grab something.

"No—not me—!"

He suddenly screamed out, his voice was extremely hoarse, full of pain and anger.

At that moment, before the evil ghost's brain could react, he had already floated beside Shi Jingge.

That kind of cold air rushed towards his face, making Shi Jingge's brows frowned even deeper, and his body got deeper into the quilt, shaking slightly.

The evil ghost's figure twisted for a moment.

Shi Jingge's hands were still scratching in mid-air, but gradually, as if sinking into a quagmire and losing strength, the movements became slower and slower. It looks like it's about to fall.

With no hope to be found and no one to call for help, they can only hopelessly bear the whip of fate and fall into the abyss of despair.

And just when Shi Jingge's hand was about to completely fall on him, a soft thing suddenly slipped into his hand.

He grabbed the thing almost instinctively.

It's like grabbing a life-saving straw.

Immediately afterwards, that thing floated upward bit by bit, and Shi Jingge's two hands were also raised higher.

As if being saved from the abyss, although Shi Jingge raised his hands high and looked tired, his frowning brows loosened bit by bit, and his breathing gradually slowed down. No longer so rough and hasty.

The evil ghost floating in mid-air gradually breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the pillow that was firmly held by Shi Jingge in his hand, a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

He knew that the people on the bed were afraid of the cold.

He is an evil ghost, extremely cold, and the people on the bed cannot touch him.

However, it is impossible for him to look at his treasure and hang his arms so hopelessly.

So, in a flash, he took control of the pillow and stuffed it into Shi Jingge's hand.

Then let the pillow float up, and move Shi Jingge's hand to comfort him.

This trick really worked.

The evil ghost's expression relaxed, revealing a hint of complacency.

Sure enough, he knew his treasure.

The evil spirit retreated slowly, this time much faster than before.

He retreated outside the door, only a pair of eyes could penetrate the door, watching everything in the house.

Maybe it's the absence of the evil spirit's cold air, or maybe it's the "life-saving straw". In short, Shi Jingge's expression on the bed became more and more relaxed.

The evil ghost stared at him without blinking, and felt that it was almost done, so he slowly put down the pillow.

Shi Jingge's hand followed the pillow and slowly put it on the bed.

But he still hugged the pillow tightly.

The evil ghost pursed his lips, stared at the pillow quietly, and after a long while, he snorted heavily.

—It's really cheap.

The room gradually returned to calm.

Shi Jingge's limbs also gradually stretched out, no longer curled up together.

It's just that they got out of the quilt after all, and the clothes were attacked by the quilt, and when Shi Jingge was wearing pajamas, he always didn't like to post the top button, so a large white collarbone was exposed like this.

In an instant, the evil spirit outside the door backed up more than a dozen steps, not daring to raise its head.

If it wasn't for the fact that the evil ghost's face was frozen and he couldn't blush, his face would definitely be burning at this time.

The evil spirit stood still, drifting left and right, occasionally raised its head to look at the door, and then quickly lowered it down.

Inside the room, Shi Jingge's hand was also taken out from under the quilt, probably because the sleeve was rolled up because he grabbed the pillow hard just now, and now stretched out, it is a white and slender arm, which is extremely attractive.

The evil spirit didn't dare to look at it at all.

But in my heart, there is a very strange and very unbearable special emotion.

It was like a flame burning the dry grass in his heart, something he had never experienced before.

He can only rely on floating back and forth to divert his attention.

But this kind of deliberate movement made his heart move, eager to hug something.

At this moment, even the evil ghost himself doesn't know what he wants to do.

Maybe he knows what he wants.

However, he was trying to refrain from doing that.

Before I knew it, the sky was already dawning.

The servants hired in the villa gradually got up, ready to start working.

The evil ghost hesitated for a long time, and took a fixed look at Shijingge in the room before it slowly dissipated into the air, and after a while, it condensed in the ground outside.

He has just broken free from the seal, the injuries he suffered have not recovered, and his strength has been greatly reduced, and it is difficult to even condense into a solid body.

But this is also just right, the condensed entity will leave too many traces, those people are definitely still chasing him, and they can't let them disturb his treasures.

This is also the reason why he has been hiding in the shadows of others all the way, just to cover his tracks.

Now check it carefully again and confirm that you haven't left any traces, so you can feel at ease.

In his mind, the appearance of Shi Jingge could not help but reappear.

...still hugging that pillow.

…really cheap for that pillow.

If there is a next time, he can replace that pillow.

It must be a very happy thing to be hugged so tightly by the person on the bed, right?

He couldn't help but feel a little restless.

But soon, he felt a little ashamed again.

It's not a comfortable thing to have a nightmare, especially just now, he was already in pain on the bed.

He still wants him to have another nightmare...

...It's really, really inappropriate.

Although the evil spirits are full of malice in this world, they are extremely gentle towards the only treasure.

It's their only thing, it's their all.

It's a pity that their treasures may not like them.

Who would like a ghost who covets him?

Humans and ghosts have different paths.

Just four words can say everything.

He suddenly became a little unhappy.

The evil spirits are not happy, they just want to do some damage.

It's just...he can't do it yet.

If the strength has not been recovered, doing something rashly will only attract the attention of those people and bring troubles to Zhenbao.

So I can only endure it.

He dived deeper into the earth.

After being sealed in the land for so many years, he has already learned to draw strength from the land.

Although it is weak, it accumulates day and night, and it will always add up.

…for the treasure, for the one and only.

Just be sulky... be sulky...

Thus, the fierce and terrifying evil ghost in the legend sulked silently in the ground where no one could see.

I don't know whether to be angry with myself or someone else.

When Shi Jingge opened his eyes, it was broad daylight. He looked blankly at the pillow in his hand, and threw the pillow aside with some dumbfounding.

The Meng family is rich and powerful, and the guest rooms are all double beds with two pillows, but he doesn't have the habit of hugging something when he sleeps, so why does he hold the pillow in his hands?

Shi Jingge couldn't help thinking about it, thinking about it, his brows frowned.

Soon, many messy images began to appear in his mind, many of which disappeared in a flash, and he couldn't catch them.

And at this moment, there was a knock on his door.

Shi Jingge shook his head, shook off the messy thoughts in his mind, and asked, "Who is it?"

No one responded.

Shi Jingge put the pillow in his hand back to its original position, and he probably guessed who the person knocked on the door was.

Most likely it was Meng Yunhai, that's why he was so awkward and refused to speak.

Seeing that the people outside did not speak, Shi Jingge stopped asking.

Outside, Meng Yunhai looked at the door, and turned his head a little indignantly.

Did the person inside just ask one question and stop asking?

Meng Yunhai originally wanted to chat with Shi Jingge, although Shi Jingge refused to be his master again, but Shi Jingge still came to Meng's house, didn't he? Maybe... maybe it's for him!

Then... then can he... be the master's apprentice again?

Meng Yunhai was very happy when he first saw Shi Jingge at Meng's house.

But the young man's heart, coupled with Shi Jingge's ruthless refusal to let him get hurt that day, he didn't take the initiative and just waited for Shi Jingge to take the initiative.

But Shi Jingge just doesn't take the initiative!

Two days have passed, how can Meng Yunhai sit still?

Shi Jingge didn't take the initiative, but everyone came to Meng's house, so it was considered an initiative.

So if he takes the initiative again, it should be fine, right?

So on this day, Meng Yunhai volunteered to take over the task of asking Shi Jingge to have breakfast.

But after knocking on the door, Meng Yunhai awkwardly entered again.

After hearing Shi Jingge's voice, it was even more serious. Now Meng Yunhai was not only awkward, but also a little wronged, so he refused to speak, and wanted to wait for Shi Jingge to ask again.

But who knows, Shi Jingge stopped talking!

Meng Yunhai was even angrier.

When Shi Jingge took the initiative to speak, it would definitely be useless.

But Meng Yunhai didn't want to take the initiative anymore. He wanted to turn around and walk away, but his foot seemed to grow to the ground, so he couldn't walk.

Meng Yunhai was angry, anxious and wronged, his eyes were a little red.

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened.

Meng Yunhai was taken aback, and subconsciously raised his head to look at Shi Jingge. Shi Jingge was already dressed, not the usual state of casually finding two clothes to put on, without washing his face or combing his hair, but The way it took time to freshen up.

This suit is also very suitable for him. It is a casual style, white clothes and black trousers. Although it is simple, it complements his fair skin and tall figure.

Looking at him, Meng Yunhai was slightly startled. He was used to Shi Jingge's slovenly appearance. In the past two days because he was angry, he didn't look at the front of Shi Jingge much, but only looked at the back.

So Meng Yunhai was delighted and excited when he suddenly saw such a scene song.

— This is what he imagined to belong to Master!

Shi Jingge looked at him, there was no emotion on his face, he just nodded slightly, turned his head and left.

Meng Yunhai was left behind, and was a little annoyed, but it was the joy and expectation in his heart that overwhelmed the anger, he hesitated, and finally chased after him again.

Which teenage junior high school student doesn't imagine that he is unique, and then has a master who is noble, glamorous, and fairy-like?

In the restaurant, Mrs. Meng, Mr. Meng and Meng Yunzhen were already at their seats, and they were waiting for Shi Jingge and Meng Yunhai.

Mr. Meng and Mrs. Meng are on a business trip, and Shi Jingge hasn't seen them these two days.

Shi Jingge arrived before Meng Yunhai, but Meng Yunhai was young after all, so he trotted all the way over, and it wasn't too late.

For the past two days, Meng Yunhai did not eat with Shi Jingge in order to protest.

So, this is actually the first time that the two have eaten together under one roof.

Mrs. Meng and Mr. Meng looked at each other, happy to see the result, and said with a smile: "What's wrong with Xiao Hai today? Why do you want to eat in the restaurant?"

Meng Yunhai blushed, a little annoyed, and was about to say something when he heard Shi Jingge clear his throat.

The instinctive habit was still there, so Meng Yunhai froze immediately, and responded with a vague, somewhat vague answer.

But soon, Meng Yunhai realized, didn't that person say he wasn't his master? Then why does he still listen to that person?

Meng Yunhai gritted his teeth, raised his head, and before he had time to speak, he heard Shi Jingge say in a flat tone, "White porridge is fine."

This voice is even more cold and ethereal, and it has a sense of the master of the fairy style in the TV series.

It was also one of the main reasons why Meng Yunhai recognized this master in the first place.

Meng Yunhai's mind was distracted like this, and the topic was changed.

The topic on the dining table has come to the point where today’s Xiaolongbao tastes good, which tastes better, white porridge or black rice porridge.

At this time, it seems strange to respond to the topic just now.

Meng Yunhai didn't say anything.

When Aunt Zhang asked him what kind of porridge he had, he asked for a bowl of porridge for the first time.

Aunt Zhang subconsciously repeated: "White porridge?"

Meng Yunhai has never liked to drink white porridge, he likes sweets, and his family always controls his sugar intake, so for breakfast he likes eight-treasure porridge or black rice porridge, the kind with more sugar.

It is also a good way to "reasonably" eat sugar.

How could Aunt Zhang not be surprised that this "reasonable" method was thrown away today?

In an instant, Meng Yunhai only felt that everyone at the table was looking at him, and he became a little angry from embarrassment.

But because this anger seemed weird, Meng Yunhai could only say sullenly, "Change your taste."

Aunt Zhang nodded, said nothing, and soon brought a bowl of porridge.

Meng Yunhai breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly scooped up a spoonful of white porridge and put it in his mouth to cover up his embarrassment.

As a result, as soon as the porridge was delivered to the mouth, Meng Yunhai frowned at the tasteless feeling.

—It's really bad.

Meng Yunzhen took this scene back into his eyes, and was instantly refreshed.

The little brat is having a hard time too, right? deserve it.

Thinking of this, Meng Yunzhen looked at Shi Jingge, only to realize that Shi Jingge's eyes also fell on Meng Yunhai, with a faint smile on his face.

The next second, Shi Jingge noticed his gaze, quickly put away his expression, and drank the porridge in his bowl very calmly.

The movements are slow and elegant, as if with a sense of immortality.

Meng Yunzhen froze for a moment.

Is this how Shi Jingge eats?

They have eaten at the same table several times. Shi Jingge's table manners are not bad, but it's not like this.

Subconsciously, Meng Yunzhen set his sights on Meng Yunhai. it because of this little brat?

After all, the only change at the dinner table was the addition of a little bunny.

Not only that, but Meng Yunzhen also discovered some other changes.

Shi Jingge's clothes today are still new. Compared with his other relatively worn-out clothes, there is no trace of wearing them at all. If they are not new, they have never been worn twice.

Moreover, Shi Jingge must have dressed up specially, her nails were manicured, they looked round and plump, very neat, not as uneven as yesterday. impress the little brat?

Speaking of which, it's better for the little **** to call Shi Jingge today.

I heard it was a little brat who volunteered.

...Could it be that something happened during this process, and the relationship between master and apprentice continued?

Meng Yunzhen couldn't help but said, "Mr. Shi is exceptionally outstanding today."

Singer Zhong's movements paused, and he wrote lightly: "The clothes are broken, so I changed."

"Oh," Meng Yunzhen said with a smile after taking a sip of porridge, "I thought Mr. Shi changed into new clothes on purpose, and there was something important to announce."

Shi Jingge's tone was light, "Mr. Meng is thinking too much."

Meng Yunzhen raised his eyebrows, and said casually: "Really not? Like accepting apprentices or something?"

"No." Shi Jingge said almost categorically, "Shi's talent is poor, so he shouldn't mislead his disciples."

Meng Yunhai tightly held the spoon in his hand, and his expression suddenly became ugly.

"Oh." Meng Yunzhen responded, he was hesitant, and deliberately said, "That's not what Mr. Shi said yesterday."

This is really not Meng Yunzhen's nonsense.

He also said similar things yesterday, in a joking tone, after all, no matter what that little **** is, he is also his younger brother.

As for whether there are other selfish intentions, Meng Yunzhen...Meng Yunzhen also refuses to admit it.

But Shi Jingge's response yesterday can be said to be quite rude.

Meng Yunzhen even remembered Shi Jingge's expression at that time, that kind of arrogance mixed with disdain and sarcasm, raised his head, and said in a very deliberate understatement tone: "Mr. Meng is willing to let a liar be his brother's teacher?"

The sarcasm in the tone and the yin and yang in the attitude made Meng Yunzhen, who had been invincible all his life, feel his scalp go numb.

It can be seen that Shi Jingge definitely holds a grudge.

He still remembers the revenge of that day.

But now, Shi Jingge's attitude is so polite!

Shi Jingge said very peacefully: "Is there? I don't remember."

"If my words have troubled Mr. Meng, I apologize for that."

This polite and polite look made Meng Yunzhen want to pluck the tiger's hair even more.

But at this time, Meng Yunhai couldn't take it anymore, he put the bowl on the table and made a lot of noise.

"I'm full." Meng Yunhai forced himself to say these four words, and left with a bun in his mouth.

There was still more than half of the bowl of white porridge that belonged to him.

He really doesn't like to drink porridge.

Shi Jingge frowned slightly, but didn't say anything, just watched Meng Yunhai leave.

While waiting for Meng Yunhai to leave the restaurant, he seemed to relax immediately.

That feeling is almost visible to the naked eye.

If Shi Jingge just now was a high mountain flower, he has already landed now.

Meng Yunzhen was amused by the metaphor in his mind. He shook his head, put aside this thought, and asked, "Why do you have to sever the master-student relationship with my little bastard?"

"Mr. Meng." Shi Jingge put down the spoon in his hand, his tone was flat, Meng Yunzhen looked up at him, pretending to want to hear more about it.

Mr. Meng and Mrs. Meng made an appointment with Mr. Dong and Mrs. Dong who lived next door to go fishing, and they left earlier than Meng Yunhai.

So now there are only Shi Jingge and Meng Yunzhen left in the restaurant, which means that Shi Jingge doesn't need to hide anymore, so he pursed his lips and said quite friendly: "I suggest you go to the brain department."

Meng Yunzhen: "?"

"When you have asked a question in different ways for three consecutive days, and you get the same answer, you have to continue to ask in new ways." Shi Jingge paused, and said earnestly, "I have to be reasonable. I suspect that your brain is not very useful, you can't understand other people's words, and you have amnesia and amnesia, you are still young, don't shy away from medical treatment."

Translated into vernacular, it means that the brain is sick, and you can't understand people's words, so go and treat it quickly.

Meng Yunzhen laughed softly, he thought such a yin and yang eccentric scene song was really interesting.

He was not used to the polite Shi Jingge just now.

Shi Jingge glanced at him in surprise, and said sincerely, "Treat him in time so that he doesn't get worse."

Although 80% is not curable.

Shi Jingge said so with his eyes.

Meng Yunzhen raised the corners of her lips, "Xiao Ge, did you forget something?"

Shi Jingge said expressionlessly, "Don't call me Xiaoge."

"I am your boss," Meng Yunzhen reminded, "I will pay you salary."

Shi Jingge drank the last mouthful of porridge and reminded: "We are the end of the day."

Meng Yunzhen: "?"

"You can fire me right now." Seeing that he didn't understand, Shi Jingge simply spoke up.

Meng Yunzhen asked curiously, "Why was I fired instead of you quitting now?"

Shi Jingge took it for granted, "I'm a liar."

Meng Yunzhen: "What?"

"Isn't the liar just out for money? Then how can you refuse the money offered to you, right?" Shi Jingge gave Meng Yunzhen a smirk.

Meng Yunzhen: "..."

Meng Yunzhen sighed deeply. At this time, he seemed to think that the polite Shi Jingge was a little cuter.

Shi Jingge is like a rose with thorns, when facing him, he has nothing to hide, but when facing Meng Yunhai, he will carefully hide his sharp thorns, leaving only a harmless tall Ridge flower.

At this time, Meng Yunzhen suddenly realized clearly how different he was from Meng Yunhai in the eyes of Shi Jingge.

No, it might be said that there is a big difference between the others and Meng Yunhai.

The reason why Shi Jingge accepted this "job" was because of Meng Yunhai.

In the world of Shijingge, everyone seems to be divided into two categories, one is Meng Yunhai, there is only one person, and the other is others.

And why is Meng Yunhai so special?

Because Meng Yunhai is Shi Jingge's apprentice.

Even though Shi Jingge said to sever the master-student relationship, everything he showed still proved that Meng Yunhai was different.

That being the case, why should we sever the master-student relationship?

What kind of secret is Shi Jingge carrying?

That one-of-a-kind specialness gave Meng Yunzhen a feeling that he couldn't explain clearly.

Suddenly, Meng Yunzhen said, "Since you don't want Xiao Hai to be your apprentice, should you consider me as your apprentice?"

In an instant, the bun in Shi Jingge's mouth was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't swallow it anymore.

Shi Jingge pinched his throat with one hand, and walked out of the restaurant quickly, startling Meng Yunzhen.

Soon, Shi Jingge came back with a mineral water bottle in his hand, which was only half full of water.

The corners of his eyes were slightly red, even if he looked at Meng Yunzhen coldly, there was a different charm.

Meng Yunzhen's heart trembled.

"Mr. Meng," Shi Jingge gritted his teeth, "Don't say terrible things when others are eating, you're murder."

Meng Yunzhen suddenly felt his throat dry, lowered his head and took a sip of porridge, and said vaguely, "Xiaoge, I want to worship you as my teacher, is it scary?"

"Don't call me Xiaoge." Shi Jingge gritted his teeth and said something, then looked at Aunt Zhang, "Aunt Zhang, please call the family doctor, I think Mr. Meng needs it."

Aunt Zhang hurried over, "What's the matter? Is the young master not feeling well? Have a cold?"

"Mr. Meng's head is uncomfortable," Shi Jingge said coldly, "This has already affected Mr. Meng's language system and brain nerves. Mr. Meng shies away from medical treatment. If it continues, it will be hopeless."

"I suggest sending him to the hospital, immediately, immediately." Meng Yunzhen couldn't hold back, and laughed softly.

Shi Jingge never expected that Meng Yunzhen would react like this, so he was so angry that he had to throw up his sleeves and leave.

In the distance, Shi Jingge could still hear Aunt Zhang's worried inquiry, and Meng Yunzhen's gradually clear laughter.

Aunt Zhang didn't feel it at first, but seeing Meng Yunzhen's smile getting bigger and bigger, she became genuinely worried.

Doesn't she know the character of her young master? To be able to laugh after being accused of being scolded by Sang Huai, this could still be her young master, right?

This can't be a real disease, can it?

Aunt Zhang was worried.

Meng Yunzhen was in a good mood, and ate two extra buns, then wandered off to find Shi Jingge.

Think about it, Shi Jingge can still be patient and polite to others, but not at all to himself, isn't it also a special kind?

As a result, he went upstairs, and when he reached the door of Shi Jingge's room, he saw Meng Yunhai, standing outside the door tangled.

Hearing the movement, Meng Yunhai looked over quickly, looking a little vigilant.

Seeing that it was him, Meng Yunhai was relieved.

"What are you doing standing here?" Meng Yunzhen asked casually, "Aren't you knocking on the door?"

Meng Yunhai shook his head, hesitant to speak for a while, but finally couldn't hold back, and said bitterly: "He doesn't care."

Meng Yunzhen's tone was light, "Tell me, what happened this morning?"

Meng Yunhai pursed his lips, and Meng Yunzhen said casually, "It's fine if you don't want to say it."

"No." Meng Yunhai roughly described what happened in the morning, and said to Meng Yunzhen listlessly, "Brother, tell me, does he really don't want to be my master anymore?"

Meng Yunzhen blinked, a little funny.

Why does Shi Jingge not want to be your master? He thought very much.

But due to various reasons, Shi Jingge "can't" be your master.


Meng Yunzhen was also curious.

As for Meng Yunhai's speculation about when Jingge didn't want to talk to him, it was even more nonsense.

Obviously it was Shi Jingge who recognized his voice.

I can't complain that Shi Jingge changed into new clothes today.

It turned out to be for Meng Yunhai.

"I see," Meng Yunzhen nodded to Meng Yunhai, "Since you are too embarrassed to ask, how about I help you?"

Meng Yunhai was a little hesitant. He really couldn't ask, but he wanted to ask himself.

Meng Yunzhen smiled and said, "He may be embarrassed to tell you some things, but it's easy to tell others."

"wait for my good news."

Meng Yunzhen patted Meng Yunhai's shoulder, Meng Yunhai nodded heavily, and said, "Thank you brother."

Meng Yunzhen knocked on Shi Jingge's door, and Meng Yunhai fled quickly.

Shi Jingge opened the door with a grim expression, but turned sideways to let him in.


Before he could say the word 'song', Shi Jingge cast his angry eyes on him.

Meng Yunzhen changed his words tactfully: "Mr. Shi, do you have any protective talisman?"

"No." Shi Jingge said coldly.

Meng Yunzhen looked at Shi Jingge silently, Shi Jingge said indifferently: "I'm a liar, how can a liar have those things?"

"Then I can only ask Xiao Hai to buy it from you." Meng Yunzhen said lightly.

" the box!"

Shi Jingge gritted his teeth and squeezed out these words, "Find the silver box by yourself."

"A piece of 20,000, whether you like it or not!"

Meng Yunzhen: "..."

This price is really dark,

Meng Yunzhen went to look for it, but the silver box was not found, but two books were pulled out.

...Is this the book of the metaphysician?

Meng Yunzhen opened it with some interest, Shi Jingge cast a glance over it, and suddenly became anxious, "Put it down! Don't move!"

But it was too late.

Meng Yunzhen opened it.

A line of huge characters appeared in front of Meng Yunzhen.

— "How to Be a Good Teacher"

——"30 Days to Become a Good Teacher"

He also said that he didn't want to be the master of his little bastard.

Are these books bought for nothing?

Shi Jingge reached out and snatched those books back, flipped through to a silver box, grabbed a few talisman papers and stuffed them into Meng Yunzhen's hand, "Quick! Let's go!"

Meng Yunzhen felt that Shi Jingge wanted to say "get lost".

Meng Yunzhen said calmly, "Okay."

At this time, it is better not to pluck the hair on the tiger's head.


Meng Yunzhen opened the door, turned around and said, "Mr. Shi, you have to follow me too."

"You are my bodyguard. To protect my safety, of course you have to follow me."

Still need to keep safe in your own home...?

Shi Jingge took a deep breath and followed,

Meng Yunzhen touched the talisman in his hand, a little curious, and then took Shi Jingge to the garden.

The yard of Meng's villa is not small. Mrs. Meng and Mrs. Meng both like flowers. Besides the outdoor garden, there is also an indoor garden in the villa.

In addition, there is a rose bush, full of roses of various colors.

It is said that Mr. Meng was able to catch up with his wife, and this rose bush helped a lot.

Meng Yunzhen took Shi Jingge for a walk outside, and they came to the rose bush.

These roses are very well cared for, colorful, delicate and beautiful.

"Our family likes roses very much," Meng Yunzhen said with a smile, "It's just that the colors we like are different."

"Grandma likes pink roses, my grandfather likes yellow roses, my mother likes red roses, my father likes white roses, Xiao Hai and I both prefer blue roses," Meng Yunzhen laughed, "What color rose does Mr. Shi like?"

Shi Jingge snorted softly, before he could speak, a gust of wind blew by, and a blooming red rose floated in front of him, swaying with the wind, the flower touched his slightly raised hand.

Seems to be inviting him to take it off.

Meng Yunzhen turned around and saw this scene, thinking that Shi Jingge touched it himself, "Mr. Shi likes red roses? Like this one? Then I'll cut it out for you."

As he spoke, he turned around and walked towards Shi Jingge. Suddenly, he seemed to have tripped over something, staggered, and almost knelt on the ground.

And the talisman paper he put in his pocket trembled slightly, but no one saw it.

Meng Yunzhen frowned and looked over, and saw a big rock, he should have tripped over it.

...When you just walked over, were there any stones?

The author has something to say: Evil Ghost: Those are my roses, I gave them!

Evil Ghost: The best flower ever opened! Xiaoge will definitely like it!

Meng Yunzhen:? ? ? My roses thank you.

Rose: Let me do it myself. Thank you.

Evil Meng Yunzhen:? ? ?

Rose: What's wrong? Can't roses become essences?

#Rose Controversy#

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-21?23:57:14~2021-04-22?23:56:22~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: Jingmo.? 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: Fang Jiaojiao? 30 bottles; Mingyue Moshangxi? 20 bottles; sugar lovers? 15 bottles; Lu Chengjiang, Shijiu Tea? 5 bottles; Zhou Jin, Coconut, Yanwu, Luoyun? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion