MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 107 Magic Stick (4)

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Hearing the movement from Meng Yunzhen's side, Shi Jingge looked over suspiciously, as if asking.

Meng Yunzhen touched his nose, "I tripped over it."

Immediately, Shi Jingge's expression was a bit indescribable.

Meng Yunzhen said sharply, "What's your expression?"

Shi Jingge withdrew his eyes, "A look of kind condolences to the boss."

- What a kind condolences!

Meng Yunzhen almost laughed out loud.

A gust of wind blew by, and the rose swayed with the wind, and the petals slid across Shi Jingge's fingertips, carrying a lingering smell.

Shi Jingge wanted to pick off this rose, but...

... After all, it is someone else's flower.

Shi Jingge looked at Meng Yunzhen and pursed his lips slightly, as if he was a little confused.

After a while, Shi Jingge said slowly, "You haven't given me the money for the talisman."

Meng Yunzhen: "..."

"Take this rose." After a pause, Shi Jingge quickly added, "Part of it."

Meng Yunzhen was a little amused, and he said without hesitation: "It's all about arrival."

Shi Jingge narrowed his eyes, but Meng Yunzhen didn't give in.

"The roses in our family are all grown by ourselves. Where will they be sold?"

Meng Yunzhen plausibly said, "This is not a rose, it is a piece of heart, a gift from me to you."

"Of course Mr. Shi can choose to accept this gift." Meng Yunzhen looked innocent, "But Mr. Shi refused to accept it, so of course the value of this rose cannot be measured by ordinary roses."

"Indeed." Shi Jingge glanced at him, and didn't talk nonsense with him, "It's over."

Meng Yunzhen: "?"

so happy?

"It's just," Shi Jingge changed the subject, "I also made every talisman paper by myself. It took a lot of painstaking effort and time. It has a different meaning to me."

"But because Mr. Meng is my boss and I have Xiaohai's friendship, I thought about it before I was willing to sell it to Mr. Meng at such a low price."

"It's a pity..." Shi Jingge dragged out the end, didn't continue, just shook his head regretfully, "There will be no next time."

No wonder it was so fun.

It turned out to be waiting for him here!

Meng Yunzhen looked at Shi Jingge's side face, but he couldn't feel any anger in his heart. Anyway, after so many days, he hadn't gotten any cheap from Shi Jingge, and he was used to it.

This kind of confrontation with Shi Jingge's wits and courage is very interesting.

This made Meng Yunzhen very fascinated by it.

It's rare to have someone who won't let him take advantage of him.

"I can find Xiaohai." Meng Yunzhen repeated his old trick.

Shi Jingge smiled contemptuously and shrugged, "Xiao Hai doesn't care about the price."

Maybe Meng Yunhai could double his original amount.

Meng Yunzhen thought for a while, and it was really his little bastard's character. He raised his eyebrows and said jokingly: "What did you do to my little bastard, and let my little **** turn all his elbows to you?"

Shi Jingge's eyes flashed, he picked off the rose in silence, and smiled casually, but Meng Yunzhen always felt a little cold.

— "Because I'm a brilliant liar."

Seems... angry?

Looking at Shi Jingge's back, Meng Yunzhen suddenly felt a little strange.

When he brought his bodyguards to smash the door, cheated with his words, and questioned Shi Jingge face to face, Shi Jingge didn't get angry at all.

These days, no matter how fierce Shi Jingge was, he wasn't really angry.

Why did you get mad at him?

"Hey, little..." Meng Yunzhen took a step forward subconsciously. Just as he uttered a word, his body suddenly lost his balance. Before he could react, he fell heavily to the ground and made a loud noise.

Shi Jingge turned his head back to look at him, with a strange expression on his face, "Did you... fall on the ground?"

Meng Yunzhen got up with difficulty, patted the dirt on his body, and said depressedly: "I tripped."

He looked at the rock under his feet and frowned, "I tripped over it just now, I don't have a long memory, and it happened a second time."

"This is too bad luck," Meng Yunzhen looked at Shi Jingge, and said sincerely, "Is there a luck charm?"

"Yes." Shi Jingge said cheerfully.

Meng Yunzhen glanced at him suspiciously, "Sell it?"

Shi Jingge shrugged, "I didn't say I did."

"There are not only fortune charms, but also fortune beads, fortune bracelets, etc." Shi Jingge pointed to the door, "Go out by car, go to the mall, as long as you have money, you can buy all of these."

"Maybe we can get a discount."

"You are really..." Meng Yunzhen shook his head, and suddenly laughed, the laughter became louder and louder, "... Interesting, so interesting!"

The corners of Shi Jingge's lips moved slightly, his face was full of bewilderment, "Excuse me, do you want me to call 120 for you?"

"Let's look at our brains, don't shy away from medical treatment."

Meng Yunzhen couldn't stop laughing, she didn't even want her image, she covered her stomach with one hand, and squatted down, "What is it that makes you so witty?"

"It's the brain." Shi Jingge responded indifferently.

Meng Yunzhen suddenly said: "Xiaoge, have you noticed that you will respond to everything I say now?"

"At the beginning, I said ten sentences, and it would be nice if you could answer half of them."

"What made you change like this?"

"Is it love? Is it duty? Or..."

Before Meng Yunzhen finished speaking, Shi Jingge interrupted him unbearably.

"It's money!"

Be categorical and decisive, leaving no room for half a point.

Seeing Shi Jingge's vigilant look, Meng Yunzhen shrugged, "Whatever you say."

The implication is, anyway, you don't want to change what I believe.

Shi Jingge's expression suddenly became indescribable.

"Your brain..."

As soon as Shi Jingge said four words, Meng Yunzhen interrupted him.

"Xiao Ge, you are wrong." Meng Yunzhen shook his head with a sigh, "If you are really a liar, you should be happy now, because you have successfully deceived me and made me trust you."

"But you didn't."

"Talking about money and money, but thinking that there is something wrong with my brain, trying to send me to the hospital to save my brain?"

"You saved my brain, how can you still cheat?"

"A qualified liar cannot make such omissions."

Shi Jingge's breathing suddenly became rapid, "Shut up!"

"It's wrong again," Meng Yunzhen stood up, "You shouldn't be excited, you should smile, and then be kind, with the main purpose of deceiving me."

"You are like this now, with a look that has been exposed, how can I believe that you are a liar?"

"You can't, Xiao Ge, or you can teach me some registration fees, and let me teach you how to be a liar?"

"You are so fake. Don't say that our little brat likes you, even I like you."

"Because you're so cute."

Meng Yunzhen said solemnly.

His apology has been clearly expressed, right?

The damage caused by that little ridicule just now should be able to be alleviated, right?

In the next second, Meng Yunzhen met Shi Jingge's eyes.

At that moment, Meng Yunzhen only felt that if eyes could hurt people, he would have been chopped alive by Shi Jingge.

"I don't understand what you're talking about," Shi Jingge said indifferently, "I'm going to urge Aunt Zhang, why hasn't the family doctor arrived yet?"

Shi Jingge walked extremely fast, and his back seemed to be chasing something terrible behind him.

Meng Yunzhen couldn't help laughing out loud, the laughter got louder and louder, faintly rampant.

Shi Jingge's back paused, but in the end he still didn't turn his head, only showing a bit of exasperation.

Meng Yunzhen laughed so hard that he wanted to kneel on the ground. After a while, he reached out to wipe the water stains from the corners of his eyes, and looked at Shi Jingge's back meaningfully.

—Why is it so attractive?

Such Shi Jingge seemed to be angry too, but Meng Yunzhen knew that this was completely different from the anger just now.

One is really angry but doesn't show it, the other is fake angry but shows it.

But why did Shi Jingge do this?

Meng Yunzhen originally thought that the liar in Shi Jingge's mouth was like a sarcasm, but now he found that it was more like a reminder, a hint.

Just like telling too many lies, people will always mistake him for reality, this kind of reminder hints too much, it will really make people think that he is a liar.

...But why does Shi Jingge want others to think he is a liar?

There are so many secrets hidden in Shi Jingge.

Like a vortex wrapped in mist, it attracts countless souls who are keen on adventure and decryption.

Looking at the direction where Shi Jingge was going away, Meng Yunzhen slowly looked at the rose beside him. He suddenly felt that the red rose was really good, delicate and charming, passionate and unrestrained, very charming.

Meng Yunzhen stretched out his hand, trying to pinch a red rose, but a tingling pain hit him, making him frown involuntarily.

Got pricked by a thorn on a rose stem.

Meng Yunzhen squeezed her fingers hard, looked at the smear of red on her fingertips, and suddenly felt that Shi Jingge and Red Rose were very similar.

Same barbed, same camouflage, same... likable.

He smiled suddenly.

Shi Jingge took the rose back to the room, asked Aunt Zhang for a vase, put the rose in the vase, and placed it on the bedside.

He looked at the rose in silence for a while, and then squeezed the rose petals with a sigh.

Then, he lowered his eyelids and said to himself: "What is the flower language of the red rose...?"

No one answered him.

A gust of wind blew in the air, lifting his hair as if giving him a hug.

Shi Jingge rubbed between his eyebrows, leaned on the bed, and yawned lazily.

Some sleepy.

Shi Jingge quickly fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, an illusory shadow gradually floated in the air.

It's different from what I saw in the middle of the night, it's much more illusory, as if it can be dispersed in the air in the next second.

The illusory shadow circled around Shi Jingge twice, and a slightly aggrieved expression naturally appeared on his face.

After a while, a weak, hoarse voice sounded in the quiet room.

"…is love."

The shadow opened its hands, and vainly wrapped Shi Jingge in its arms.

"Take my rose, and it's mine."

"...You don't speak? That's the default."

" can't go back on your word..."

After a long silence, the shadow seemed to become a little more "real".

"Don't trust those people."

"Only the one who likes you the most..."

" can't believe it..."

Shi Jingge slept peacefully, but because of a posture problem, her lips were slightly parted.

Shadow didn't dare to look at his slightly parted lips, and only stared at the position of Shi Jingge's neck.

But the more you suppress yourself, the more involuntarily your eyes will glance at that position.

Glancing at the past, he immediately retracted his gaze, and with such a startling glance, the impression was naturally deeper.

Not only impressive, but also beautified.

Those lips are so pretty.

Reddish, soft, and so hooking.

I really want to touch...

At that moment, the evil ghost only felt that his fingertips were burning hot.

His hand was raised slowly.!

His strength hadn't recovered yet, and he couldn't control the eerie aura of the evil spirit, so he made a phantom.

If one wants to touch a person, his body will inevitably appear, and it needs to be condensed into a solid body, and the uncontrollable ghost energy will inevitably hurt his treasure with his touch.

No... you can't do this...!

In an instant, the phantom disappeared in the room.

It's like running away.

Outside the villa, the rose bushes sway violently with the wind, which is extremely beautiful.

From that day on, Meng Yunzhen seemed to have found a way to "deal with" Shi Jingge.

When Shi Jingge sneered at him, he said to Shi Jingge earnestly, "Liars can't do this, you will lose your job if you do this."

Then he would give Shi Jingge a lot of opinions, such as gentleness and kindness, etc., and deliberately put on a long list of words, telling Shi Jingge what tone and how to read the best effect, which made Shi Jingge suddenly raise a kind of Report his heart.

Meng Yunhai, on the other hand, was very upset when he heard Meng Yunzhen say that by chance, and protested to Meng Yunzhen in private, "'re not a liar!"

Meng Yunzhen was innocent, "I didn't say he was a liar."

Meng Yunhai glared at him, then why did you say that?

"He wanted to be a liar, didn't I teach him?" Meng Yunzhen surrendered with both hands, extremely aggrieved.

Meng Yunhai stared at Meng Yunzhen as if he didn't believe it at all, he turned his head and wanted to leave.

Meng Yunzhen rolled his eyes, and suddenly smiled: "He not only wants to be a liar, but also wants to be a good teacher."

Meng Yunhai stopped and turned around, "What?"

"He bought a lot of books and hid them in his suitcase. They were all about how to be a good teacher. I saw him last time and he took notes on them. He was serious!" Meng Yunzhen vowed said.

Meng Yunhai's eyes lit up all of a sudden, "Really?"

"What did I lie to you for?" Meng Yunzhen asked amusedly, "Is there any benefit in lying to you?"

Meng Yunhai thought for a while, but he really didn't, "Then why did he..."

Why don't you want to be his master?

"How can there be so many reasons?" Meng Yunzhen smiled, "Just ask if it's okay?"


If only I could ask so easily.

Meng Yunhai touched his nose, feeling a little unhappy.

At the dinner table that day, Meng Yunhai's eyes always drifted to Shi Jingge, full of confusion.

After struggling for a long time, he didn't open his mouth. In the end, it was Meng Yunzhen who broke the deadlock.

Meng Yunzhen took Meng Yunhai to deliver a book to Shi Jingge, the title of which was "Self-Cultivation of a Liar".

"I'll teach you that if he rejects you, you will cry."

"He promises he won't reject you."

Meng Yunhai pursed his lips, "...Master taught me that a man should not cry."

"Do you want a master or a man?" Meng Yunzhen squinted at him.

Meng Yunhai pursed his lips and stopped talking.

There was a knock on the door, Shi Jingge opened the door and looked at Meng Yunzhen warily.

Meng Yunzhen dedicated the book to Shi Jingge, and said happily, "Look what I brought you!"

When Shi Jingge looked at the book, he felt the veins on his forehead dancing.

"Take it," Meng Yunzhen urged, "I printed this with great difficulty. In order to write this book, I died a lot of brain cells!"

Shi Jingge gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you, no need—"

Meng Yunzhen frowned and said, "Aren't you going to be a liar? I'm helping you!"

Shi Jingge had no temper after being harassed by Meng Yunzhen these days, so he could only grit his teeth and say, "I won't be a liar anymore, just shut up."

Meng Yunhai was so shocked, he endured it and asked, "Do you really want to be a liar?"

"Not only did I think, but I did it." Shi Jingge said expressionlessly, "Isn't it just me who tricked you into it?"

Meng Yunhai was even more shocked, "Isn't it true that my sincerity is as good as gold and stone?"

Time Scene Song: "..."

"You ignored me at all at that time," Meng Yunhai recalled, "Didn't I stalk me?"

Shi Jingge glanced at Meng Yunhai and didn't want to talk anymore.

Meng Yunzhen spread his hands, very innocent.

Look, who would believe that Shi Jingge is a liar?

But at this time, Meng Yunzhen seemed to react suddenly, "Wait! Did Xiaoge admit it?"

"Don't call me Xiao Ge!"

"Admit what?"

The voices of Shi Jingge and Meng Yunhai sounded at the same time. Meng Yunzhen glanced at Shi Jingge, then looked at Meng Yunhai quietly, and reminded: "Didn't Xiaoge say that you were tricked by him?"

Meng Yunhai froze for a moment, but didn't react.

Meng Yunzhen pushed him, "Hurry up and call Master!"

The corners of Meng Yunhai's lips moved slightly, and he looked at Shi Jingge fixedly, with pure surprise in his eyes, and a little jumpy.

Shi Jingge beat Meng Yunhai and said, "Shut up!"

Meng Yunhai's eyes dimmed little by little, he pursed his lips, and said in a low voice: "It's the third time."

"You have rejected me three times."

There was a tear in Meng Yunhai's voice.

Shi Jingge's mouth opened and closed, a little helpless.

Finally, Meng Yunhai cried out with a "wow", "Is it because my bones are so bad that you don't want to be my master anymore?"

"Did I embarrass you?"

"I know you don't want to be my master, you are always indifferent to me, do you want to get rid of me a long time ago?"

Unable to get a response from Shi Jingge, Meng Yunhai ran back to his room crying, and slammed the door hard.


That sound almost hit the bottom of Shi Jingge's heart.

Shi Jingge pressed his hand on the door, his knuckles turned white, as if he was trying to restrain himself.

Meng Yunzhen sighed, "Aren't you going after him?"

Shi Jingge was silent for a while, "Go."

Meng Yunzhen: "?"

"You provoked it." Shi Jingge spit out these words coldly, and slammed the door shut with a bang.

Meng Yunzhen frowned and looked at the door of Shi Jingge's room. Shi Jingge's nails were dug into his own palm, obviously it was not untouched, why did he keep rejecting Meng Yunhai again and again?

After a while, Shi Jingge's door suddenly opened.

"Meng Yunzhen," Shi Jingge stood there indifferently, "Believe it or not, I'm a liar."

Meng Yunzhen was slightly taken aback.

The light in the room shone on Shi Jingge's body, making Shi Jingge's eyebrows look sharper than ever before.

"The reason why I accepted him as an apprentice was just to cheat his money. I have set up a stall there for so long. I can tell what a fat sheep is at a glance. I just want to develop sustainably. After all, he Look at the money."

"Those donations and the like are nothing more than collecting too much of this kind of ill-gotten wealth. I am afraid of bad luck, so I donate a little. That is nothing compared to my deception."

"You smash the door, I have no choice but to give it all to you."

"If you are good for your brother, you will let your brother stay away from me."

Meng Yunzhen hesitated for a moment, then handed the book in his hand to Shi Jingge.

"Although I know you are angry now, I shouldn't make you angry anymore."

"But this book, you should read it."

"At least learn, how to deceive people."

Shi Jingge shouted sharply: "Meng Yunzhen!"

"That's all right, let me ask you a little bit, since you are all lying and have no real talent, how did you figure out my bodyguards?" Meng Yunzhen shrugged.

Shi Jingge was silent for a while, "...I got it out of their mouths."

Meng Yunzhen reminded: "They are professionals, and I was beside me at the time, so I don't know if they opened their mouths or not?"

Time Scene Song: "..."

"Forget it," Meng Yunzhen sighed, "Let me teach you. Next time, don't say anything like a liar. Just say that you bear a **** feud and don't want to implicate Xiaohai. Isn't it more reliable than a liar?"

"Give it up, some people are not born to pretend to be liars."

Looking at Shi Jingge's face, Meng Yunzhen couldn't help but reach out and pat him on the shoulder, full of sympathy.

"Lying and cheating will not only make you difficult academically, but also mentally and spiritually. Give it up."

Shi Jingge wiped his face in frustration, and gave up on himself: "Yes, I just have a blood feud..."

Meng Yunzhen looked at Shi Jingge encouragingly, but Shi Jingge got stuck and couldn't make it up.

Meng Yunzhen thought for a while, and said for him: "Everyone in my family is a master, exterminating demons and ghosts, and being chased and killed by demons and ghosts all over the world, I can't implicate Xiaohai."

With that said, Meng Yunzhen stretched out his hand and applauded, "At least it's more perfect than liar theory!"

Shi Jingge said weakly: " can I make you believe that I'm really a liar?"

Meng Yunzhen thought, that would be too difficult.

You are not a liar, how can he believe that you are a liar?

Meng Yunzhen patted the book on Shi Jingge, "Let's learn."

Shi Jingge grabbed the book, blushing with anger.

"To be honest," Meng Yunzhen said sincerely, "Even if the whole world says you are a liar, I won't believe it."

Time Scene Song: "..."

"How about it, are you moved?" Meng Yunzhen said with a smile, "However, I just don't understand why you must associate the word liar with the word liar?"

Shi Jingge lowered his head and stopped talking.

After a while, Shi Jingge said in a low voice: "Tomorrow, our contract will end here."

"I don't want money anymore."

He paused, as if he had made up his mind, "I'm leaving tomorrow."

Before Meng Yunzhen could speak, he heard movement downstairs.

Mr. Meng and Mrs. Meng are back.

And beside them, there are one old and one young.

The older one is in good spirits, has a kind smile, has an unusual temperament on his body, and holds a string of beads in his hand; while the young one looks a lot colder.

Mr. Meng and Mrs. Meng are very polite to both of them, especially to the older one, they respect them even more, and they call them "Master".

Soon, Mr. Meng and Mrs. Meng led the old and the young upstairs. When they saw Shi Jingge and Meng Yunzhen, both of them were stunned.

Mrs. Meng smiled, and was the first to speak, "Yun Zhen, what is this?"

Meng Yunzhen hesitated for a moment, then said with a smile, "My friend."

"Oh." Mrs. Meng smiled at Shi Jingge, then looked at the elder, and smiled after getting the elder's nod, "This is Master Zhou and his apprentice, come and help us look at the house. Feng Shui."

Mr. Meng also nodded, "Master Zhou said that our luck this year is not very good. There are villains causing trouble, and we will cause some troubles. We are destined to meet each other. Come and take a look."

Meng Yunzhen nodded, greeted Master Zhou politely, and asked, "What did Master Zhou think of our family's Feng Shui?"

With that said, Meng Yunzhen looked at Shi Jingge.

Shi Jingge's expression was a bit strange, Meng Yunzhen couldn't tell what it was, it seemed to be disgusted, and it seemed to be... vigilant.

The elder known as Master Zhou glanced at Meng Yunzhen and then at Mrs. Meng before shaking his head. Immediately afterwards, the young man beside him said, "Master means, it's not very good."

As soon as these words came out, Meng Yunzhen was a little disappointed.

How could it be bad?

Another master has lived with them for several days, but he has never felt that the feng shui here is not good.

But Mr. Meng and Mrs. Meng believed what those two people said, and when they heard this, they were a little anxious.

But he still worried that there was still a Shi Jingge here, so he gave Meng Yunzhen a wink, signaling Meng Yunzhen to take Shi Jingge away.

But how could Meng Yunzhen take away Shi Jingge?

"Xiaozhen," Mrs. Meng said with a smile, "take your friends to play, and we won't bother you and your friends."

"It's okay," Meng Yunzhen waved his hand, "We are also very interested in this."

Mrs. Meng frowned and looked at Meng Yunzhen. She didn't believe that Meng Yunzhen didn't know what she meant, but Meng Yunzhen didn't follow suit.

Meng Yunzhen ignored her mother's gaze and asked directly, "Master Zhou, what do you mean by that?"

This time, it was Master Zhou who spoke.

First he sighed slowly, then showed embarrassment, and finally told him helplessly that every step of Master Zhou performed perfectly.

"Looking at the two floors, I can be sure that what Mr. Meng and Mrs. Meng think about is impossible."

"Mr. Meng's family's luck is very good. It is inevitable that someone with a heart will target you and rob you of your luck."

"If it weren't for the two noble lives, I'm afraid they would have already accepted the backlash, and they wouldn't have waited for me to appear in front of them."

"It's just obvious that Mr. Meng and Mrs. Meng are adults with stronger self-protection ability. They are only your youngest sons, but..."

After a pause, Master Zhou slowly said: "Your young son looks very healthy, even taller and stronger than his peers, but he is often sick and weak, so he is easy to enter the hospital?"

Mr. Meng and Mrs. Meng looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Meng Yunhai's health has never been very good. He catches a cold easily and has a fever. He is the one in the whole family who goes to the hospital most often.

Master Zhou said solemnly: "This is the first to look for those who have seriously lost their luck."

"How can a healthy, tall, strong child be sick?"

"This happens only when luck is plundered."

"Madam and sir, you may wish to think again, is there anything strange about your youngest son in recent days?"

"For example, I can't eat, I can't sleep at night, but it gets better soon, and it lasts for about one to two days."

Mrs. Meng and Mr. Meng looked at each other, and said in a low voice: "My youngest son, he refused to eat some time ago, and he was going on a hunger strike. He didn't eat for a day and a half."

Because it was not clear on the phone, Mr. Meng and Mrs. Meng were too busy on this business trip, so Mr. Meng and the others didn't tell them the details of the process, but only told them that Meng Yunhai had dinner to make them feel at ease.

Master Zhou sighed, "This is the situation caused by too much luck being plundered."

"Is it because he doesn't want to eat?"


"It's just that my luck has been plundered too much, so I can't control myself for a short time."

"Given time, it will naturally be..." Master Zhou hesitated to speak.

"Is there a way to crack it?" Mr. Meng asked hastily.

Master Zhou sighed, and the apprentice next to him said again, "This is plundering luck!"

"Mr. Meng, if you think about it carefully, can luck be plundered casually? If you are an ordinary person, you don't even know what luck is, so how can you talk about plundering?"

"Those who can plunder luck are either metaphysicians who have gone astray, plundering other people's luck to nourish themselves, or evil things like demons and ghosts!"

"And your family is the fate of the nobles, and the fate is extremely expensive. If you recklessly plunder your luck, it is easy to be backlashed."

"So, those who can plunder your luck must be demons and ghosts with a high level of cultivation."

"The so-called cracking method is naturally to accept the demons and evil spirits that harmed your family."


But at this time, Master Zhou suddenly said, "Shut up."

"Let's not mention my predestined relationship with Mr. Meng and Mrs. Meng, but to say that eliminating evil and protecting people is what we cultivators should do."

"Please rest assured Mr. Meng and Mrs. Zhou will do his best."

The young man wanted to say something, but Master Zhou stopped him with a glance.

Only then did Mr. Meng and Mrs. Meng feel relieved and praised Master Zhou repeatedly.

At this point, Meng Yunzhen was almost certain that Master Zhou was a liar.

I just don't know why his parents trust Master Zhou so much.

It shouldn't be.

...Did they encounter something when they were on a business trip?

I don't know if it's because I have paid too much attention to liars recently, so Meng Yunzhen's judgment is very straightforward.

He also brought an apprentice to sing the oboe, isn't this a must-have for a liar?

Thinking of the liar, Meng Yunzhen involuntarily looked at Shi Jingge, who was staring at Master Zhou intently, with a strange expression on his face.

...This is not a live teaching by a liar, is it?


Meng Yunzhen looked Shi Jingge up and down, and shook his head regretfully.

— As for Shi Jingge, even if you learn to break through the world, you can't learn it.

Meng Yunzhen's judgment was right, Master Zhou was indeed a liar.

Not just any liar.

A "capable" liar.

If according to the original trajectory of fate, the original owner ran away, Meng Yunhai found out that he had been cheated, and fell seriously ill due to grief and loss. When this Master Zhou appeared, Meng Yunhai would not even be able to get out of bed.

Under the worry of the whole family, Master Zhou's "Luck Theory" can naturally bluff everyone.

What no one knew was that Master Zhou came here for Meng Yunhai's roots.

Meng Yunhai's root bone is not what the original owner judged, on the contrary, it is a very special root bone.

Master Zhou wants to use this set of root bones to create a magic weapon for himself.

So how can you get this root bone?

Naturally... killing people and taking bones.

At this time, Master Zhou noticed Shi Jingge's gaze and looked up.

"This little friend," Master Zhou nodded, and said in a very friendly way, "it looks kind of nice."

Shi Jingge said casually, "Really?"

Master Zhou smiled indifferently, and did not say anything, continuing to talk to Mrs. Meng and Mr. Meng.

It's just that in my heart, I feel more and more familiar with Shi Jingge.

"What does Master Zhou need?" Mr. Meng asked, "Let us prepare for you."

Master Zhou pondered for a moment, then shook his head, "I'm not sure yet, I'll be sure after I confront that evil spirit?"

"However..." Master Zhou walked out of Meng Yunhai's room accurately, "I need to take some measures for your youngest son's room, so that your youngest son does not leave the room, so that we will protect him to the greatest extent."

Seeing Master Zhou standing directly outside Meng Yunhai's door, Mr. Meng and Mrs. Meng convinced him even more in their hearts when they thought of all the chaos that happened during the business trip, "Please."

"Wait a minute." Shi Jingge said suddenly, and slowly walked in front of Master Zhou.

Meng Yunzhen noticed that Shi Jingge's hand clenched into a fist at some point.

It can be seen that she has endured to the extreme, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and stood up.

But it can be guessed, that's Shi Jingge's precious apprentice, who is not good for Master Zhou to touch, he has his eyes on Shi Jingge's precious apprentice, can Shi Jingge stop biting you?

Meng Yunzhen sighed quietly.

If you say you don't care, don't you still care to death?

Meng Yunzhen pursed his lips, and in an instant, a thought slipped through his mind.

...If it was him, would Shi Jingge stand up?

Master Zhou looked at Shi Jingge suspiciously, "Huh?"

"Master Zhou thinks I look familiar?" Shi Jingge smiled, "Why don't you take another look?"

Master Zhou's apprentice came out to protect him, "What are you doing? Master has other business to do! Don't disturb my master!"

"Yo," Shi Jingge laughed, "you're protecting Master?"

The apprentice snorted coldly, looking a little proud.

"What a coincidence," Shi Jingge said calmly, "My apprentice is also very protective of me."

Master Zhou froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Little friend?"

Shi Jingge nodded reservedly.

"Your apprentice is...?" Master Zhou asked tentatively.

Shi Jingge pointed to Meng Yunhai's door, "Mine."

Master Zhou's apprentice's face changed, and he was about to scold him, but Master Zhou stopped him.

Master Zhou smiled and said, "Since I'm Xiaoyou's apprentice, it's only natural for Xiaoyou to want to solve it by himself."

"However, I take the liberty to ask, where did my little friend learn from? Can this matter be resolved?"

"I don't have a teacher, I live in the south of the city." Shi Jingge said casually.

No mentoring means no backing.

Master Zhou's expression changed suddenly, and he shouted sharply, "Ridiculous!"

Master Zhou's apprentice shouted at the same time: "Aren't Chengnan just liars?"

Shi Jingge smiled suddenly, "So familiar with Chengnan?"

The author has something to say: Shi Jingge: In fact, at the beginning, I was really a liar.

Everyone: Who will believe it? ?

Meng Yunzhen: Xiaoge's want-to-be-liar syndrome has relapsed again, and everyone asked him to click wwwww

The next chapter is about how handsome Gong and Shou are!

All the cuties still have red envelopes today~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-22?23:56:22~2021-04-23?23:57:27~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Xiaoyi? 50 bottles; Ye Li? 20 bottles; Xiao Peifei, Xu Xiaonian, Yanxiu, Yun Mose, Li Ze wanted to raise Aye, and this star was not last night? 10 bottles; (? ω?) hiahiahia, 〇夵〇, your cutie? 5 bottles; milk tea Xiaosu? 4 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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