MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 140 Magician (12)

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After being silent for a while, Shi Jingge suddenly said, "I'm really dreaming."

Wen Xusheng: "?"

Shi Jingge acted as if suddenly realized, and waved to Wen Xusheng, "Good night, big brother."

He closed the door.

Wen Xusheng looked at the door and smiled suddenly.

So vengeful?

It's really... cute.

After Nie Ziyu left, everything returned to calm.

Wen Xusheng continued to teach Shi Jingge magic, and gradually transformed from theory to practice.

"That's not it," Wen Xusheng stood behind Shi Jingge, stretched out his hand to stick to Shi Jingge's back, the rich magical elements became active with his movements, he asked blankly, "Do you understand?"

Shi Jingge turned to look at him, with a faint smile, "You said a total of seven words, what should I understand?"

Wen Xusheng was not annoyed, he pushed the wheelchair to Shi Jingge's side, and then grabbed Shi Jingge's hand.

"You need to find what you need from the magic elements, and then condense them into what you want," Wen Xusheng's voice gradually became hoarse, "For example, if you want to use water magic, then you should Go find the water element."

"like this…"

A strange feeling came over, and Shi Jingge couldn't explain it clearly, he just felt that the magic power in his body was awakened, but a large part of it was standing still, and only a small part was violently surging in his body , as if to fly out of his body.

But soon, they dissipated, like boiling water suddenly cooled down.

Wen Xusheng didn't expect Shi Jingge to succeed once, he just grabbed Shi Jingge's hand and said calmly: "Remember this feeling."

As soon as the words fell, Wen Xusheng felt something, and when he raised his head again, some water fell on his hands.

There is no impact, and the effect looks ordinary, but it is indeed a success.

Shi Jingge tilted his head to look at him, "Should we let go?"

Wen Xusheng looked at Shi Jingge's face, then looked down at Shi Jingge's hand, and he held it tighter.

Don't forget to find a high-sounding reason for yourself.

"That's right," Wen Xusheng wrote lightly, "it's just that the power is a little less."

"Come again."

Shi Jingge glanced at him with a half-smile, but didn't speak.

Wen Xusheng was slightly taken aback.

This is... by default?


In that year, the most prestigious magic academy in the Sinos continent, the Sinos Academy of Magic, several notable things happened.

The first thing was that the mysterious and extremely gifted little master of Wenjia Castle actually enrolled in school, bringing Wenjia's adopted son along with him.

The second thing is that the heir of the Nie family is said to be ill and has temporarily suspended his studies.

The third thing is that the adopted son of the Wen family's magic talent is surprisingly high!

Wen Xusheng is not interested in class at all. For him, magic is an innate instinct. It is as simple as eating and drinking. Not interested in.

He also couldn't figure out why Shi Jingge had to come to the academy, wouldn't it be good if he taught Shi Jingge? It's still a 1V1 aristocratic mode, enjoying an excellent audio-visual angle. Practical courses and theoretical courses are all taught together. Shi Jingge can learn whatever he wants, isn't it good?

But Shi Jingge thinks it's not good, Shi Jingge is coming to the academy, what can Wen Xusheng do?

... Shi Jingge is not afraid of him at all.

Wen Xusheng lowered his head in disappointment and sighed slowly.

Wen Xusheng went to class at the beginning, but most magicians have very strict requirements for classroom discipline. After Wen Xusheng was caught a few times as a typical example, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he stopped going to class.

If he doesn't go, the teachers feel relieved.

Magicians always speak according to their abilities. Wen Xusheng is in the classroom, so they are also very stressed!

The other students also breathed a sigh of relief, who wants to be crushed every day in the same class as a big devil?

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. Although Wen Xusheng left, another big devil stepped forward and took his place.

It's a time scene song.

He is extremely talented, good at thinking, and taught by Wen Xusheng, it is difficult not to walk ahead of others.

And what really made him famous in the academy was because of the academy's group arena.

The mode of the group arena is very simple. It is divided into defenders and challengers. If the challenger wins the defender, the identities of the two parties will be exchanged. 1 point for a successful defense, 10 points for a successful challenge, and one day for a successful defense. There are still 5 points to get.

However, in order to prevent certain cheating phenomena, the challengers who have been kicked out are not allowed to challenge the current defenders. At the end, they will be ranked according to their points and receive gifts from the academy.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is to give you a chance to practice magic so that you can practice it in actual combat.

After all, when you really need to use magic, no one will stand there stupidly waiting for you to smash it.

The group arena in the college is divided into three levels, low-level group, middle-level group, and high-level group. The defenders of the lower level can challenge the upper level, and the upper level cannot challenge the lower level.

Of course, generally speaking, no one will leapfrog the challenge.

But this year, Shi Jingge did just that.

Not only did it, but it worked.

He became a guardian of the middle class!

The news quickly spread throughout the academy, and challengers from the middle division came to challenge him one after another, just wanting to kick him off the ring.

But Shi Jingge never refuses anyone who comes!

You know, the ring guard has the right to choose. After all, the magic power in the human body is only that. The lower limit of challengers is three. After accepting three challengers, the challenger can run away.

Therefore, some weaker defenders run away after three games a day, and it is only a day if they can delay for a day.

But Shi Jingge didn't, he fought more and more courageously, he didn't have any intention of resting at all!

At that time, several teachers saw that scene and were amazed.

"Does this child have so much magical power in his body?"

"How many games have you played? It's the fifth game? Don't you take a break?"

"It's more than that, I didn't even drink a bottle of magic potion."

"If I remember correctly, he is a freshman this year, right?"

"As much as I hate to admit it, it is."

Several teachers discussed for a while, and suddenly someone said: "This child seems to be very good at water magic."

"You said, do I want to have a disciple?"

"I think he also uses fire magic very well. How powerful is this fireball?"

"Don't talk about it. At this moment, Jing Ge is my disciple at first sight. His looks and temperament are exactly the same as mine. Don't compete with me."


"Hey, hey, look! Shi Jingge is using the lightning technique, right? This obviously suits me best!"

Shijinge became famous in the first battle.

And in the following group arena, he even kept his status as the defender. Even though the middle school students tried their best to drag him down, they failed in the end.

There was no other way. In the end, a ring defender in the middle class released the water. He was knocked down and became a challenger. He went to challenge Shi Jingge again, and finally knocked Shi Jingge off the ring.

But even so, the fighting power of a freshman is so strong, it still makes people talk about it.

However, that night, the ring guard found Shi Jingge, "Did you release the water?"

Shi Jingge was confused: "Why do you think so?"

The ring guard frowned, "Intuition."

Shi Jingge laughed out loud, "Then your intuition is not accurate."

The topic ended here, Shi Jingge turned his head and wanted to leave.

The ring guard stopped Shi Jingge and said, "My name is Sun Liyun."

After a pause, he stretched out his hand and said slowly, "Make a friend?"

Shi Jingge held his hand and said with a light smile, "Shi Jingge."

During these years at Sinos Academy of Magic, Shi Jingge was indeed a man of the hour.

He was good-looking, talented, and strong, and he skipped grades one after another. It can be said that almost everyone in the Sinos Academy of Magic at that time had heard of his name.

In the year when he officially passed the test and entered the middle division, it also caused competition among several magician mentors.

Although it is said that the tutor has to be changed when he arrives at the higher department, but who would not want to teach a student who is extremely talented and hardworking?

Wen Xusheng was quite upset.

But there is no other way.

However, this morning, he suddenly had a new decision.

Wen Xusheng went to the Magic Guild for an exam. His magic power and actual combat ability have already surpassed the top magicians. Even if he was surrounded by three top magicians, he could handle it with ease. He was even sitting in a wheelchair. There is no doubt about this strength, he finally got the badge of "Top Magician+" from the Magic Guild, and so far, this badge is unique.

Afterwards, he went to take some other exams, and passed all the exams he could. He also took on various contribution tasks and enjoyed a high reputation in the Magic Guild.

Immediately afterwards, he dropped out of the Sinos Academy of Magic, and then handed over his "resume" to the principal, recommended himself to the principal, and became a magician instructor in the Higher Department.

So, when Shi Jingge passed the test and became a student of the advanced department, he extended his hand to Shi Jingge.

Shi Jingge did choose him in the end.

That night, Shi Jingge asked him, "When did you do it?"

Wen Xusheng was quite dissatisfied and said, "Look, you didn't choose me in the end?"

Why do you have to come to Sinos Academy of Magic?

Thinking of the people surrounding Shi Jingge, Wen Xusheng's vigilance was about to explode.

Shi Jingge glanced at him with a half-smile, and said slowly, "I don't have to choose."

Wen Xusheng was silent. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "You have already chosen."

"Yes," Shi Jingge shrugged, "I chose you, isn't that obvious enough?"

"Can't you be honest?"

Wen Xusheng frowned and stopped talking.

Shi Jingge sighed, "Forget it, I count on you, I have no chance."

What's the meaning?

Wen Xusheng suddenly felt flustered.

The next second, Shi Jingge suddenly grabbed Wen Xusheng by the collar, pulled him towards him, and kissed Wen Xusheng's lips forcefully.

"How many years has it been?" Shi Jingge sighed, "What is going on in your mind?"

"You..." Wen Xusheng was stunned, and then his voice suddenly raised, "...what are you doing?"

Shi Jingge squinted at him, "Can't do it?"

Wen Xusheng was silent for a while, his eyes darkened little by little, and he asked, "Can I?"

"What can you do?" Shi Jingge raised his eyebrows and asked back.

Wen Xusheng put his fingers between Shi Jingge's lips, and gently rubbed Shi Jingge's lips, his voice was even more hoarse, "...kiss you."

Shi Jingge smirked and said, "I'm sorry, I can't."

Wen Xusheng laughed softly, and when Shi Jingge was unprepared, he directly pulled Shi Jingge into his arms, and kissed him forcefully.

He had wanted to do this for a long time.

Wen Xusheng thought vaguely.

When Shi Jingge had so many friends, when Shi Jingge returned to the room later and later, when he saw Shi Jingge chatting happily with others, when Shi Jingge...

The corners of Wen Xusheng's lips were reluctant to leave Shi Jingge's, and he said slowly, "You are mine."

Shi Jingge raised his eyebrows and pushed him away, and asked calmly, "What about you?"

Wen Xusheng was silent for a long time, finally sighed, and said honestly, "I've been yours for a long time, haven't I?"

Only then did Shi Jingge burst out laughing. He reached out and patted Wen Xusheng's cheek, and said with a low smile, "Wouldn't it be nice to be so honest earlier?"

Because of the deep kiss just now, Shi Jingge's eyes were still a little steamy, and the way he was smiling now really made people's hearts flutter.

Wen Xusheng licked the corners of his lips, following his own will, pushed Shi Jingge onto the bed.

"I like you."

"From the first time I saw you."

Wen Xusheng's voice was very deep, with a hint of piety, and Shi Jingge stopped according to his movements.

At that moment, Wen Xusheng seemed to have opened up the two veins of Ren and Du, and he knew nothing about "honesty".

"You don't even know how happy I was to see you at that time."

"I feel like I've come alive."

"But I dare not say it, I'm afraid you hate me."

"But it's normal for the devil to be hated, right?"

"I don't even know what I said to you."

"But afterwards, those words came back clearly in my mind."

"Take out every minute and every second to savor it."

"'ll never know how much I like you."

At this moment, Shi Jingge suddenly regretted it.

Why would he teach this guy to be awkward?

Don't be awkward? How nice to be awkward!

At least I can be willing to move my mouth and hands.

This is not awkward.

Still willing to do it?

Shi Jingge slowly relaxed, and Wen Xusheng kissed his neck quietly.

The aura belonging to Shi Jingge lingered around him, making him a little excited.

"I thought you liked Nie Ziyu."

This sentence was said lightly, with a bit of grievance.

Shi Jingge paused when he was about to pull out Wen Xusheng's hair, and let Wen Xusheng take off his clothes, sighing helplessly, "Why are you so stupid?"

Wen Xusheng didn't answer this sentence, but said in a low voice: "You treat him differently."

"If you listen to him so much, you trust him so much."

"You believe what he says, and never refute it."

"You smiled so softly at him."

"In order not to embarrass me for him, you will also cook noodles for me."

"I was sad and happy at the same time."

"Although it's because of Nie Ziyu, after all, the result of cooking is with me."

"Nie Ziyu is so annoying." Wen Xusheng lowered his voice, rubbing his lips against Shi Jingge's body, "I really want him to go away, I have countless ways to make him go off by himself, no one can doubt it onto me."

"However, I'm afraid that you will hate me even more. Although you already hate me very much, I don't want to make that hate any more."

"And..." Wen Xusheng paused, "Your smile at that time was so pretty."

"...I can't bear to destroy it."

Shi Jingge completely lost his temper.

"You're really... stupid."

He finally kissed Wen Xusheng.

The nights are long and full of spring.

The sound of insects faintly reached Shi Jingge's ears, making him a little dazed.

Spring is a season suitable for dating.

I don't know how long it has passed, Shi Jingge's eyes were loose, "I'm sleepy."


His voice was hoarse and disfigured, and he stretched out his hand to push Wen Xusheng, but he had no strength at all.

Wen Xusheng held Shi Jingge's hand behind his back and kissed his fingers.

"I thought it was a dream that day."

"However, how could I not be able to distinguish between dreams and reality?"

"Even if I can't tell the difference, the magic element will help me tell the difference."

"I know it's reality, I know it happened for real, but I can't believe it."

"...who likes a devil?"

Wen Xusheng looked at Shi Jingge and smiled, but that smile was too short, it can be said to be fleeting.

He lowered his head and lightly licked Shi Jingge's fingertips. Shi Jingge's fingertips trembled, irritated.

Wen Xusheng said in a low voice: "What do you think, Xiao Ge?"

Shi Jingge slowly closed his eyes, and said weakly, "Are you saying I'm blind?"

Wen Xusheng's eyes lit up, "Are you saying you like me?"

Shi Jingge was speechless.

He was dragged into the water by Wen Xusheng again and swam in the sea.

...When will I be able to swim to the other side?

Before losing consciousness, Shi Jingge felt as if he had found a boat.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the boat fell apart.

He was the only one left, continuing to flow in the sea, being beaten and hit by the waves one after another.

In an instant, he seemed to understand the meaning of the words "follow the tide".

The next day, when Shi Jingge woke up, the sun was already high.

Wen Xusheng came in with a small bowl, "Are you hungry?"

Shi Jingge said expressionlessly, "What do you think?"

Wen Xusheng smiled kindly, "I made porridge, do you want to try it?"

Shi Jingge squinted at him, "What do you think?"

That expression seemed to be asking, why do you talk so much nonsense?

Wen Xusheng sat in front of the bed, fed it to Shi Jingge spoon by spoon, and said slowly, "I read the book."

Time Scene Song: "?"

"The book says that you should respect your partner, ask your partner's opinion when it comes to your partner's affairs, and don't make decisions for your partner, or your partner will be angry." Wen Xusheng hesitated, "... Xiaoge doesn't like me to ask? ?”

Shi Jingge took a deep breath, and sincerely suggested: "Perhaps, you should read another book."

Wen Xusheng nodded thoughtfully, and soon, Shi Jingge heard a "bang".

He suddenly had a bad premonition.

Immediately afterwards, he heard a crackling sound, looked up, and saw a layer of books on the floor.

Shi Jingge's eyebrows twitched.

Then, he heard Wen Xusheng's sincere voice, "This is what I concluded after reading so many books."

Time Scene Song: "..."

Shi Jingge stretched out his hand and rubbed the center of his brow, was silent for a while, and said slowly, "So what."

Wen Xusheng: "?"

"I don't think honesty is suitable for you," Shi Jingge said sincerely, "Tsundere and awkward are in line with your nature."

"Lovers should be honest with each other," Wen Xusheng shook his head disapprovingly, "If you are awkward, you will have problems."

After a pause, Wen Xusheng's eyes gradually dimmed, "...Do you regret it?"

What else can Shi Jingge do?

He has always been soft but not hard!

Wen Xusheng picked up the book on the ground, a cunning flashed in his eyes.

These books are still very useful.

Look, isn't Xiaoge angry with him?

Wen Xusheng has mastered the little skills of getting along with Shi Jingge.

An excellent devil must be good at adapting to changing situations.

The relationship between the two has developed by leaps and bounds, and they are harmonious everywhere, as if they have lived together for a long time, and they are very familiar with each other.

Later, Shi Jingge graduated.

In the year he graduated, Wen Xusheng also officially left Sinos Academy of Magic and traveled with Shi Jingge.

They have seen the snow-covered mountains, and had a good chat with the snow girl; they have seen the raging flames and heat waves, and negotiated with the flame dragon; they have seen the vast grasslands, and they drove away the raging demons.

Finally, they returned to the castle.

That year, on Shi Jingge's birthday, Wen Xusheng gave him a present.

It is a built, but empty magic academy.

Wen Xusheng coughed lightly, "The venue is here, but the teacher isn't there yet, right?"

"Are you interested in hiring an experienced magician as a teacher?"

"I have been a senior magician instructor for three years at the most prestigious magic academy on the mainland."

"With experience and strength, you don't need a salary."

"Think about it?"

Shi Jingge smiled and said cheerfully, "Okay."

"Okay, no salary."

"No meals, no housing," Shi Jingge raised his eyebrows, "You don't have a share in the teacher's dormitory."

"But the principal is kind and willing to reserve a bed for you in his home. How about it?"

Can you still refuse the good thing of falling pie in the sky?

Wen Xusheng said firmly: "It's a deal!"

But if a magic academy really wants to be established, in addition to teachers, students and other personnel, many necessary procedures also need to go through, and it will take a year or so to go through the whole thing.

But before that, we still need to find more teachers, and we need to consider the necessary personnel such as security, cafeteria, etc., and most importantly...students.

But that's okay, they still have a lot of time.

He will finally get his wish.

At this time, Wen Xusheng quietly held Shi Jingge's hand.

Shi Jingge turned his head to look at him, Wen Xusheng looked ahead, and didn't give Shi Jingge a look.

He just held Shi Jingge's hand even tighter.

It was as if he was afraid that Shi Jingge would shake off his hand.

Shi Jingge smiled lightly, and it passed through Wen Xusheng's ears, making Wen Xusheng feel a little itchy in his heart.

And at this moment, Wen Xusheng suddenly sensed something, his eyes widened in astonishment, and he suddenly looked at Shi Jingge.

Shi Jingge closed his eyes with a smile on his lips.

The call and power from the soul wrapped the two of them together, and the magical elements danced around them. Wen Xusheng's whole body was cheered up by the response from the time scene song. The soul seemed to be floating in the clouds, warm and comfortable, relaxed and happy.

The one-way soul contract finally waited for another master's response, turning one-way into two-way.

— Deed into.

The author has something to say: The Devil's Diary:

Honesty really helps.

Starting today, I am willing to be an angel, for my partner.

Can it be changed to Angel Diary?

The next chapter is over~

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-25?23:59:12~2021-05-26?23:59:07~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 18 bottles of Chiyu; 10 bottles of fortune-telling for water shortage; 5 bottles of named waste; 1 bottle of Zhou Jin;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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