MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 141 noble (end)

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There are many magic academies on the Sinos continent, and among them, the Sinos Academy of Magic is undoubtedly the most prestigious magic academy, and everyone can be proud to enter the Sinos Academy of Magic.

And in the Sinos Academy of Magic, there are so many extremely talented figures. They did a series of things that people talked about when they were still students, and their achievements after leaving the academy are even more amazing.

Among the graduates in recent decades, the most shocking one is undoubtedly Shi Jingge.

He founded a magic academy, and in the following decades, his reputation soared, approaching the Sinos Academy of Magic.

When Sun Liyun was invited by Shi Jingge for the first time, he still felt that he was hallucinating.

"What did you say?" Sun Liyun said expressionlessly, "I didn't hear clearly just now."

"I said," Shi Jingge repeated in a good-tempered manner, "I want to establish a magic academy. I heard that I passed the assessment of a magician tutor, and I want to invite you to be a teacher."

Sun Liyun stared fixedly at Shi Jingge, and suddenly said, "Say it again."

Time Scene Song: "?"

After Shi Jingge repeated it three times, Sun Liyun realized that Shi Jingge was not joking. Suddenly, his expression was a little complicated.

"I know that you will make a great career." Sun Liyun paused, and then said carefully, "However, I thought you would join the Magic Union and cause some reforms, etc., but I didn't expect you to choose to start a magic academy. "

"Is this unusual?" Shi Jingge looked at him amusedly.

Sun Liyun nodded hesitantly, "You don't look like someone interested in this, and there are quite a few magic schools on the Sinos continent."

Shi Jingge shrugged, "When I was young, my biggest dream was to be able to enter the Magic Academy to learn magic."

"So," Shi Jingge was silent for a long time before he said slowly, "I want to establish a magic academy."

Sun Liyun: "?"

Where is the connection between these two sentences?

"Come or not?" Shi Jingge squinted at him.

Sun Liyun was silent for a while, and said firmly: "Come!"

"Very good," Shi Jingge clapped vigorously with a sincere expression, "Congratulations on becoming the third teacher in our academy!"

After a while, Sun Liyun said slowly: "...who are the other two?"

"Me," Shi Jingge pointed to himself, "and my soul mate."

Sun Liyun: "!"

Sun Liyun reacted for a while before exclaiming: "Soul mate?!"

Shi Jingge nodded with a smile.

Sun Liyun further asked: "The kind of soul mate who has signed a soul contract?"

Shi Jingge nodded calmly, "Yes."

"You..." Sun Liyun looked at Shi Jingge, his brain was running fast. They had never known each other since that group arena match, and they had always had a good relationship. Jing Ge has a partner.

And also became a soul mate!

Sun Liyun does not consider himself a curious person, but soul mates are too rare, and soul contracts are not so casually signed. As far as Sun Liyun knows, soul mates throughout the ages can be counted with two hands .

Shi Jingge's soul mate... who is it?

I haven't heard of anyone that Shi Jingge is close to.

Sun Liyun tried his best to recall that the closest person to Shi Jingge was the magic genius from the Wen family.

No... no way?

Sun Liyun's pupils shrank, and in an instant, he heard Shi Jingge's laughter.

"It seems that you have already guessed who it is," Shi Jingge drank, "it's the one you thought of."

"Speaking of which, he is the only experienced one among the three of us."

"Maybe I have to ask him how to be a good teacher."

Shi Jingge nodded in a serious manner, with a light tone, without any emotional color, very casual.

But Sun Liyun could somehow sense a sense of pride from this tone.

At that moment, Sun Liyun only felt something hit his face, making him lose the desire to drink water.

Later, Sun Liyun realized that this was called being secretly shown.

After confirming Sun Liyun, Shi Jingge found several teachers one after another, all of whom had a good relationship with him at the Sinos Academy of Magic.

Among them were a few magicians who originally wanted to go back to Sinos Academy of Magic, but before contacting Sinos Academy of Magic, Shi Jingge came to the door and persuaded them with a few words.

Later, the news spread that Shi Jingge was going to establish a magic academy, and several magicians who had taught Shi Jingge also found them and took the initiative to "apply".

"It's nothing, I just want to see what kind of magic academy you will create," the magician wrapped in a robe smiled gracefully, "Don't you think it's very interesting? Teaching new students in the magic academy founded by your own students , it’s interesting to think about.”

Of course, the most important thing is that the benefits are good enough.

Shi Jingge hesitated to speak, he really didn't get this interesting point, he felt that this passage was quite like a tongue twister.

However, if a magician with full experience, excellent character, and excellent ability came to "apply" on his own initiative, a fool would push people out.

"It's an honor." Shi Jingge blinked and said with a smile.

The magician nodded, chatted with Shi Jingge about other things, and then said nonchalantly, "Mr. Wen will be there too?"

Shi Jingge nodded with a chuckle, "Of course."

The magician's expression was startled, his brows couldn't hide his excitement, "Great, I have a lot of questions I want to ask Mr. Wen, he will definitely not refuse the greetings from his colleagues, right?"

Time Scene Song: "..."

—The co-author was born for Wen Xu!

Shi Jingge shrugged, "Of course."

Of course, the premise is that you can block him.

"Mr. Wen's class is also very valuable, can I attend it?" the magician asked excitedly.

Shi Jingge nodded with a smile, "Of course."

Afterwards, Shi Jingge abducted the second and third magician mentors from Sinos Academy.

Strictly speaking, it was attracted by Wen Xusheng's "personal charm".

And these magicians have worked for the Sinos Academy of Magic for many years, and they also know something about the construction of the Academy of Magic, and provided valuable advice to Shi Jingge.

The embryonic form of the magic academy gradually emerged.

Wen Xusheng set up large protective magic circles one after another on the land where the magic academy is located, and filled the land with the magic elements he created bit by bit, in order to prevent the students from being too young to absorb high-level magic circles. Level magic elements, and considerately replace high-level magic elements with low-level magic elements.

In addition, Wen Xusheng also gave birth to many magical plants, making the academy more vibrant.

These are not things that can be accomplished overnight. Rao Wen Xusheng tried hard to compress the time, and he did it for a long time. He was not around Shi Jingge for a while, which made him a little unhappy.

But soulmates are very sensitive to each other's emotions, Shi Jingge can always detect his unhappiness at the first time, and then send back soothing emotions.

Wen Xusheng felt the resonance from the soul, and most of the unhappiness went away, leaving only the complaint of not being able to meet his partner.

But there is no doubt that Wen Xusheng arranged the place perfectly.

Sun Liyun and others came to the place where the Magic Academy was located one after another, and they were all shocked when they stepped into it for the first time.

The rich magical elements floating in the air are even stronger than the training room in the Sinos Academy of Magic!

Immediately, someone asked, "Can I go to school again?"

"I want to go to school."

He looked at Shi Jingge very seriously, making everyone laugh.

Although everything in the college was on the right track and all the teachers were in place, the students still didn't see a single one.

And Shi Jingge didn't intend to recruit students yet.

During the period, Sun Liyun urged him once, but Shi Jingge only shook his head, telling him not to worry.

Soon, Wen Xusheng and Shi Jingge disappeared into the magic academy, leaving only a magic letter saying that they went to find students.

And when they came back, they brought back the students as expected.

A few emaciated children, whose clothes were patched with patches, and whose wrists were so thin that they could be broken, hid behind Shi Jingge when they saw other people. They looked like the kind of children whose families were very poor.

Shi Jingge clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Welcome the first batch of students to enroll."

Sun Liyun looked at Shi Jingge thoughtfully, and suddenly understood the two very incompatible words of Shi Jingge that day.

Perhaps, the reason why Shi Jingge wanted to establish a magic academy was that children who could not afford to go to the magic academy could enter the magic academy and learn magic.

Just like...just like Shi Jingge himself.

The first batch of students of the college naturally received much attention.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are not as many students as there are teachers.

Several teachers stare at one student, can we not take it seriously?

The students were timid at first and hid beside Shi Jingge, but if the magician wanted to coax a child, wouldn't that be easy?

Soon, the students were under the spell of magic.

After the students got used to the magic life, Shi Jingge and Wen Xusheng left the school again and continued to look for the students.

On the contrary, a magician who left the Sinos School of Magic complained indignantly: "Mr. Wen, as agreed, will also attend class, so let us listen to the class!"

Another magician patted him on the shoulder, looked around, paused on those children, and said dumbfoundedly: "Students have fewer classes than teachers?"

"Let's change the research direction first."

"Look below, there are hawktail flowers in full bloom."

"Hawkeye flower?!" The magician's eyes widened, "Isn't this thing on the verge of extinction?"

"Take me to have a look."

Sun Liyun looked at his former teacher and his current students, feeling the magic elements blowing in the wind, thinking.

...he looks like he's about to break through?

Everything is moving forward in an orderly manner.

Shi Jingge and Wen Xusheng went to many places and brought back many students. Due to various reasons, their families were unable to send them to the magic academy, let alone support them in learning magic.

The arrival of Shi Jingge and Wen Xusheng undoubtedly gave them a glimmer of hope.

Most of the parents were wary of this, and didn't believe that there would be such a good thing as a pie in the sky. It was not until Shi Jingge signed a contract with them that they gradually let go of their vigilance.

When parting comes, they will prepare everything they can for the child, kiss the child's forehead, bid farewell to the child reluctantly, and express their gratitude to Shi Jingge.

Of course, there are also some people who are unwilling to let Shi Jingge take away their children. No matter what promises Shi Jingge makes or how many contracts he signs, it is useless. Shi Jingge can only write it down and try harder next year.

There are more and more students in the academy, wearing the uniform of the academy, they look much more energetic.

The teachers discussed the schedule, and the day of the official start of the class finally arrived.

And the life of the Magic Academy finally kicked off.

The originally empty academy finally became lively.

And visually, it will continue to be lively.


When Shi Jingge left this world, it was late at night on a certain day.

At that time, he had become a top magician, highly respected and trusted.

The academy he founded has also become a very famous magic academy in the Sinos continent. The students he taught are scattered in every corner of the Sinos continent, but for them, the magic academy is their eternal home.

And Shi Jingge and Wen Xusheng are the noble people who changed their lives.

They had great respect and love for every teacher in that magic academy, especially Shi Jingge and Wen Xusheng.

When their funeral was held, countless students who had left the Magic Academy rushed back one after another, just to give them a blessing and a flower.

That was the most complete gathering of students in the School of Magic for so many years.

Countless people saw them off one after another.

Their achievements will always be recorded in the magic book, and no one can ignore them.

In addition, what people talk about is his relationship with Wen Xusheng.

Rare soul mates, and they are all top magicians, they still hold hands when they leave, peaceful and natural, how can they not be chanted?

It is said that the books based on them are the best sellers and the most widely circulated.

[The repulsion of the host world is reduced to 0. 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the task and gaining the recognition of the world. 】

Shi Jingge slowly opened his eyes, and the sealed memory was released again, turning over in his mind.

Unknowingly, he has traveled through so many worlds, and every world has Wen Xusheng.

Thinking of this, Shi Jingge subconsciously raised the corners of his lips.

In this world, because of the soul contract, it is rare for him to live for so many years, and to be with Wen Xusheng for so many years.

Speaking of which, every time he can live longer, it is because of the soul contract.

Shi Jingge raised the corners of his lips subconsciously, and a gentle color flashed in his eyes.

... In the next world, we will still meet, right?

[Go to the next world. ] Shi Jingge said with a smile, with a relaxed tone, 【He will wait for me in the next world, right? 】

System 111 was a little confused, unable to understand the meaning of the host's words.

But Shi Jingge didn't continue to say anything, only said: [Let's go, the next world. 】

System 111 stared at the golden light on Shi Jingge's soul, slightly startled.

…Since when did the color become so dark?

Those golden lights enveloped Shi Jingge, as if they were protecting him.

System 111 suddenly discovered that its status with Shi Jingge seemed to be... reversed?

In the beginning, it was the one who was superior, and Shi Jingge was just its host. It ignored Shi Jingge's answers and even laughed at Shi Jingge's whimsy.

But soon, Shi Jingge slapped it in the face.

What it thought no one could do, Shi Jingge actually did it, and since then it has been out of control, and every world can do it.

At the beginning, it just took a fancy to the potential of Shijingge. Isn't win-win cooperation the best? It is not stupid, and there is no need to offend a potential stock.

But since when did it start to be sincerely convinced by Shi Jingge and follow the lead of Shi Jingge?

System 111 didn't come up with an answer.

Probably because it's sincerely convinced, and it's useless to follow the horse's head.

No matter what world it is in, Shi Jingge can't use it at all.

...It's so heartbreaking!

【it is good. ] System 111 responded instantly, sealed the memory of Shi Jingge, and sent Shi Jingge to the next world.

Speaking of which, this world is slightly similar to the magical world.

But Shi Jingge sealed his memory, so he doesn't remember the magical world at all, and he can't detect the similarity, right?

The system sighed faintly, and then saw its host opened its eyes.

In this world, Shi Jingge's status is not low.

The Shi family has hereditary titles and territories. Although it is relatively remote, it is indeed a serious second-class nobleman.

Shi Jingge is the youngest son of the family, and he is supported by an outstanding elder brother. He only needs to be a happy playboy, and no one has any demands on him.

And because Shi Jingge was congenitally weak and old, and there was a teenage difference between him and his elder brother, and he was pampered by his family, so whenever he did something wrong and went on a hunger strike, no one would blame him he.

The only one who can control him is the elder brother who has a relatively cold personality, but the elder brother also dotes on him in his bones, and there are two parents to protect him, that is, the thunder is heavy and the rain is small, so he has developed Shi Jingge's ignorance of the sky and the earth. character.

And as the original owner grew up, the troubles he caused became more and more serious, the eldest brother felt that he could no longer be indulged like this, and he should take good care of him.

For this reason, the eldest brother also persuaded his parents to go out for two days if they couldn't stand it.

Sure enough, the parents avoided it, but the eldest brother didn't change the original owner's temperament, but made the original owner hate him.

The original owner was heartless, fighting against his elder brother everywhere, and didn't care about the gossip outside, telling his "friend" repeatedly, saying what his elder brother would regret, that he would not let him go, and so on.

The original owner just said hello, even if he didn't know himself, he still knew how big the gap was between him and his elder brother.

Originally, it's okay, the original owner is just a dude, take care of her, don't go out and cause trouble, that's all.

But the original owner's elder brother passed away unexpectedly.

The Shi family has always been passed down in a single line, and one more Shi Jingge in this generation is enough to make the Shi family happy. In the end...the bad news of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person unexpectedly came out!

At that time, the Shi family's parents had avoided going out to play outside, and the original owner was not worth anything. The Shi family's boss had an accident, and the Shi family was in disarray.

The Shi family's parents rushed back immediately, and almost fainted from crying when they came back, and they had to cheer up to organize the funeral of the eldest son.

But the original owner still made trouble at this juncture!

The original owner was pampered since he was a child, and was well protected by his family. He didn't use his brain easily. He didn't understand any conspiracies and schemes. Life only cares about the word "satisfaction". Whoever makes him happy, he makes whoever is happy. If he is unhappy, he will make trouble for the whole family.

To put it bluntly, I just don't care.

After his elder brother passed away, he didn't feel bad either, maybe because he was still suffocating hatred in his heart, he didn't even shed tears at the funeral, and being watched by so many people, although everyone didn't say it on the face, who didn't murmur in his heart?

At this time, the youngest son of the family is so ruthless and indifferent?

And most importantly, stupid.

At this time, don't worry about what you think in your heart, just pretend to show it to everyone. At this time, Jing Ge didn't even pretend!

How do you let other people see you?

After Shi Jingge inherits the title and territory of the Shi family, can this lord really lead everyone to live a better life?

Just such a cold and cold guy?

Who believes it?

In the eyes of ordinary people in the territory, Shi Jingge is too selfish and indifferent.

In the eyes of those in charge of the territory, Shi Jingge was too stupid.

Especially when there is a perfect boss of the Shi family in front of him, the contrast makes the sense of gap simply unbelievable.

In addition, Shi Jingge's reputation as a "dandy" has spread too far and too loudly.

Shi Ling Yidi regretted countless times that he had indulged the youngest son so much, but he had no other choice but to discipline the youngest son strictly, trying to discipline the youngest son well, not trying to be as perfect as the older son, just being ordinary and obedient. !

But how can a dude who is held in the palm of everyone's hands change just by saying change?

What's more, the original owner didn't think there was a problem with him at all.

Until the end, nothing changed.

Shi Jingge rubbed his temples.

And at this moment, someone knocked on the door of Shi Jingge's room.

Shi Jingge imitated the original owner and said lazily: "Go in."

A beautiful young man appeared in Shi Jingge's room, glanced at Shi Jingge worriedly, then quickly retracted his gaze, and said respectfully: "Master, Master and Madam are back, why don't you...go and see? "

This is not a good time period.

The original owner's indifference had already been shown before, and so many people saw him, but he still couldn't ooc.

Shi Jingge was silent for a while, then suddenly sneered, and said sharply, "What am I going to see? Do they need me to see? Do they have a son like me in their hearts? I don't even know they're out!"

"Let their precious eldest son go and see. Anyway, they only have their eldest son in their hearts. Where can I be?"

These two sentences can be said to be full of resentment, but the meaning hidden in the words is even more inexplicable.

The young master is dead, how can he go to see the old lady?

Could it be... dead body...?

These two words of the young master... are too cruel!

"What are you doing in a daze?" Shi Jingge was upset, "Why don't you tell me that good brother?"

"His parents are back, why don't he hurry to greet them and show his filial piety? So that they can confuse them and continue to trample me under their feet!"

"Young Master," the beautiful young man's lips moved slightly, and his voice was surprisingly soft, "I know you are not reconciled, but please be careful."

"Eldest Young Master...Eldest Young Master has already..."

Pain flashed in the young man's eyes.

"Already what?" Shi Jingge rolled his eyes and sneered again and again, "Oh, my good big brother is also lazy? Didn't get up? So you don't go to greet the next two?"

"Then I have to go and have a look, so that those two can see the true face of my good big brother!"

The young man was dumbfounded, what the **** was the young master talking about?

He can understand every word, but why can't he understand it together?

The author has something to say: The next world is here!

Guess where Xu brother in this world will be hhhh

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-26?23:59:07~2021-05-27?23:59:08~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Su Nianzi? 1 piece;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: Him? 35 bottles; Ali? 20 bottles; Su Nianzi? 3 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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